Artifact Ideas



  • edited June 2015
    1)ships have a fulcrux?
    2)er, what does bubbling them do?
    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • Arien said:
    a shred of a broken star - [artifact] Allows for an aethership to hold up to 10 flashpoints at one time - 100/150 credits. Simply ACTIVATE STAR at your command module. It will change the desc of your command module to something like: Crackling with glittering irridesence, the command chair rises up from the floor. This is coming from @Darvellan talking about how He would leave behind stars to guide His way and they would get consumed by the half-formed. I think this would be a great artifact to have for an aethership.

    Bad for balance reasons. Some ships are already far too OP and making it so they can show up at all flares with little to no prep just removes even more of the little tactics that exist. Given there are whistles, bublixes, and anchors, the main reason for this artifact would be to bring a destroyer ship to every flare.

    Given the flares happen in known cycles, a reason people would want these is to allow people who don't own the manse to work around whistle limits. Such an artifact isn't needed and while it may be wanted, doesn't seem good for the health of the game. Imagine for a moment you've been sitting at a flare for the better part of an hour and one of the super ships pops in and one by one takes out all other ships.

    We really don't need a further arms race in aetherships. If anything, the outliers should be nerfed.

    TIL/Too powerful.

  • That actually happens anyway, since mid-size ships (not the gargantuanly huge ones) can be easily flown to any bubble (except maybe Xion) manually in less than 5 minutes by a pilot with a map - no triggers/aliases needed, and a decent crew on a mid-sized ship can easily blow up 1-man bombarding ships.

    Not really a big deal to have them show up via a flashpoint - with proper planning for the flares, you could have those gargantuans one fitted with flashpoints for the next upcoming flares anyway, as well.

  • Tylwyth said:
    1)ships have a fulcrux?
    2)er, what does bubbling them do?
    1) The entrance room!
    2) Let people exit into bubbles from that room, whether they've got the power personally or not.
  • Lerad said:
    That actually happens anyway, since mid-size ships (not the gargantuanly huge ones) can be easily flown to any bubble (except maybe Xion) manually in less than 5 minutes by a pilot with a map - no triggers/aliases needed, and a decent crew on a mid-sized ship can easily blow up 1-man bombarding ships.

    Not really a big deal to have them show up via a flashpoint - with proper planning for the flares, you could have those gargantuans one fitted with flashpoints for the next upcoming flares anyway, as well.
    We are talking the gargantuan ships though. Mid-size ships take on more risk. The only real need for that sort of upgrade is to have a big ship to blow everyone else out of the water. If it is just for flashpoints to travel around then a few small ships are literally orders of magnitude cheaper.
  • Yeah, and currently, flares happen to 3 bubbles at once the most, and a ship can hold 3 flashpoints... so the huge big gargantuan ships can... already have flashpoints set for every bubble at every flare. This "outlier" situation of having gargantuan sized ships pop out of a flashpoint during a flare that you're talking about... isn't an outlier because it's already available to everyone with said gargantuan sized ships.

    I don't see the big fuss, is all.

  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    What is up with you? Wax? Really?

    Silver Surfboard. That's all I'm saying.

  • I'm looking for some really awesome artifact ideas! Could be related to new overhaul systems!

    Let me know your ideas or dig back in the thread to list your favorite ideas!
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    edited June 2015
    Pustule of Racial Variety: 10-15 credits.

    BURST PUSTULE TO BECOME <race>. One time use.

    Lasts for 24? hours, then return to your usual form. Can spend 5 bound credits to extend for another 24 hours.
    Zonkadonku Reagent: 25 credits.

    One time use. Administer to your mount, then send them back to the stable. The next time you summon it, your mount will be matured.
    Dwarvish Kegtap: 250 credits
    A trade artifact for the aspiring brewer, any normally alcoholic brews made while this is wielded will have double the normal alcohol..whatever you call it. It's twice as strong.
    A zingavium (or gnomish) hatribbon: 50 credits/dingbats. Can be attached only to a racehat you own, and then it is destroyed. Once it is attached, the aforementioned hat is not show in one's appearance (can still be seen via snoop/appraise/guild inventory), and is ignored when using the DOFF emote.
    A bindi of the clouded eye
    Removes your location from Thirdeye's WHO. No other effect. Possibly upgrade this to get a gem of cloaking?
    Gnomish Bubble of Personal Aquamotion: 150 credits.
    Everyone in your squad is treated as though they possess the waterbreathe and waterwalking defences, so long as they are in your room.
    Estarrean Heels of Silly Walks (open to namechange): 500 credits.
    Regardless of your level, you may use these to design a custom enter/leave message akin to the demigod power. Requires acceptance by admin.
    Sari of Marital Binding: 250 credits
    While wearing this sari, you may marry any two people who fulfill the normal requirements to formalise their marriage.
    Nail curios. You know, like hair and beard curios.
    an archway of generic possibility - 500 credits
    Manse artifact. Owner of the manse (or possibly anyone with room permissions) can use this artifact for nondetectable improved illusions in that room. Useful for weddings, rituals, combat training, reflex testing, and more.
    a gnomish apiary: 100 dingbats
    Works like the dingbat mines, spawns honeycombs or wax when harvested.

    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • Crumkindivia mine miniature (or pastry oppression facility)
    Like the other manse commodity things, but for sugar, spice, and everything nice.
  • Manse artifact ESCAPE HATCH 150cr permits use of bixes as if used in an outside room based on where you are currently docked. Docked to prime use bixes.orgEpic/prism/cubix/torus/curio/etc as if outside on prime. Docked on aetherbubble use that bubble's corresponding bix only.

    Convenience item for those who would rather not pass though the plex or their org.
  • Estarra's Stone{1000 credits}: Once a part of oa boulder created by Estarra on a whim after hearing to mortal phlilosophers debate whether or not she could make a stone so heavy even she couldn't lift it. While she the Boulder, no other divine could. She then shattered it to prevent the divine from being too busy attempting to move the thing that they forgot their duties.
    Each of the 1000's  of Stones it formed could easily be move by mortal and divine alike. However, those carrying them become almost impoosible to move against their will. Carrying a stone in  your inventory improves rooting to it's maximun rating and give you a 50%(or more) of ignoring random forced movement on the elemental planes and similar environments(like the inner sea). 

    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • AKA Misc Artifact. 1000cr. (Some artifacts are worth it.)

    Tired of being stuck with your name? Buy a name change. CAUTION: Individuals buying a name change will have that change of name announced in politics.
  • What about an artifact that you would pay 2000cr for? (That would be part of your artifact repertoir, not just for a one-time namechange, etc.).
  • ShuyinShuyin The pug life chose me.
    That's easy

    -Balance or eq boosting artifacts.

    -Artie that allows you to classflex per IC day / RL hour.


    -Universal damage / resist runes.

    -Artifact that bypasses historically difficult combat obstacles.


    Basically anything that affords a huge combat benefit, but I'm not entirely sure we want  to go down this road.

    However, IMO, RP doesn't pay the bills.
  • Estarra said:
    What about an artifact that you would pay 2000cr for? (That would be part of your artifact repertoir, not just for a one-time namechange, etc.).
    Not sure I follow. Are you asking for suggestions for 2k credits or a 2k artifact for namechanges? Why would it be part of your arti/inv, would you be able to change your name constantly? I see that as a different market (some people have outgrown a name). I also thought the hindrance on easy name changes had to do with people escaping their past actions.

    I am not sure if this is what you were hinting about, but allowing people to have multiple unknown aliases is something I have thought of, but I dismissed it since it to me opens up a lot of abuse. One way around types of alias systems would be to make honours always show past aliases and exempt laurels from concealing aliases.

    honours steingrim
    Oberburgermeister Steingrim, the Cupidity of Avarice (Male Demigod).
    This individual has also known by the following monikers: x, y
    You cannot sense anything about that person.

    Honestly, I think an alias system should be implemented by IRE in the base code because I believe it could be implemented in a way without letting people escape their past behavior and if done properly could generate a fair bit of gold for IRE.

    If you want ideas for 2k+ artifacts, then you have speed and eq bumps. You could sell those at 1k/2k/3k even if the bump was 1%/2%/3% or 2%/3%/5%. If for no other reason, most people are just bad at math.
  • Bracers of the Iron Grip. 450cr grants the GRIPping ability. This works the same as the knight and monk abilities and not the same as Runes of Gripping.

    Runes of Gripping are nice in some situations, but they can't be placed on some held items and once you start classflexing you shouldn't have to buy several of the same rune doing the same exact thing.
  • Could we get and upgrade to the TAM for say 500cr which would allow it to also function as pliers (perhaps using a TAP command)? It really does piss me off that I brought runes for the convince to not have to rewield items and find myself having to buy more and still having items get unwielded.

    Some of the more recent changes have greatly reduced the need for pliers, but there is still a need for moving runes around. There are runes I haven't brought because I haven't designed items for them and runes which are on items which mechanics have changed (magicrowns), some items have multiple runes, some items have retired (or soon to be retired runes) which will not be replaced (willpower, etc).

    Failing something like the above, given that runes don't have to be on weapons anymore (or was it just most weapons) it does seem that revisiting the price of pliers is warranted.
  • Not a 2000cr range by any means:

    Jar of essence transformation : Channel your essence into this jar and have it convert to esteem (which stays in the jar for imbuing.) - maybe a rate of 500essence:1esteem?

    In the interest of keeping my inventory clean looking: 

    Rune of the Powerplex( or some other fancy name, 250cr): attachs to a powerplex to add another jewel's worth to the abilities. for example, having a powerplex jewel with one of these runes would be like if you had two separate powerplex jewels, and having five runes attach would be like having six (the powerplex itself and five more for each rune).

    Going with the idea of attaching things to the powerplex jewel: Rune of the powerplex cube(100-200cr?): attach this rune to a powerplex jewel to have it act like an energy cube. (I wouldn't mind if this happen be one way, only working as a energy cube in terms of recharging things.)

    Book of useful things: The book can be enchanted with the four scroll enchantments (like the magictome of bookbinding) but also can hold wetfold/kirigami and allow the person to release them without removing them from the book first.

  • Stone of Potency: Allows powerstones to be folded into it. Removes the powerstone and gives the Stone of Potency an equal amount of power. Can have a maximum of 1000% power (so 10 powerstones). Can't see it going for a huge amount, but would still be nice.
  • Doesn't that a bump up against the powerplex stone?
    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • Not really. All it does is stops you from having to swap powerstones around, and it also allows you to squeeze those last percentages from old powerstones.
  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    edited June 2015
    So...going with the whole 2000 credits artifact thing. Most of these are probably bonkers overpowered. Because they cost 2000 credits. Don't make these. But, actually do, cause I want them.

    Grand Piano - 2000 credits
    - Can be set up in a room once per Lusternian day.
    - Can be played by a bard in place of using a normal instrument. When played in this way, their song affects all allies in the local area.
    - Also can be played for fun, creating area-wide ambient messages of musical awesomeness.

    Great Rune of the Vernal Gods - 2000 credits
    - Attaches to a warrior or monk weapon.
    - Converts 50% of the weapon's damage to divinus.
    - While attacking other players or denizens with the weapon, the wielder also has a 5% to call down divine lightning, dealing electrical damage and afflicting the target with epilepsy. If the wielder is a demigod with a zap power, the text of their zap power will be used.
    - This rune cannot be used in combination with other weapon runes that alter damage types.

    The Greatest Gizmo - 2000 credits
    - Once per Lusternian month you can ASSEMBLE PORTAL in a prime room.
    - You can then ACTIVATE PORTAL <aetherbubble> to create a 10-minute portal to the aetherbubble.

    True Seal - 2000 credits
    - Is not a replica.
    - Comes in Nature, Knowledge, Beauty, Harmony, Chaos, Life, Death, War, and Justice varieties.
    - Allows a demigod to use one power from the associated domoth.
    - Ok, it is a replica. But, it's really, really well made.

    Twin Pendant of the Divine Sparks - 2000 credits
    - Can be upgraded from the Pendant of the Divine Spark for 1000 credits.
    - You are a half-breed, with the attributes of two races.
    - Yes, you get all the powers of both races. Provided you meet level requirements.
    - Ignores all arguments about why X race cant breed with X race, whilst yelling 'nananananahumans'.


    Extra Bonus 4000 Credits Artifact
    Largesse of the Arts - 4000 credits
    - Permanently allow an extra active tradeskill.
    - One use and the Largesse disappears.
    - May only use one largesse, but it stacks with an Endowment of the Arts.

  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • edited June 2015
    Why no Life, Death or Chaos for the True Fake Seals?

    Secondary concern, will you get zapped if you try to sacrifice it to a god at a shrine on the Astral Plane?
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    Because....hrm. They fell off. Thought I typed it all out. Well, fixed, anyway.

  • Iceangel wings: When worn, will be able to fly even through the harshest of weather. Requires the ability to fly beforehand.

    Soulstone (yes, I went there): With this special eerie stone you may harvest the corpses of the creatures you have slain (that would naturally give you essence and karma when offered at a shrine). The stone will accumilate the essence over time and may be offered by yourself or another whenever you so wish. (or make this a Jewellery item for poor jewellers)

    Gnomish Jetpack: Use this technological wonder to launch yourself to a random astral bubble. Must be on a Cosmic plane in order for it to work. Requires a short windup in order to activate, in which you may do no action. (Naturally all forms of travel disruption will have affect).

  • Herald of the Heretic - the DIY religion kit
    TURN HERALD at the aetherplex to establish your very own mortal order! Compete with the gods for adoration, worship, and oh-so valuable essence offerings, and dole out lovely powers, cult-status, and more in turn. Essence naturally tracked seperately from any you might have as a demigod or better. Base your realm out of a manse (created when you consume the artifact) that is:
    Publicly accessible
    Non transferable
    Non deedable
    Non shipworthy
    Branded with your name and master shrine at the fulcrux!

    Obviously never gonna happen, but I'd pay big bucks for it.
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    I always though that was cool RPand mechanical direction for vernals.
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