Artifact Ideas



  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    Being indoors turns off shamanism. Please to no.
  • ElanorwenElanorwen The White Falconess
    Celina said:

    "Extra X commands" where X = 1. Dissolve protection. Which, if you are good melder, you should have automated anyways. Convenience artie with some small group implications if you ask me and close to zero for 1v1.

    What IS funny is this:

    Blacktalon requiring 2 extra command lines: Absolutely a non-issue. It can be done in a single command! Totally not a legitimate balance concern. 
    Elanorwen requiring 1 extra command line: Unneccesary! Aeon, spam, extra code!

    Elanorwen said:

    Bringing up crow swoop and how they need to be on another elevation to contemplate also rather falls flat. Climb up, crow perch and crow swoop can be done on a single balance, so why would you need to contemplate is beyond me... unless you're talking about lag to the excess of 1s in which case your commands will surely be slow enough to where someone could sip/regen in the meantime, but there's a counter to even that where you can make a server-side triple-command alias that will accomplish climb up, crow perch, crow swoop <target> in the time it takes you to send a single command... so again... what is the issue you're trying to bring up here? And it costs them 0p to boot.
     Lol. Girl. 

    That well never runs dry, does it?

    X = 1 assuming only one person ever buys the artifact. Since when does Lusternia 1v1 combat even exist? Right, I forget... it must be Elanorwen being a hypocrite about something. Spare me.

    You can feel free to automate dissolve if you're an idiot, sure. Then you need to run multiple checks to make sure you can actually dissolve your target. Did they raise a shield right before their artifact pulsed? Oh dear, eat that shield hit off-eq. Did anyone else with the artifact do the same? Again, shield hit off-eq. But you got it automated, right? Good times. Something that I assume should have come to an experienced melder/combatant's mind as soon as this artifact was proposed.

    Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    Elanorwen said:

    Synkarin said:

    Elanorwen said:

    Synkarin said:

    Neos said:

    Shuyin said:

    But it does cost the target to raise protection. Always fun to watch someone with protection on upkeep.

    When the melder loses very little by an artifact putting up protection passively every so often, I fail to see why that matters. If it actually cost the melder something to strip protection, there'd be an argument against it, but until then, it's just going to be stripped every time it's put up the the melder won't skip a beat.
    You want an artifact that will passively boost a target's protection by removing the need to raise a 4s balance defense. If you don't have the artifact, you're stuck with the math of whether you should reraise protection at 4s balance and hope the melder will miss it/not have a dissolve on every action or eat the extra effects. It'll soon enough be a must have artifact. Also, you'll be doing nothing but spamming the melder in a group fight situation. Needing to dissolve someone every 10s would be extra commands, or if you have a script that dissolves everyone, extra X commands every time someone raises a protection field. That said, if the message remains, people will just trigger off it, check versus org database, then dissolve on pulse... but again, extra commands and spam that are not really necessary. Of course, the moment you aeon the melder, they also need to code their trigger to stop working until aeon is cured, and so on, and so forth... and you still get your protection at no cost to you. Pass.
    Yeah, why isn't every single one of your attacks chained together with a 'dissolve protection' afterwards? Unless you have stupidity and get a 'secrets' tick or something, it costs you nothing to do this, you don't have to 'track' anything and if you're in aeon, you have more pressing matters than being concerned that someone's protection isn't dissolved.  Making mountains out of anthills.

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    edited March 2015
    Elanorwen said:

    Celina said:

    "Extra X commands" where X = 1. Dissolve protection. Which, if you are good melder, you should have automated anyways. Convenience artie with some small group implications if you ask me and close to zero for 1v1.

    What IS funny is this:

    Blacktalon requiring 2 extra command lines: Absolutely a non-issue. It can be done in a single command! Totally not a legitimate balance concern. 
    Elanorwen requiring 1 extra command line: Unneccesary! Aeon, spam, extra code!

    Elanorwen said:

    Bringing up crow swoop and how they need to be on another elevation to contemplate also rather falls flat. Climb up, crow perch and crow swoop can be done on a single balance, so why would you need to contemplate is beyond me... unless you're talking about lag to the excess of 1s in which case your commands will surely be slow enough to where someone could sip/regen in the meantime, but there's a counter to even that where you can make a server-side triple-command alias that will accomplish climb up, crow perch, crow swoop <target> in the time it takes you to send a single command... so again... what is the issue you're trying to bring up here? And it costs them 0p to boot.
     Lol. Girl. 

    That well never runs dry, does it?

    X = 1 assuming only one person ever buys the artifact. Since when does Lusternia 1v1 combat even exist? Right, I forget... it must be Elanorwen being a hypocrite about something. Spare me.

    You can feel free to automate dissolve if you're an idiot, sure. Then you need to run multiple checks to make sure you can actually dissolve your target. Did they raise a shield right before their artifact pulsed? Oh dear, eat that shield hit off-eq. Did anyone else with the artifact do the same? Again, shield hit off-eq. But you got it automated, right? Good times. Something that I assume should have come to an experienced melder/combatant's mind as soon as this artifact was proposed.

    Not as long as you keep filling it! I've already gone off topic more than I should, so I'll just say that this does pretty much make you a hypocrite. 

    (Swoop hits shield too. Remeber when you said those extra commands didn't matter? Me too!)

    edit: If you are having trouble with an experienced melder/combatant I would suggest you automate that too. 
  • edited March 2015

    I personally don't think passive protection tics are a good idea. Probably not as a possibly limited-edition artifact too. I mean, I agree that I would certainly like the protection scroll mechanic to be more useful than a "if the melder is too stupid to dissolve, good for you, if not, it's useless" kind of mechanic too, but I don't think making it passive will resolve that frustrating interaction.

    As it is, protection scrolls are pretty much useless in any pvp that matters (opponent melder is not a total newbie), and there are likely other ways to make it a fun and interacting mechanic that may or may not include it being put back up passively. In fact, making it be put back up passively might not even change that aspect of it (being useless against a melder worth their salt) too.

    But even if it won't change anything, it doesn't resolve anything either. More worthwhile will be to introduce such a change and pair it with a slew of other changes to make melds in general interact with protections scroll in a more nuanced way than just "PROTECTION BLOCKS OFF HALF YOUR EFFECTS, SUCK IT".

    Edit: Though that goes outside of artifact ideas.

  • ElanorwenElanorwen The White Falconess
    Synkarin said:

    Elanorwen said:

    Synkarin said:

    Elanorwen said:

    Synkarin said:

    Neos said:

    Shuyin said:

    But it does cost the target to raise protection. Always fun to watch someone with protection on upkeep.

    When the melder loses very little by an artifact putting up protection passively every so often, I fail to see why that matters. If it actually cost the melder something to strip protection, there'd be an argument against it, but until then, it's just going to be stripped every time it's put up the the melder won't skip a beat.
    You want an artifact that will passively boost a target's protection by removing the need to raise a 4s balance defense. If you don't have the artifact, you're stuck with the math of whether you should reraise protection at 4s balance and hope the melder will miss it/not have a dissolve on every action or eat the extra effects. It'll soon enough be a must have artifact. Also, you'll be doing nothing but spamming the melder in a group fight situation. Needing to dissolve someone every 10s would be extra commands, or if you have a script that dissolves everyone, extra X commands every time someone raises a protection field. That said, if the message remains, people will just trigger off it, check versus org database, then dissolve on pulse... but again, extra commands and spam that are not really necessary. Of course, the moment you aeon the melder, they also need to code their trigger to stop working until aeon is cured, and so on, and so forth... and you still get your protection at no cost to you. Pass.
    Yeah, why isn't every single one of your attacks chained together with a 'dissolve protection' afterwards? Unless you have stupidity and get a 'secrets' tick or something, it costs you nothing to do this, you don't have to 'track' anything and if you're in aeon, you have more pressing matters than being concerned that someone's protection isn't dissolved.  Making mountains out of anthills.

    I thought a 'good melder' had a script to dissolve all enemies. Your words. Chaining is useful, sure... and it will hit all of one target. If you want to repeatedly clear protection off multiple targets with your artifact proposal, you will have to figure out some sort of automation, which... again, falls flat the moment someone figures out what you're doing and shields. Protection scroll is intentionally a long balance cost, otherwise it would just be yet another annoyance to add to any melder's combat repertoire. Ever watch two non-artied druids fight? Right... it goes something like... "My room!" "No! Mine" "It's mine, I said!" Be something like that, except for protection scroll... "Ah-ha! I got protection!" "No, you don't." "I got it, I say!" ad infinitum. Sounds like a really thrilling fight.

    Next thing, let's add the same mechanic for bard songs and wiccan/guardian ents and call it even. Monks/warriors already have something similar to contend with in rebounding.

    Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    edited March 2015
    Fillin was known for rotating through enemies in the room to dissolve their protection. IJS.

    I thought the protest was about extra commands, spam, aeon, etc. Now it seems firmly about not wanting to track shielding. 

    (Wtf @ druid fight story. Talk about a non sequitur.)
  • ElanorwenElanorwen The White Falconess
    Celina said:

    Elanorwen said:

    Celina said:

    "Extra X commands" where X = 1. Dissolve protection. Which, if you are good melder, you should have automated anyways. Convenience artie with some small group implications if you ask me and close to zero for 1v1.

    What IS funny is this:

    Blacktalon requiring 2 extra command lines: Absolutely a non-issue. It can be done in a single command! Totally not a legitimate balance concern. 
    Elanorwen requiring 1 extra command line: Unneccesary! Aeon, spam, extra code!

    Elanorwen said:

    Bringing up crow swoop and how they need to be on another elevation to contemplate also rather falls flat. Climb up, crow perch and crow swoop can be done on a single balance, so why would you need to contemplate is beyond me... unless you're talking about lag to the excess of 1s in which case your commands will surely be slow enough to where someone could sip/regen in the meantime, but there's a counter to even that where you can make a server-side triple-command alias that will accomplish climb up, crow perch, crow swoop <target> in the time it takes you to send a single command... so again... what is the issue you're trying to bring up here? And it costs them 0p to boot.
     Lol. Girl. 

    That well never runs dry, does it?

    X = 1 assuming only one person ever buys the artifact. Since when does Lusternia 1v1 combat even exist? Right, I forget... it must be Elanorwen being a hypocrite about something. Spare me.

    You can feel free to automate dissolve if you're an idiot, sure. Then you need to run multiple checks to make sure you can actually dissolve your target. Did they raise a shield right before their artifact pulsed? Oh dear, eat that shield hit off-eq. Did anyone else with the artifact do the same? Again, shield hit off-eq. But you got it automated, right? Good times. Something that I assume should have come to an experienced melder/combatant's mind as soon as this artifact was proposed.
    Not as long as you keep filling it! I've already gone off topic more than I should, so I'll just say that this does pretty much make you a hypocrite. 

    (Swoop hits shield too. Remeber when you said those extra commands didn't matter? Me too!)

    edit: If you are having trouble with an experienced melder/combatant I would suggest you automate that too. 
    I could really have a field day here but I'll refrain. Keep digging.

    Now we're bringing up shield as a deterrent to crow swoop. What? I even gave an idea on how to make latency absolutely 0 for the 3 commands in my own comment on my own report (That had nothing to do with crow swoop) It's as simple as: SETALIAS SWOOP CLIMB UP||CROW PERCH||CROW SWOOP and then all you do is SWOOP <target>

    That said, shield also prevents aerocast miasma from going through, so your point there is absolutely moot.

    Also... automating does not an experienced melder or a combatant make. Automating is all about being an experienced programmer. If that is all there is to being a good combatant, then I guess we can forget about Lusternia ever growing, no matter how many PvP overhauls we do.

    Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    edited March 2015
    When did I ever say you need to strip all enemies at once? I'm pretty sure dissolve requires and consumes balance (but not eq) which is what allows you to chain it after your eq attacks. You'd just sit there stripping protection and not accomplishing anything else, you're much better off chaining the stripping to an attack and just rotating through enemy names. Come on now, you can't really be this thick?

    edit: You should already be tracking people putting up shields by the way, why you'd all the sudden have to start for stripping protection I have no idea.

    @Lerad - I agree it doesn't really add much, which was my entire point about it not mattering to the melder, they'd just be auto-stripping it each and every time.

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • MaligornMaligorn Windborne
    edited March 2015
    Heh, Lusternia will always favour those who know how to code and automate better than anyone else

    Personal skill plays a part, but so does being able to whip out a "I Hate Manakills" script, a la @Shuyin. No offense intended.

  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    Elanorwen said:

    Celina said:

    Elanorwen said:

    Celina said:

    "Extra X commands" where X = 1. Dissolve protection. Which, if you are good melder, you should have automated anyways. Convenience artie with some small group implications if you ask me and close to zero for 1v1.

    What IS funny is this:

    Blacktalon requiring 2 extra command lines: Absolutely a non-issue. It can be done in a single command! Totally not a legitimate balance concern. 
    Elanorwen requiring 1 extra command line: Unneccesary! Aeon, spam, extra code!

    Elanorwen said:

    Bringing up crow swoop and how they need to be on another elevation to contemplate also rather falls flat. Climb up, crow perch and crow swoop can be done on a single balance, so why would you need to contemplate is beyond me... unless you're talking about lag to the excess of 1s in which case your commands will surely be slow enough to where someone could sip/regen in the meantime, but there's a counter to even that where you can make a server-side triple-command alias that will accomplish climb up, crow perch, crow swoop <target> in the time it takes you to send a single command... so again... what is the issue you're trying to bring up here? And it costs them 0p to boot.
     Lol. Girl. 

    That well never runs dry, does it?

    X = 1 assuming only one person ever buys the artifact. Since when does Lusternia 1v1 combat even exist? Right, I forget... it must be Elanorwen being a hypocrite about something. Spare me.

    You can feel free to automate dissolve if you're an idiot, sure. Then you need to run multiple checks to make sure you can actually dissolve your target. Did they raise a shield right before their artifact pulsed? Oh dear, eat that shield hit off-eq. Did anyone else with the artifact do the same? Again, shield hit off-eq. But you got it automated, right? Good times. Something that I assume should have come to an experienced melder/combatant's mind as soon as this artifact was proposed.
    Not as long as you keep filling it! I've already gone off topic more than I should, so I'll just say that this does pretty much make you a hypocrite. 

    (Swoop hits shield too. Remeber when you said those extra commands didn't matter? Me too!)

    edit: If you are having trouble with an experienced melder/combatant I would suggest you automate that too. 
    I could really have a field day here but I'll refrain. Keep digging.

    Now we're bringing up shield as a deterrent to crow swoop. What? I even gave an idea on how to make latency absolutely 0 for the 3 commands in my own comment on my own report (That had nothing to do with crow swoop) It's as simple as: SETALIAS SWOOP CLIMB UP||CROW PERCH||CROW SWOOP and then all you do is SWOOP <target>

    That said, shield also prevents aerocast miasma from going through, so your point there is absolutely moot.

    Also... automating does not an experienced melder or a combatant make. Automating is all about being an experienced programmer. If that is all there is to being a good combatant, then I guess we can forget about Lusternia ever growing, no matter how many PvP overhauls we do.

    1) No you couldn't. At least not any sort of "field day," that would be taken seriously. You got called out girl, own it. If you spam/aeon/extra commands are a non issue when you argue for your own buffs, you can't turn around and use it as an argument to protect your class. Embrace your double standard, and grow from it. It'll make you a better envoy.
    2) "Moot" means subject to dispute or debate. :-B
    2) You don't get it. I don't care about shields, commands, or the specifics of your argument, or even this artifact. I'm just using your own protests to punch holes in your arguments defending your self buffs big enough to sink the Titanic. Either command volume and command lag is or isn't an issue, and you can't have it both ways depending on whether or not it impacts your guild at the time. If it's a non issue and a non buff, in your own words, for BT to issue 3 commands vs an aeromancers 1, you can't seriously protest an artifact that would periodically add an extra command of the exact same type. The two arguments are impossible to reconcile. 
  • ElanorwenElanorwen The White Falconess
    Synkarin said:

    When did I ever say you need to strip all enemies at once? I'm pretty sure dissolve requires and consumes balance (but not eq) which is what allows you to chain it after your eq attacks. You'd just sit there stripping protection and not accomplishing anything else, you're much better off chaining the stripping to an attack and just rotating through enemy names. Come on now, you can't really be this thick?

    edit: You should already be tracking people putting up shields by the way, why you'd all the sudden have to start for stripping protection I have no idea.

    @Lerad - I agree it doesn't really add much, which was my entire point about it not mattering to the melder, they'd just be auto-stripping it each and every time.
    Dissolve does not take balance. As to dissolve stripping all enemies, pretty sure it was brought up on envoys and you were all "Don't all good melders do that anyway?" I know my memory is being sketchy at times, but that particular comment I do remember. I never said that I'm not tracking shield, but I don't have something to automatically perform other actions based on my shield tracking. I also need to insert fail checks in my auto-dissolve-on-artifact-protection script to make sure that the target isn't shielded, too. With no actual third person message that a shield has actually dropped, there's so much to trigger that a PvP shield tracker becomes unwieldy at best. It's not as big a deal for a bard, monk or warrior as their automation is at the level of "I saw a shield, I will raze/blanknote/cleave/whatever" whereas a dissolve script's automation ends up being... "Oh, I saw a shield, I guess I won't dissolve this person when protection comes up and will only dissolve it again when the target switches to this person or if I have every possible line that might signify target's shield dropping, then I will look into dissolving". Do you see the difference?

    @Maligorn - I never said coding and automating wasn't a way to get ahead, but it isn't the end all of PvP either. If you have no idea what's happening around you, you're obviously not going to spot warning signs that might easily lead to your death. I remember the first time I got killed by a spiritsinger bard, for instance. I'll admit I had no idea how spiritsinger combat worked and I was happily trucking along, working on my vessels when all of a sudden... bam, dead.

    Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    Yes, that would be a really ineffecient way to code that tracking script. Thankfully that's not the best way.
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    Elanorwen said:

    Synkarin said:

    When did I ever say you need to strip all enemies at once? I'm pretty sure dissolve requires and consumes balance (but not eq) which is what allows you to chain it after your eq attacks. You'd just sit there stripping protection and not accomplishing anything else, you're much better off chaining the stripping to an attack and just rotating through enemy names. Come on now, you can't really be this thick?

    edit: You should already be tracking people putting up shields by the way, why you'd all the sudden have to start for stripping protection I have no idea.

    @Lerad - I agree it doesn't really add much, which was my entire point about it not mattering to the melder, they'd just be auto-stripping it each and every time.
    Dissolve does not take balance. As to dissolve stripping all enemies, pretty sure it was brought up on envoys and you were all "Don't all good melders do that anyway?" I know my memory is being sketchy at times, but that particular comment I do remember. I never said that I'm not tracking shield, but I don't have something to automatically perform other actions based on my shield tracking. I also need to insert fail checks in my auto-dissolve-on-artifact-protection script to make sure that the target isn't shielded, too. With no actual third person message that a shield has actually dropped, there's so much to trigger that a PvP shield tracker becomes unwieldy at best. It's not as big a deal for a bard, monk or warrior as their automation is at the level of "I saw a shield, I will raze/blanknote/cleave/whatever" whereas a dissolve script's automation ends up being... "Oh, I saw a shield, I guess I won't dissolve this person when protection comes up and will only dissolve it again when the target switches to this person or if I have every possible line that might signify target's shield dropping, then I will look into dissolving". Do you see the difference?

    Right, saying 'don't all good melders do that anyway' doesn't mean do it all at once. You simply misunderstood what I meant. Good melders do go through and strip all enemies protection, even if they're not the primary melder. 

    I'm pretty sure that dissolving does consume balance, because if it doesn't, you -should- be mass stripping every enemies protection after -every- attack you do, and that seems a little too powerful to me. I could be wrong, but you'll have to show me a log because it just doesn't add up.

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • ElanorwenElanorwen The White Falconess
    edited March 2015
    Celina said:

    Elanorwen said:

    Celina said:

    Elanorwen said:

    Celina said:

    "Extra X commands" where X = 1. Dissolve protection. Which, if you are good melder, you should have automated anyways. Convenience artie with some small group implications if you ask me and close to zero for 1v1.

    What IS funny is this:

    Blacktalon requiring 2 extra command lines: Absolutely a non-issue. It can be done in a single command! Totally not a legitimate balance concern. 
    Elanorwen requiring 1 extra command line: Unneccesary! Aeon, spam, extra code!

    Elanorwen said:

    Bringing up crow swoop and how they need to be on another elevation to contemplate also rather falls flat. Climb up, crow perch and crow swoop can be done on a single balance, so why would you need to contemplate is beyond me... unless you're talking about lag to the excess of 1s in which case your commands will surely be slow enough to where someone could sip/regen in the meantime, but there's a counter to even that where you can make a server-side triple-command alias that will accomplish climb up, crow perch, crow swoop <target> in the time it takes you to send a single command... so again... what is the issue you're trying to bring up here? And it costs them 0p to boot.
     Lol. Girl. 

    That well never runs dry, does it?

    X = 1 assuming only one person ever buys the artifact. Since when does Lusternia 1v1 combat even exist? Right, I forget... it must be Elanorwen being a hypocrite about something. Spare me.

    You can feel free to automate dissolve if you're an idiot, sure. Then you need to run multiple checks to make sure you can actually dissolve your target. Did they raise a shield right before their artifact pulsed? Oh dear, eat that shield hit off-eq. Did anyone else with the artifact do the same? Again, shield hit off-eq. But you got it automated, right? Good times. Something that I assume should have come to an experienced melder/combatant's mind as soon as this artifact was proposed.
    Not as long as you keep filling it! I've already gone off topic more than I should, so I'll just say that this does pretty much make you a hypocrite. 

    (Swoop hits shield too. Remeber when you said those extra commands didn't matter? Me too!)

    edit: If you are having trouble with an experienced melder/combatant I would suggest you automate that too. 
    I could really have a field day here but I'll refrain. Keep digging.

    Now we're bringing up shield as a deterrent to crow swoop. What? I even gave an idea on how to make latency absolutely 0 for the 3 commands in my own comment on my own report (That had nothing to do with crow swoop) It's as simple as: SETALIAS SWOOP CLIMB UP||CROW PERCH||CROW SWOOP and then all you do is SWOOP <target>

    That said, shield also prevents aerocast miasma from going through, so your point there is absolutely moot.

    Also... automating does not an experienced melder or a combatant make. Automating is all about being an experienced programmer. If that is all there is to being a good combatant, then I guess we can forget about Lusternia ever growing, no matter how many PvP overhauls we do.
    1) No you couldn't. At least not any sort of "field day," that would be taken seriously. You got called out girl, own it. If you spam/aeon/extra commands are a non issue when you argue for your own buffs, you can't turn around and use it as an argument to protect your class. Embrace your double standard, and grow from it. It'll make you a better envoy.
    2) "Moot" means subject to dispute or debate. :-B
    2) You don't get it. I don't care about shields, commands, or the specifics of your argument, or even this artifact. I'm just using your own protests to punch holes in your arguments defending your self buffs big enough to sink the Titanic. Either command volume and command lag is or isn't an issue, and you can't have it both ways depending on whether or not it impacts your guild at the time. If it's a non issue and a non buff, in your own words, for BT to issue 3 commands vs an aeromancers 1, you can't seriously protest an artifact that would periodically add an extra command of the exact same type. The two arguments are impossible to reconcile. 

    1. Clearly you're taking me seriously, otherwise you wouldn't be posting.
    adjective: moot
    subject to debate, dispute, or uncertainty, and typically not admitting of a final decision.
    "whether the temperature rise was mainly due to the greenhouse effect was a moot point"
    synonyms:debatable, open to discussion/question, arguable, questionable, at issue, open to doubt, disputable, controversial, contentious, disputed, unresolved, unsettled, up in the air
    "a moot point"
    having no practical significance

    Note that last bit? Okay then. Later, gator. And this conversation is obviously also officially over as you are only posting to annoy and insult.

    3. (Btw, 3 follows 2... just so you know) This particular artifact will affect every mage/druid guild, not just mine, so again... what am I trying to defend here? Just the aeromancers? Riiiiiight. Also, the difference between the single command on aeromancers and the three commands (That I just demonstrated how you can kill any latency for in a previous post) is apparently 5 (FIVE) power. I'd have liked it to be three (which is what I proposed originally for the instakill), personally, but it was changed by the admins and I will not moan and gripe about this decision as I see their point.

    EDIT: formatting

    Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
  • TremulaTremula Banished Quasiroyal
    Anyway, @Luce's idea for a diadem of dissoluting destinies (I can't remember what you called it and I'm too lazy to go quote you, love) sounds really cool. Maybe have it set up so they gain half the insanity you do, so it's more balanced? Otherwise, I could just sit at the Megalith with my pretty little diadem and enemy every Celest/Seren in the hour or so before a domoth fight and effectively cut their combat proficiency by a third. (How are you going to fight the domoth mobs/defenders if you're too busy barking at your elbow?)

    Still, I like the idea and would totally pay for the item.
                          * * * WRACK AND ROLL AND DEATH AND PAIN * * *
                                         * * * LET'S FEEL THE FEAR OF DEATH AGAIN * * *
              * * * WE'LL KILL AND SLAUGHTER, EAT THE SLAIN * * *

    Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
  • ShuyinShuyin The pug life chose me.
    Lol man, I just wanted to save protection scroll charges while adding a minor combat benefit to justify the credit cost.

    I promise you that it's not meant to end the career of many druids and mages everywhere.

    That's reserved for the meld breaking artie.
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    Just tested dissolve on my phone with @Siam - it does consume balance.

    So apparently Synkarin who isn't a mage and therefore shouldn't have an opinion on how mages can or cannot function knows more about key mage mechanics than someone who has been a mage/druid for most of her playing time. A passive protection scroll artifact will have little to no effect on any melders. Protection is a 'why not' defense. You put it up because it 1) doesn't hurt you and 2) can only help you, not because it actually makes a big difference. During a fight, 1 is no longer applicable, so you don't put it up anymore.

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    2) "Moot" means subject to dispute or debate.

    Actually, if something is moot, that means it's not important and isn't worth debating.
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • TremulaTremula Banished Quasiroyal
    Way to break forums, @Shaddus.

                          * * * WRACK AND ROLL AND DEATH AND PAIN * * *
                                         * * * LET'S FEEL THE FEAR OF DEATH AGAIN * * *
              * * * WE'LL KILL AND SLAUGHTER, EAT THE SLAIN * * *

    Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    edited March 2015
    edit: That's really not what moot point means, but gosh we're off topic.
  • SiamSiam Whispered Voice
    Dissolve consumes balance.


    And custom fae.

    Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"


  • ElanorwenElanorwen The White Falconess
    Synkarin said:

    Just tested dissolve on my phone with @Siam - it does consume balance.

    So apparently Synkarin who isn't a mage and therefore shouldn't have an opinion on how mages can or cannot function knows more about key mage mechanics than someone who has been a mage/druid for most of her playing time. A passive protection scroll artifact will have little to no effect on any melders. Protection is a 'why not' defense. You put it up because it 1) doesn't hurt you and 2) can only help you, not because it actually makes a big difference. During a fight, 1 is no longer applicable, so you don't put it up anymore.
    Not going to bother answering the taunts. 1 is no longer applicable for a reason. You want to make an artifact that passively reapplies a defense, thus saving you 4s of balance time. Sounds like a great plan. Next thing, let's make an artifact that randomly generates an atmospheric message saying: "X eats a piece of black earwort." thus forcing you to blank note without an actual benefit for you. I'm sure you'd like that one as well.

    Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    Elanorwen said:

    Synkarin said:

    Just tested dissolve on my phone with @Siam - it does consume balance.

    So apparently Synkarin who isn't a mage and therefore shouldn't have an opinion on how mages can or cannot function knows more about key mage mechanics than someone who has been a mage/druid for most of her playing time. A passive protection scroll artifact will have little to no effect on any melders. Protection is a 'why not' defense. You put it up because it 1) doesn't hurt you and 2) can only help you, not because it actually makes a big difference. During a fight, 1 is no longer applicable, so you don't put it up anymore.
    Not going to bother answering the taunts. 1 is no longer applicable for a reason. You want to make an artifact that passively reapplies a defense, thus saving you 4s of balance time. Sounds like a great plan. Next thing, let's make an artifact that randomly generates an atmospheric message saying: "X eats a piece of black earwort." thus forcing you to blank note without an actual benefit for you. I'm sure you'd like that one as well.

    Ironically enough, fake eating earwort to throw off bards and disrupt pfifth is already a thing.

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you don't know as much as you think you do about PK.
  • ElanorwenElanorwen The White Falconess
    Celina said:

    Elanorwen said:

    Synkarin said:

    Just tested dissolve on my phone with @Siam - it does consume balance.

    So apparently Synkarin who isn't a mage and therefore shouldn't have an opinion on how mages can or cannot function knows more about key mage mechanics than someone who has been a mage/druid for most of her playing time. A passive protection scroll artifact will have little to no effect on any melders. Protection is a 'why not' defense. You put it up because it 1) doesn't hurt you and 2) can only help you, not because it actually makes a big difference. During a fight, 1 is no longer applicable, so you don't put it up anymore.
    Not going to bother answering the taunts. 1 is no longer applicable for a reason. You want to make an artifact that passively reapplies a defense, thus saving you 4s of balance time. Sounds like a great plan. Next thing, let's make an artifact that randomly generates an atmospheric message saying: "X eats a piece of black earwort." thus forcing you to blank note without an actual benefit for you. I'm sure you'd like that one as well.

    Ironically enough, fake eating earwort to throw off bards and disrupt pfifth is already a thing.

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you don't know as much as you think you do about PK.
    Oh, I wasn't saying it's not a thing. I was just saying let's get an artifact on it to save earwort.

    Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    Can dissolve still be done off of psionic balance?
  • ElanorwenElanorwen The White Falconess
    Celina said:

    Can dissolve still be done off of psionic balance?

    Yes, it can.

    Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    Blanknote actually costs a bard balance time, so the comparison is off. Also, it wasn't a taunt, it was pointing out that you don't understand how the mechanics of your own class work, and how that despite the fact I'm not currently a mage, I have an understanding of their mechanics and how they work, more so than you it appears. Dissolving in Melder 101.

    It doesn't matter how long it takes someone to put it up, whether it's passively, or actively, it still doesn't cost you, the melder, anything to strip it again. Any kind of scripting/tracking bullshit you spouted is a non-factor. If you want to change it to a blanknote/rebounding type affect where it doesn't cost the user anything to put it up except be able to read, and costs the melder a short balance time to strip it again, then we can make those comparisons, but until that point, you're wildly offbase.

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • ShuyinShuyin The pug life chose me.
    Yeah...analogy doesn't work. Bnote and dissolve are completely different mechanics.

    Can't combo bnote, bnote breaks shields, bnote actually takes a fair amount of balance, etc to start.
  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    edited March 2015
    Anyway, @Luce's idea for a diadem of dissoluting destinies (I can't remember what you called it and I'm too lazy to go quote you, love) sounds really cool. Maybe have it set up so they gain half the insanity you do, so it's more balanced? Otherwise, I could just sit at the Megalith with my pretty little diadem and enemy every Celest/Seren in the hour or so before a domoth fight and effectively cut their combat proficiency by a third. (How are you going to fight the domoth mobs/defenders if you're too busy barking at your elbow?)

    Still, I like the idea and would totally pay for the item.
    The idea was it'd hit people in the area with you, not just people in the whole game. Certainly only on-plane with them, but preferably same-area. I originally thought 'same room' but realized that would be silly, since either you or them would be very shortly dead anyway.

    EDIT: also, it's the circlet of silent sussurations, ma'am.
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