First of all, I've really loved Critical Hit Thursdays. With that said, I know that we have crit runes for permanent adjustments to crits. But I'd really love a consumable similar to the kissable lips (for 24 hour experience buffs) that would give the same 25% critical buff for 24 hours for 30 credits or so.
I think it probably shouldn't be stackable with game-wide critical bonuses, shouldn't work during relevant events, and probably some other limitations. But I'd eat that up as I'm sure others would as well.
- Permanent protection/healing/etc. scrolls. Pipes, vials, runes, tarot cards, dream motes all have this already. People use regulators/cubes so it's not causing any tradeskill or economy issues. It's just really annoying having to regularly replace a standard healing item. - Release the "rare" artifacts at very high costs. Hyperpyramid, L4 crit rune, cement socks (or just delete socks), alcohol chalice ( @Ciaran that item exists already, just bound to arti cart on website like many of these), vampirism ring, etc. It's silly in my opinion to have many thousands of credits but not be able to buy artifacts that are so impactful to the game. - Bubblix to Lyraa. - Clover crits artifact (it was removed from the wheel). The "a vibrant green clover" item is already that artifact, but it's limited use and doesn't regenerate. Perhaps an upgrade to that would make sense to have it unlimited use.
Her voice firm and commanding, Terentia, the Even Bladed says to you, "You have kept your oath to Me, Parhelion. You have sworn to maintain Justice in these troubled times."
Yet if a boon be granted me, unworthy as I am, let it be for a steady hand with a clear eye and a fury most inflaming.
In response to the Livestream Q&A, I asked if we could make a Masterbix and Masterbrooch to the likes of the Mastercrown. It was met with a good response, and thus here I am posting my idea, once more, to hopefully get this thing everybody wants!
MASTERCHART ADD <bubblix#> [<bubblix#>] [<bubblix#...>] - Add a bubblix to your master chart MASTERCHART REMOVE <bubblix#> - Remove a bubblix from your master chart MASTERCHART TOUCH <bubble> - Travels to specified bubble if that bubblix is added MASTERCHART LIST - Lists all bubblixes inside of the chart. (Can be replaced with probing)
Cost: 1500 Aethergoop
Artifact Description: - Syntax: MASTERCHART - Store your aetherways bubblixes in this nifty chart!
Short Description: a master star chart of the Aetherways Dropped Description: A star chart of the Aetherways rests here rolled up. Extended Description: Printed on pristine parchment is the layout of Aetherspace, displaying all prominent locations. Of these locations, the aetherbubbles are given extra attention with lavish detail of their appearance and have a slot next to each to place the corresponding bubblix in. These slots have an indicator to show that they are occupied and a button for activation of the bubblix.
Category: utility Keywords: travel bubblix
MASTERBROOCH FORM <brooch#> [<brooch#>] [<brooch#...>] - Create a Masterbrooch from individual brooches MASTERBROOCH BREAK - Break apart a Masterbrooch into its components MASTERBROOCH STOLE LIST - List possible stole appearances to choose from MASTERBROOCH APPEAR <stole> - Set the stole appearance for your Masterbrooch
This would include a 'None' as a stole appearance, thus turning them off while still giving the benefit of wearing all the brooches. Thus I'll make a quick list of what these stoles would be in no particular order for short hand:
Because I can't edit my prior post, it has come to my attention that there are other bubblixes that are not to aetherbubbles. For all intents and purposes, I would prefer it to be just one bixbox to house them all, whatever shape it comes in.
A rune of lesser anamnesis Similar to anamnesis on wonderpipes, but let's you select secondary or tertiary (if also using wonderpipe anamnesis) race once per game year. You will receive all of that race's perks of two tiers below your current experience level. As such, you could never get above the third tier for any race using this rune.
This is a little - close - to customization but here we go!
Create a - Make your own shop clerk NPC - artifact
This would be useable in org shops and manse shops:
-May be "anchored" to an org shop by the ministry in charge of shops (player places it, minister approves placement) -May be placed in a room if in a manse -Customisable greeting to guests whenever they enter the room -Customisable "thank you for shopping" message left after a person buys something - Only occurs once per RL 24 hours -Customisable appearance, race and description
This idea is aimed at all the shopkeepers like me that can't stand just having a bland shop and love to customise every little bit to fit their roleplay or shop theme. If you flip out because a keg of healing is placed on the same shelf as an axe, if you lose it because your shelf doesn't feel " just right " and you take a moment to thank people that spend large amounts at your shop in person for good customer service. -- This is for you.
A little ♥ for every shopkeeper that flips out if their goods are out of order in their shelves....I can't be the only one.
-------------------------------- The bashing artifact idea is as follows: --------------------------------
Bashing artifact idea:
I may be mistaken but I believe the top tier bashing items are as follows
Wonderwands provides easy, on the fly, weakness swapping Aethersuits hit multiple times, killing off a target and continuing to hit on the next one Whips have the highest multiplier + divinus damage best damage type
Every class has a "top" bashing attack, Shadowdancers start with nature curse...gain gaze and finally reach night kiss at transcendent. Unfortunately all of these attacks for every class (to the best of my knowledge) are severely outclass be the artifacts/wonder item above. Which is understandable, being bashing tools that are hard to find. However, if you are like me and you are attached to the story/roleplay of your class, you might want to stick to your roleplay and use your class's ability to hunt. As things stand at the moment doing so leads to a massive disadvantage in bashing at endgame. You will kill things....but you'll never be able to do so at a reasonable speed even at max enhancements.
My suggestion for hunting is to create an artifact that will enhance class bashing abilities for a price and reduce the damage dealth to players in exchange. There are already - plenty - of ways to kill people in PvP. I can't remember the last time someone was bashed to death unless they had extremely low health to begin with ( like me ). So why not create an artifact that will make these class abilities relevant in endgame bashing...without changing damage types....for a cost?
Do I want to suck the soul out of my targets? Flay them with vines from my wyrdenwood trunk ? Sing them to their doom with the dirge of the shadowbeat ?
Purchasing this artifact would allow a person to increase the base bashing damage modifier - only for bashing - for class abilities that it is chosen for.
Orb of Night Harp strings of the widow Fertiliser of despair
...the customisation of such an artifact could be endless. Damage type would not be changed.
It would be a doorway for people that wish to have a more in depth roleplay experience instead of ....tossing fireballs, icicles and purple magic orbs with a wand in your hand.....while you devote yourself to Mother Night, serve the demon/angels or do a little dance in a windy breeze from your city in the sky.
--------------- Harvester's dream ---------------
The amount of herbs required to fully stock a shop in curatives, herbs, perfumes and beers is astronomical. Even with harvesting gloves, someone can 8 hours for 5 days a week just to meet their quotas unless they get help. Economy is something that should work wonderfully with many players around it, but sometimes, one or two people take care of logistics for a large group. Especially orgs with dwindling populations. Factor in tradebans between orgs & alliances for roleplay reasons and you have some - very - challenging situations.
Herbs are, thankfully plentiful, however extremely time consuming.
The artifact idea is as follows:
Allow herbalists to grow their own herbs, in pots, gardens or otherwise within their manse. The artifact would allow a person to have an instant harvest of a set amount and chosen long as they tend it and help it grow regularly. Tend the herb pot for one year every in game month, harvest 500 herbs of the chosen type at the start of next year (like wondercorn) with a chance for a special item ....or curio maybe?
It's not much, but I can see having a passive source of herbs that gives a little bit every day would make a massive difference in helping people that have more challenging logistic situations.
---- in closing ----
I do hope you all enjoyed these ideas and who knows, we might see one in lusternia soon .
Author's note: I do not know if these have been suggested before, please do let me know your feedback - in words preferably ♥ Edit: Glomdoring themed examples are because I resides in Glomdoring and do not know other orgs/classes. All orgs are intended to receive some love from these artifacts.
This is a little - close - to customization but here we go!
Create a - Make your own shop clerk NPC - artifact
This would be useable in org shops and manse shops:
-May be "anchored" to an org shop by the ministry in charge of shops (player places it, minister approves placement) -May be placed in a room if in a manse -Customisable greeting to guests whenever they enter the room -Customisable "thank you for shopping" message left after a person buys something - Only occurs once per RL 24 hours -Customisable appearance, race and description
This idea is aimed at all the shopkeepers like me that can't stand just having a bland shop and love to customise every little bit to fit their roleplay or shop theme. If you flip out because a keg of healing is placed on the same shelf as an axe, if you lose it because your shelf doesn't feel " just right " and you take a moment to thank people that spend large amounts at your shop in person for good customer service. -- This is for you.
A little ♥ for every shopkeeper that flips out if their goods are out of order in their shelves....I can't be the only one.
--------------- Harvester's dream ---------------
The amount of herbs required to fully stock a shop in curatives, herbs, perfumes and beers is astronomical. Even with harvesting gloves, someone can 8 hours for 5 days a week just to meet their quotas unless they get help. Economy is something that should work wonderfully with many players around it, but sometimes, one or two people take care of logistics for a large group. Especially orgs with dwindling populations. Factor in tradebans between orgs & alliances for roleplay reasons and you have some - very - challenging situations.
Herbs are, thankfully plentiful, however extremely time consuming.
The artifact idea is as follows:
Allow herbalists to grow their own herbs, in pots, gardens or otherwise within their manse. The artifact would allow a person to have an instant harvest of a set amount and chosen long as they tend it and help it grow regularly. Tend the herb pot for one year every in game month, harvest 500 herbs of the chosen type at the start of next year (like wondercorn) with a chance for a special item ....or curio maybe?
It's not much, but I can see having a passive source of herbs that gives a little bit every day would make a massive difference in helping people that have more challenging logistic situations.
Me, making a greenhouse in my manse only to learn that you can't grow anything in it: HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING IF I GOTTA GO OUT EVERY TIME I WANNA GET HERBS
Also a shopkeeper NPC would technically just be a manse dweller, I think. Like, that's specifically what they can be used for?? To have reactions and set to spawn/stand somewhere. So it might already be a thing.
I'm too combat stupid to give accurate feedback on the bashing arti idea. But yeah, the 3rd one. Do that. Want that.
‘It’s important to be kind. You can’t know all the times that you’ve hurt people in tiny, significant ways. It’s easy to be cruel without meaning to be. There’s nothing you can do about that. But you can choose to be kind. Be kind.’
Is bought in pairs with another player, and are attuned only to one another. Can be attuned to another player for a reduced credit cost. When activated both players get an experience bonus, share a portion of healing (akin to HEALING ATTEND), and are given a +2/6 balance/eq bonus, however, if one of the pair dies, they both die.
temp artifact for newbie pools or fix and rebrand newton's ale
Steingrim's nosy nose. Drop in area and allows remote scenting. 500cr.
Gnomish ejection pod (manse upgrade) allows you to leave upgraded room as if it was outside (aka can use bix from within manse). 100cr (can have multiples in the same manse for different rooms).
Private aetherdock: (estate upgrade, owner doesn't pick dock area in space admin do dat). Requires privs to dock. 1000 cr.
Gnafia blackmarket trading license: Allows the person to quest or trade within a village without first having to secure amnesty. Does not impact pk. Up to the admin if they want to make it a license for each village or all (though would be nice to keep it a physical item for rp purposes). The license also quadruples points for influencing for feelings (I know that sounds like a lot, but feelings take a crazy amount of influencing).
edited: to clarify I meant without having to secure amnesty. Change is in bold.
Signet of the Incognito Broker - Activate for (whatever cost) - any goods you craft while this is active will not bear your mark.
Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
Mirror Shard/Mirror of the Fates - Works exactly like (and priced the same) the changeling cameo/intaglio expect it doesn't mark you as being a changeling (for those who don't want to be a shapeshifter, sorta like an infinite use dagger that doesn't require going to the portal of fates.).
I think it probably shouldn't be stackable with game-wide critical bonuses, shouldn't work during relevant events, and probably some other limitations. But I'd eat that up as I'm sure others would as well.
An inverted dwarven goblet? Pour me into goblet to reset to full sobriety once per IG month (can be upgraded to day?)
Requires masochism.
- Permanent protection/healing/etc. scrolls. Pipes, vials, runes, tarot cards, dream motes all have this already. People use regulators/cubes so it's not causing any tradeskill or economy issues. It's just really annoying having to regularly replace a standard healing item.
- Release the "rare" artifacts at very high costs. Hyperpyramid, L4 crit rune, cement socks (or just delete socks), alcohol chalice ( @Ciaran that item exists already, just bound to arti cart on website like many of these), vampirism ring, etc. It's silly in my opinion to have many thousands of credits but not be able to buy artifacts that are so impactful to the game.
- Bubblix to Lyraa.
- Clover crits artifact (it was removed from the wheel). The "a vibrant green clover" item is already that artifact, but it's limited use and doesn't regenerate. Perhaps an upgrade to that would make sense to have it unlimited use.
MASTERCHART ADD <bubblix#> [<bubblix#>] [<bubblix#...>] - Add a bubblix to your master chart
MASTERCHART REMOVE <bubblix#> - Remove a bubblix from your master chart
MASTERCHART TOUCH <bubble> - Travels to specified bubble if that bubblix is added
MASTERCHART LIST - Lists all bubblixes inside of the chart. (Can be replaced with probing)
1500 Aethergoop
Artifact Description:
- Store your aetherways bubblixes in this nifty chart!
Short Description: a master star chart of the Aetherways
Dropped Description: A star chart of the Aetherways rests here rolled up.
Extended Description:
Printed on pristine parchment is the layout of Aetherspace, displaying all prominent locations.
Of these locations, the aetherbubbles are given extra attention with lavish detail of their
appearance and have a slot next to each to place the corresponding bubblix in. These slots
have an indicator to show that they are occupied and a button for activation of the bubblix.
Category: utility
Keywords: travel bubblix
MASTERBROOCH FORM <brooch#> [<brooch#>] [<brooch#...>] - Create a Masterbrooch from individual brooches
MASTERBROOCH BREAK - Break apart a Masterbrooch into its components
MASTERBROOCH STOLE LIST - List possible stole appearances to choose from
MASTERBROOCH APPEAR <stole> - Set the stole appearance for your Masterbrooch
This would include a 'None' as a stole appearance, thus turning them off while still giving the benefit of wearing all the brooches. Thus I'll make a quick list of what these stoles would be in no particular order for short hand:
Explorer (80%), Achiever (53%), Socializer (53%), Killer (13%)
Bartle Taxonomy
(test yourself)
Similar to anamnesis on wonderpipes, but let's you select secondary or tertiary (if also using wonderpipe anamnesis) race once per game year. You will receive all of that race's perks of two tiers below your current experience level. As such, you could never get above the third tier for any race using this rune.
Yes. Even at lv2 rune, those fighting already running into not having enough slots for all the fighters.
Here are my 3 artifact ideas for shopkeepers, hunting and harvesting
Shopkeeping artifact idea:
This is a little - close - to customization but here we go!
Create a - Make your own shop clerk NPC - artifact
This would be useable in org shops and manse shops:
-May be "anchored" to an org shop by the ministry in charge of shops (player places it, minister approves placement)
-May be placed in a room if in a manse
-Customisable greeting to guests whenever they enter the room
-Customisable "thank you for shopping" message left after a person buys something - Only occurs once per RL 24 hours
-Customisable appearance, race and description
This idea is aimed at all the shopkeepers like me that can't stand just having a bland shop and love to customise every little bit to fit their roleplay or shop theme.
If you flip out because a keg of healing is placed on the same shelf as an axe, if you lose it because your shelf doesn't feel " just right " and you take a moment to thank people that spend large amounts at your shop in person for good customer service. -- This is for you.
A little ♥ for every shopkeeper that flips out if their goods are out of order in their shelves....I can't be the only one.
The bashing artifact idea is as follows:
Bashing artifact idea:
I may be mistaken but I believe the top tier bashing items are as follows
Wonderwands provides easy, on the fly, weakness swapping
Aethersuits hit multiple times, killing off a target and continuing to hit on the next one
Whips have the highest multiplier + divinus damage best damage type
Every class has a "top" bashing attack, Shadowdancers start with nature curse...gain gaze and finally reach night kiss at transcendent. Unfortunately all of these attacks for every class (to the best of my knowledge) are severely outclass be the artifacts/wonder item above. Which is understandable, being bashing tools that are hard to find. However, if you are like me and you are attached to the story/roleplay of your class, you might want to stick to your roleplay and use your class's ability to hunt. As things stand at the moment doing so leads to a massive disadvantage in bashing at endgame. You will kill things....but you'll never be able to do so at a reasonable speed even at max enhancements.
My suggestion for hunting is to create an artifact that will enhance class bashing abilities for a price and reduce the damage dealth to players in exchange. There are already - plenty - of ways to kill people in PvP. I can't remember the last time someone was bashed to death unless they had extremely low health to begin with ( like me ). So why not create an artifact that will make these class abilities relevant in endgame bashing...without changing damage types....for a cost?
Do I want to suck the soul out of my targets?
Flay them with vines from my wyrdenwood trunk ?
Sing them to their doom with the dirge of the shadowbeat ?
Purchasing this artifact would allow a person to increase the base bashing damage modifier - only for bashing - for class abilities that it is chosen for.
Orb of Night
Harp strings of the widow
Fertiliser of despair
...the customisation of such an artifact could be endless. Damage type would not be changed.
It would be a doorway for people that wish to have a more in depth roleplay experience instead of ....tossing fireballs, icicles and purple magic orbs with a wand in your hand.....while you devote yourself to Mother Night, serve the demon/angels or do a little dance in a windy breeze from your city in the sky.
Harvester's dream
The amount of herbs required to fully stock a shop in curatives, herbs, perfumes and beers is astronomical. Even with harvesting gloves, someone can 8 hours for 5 days a week just to meet their quotas unless they get help. Economy is something that should work wonderfully with many players around it, but sometimes, one or two people take care of logistics for a large group. Especially orgs with dwindling populations. Factor in tradebans between orgs & alliances for roleplay reasons and you have some - very - challenging situations.
Herbs are, thankfully plentiful, however extremely time consuming.
The artifact idea is as follows:
Allow herbalists to grow their own herbs, in pots, gardens or otherwise within their manse. The artifact would allow a person to have an instant harvest of a set amount and chosen long as they tend it and help it grow regularly. Tend the herb pot for one year every in game month, harvest 500 herbs of the chosen type at the start of next year (like wondercorn) with a chance for a special item ....or curio maybe?
It's not much, but I can see having a passive source of herbs that gives a little bit every day would make a massive difference in helping people that have more challenging logistic situations.
---- in closing ----
I do hope you all enjoyed these ideas and who knows, we might see one in lusternia soon
Author's note: I do not know if these have been suggested before, please do let me know your feedback - in words preferably ♥
Edit: Glomdoring themed examples are because I resides in Glomdoring and do not know other orgs/classes. All orgs are intended to receive some love from these artifacts.
Also a shopkeeper NPC would technically just be a manse dweller, I think. Like, that's specifically what they can be used for?? To have reactions and set to spawn/stand somewhere. So it might already be a thing.
I'm too combat stupid to give accurate feedback on the bashing arti idea. But yeah, the 3rd one. Do that. Want that.
It’s easy to be cruel without meaning to be. There’s nothing you can do about that. But you can choose to be kind. Be kind.’
Is bought in pairs with another player, and are attuned only to one another. Can be attuned to another player for a reduced credit cost. When activated both players get an experience bonus, share a portion of healing (akin to HEALING ATTEND), and are given a +2/6 balance/eq bonus, however, if one of the pair dies, they both die.
shows you on WHO and various XWHO's regardless of plane or bubble, much like current divine or those praying. (with easy ability to toggle on and off)
temp artifact for newbie pools or fix and rebrand newton's ale
Steingrim's nosy nose. Drop in area and allows remote scenting. 500cr.
Gnomish ejection pod (manse upgrade) allows you to leave upgraded room as if it was outside (aka can use bix from within manse). 100cr (can have multiples in the same manse for different rooms).
Private aetherdock: (estate upgrade, owner doesn't pick dock area in space admin do dat). Requires privs to dock. 1000 cr.
Gnafia blackmarket trading license: Allows the person to quest or trade within a village without first having to secure amnesty. Does not impact pk. Up to the admin if they want to make it a license for each village or all (though would be nice to keep it a physical item for rp purposes). The license also quadruples points for influencing for feelings (I know that sounds like a lot, but feelings take a crazy amount of influencing).
edited: to clarify I meant without having to secure amnesty. Change is in bold.