Invisible Curses - Roleplay with Torgaddon and Ialie

"Hey!" you greet Ialie warmly.

Ialie ponders the situation.

Softly, you ask Ialie, "How is life?"

Ialie's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.

Ialie Starfall says, "Well! How about yourself?"

"Good!" you enthuse.

Ialie's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.

You have emoted: Torgaddon smiles.

Softly, you ask Ialie, "What is your secret on how you are ding so well?"

Ialie puts her hands on her hips and goes "Hmmm!"

Ialie looks up in thought as she slowly fans her wings. "I'm not sure, I could be a lot worse, and
I'm not."

You ponder the situation.

Softly, you say, "I suppose so."

Softly, you say, "A meteor could hit you out of nowhere."

Softly, you say, "You could be unlucky."

You have emoted: Torgaddon slowly looks up.

Softly, you say, "Could be worse."

Ialie looks up nervously. "Don't curse me!"

You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.

You have emoted: Torgaddon waves his hand around. "I won't curse you."

Comprehension flashes across Ialie's face.

Softly, you say, "If you had invisible curses, there is a simple way to get rid of them."

Softly, you say to Ialie, "But first..."

You ponder Ialie thoughtfully, looking her up and down.

Softly, you ask Ialie, "Do you have invisible curses?"

Ialie Starfall says, "Umm. don't think so."

You wipe the back of your hand across your brow in relief.

Softly, you say, "That is a relief."

Ialie Starfall says, "But how would I know?"

Softly, you say, "Oh dear, you wouldn't."

Softly, you say, "But you will know if you step on a crack and..."

You have emoted: Torgaddon leans in close as if to tell a secret. "You break your mom's back."

Ialie looks up and down her arms nervously then looks down at her feet. "No not her back!"

You have emoted: Torgaddon straightens himself and nods.

Softly, you say, "Afraid so."

Ialie crosses her arms on her chest, sticks out her lower lip, and pouts.

Ialie Starfall says, "Can you check me for curses?"

Softly, you say, "I sadly wouldn't know either."

Softly, you say, "They are invisible."

Ialie looks up thoughtfully.

You have emoted: Torgaddon holds up a hand reassuringly. "But there is a way to get rid of invisible

Ialie Starfall says, "Oh! How?!"

Softly, you say, "You have to throw some gold over your shoulder."

Softly, you say, "Really throw it."

Ialie ponders the situation.

Softly, you say, "Like this."

Ialie rummages around in her backpack and pulls out a fist full of golden coins.

You begin to wield a king's ransom of golden sovereigns in your left hand.

Ialie begins to wield a large pile of sovereigns in her left hand.

Softly, you say, "Throw it in any direction."

Softly, you say, "Maybe to the south."

Ialie hurls a large pile of sovereigns south.

You wipe the back of your hand across your brow in relief.

Ialie Starfall says, "Did it work?"

Softly, you say, "The invisible curse is lifted."

Ialie claps her hands together merrily.

You clap your hands together merrily.

Ialie Starfall says, "Thank you!"

Softly, you say to Ialie, "You are most welcome."

Ialie flaps her wings rapidly and floats into the air, stopping to hover before you.

Ialie gives you a peck on the cheek.

Ialie Starfall says, "I am saved!"

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