Catch hamsters as they run around throughout the land! The rarer the hamster, the more points you get!
Test your knowledge of all things Lusternian!
Figure out the clues to find special locations spread throughout the realm. The first to find the final location wins the hunt!
Those who influence the most denizens of the land wins this peaceful tourney. The harder the denizen to influence, the more points awarded.
A simple tourney--kill anything that moves! The harder the kill, the more points awarded.
Are you a master of in the field of battle? If so, get two other comrades together to join in the wargames!
Each city and commune may compete in this game that dates back to the time of the Elder Gods! The winning organization will receive a special trophy!
For 48 hours, compete with other players in your level range for credit rewards!
Join in a game of Vengeance in a special Halloween tournament!
And remember that afterwards, Estarra and Orael and will meet with whoever wishes to meet with them to discuss any topic of your choosing.