Lua list

Hi. I'm just starting to get familiar with basic aliases and triggers. Wondering if there is a site i can read up on lua scripts. Essentially what symbol goes where so I can set up some more complex aliases for putting up defenses and such. Thank you


  • I am not an expert, but have you checked out mudlet's wiki yet? I found this page helpful:
  • Seconding the mudlet wiki, it's really good; also for things that are about lua in general, not specifically mudlet, there's probably an answer to any question you can think of on stack exchange. Also, for what it's worth, feel free to message me if you have what feels like a silly question — I was in the same boat as you a few years back, and now I'm totally obsessed with scripting lol
  • NochtNocht Glomdoring
    While the Mudlet wiki will probably serve your needs best, there is also the Lua reference manual if you are interested in the language outside of just the Mudlet client.
  • Thank you Aypatea, Reyl and Nocht
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