Mostly I need help figuring out do I want MMF to do certain things or SSC? I use mmf for defense set up, mainly at this point, but which system handles which part of curing better? (Better not being a quantifiable number, I mean which is most statistically reliable) For example, in previous raids/counterraids, I found myself in a cleanse lock. MMF just stopped at that for me, and I of course died. Would SSC be more equipped to help preventing cleanse lock, or once there, not completely shut down?
That'll let you use autocuring on its own without mmf interfering and doing stuff.
One thing to note is autocuring doesnt use secondary lines which is its big downside.
So you need to get the lines and then trigger autocuring guess afflictionname.
Also dont always trust what mm's echos say. MM can say your cleanse locked but not really be cleansed lock as mm doesnt properly track curing affs now.