Fae Sermons and Tea with Prince Alacardael

edited June 2018 in Event Scrolls
Was panicking and looking for old material to study. Found this log from 1/20/2012. I hope @Alacardael doesn't mind me posting it. (Xiran is really paranoid. Not Alacardael's fault.)


Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "But Butter does make delicious little cakes, mmm."

You say, "I still say Butter's the best cook in the realms. But I do like tea."

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness carefully settles his teacup onto the oak table.

You are wielding an embellished leather journal in your left hand and a little honey cake in your right hand.
You are holding:
<snip> a cluster of snapdragons, a midnight black rose, a blank figurine, 3 iridescent spores, a glowing moonflower, a silver-touched sable tea cup, 2 platters of spider-shaped bread wielding various sauces.
You are wearing:
a hooded cloak with a Butter Sweetpease clasp, a moonstone and garnet ring, a tan leather hunting skirt, a rustic knotwork satchel, an armlet engraved with a gushing urn, an emerald rose, an opalescent white turtleneck shirt, a rustic ring of blossoms, a tangled bracelet of hemp and beryl, a crystal tree pendant.

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "So, this sermon of yours. I am guessing it will be Moon-y."

Alacardael wrinkles his nose in distaste.

You give a trillingly melodic laugh.

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "But I will try my best to be...constructive."

You ponder a platter of spider-shaped bread wielding various sauces thoughtfully, looking it up and down.

You say, "I will do my best to not be distracted by all the sweets."
3772h, 4738m, 5844e ex-wp platter
There are no poisons or magical effects on a platter of spider-shaped bread 
wielding various sauces.

Alacardael peers at you unscrupulously.

A small sitting room.
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. A few small snowflakes drift lazily down from above. Decadent silk tapestries continue into this room, hanging from ceiling to floor creating a cocoon of comfort around the sitting area. Elegant sofas surround a deep oak table where several drinks are constantly refreshed and new finger foods appear regularly. The north wall has been overtaken by another massive bookcase displaying a treasure trove of knowledge. Several of the aged spines are scattered on the table lying ready for perusal. Alacardael is here, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. He wields the dagger of the Thousand-Bound Souls in his left hand.
You see a single exit leading southwest.

-p platter
The main focus of this platter is a large, eight-legged spider cut from a giant loaf of freshly-baked bread. Each of the thick legs holds the main body of the spider up off the platter. The tip of each leg curves back upwards, splaying out into a petite, bowl-like form. Each of these miniature, bread-made bowls holds one of various types of dipping sauce made from either mashed, spiced fruits or vegetables, such as the bright orange pumpkin sauce. Upon the spider's back, the abdomen has been deeply carved out to hold several elongated bread sticks, although the spider's entire body is completely consumable.
It has 19 months of usefulness left.
It weighs about 1 pounds and 14 ounce(s).
It bears the distinctive mark of Vermilla.
It has been stamped with the seal of Caramel Candy Cooking Cartel.

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "I hope you succeed, but alas the effort may be futile."

You give a trillingly melodic laugh.

You say, "Sounds like something that could be said all things Wyrd."

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness taps his lips with a small piece of cloth and composes himself.

Alacardael nods his head at you, showing his acceptance.

Alacardael takes a drink from a dainty bone china cup with silver ribbons.

Xiran lifts a bread stick from one of the platters.

You tentatively stick out your tongue and lick a platter of spider-shaped bread wielding various sauces.
The bread of this platter tastes fresh while the various sauces taste of a mixture of sweet, tangy, or fruity.

You shift your eyes suspiciously from side to side.

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "Now, tell me about this sermon business. Sermons are quite excellent in helping newcomers settle in and learn more about the place - beliefs, and the like."

Coughing softly, you say, "Er. Yes. We were hoping to hold several small ones."

Showing that he understands, Alacardael nods his head slowly.

You say, "We hope it might be easier to maintain interest that way."

You say, "One idea was to base some off our Canticle."

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness glances in askance.

Xiran tilts her head.

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "Perhaps it would be best if I did not know the specifics."

Alacardael looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

You say, "Mm. Or perhaps I should stick to those we could both agree upon."

You say, "Like reminding people that the Great Spirits are Fae?"

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "But yes, a dozen small ones are better that one grand meeting. Newcomers might fall asleep right in the middle of it, the little silly things."

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "People forget that?"

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness exclaims, "How outrageous!"

Ruefully, you say, "Even some druids do."

Frowning, Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "That's unfortunate. More tea?"

Alacardael takes a drink from a silver-touched sable tea cup.

Xiran nods and lifts a silver-touched sable tea cup.

-taste tea
The oolong tea has a very sharp orange taste, which is levelled with the gentle flavouring of an orchid flower.

-l (( Twitchy-eyed there, Xiran. ))

The last vestiges of midnight shadows flee as Mother Night hides herself from the luminous arrival of her shining mate as he chases her across the bowl of the sky.

-unwield cake
You cease wielding a little honey cake in your right hand.

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "Yes, well, perhaps you can make sure a druid or two will attend this sermon about the Fae and Great Spirits."

Xiran sets the teacup back in her lap.

Nodding, you say, "Aye. I'm not sure what else has been neglected though. Aside from the purpose of the Well..."

You murmur softly to yourself.

A whistling breeze winds its way south with the softest sound of bells marking its passing.

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "Queen Maeve, perhaps, and how she is central to any and all things Fae."

Leaning in and whispering, Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "As insane the Queen may be at times, She is more than a monarch - she is the collective consciousness of the nature spirits."

Comprehension flashes across your face.

You say, "Mrm. That would be an important thing to mention. Some people argue against that though."

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "Yes, yes, the claim that the Maeve speaks for all of faedom is questionable. However, none can deny that she wields considerable power in rousing the Ethereal against incursions."

You nod your head emphatically.

You say, "Also, since not every Great Spirit was mentioned by name in the Scroll that Queen Maeve's blossoming was recorded in, some insist she does not have such ties."

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says to you, "Perhaps you can also remind people regarding the hai'Gloh Zemordia, and how Maeve was necessary in ensuring the safety of the Ethereal from Cosmic interference."

Wincing slightly, you say, "I keep thinking of the Xion Initiative when that comes up."

A whistling breeze winds its way south with the softest sound of bells marking its passing.

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "Yes, well, that was the counter-ritual the half-formed came up with after the the rites of the fae foiled their nefarious schemes."

Alacardael wrinkles his nose in distaste.

Alacardael takes a drink from a silver-touched sable tea cup.

Alacardael gazes into a glittering tierstone.

Xiran takes a drink from a silver-touch sable tea cup, rinsing away the unpleasantness.

You scent at the air, your skilled nose picking up the faint traces of others in the surrounding area.
Alacardael from a small sitting room.
You sense the following people:
   Alacardael - a small sitting room
        Xiran - a small sitting room
(*) Currently, there are 2 Lusternians on this Plane and 71 on other Planes.

Xiran shifts the cup to the table to make room for the open journal.

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "However, Queen Maeve does not only move during times of great and terrible conflict. The birth of Dandelion Sweetpaste, for example, was a fairly delightful affair that the Queen personally focused on."

You perk your ears up as an errant topic catches your interest.

Scribbling away, you say, "Oh, I would have loved to been present then."

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "You might also want to remind people that the fae are not all known. In recent times we have discovered the foxglove, and the snoefaasia..."

Sunlight billows across the realm, revealing the full glory of the majestic sun's luminous presence as he climbs higher into the sky. 

Alacardael gazes into a glittering tierstone.

Glancing up, you say, "Ah. Qistrel recently told me the ice devils are also Fae."

You say, "Or were, before being touched by Zenos. She said they were snow wassets."

-help nocht

    Sages of the Seven Shrouds: Astraea, Sidd, and Druken

200 years after the Coming of Estarra, the Great Night cried out under
the fiery onslaught of the Sun. It was the cries of His greatest
creation that hastened the return of the Silent Lord to the First World.

Known as an extremely shy, soft spoken member of the Sixth Circle, Nocht
was often overlooked by those around Him, and thus became known as
Silent Nocht. However, for those who did know Him, He was extremely
skilled at manipulating raw spirit and equipped with a sharp intellect.
Among the first to be forced to flee at the time of the diaspora, when
so many Elders fled the Soulless, Nocht was separated from the other
gods, swept into the darkest corners of the Void.

Ages later upon His return, the Silent Lord aligned Himself with the
Glomdoring Commune, the worshipers of His beloved Night. Preferring to
walk amongst the shadows and act indirectly from a distance, little is
known of how Nocht's solitude in the Void has altered Him. He takes
Type MORE to continue reading. (72% shown)

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "Yes, their Great Spirit was the Frost Spite, I believe."

(Serenwilde): Rika says, "Are you okay Xiran?"

(Serenwilde): You say, "Aye."


(Serenwilde): Rika says, "Alright."

***********************[ THE FREE FOREST OF SERENWILDE ]***********************
Commune Member         Rank                     Position                    CT 
Rika                   Forest Warden            Commune Aide                On
Xiran                  Forest Warden            Commune Aide                On
Currently, there are 2 Commune Members on this Plane and 10 on other Planes.

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "Incidentally, one who has passed away. And despite the touch of Zenos, it was unfortunate that the fae was harmed."

(The Talnaras): You say, "He's being nice. And the tea's not poisoned. Haven't checked all the food yet."

-h alacardael
honours alacardael
Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness (Male Demigod).
He is 128 years old, having been born on the 16th of Urlachmar, 187 years after 
the Coming of Estarra.
He is ranked 43rd in Lusternia.
He is an extremely credible character.
He is the Prince of Darkness in the Shadowdancers.
He holds the position of a Spinner of the Dusk in the Shadowdancers.
He is a Professor in the Shadowmaze.
He is a Planar Drifter in the Fellowship of Explorers.
He is an enemy of your commune.
He is an enemy of your guild.
He is an enemy of your guild's associated organisation.
He is a graduate of the Ancestral Glade of the Moonharts (honours) and the 
Shadowmaze (honours).
He is a member of the clan called 'The Wyrden Library Ministry.'
He is a member of the clan called 'The Crowned Night.'
He is a mentor and able to take on proteges.
His motto: 'Beauty Beyond Compare.'
He is accounted Intellectual among scholars.
He is considered to be approximately 270% of your might.
He has taken the hand of Noxx Nightshade in marriage.
He has been divorced 2 times.
He is a second generation member of the House of Nightshade by marriage.
See HONOURS FULL ALACARDAEL to view his 30 special honours.

You blink.

You say, "Frost Spite is no longer?"

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "And incidentally, it allowed us to see that a Great Spirit can indeed be so corrupt that the essence holding it together can collapse."

Glistening gold light filters into the room as the shining form of an Honour Guard enters from the southwest.

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says to you, "Frost Spite was destroyed during that final battle against Zenos and his puppets."

Xiran claps a hand over her mouth.

(The Talnaras): Rika says, "Just be careful. He is a monster and a child."

The white blanket of cloud in the sky above you thickens into a heavy cover.

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "Quite unfortunate indeed, but I'm afraid the Great Spirit had been too corrupted by Zenos."

The room darkens slightly as the glowing mail of an Honour Guard leaves to the southwest.

(The Talnaras): You say, "Mm. I've spores. And I didn't sit down so I could keep scenting."

Lowering her hand, you say, "But. A Great Spirit falling?"

Alacardael takes a drink from a silver-touched sable tea cup.

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "Sometimes, I suppose, it must happen. But perhaps the Fates can be kind and reweave the Frost Spite into something not-quite-as-spiteful."

Glancing upwards, you whisper, "Then. That time with... Dame Maeve. Were we close to losing her?"

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "In truth, I do not know. She is the Fae and the Fae are her - that is how I like to see it, at least. She lends power to the rest of the fae, but in turn they lend power to her. I think that, for the Taint to completely overcome Queen Maeve, the other Great Spirits must all first succumb as well."

Chewing her lip, you say, "It's a relief to hear that, but frightening as well."

Alacardael nods his head at you.

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "The defenses of the fae have stood for longer than the mortal races have existed. It is indeed unsettling to see them attacked, but thankfully we have learned from the incident of Dame Maeve."

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "For instance, the healing power of the Twin Springs, and the potential of Wydyr to be a healing mound for the fae."

You tilt your head curiously at Alacardael.

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "All the more effective, considering the Queen severed it from Faethorn, and as such Wydyr is not as severely affected when Faethorn is otherwise weakened."

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says to you, "The Tainted fae were placed in the Springs, and there they were cleansed."

Pausing her writing, you say, "I had heard she was revived by the Twin Springs, but I hadn't asked which side."

Alacardael looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

A whistling breeze winds its way south with the softest sound of bells marking its passing.

-help wydyr

A dark glade on the ethereal plane, severed from Faethorn during the Taint
Wars, Wydyr Glade has been made home to the fae who were trapped there when
the Taint washed over them. Long hidden in secrecy by Mother Night's Avatars,
for fear that the pure source of the Well of Souls would be corrupted by those
who sought to harm the fae, only when great need arose was the way to it 
opened. Still severed from the Realm of the Fae, Wydyr Glade is said to be
home to the Hae'vanei Spring, sibling spring to the Lo'varai, which rests
within Caoimhe Dell.

It is said that a pact was made between the elfen healers of Caoimhe and the
Avatars of Mother Night, allowing those blood descendants of Ellindel into the
Glade on a Full Moon to water a plant sacred to Mother Night, and to bless the
Hae'vanei Spring, so as to ensure that the Well of Souls would never run dry. 


You ask, "It was the Hae'vanei then?"

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "I don't remember, myself."

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "But it should not matter. The Springs are one, flowing from the Ethereal to the Prime."

You nod your head emphatically.

Alacardael looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

You say, "Goodness. I've a fair lot of topics now."

Continuing the hunt for his dark mate, Father Sun presses forward in his journey, lowering himself in the sky yet still casting even, full light upon the land.

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says to you, "I'm not certain if you folk still discuss Nintoba, but the centaurs do have great wisdom and they have constantly aided Serenwilde."

You blink.

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "Something to add to your sermon, if you wish."

Tentatively, you ask, "How does the Glomdoring view the centaurs?"

Alacardael rolls his eyes.

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "Deserters, weak-footed limps, et cetera."

A wry smile spreads across your face.

You say, "And wisdom that suits Serenwilde."

Comprehension flashes across Alacardael's face.

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "Also, the Tar Pits and the Slaghora'ruin."

Comprehension flashes across your face.

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "Unfortunately, I myself know little of the place."

You say, "I remember when it emerged, but I haven't stayed long in the place."

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "But apparently it's actually an eastern section of your forest that was sealed off."

You nod your head emphatically.

You say, "Faethorn was also hurt when the seals weakened."

Alacardael empties out a silver-touched sable tea cup into his mouth.

Showing that he understands, Alacardael nods his head slowly.

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "Well, hm. That should be a fair bit for you to talk about to your folk."

You smile and say, "Indeed. Thank you very much, Prince Alacardael."

Alacardael nods his head at you.

-p cup
Crafted into the simply elegant form of a tea cup, delicate ceramic fashions a matching set of ebon painted container and platter. With a flourishing handle set curved on the vessel's side and a scalloped edge bordering the saucer the container is placed upon, the item sits elegantly with poise and beauty. A painted touch of silver accents both edges of cup and saucer, trimming the items with a bold touch of argentine elegance to counterpoint the vessel's ebon austerity.
It has 2 months of usefulness left.
It weighs 6 ounce(s).
It has been stamped with the seal of The Roseine Call Bookbinding Cartel.
Orchid and orange blossom oolong tea sloshes about in it.

Peering down at the remaining dregs of tea, you say, "Ah, would you like me to wash this before returning it?"


Shadows grow longer in anticipation for the return of their dark mistress as 
Father Sun's chase brings him closer to the world's edge.

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "You're quite welcome. And nay, I can take care of the washing myself, with a bit of rain."

Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.

You give a silver-touched sable tea cup to Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness.

Alacardael nods his head emphatically.

Alacardael gives a Scroll of Sorcelglass to you.

You say, "It was really quite lovely. Thank you."

You perk your ears up as an errant topic catches your interest.

-read 86114
You review the design on a sorcelglass scroll with 5 uses left:
Item: Cup  Type: Sorcelglass  Org: RCB
Commodities: coal 2 marble 1 faeleaf 1
Gold Outlay: 0
Mortal Reviews: Allowed
IMPORTANT: The main noun MUST use one of these: CUP, GLASS
a silver-touched sable tea cup
Sleek and stylish, a bold touch of silver outlines the sable form of a tea cup set down on its saucer.
Crafted into the simply elegant form of a tea cup, delicate ceramic fashions a matching set of ebon painted container and platter. With a flourishing handle set curved on the vessel's side and a scalloped edge bordering the saucer the container is placed upon, the item sits elegantly with poise and beauty. A painted touch of silver accents both edges of cup and saucer, trimming the items with a bold touch of argentine elegance to counterpoint the vessel's ebon austerity.
Design tweaked.

Utterly entranced, you emit a long "Ooooh."

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says to you, "Have a sorcelglass, then. Read it at some plain shot glasses, and the unfashionable wares will turn into elegant pieces of ceramic."

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "It's a surprisingly cheap design, too."

You say, "Oh my. Thank you very much!"

Alacardael nods his head at you.

Prince Alacardael Nightshade, Conduit of Darkness says, "Fare well, High Wisdom!"

Alacardael waves goodbye.

Alacardael leaves to the southwest, a twisting miasma of wailing souls whispering after him.

You cease wielding an embellished leather journal in your left hand.
Active: Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday EST

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