The Ciorcal na Comhairle

This is a very short log, but I wanted to post it because I thought it was important to. The Listeners have very little guild members, and in that developing RP for the Listeners when there are so few is something I'm trying to have people think about. The Ciorcal na Comhairle is supposed to be a special circle of forestal people, gathering to talk about the Listeners. Hope you enjoy!

Her storm-coloured eyes a muted blue, Lisaera, the Silver Goddess says, "Only sorrow can come from a rotting thought, My child, just like roots that have been drowned. You are a paragon of the wisdom I would see spread throughout the Serenwilde, but even the strongest minds must find release."
A shimmering liquid appears in your inventory smelling sweetly of something carbonated. It vanishes in a puff of silver smoke seconds later.
I write things


  • Proof that not everything has to be a huge scene to have character, thanks for sharing!
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