@Kendra and
@Tambador were married last night by Lady
(Hallifax): You say, "Citizens! If you would like to witness the upcoming wedding between my
daughter and her beloved - Kendra and Tambador - please make your way to the fulcrux of manse
'Dawnlight' from the Aetherplex. It will begin in just over a quarter of a day."
** movement, making cakes, gifts for the couple **
You portal to Of Dawn and Twlight.
This room has not been mapped.
A high garden under dawn's light. (#DAWNLIGHT_1)
Perched high upon a mountain-top, this eternal garden is cool and fresh, tendrils of swirling mists
clinging to the ground over the grey pebbles and around the countless flowerbeds here. Shards of
bright mauve amethyst and rose quartz have been roughly hewn to form the jagged posts of little
fences that line the edges of the garden, where beyond lie tall reaching bushes of verdant green. To
the north, the gemstone fence forms into a striking gate, with a glimpse of a twilit paradise beyond.
Thin, wispy clouds swirl across the firmament, painted like watercolours with the pale lilac, pinks,
yellows and blues of the dawn. As the pale golden fingers of Father Sun begin to appear over the
horizon, wildflowers shyly unfurl their petals within every flower bed, arranged around the garden
in an aesthetically pleasing mandala. Betwixt the flowers sit divinely scented bushes bearing deep
midnight-blue roses, their velvety petals touched with fresh dewdrops of the clinging mists. Set
between the spaces of the mandala are many intricately worked onyx benches with pale marble seats
veined with black stone, plush cushions of violet silk providing comfort sitting either end.
You flutter your nose at the air, sensing through a cute little rabbit nose upon your face the faint
traces of others in the surrounding area.
Nelras: ? A high garden under dawn's light
Tirah: ? A high garden under dawn's light
Kialkarkea: ? A high garden under dawn's light
Nicholo: ? A high garden under dawn's light
Vidette: ? A high garden under dawn's light
Tambador: ? A high garden under dawn's light
Remmiel: ? A high garden under dawn's light
Aeldra: ? A high garden under dawn's light
Iawa: ? A high garden under dawn's light
Tambador fidgets nervously with something in the pocket of his suit nodding quickly to Aeldra.
Vidette flashes you a joyous smile.
Aeldra flashes you a joyous smile.
You curtsey gracefully.
Like the pealing of so many bells, your voice rings to Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind, "Let
me know when you are ready for me to come get you, dearest."
The cold voice of Kendra sends chills down your spine, "Alright."
You give an opaque ebon rose to Mianzi, the little red panda.
You say, "Deliver to Kendra."
With a perk of the ears, Mianzi, the little red panda twitters and takes an opaque ebon rose,
waddling away.
Mianzi, the little red panda tumbles in with a happy twitter, settling down once more.
Mianzi, the little red panda begins to follow closely behind you.
You say, "I hope you're all enjoying the garden!"
You beam broadly.
Aeldra Ladyn, Lady of Ethereal Mists smiles and says, "It's a beautiful sight."
Lilyin arrives in a cone of sparkling light.
Aeldra beams broadly at Lilyin.
Nelras tells you, "Indeed, it is a most pleasant garden."
Deep in thought, Lilyin leans her cheek on her hand.
Remmiel gives Lilyin a peck on the cheek.
With a slight nod, Iawa says to you, "Aye, the flowers are quite lovely."
Vidette hugs Lilyin compassionately.
Ejderha has entered the area.
Radiant Soul, Vidette smiles and says to Lilyin, "Hi!"
Ejderha gives the world a smart salute.
Nelras bows respectfully to Ejderha.
You smile impishly and say to Iawa, "My daughter's favourite."
Tambador beams broadly at you.
Ejderha beams broadly at you.
Wearing a bright smile, Vidette waves to Nelras.
Iawa says to Tambador, "The madam Kendra has excellent taste, master Tambador."
Remmiel blinks.
Remmiel Strongleaf frowns and says, "Oh some decayed."
Smiling softly, Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says to Vidette, "Hello."
Aeldra flits back to hover next to Lilyin, continuing to examining the garden, grabbing the honey
cake Remmiel tosses her on the way.
Nicholo thanks Remmiel profusely.
"Ooohhhhhhhhhh," Aeldra says to you.
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
Remmiel Strongleaf laughingly says, "I'm sorry! I thought I had more!"
With silent grace, Mincel Mooneye enters from the north, a silver tray of desserts and refreshment
held aloft in her gloved hands.
You say, "There is wedding cake and tea already set ou-- ooh."
You curtsey gracefully before Mincel Mooneye.
Mincel Mooneye inclines her head politely at you.
Vidette quietly munches on a little honey cake, looking quite thankful.
With only the smallest flustering, Mincel Mooneye says, "Have I arrived too late?"
You smile and say to Mincel Mooneye, "Not at all."
Aeldra inclines her head politely to Mincel Mooneye.
Mincel Mooneye inclines her head politely at Aeldra.
You give a swirling vortex cup cake of impending doom to Aeldra Ladyn, Lady of Ethereal Mists.
Iawa bows respectfully to Mincel Mooneye.
Mincel Mooneye inclines her head politely at Iawa.
Aeldra clasps a swirling vortex cup cake of impending doom in her hand, nodding happily at you, "Now
that's a real cake" she remarks, grinning.
Glancing wryly at Aeldra, you hide a grin behind your hand.
Breathing a sigh of relief, Mincel Mooneye says, "Oh good. I am here by the blessing of the Lady
Aesthete to offer goods for the reception."
Ejderha flashes Mincel Mooneye a joyous smile.
Mincel Mooneye inclines her head politely at Ejderha.
Mincel Mooneye says, "I was told to only sell the lemon meringue today as that is the favoured
flavour of the bride."
You greet Mincel Mooneye with a sincere smile.
Inclining her head politely, Mincel Mooneye says, "Dawn's radiance upon you, miss."
Mincel Mooneye says, "I am offering a fine selection of refreshments. Would you like to hear about
You say, "Yes, please tell me about your refreshments."
Turning, Mincel Mooneye speaks directly to you now.
Mincel Mooneye says, "I am currently able to serve you one of the following..."
Mincel Mooneye says, "For one-hundred gold, a fluffy meringue cookie which is divine, light as a
cloud, and blessed by the Lady Aesthete with a random flavour for your enjoyment."
Mincel Mooneye says, "For five-hundred gold, a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit cider with a
touch of cinnamon that warms the heart like the Lady Aesthete's own dawn light."
Mincel Mooneye says, "For one-thousand gold, a festive bird-of-paradise firecracker wrapped in
sunset-hued paper which will illuminate the sky with visions and hues inspired by the Lady Aesthete.
Mincel Mooneye says, "Please give me the exact amount of gold for one and I will gladly serve you
the designated item."
Tugging again at his collar Tambador ponders Mincel Mooneye before saying "If I get cookie crumbs on
my suit Kendra will kill me".
You give 100 gold sovereigns to Mincel Mooneye.
Smiling brightly at the honour to serve, Mincel Mooneye offers the gold in prayer to the Lady
Aesthete, then plucks your item off her tray and hands it to you. She whispers reverently for you
alone, "May you ever fly past clouds and obstacles towards the dawn light in pursuit of Beauty."
Mincel Mooneye completes her transaction and turns to wait on others.
Aeldra's eyes sparkle with amusement at Tambador.
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says to Mincel Mooneye, "Then she has wonderful taste, if she
prefers that flavour. Thank you, for all that you have brought today."
p meringue
Tied up in a dainty satchet of pale cloud gossamer, this sweet and airy confection seems light as a
cloud itself, and as fluffy in appearance as one too. The petite dessert has been prettily piped
into the shape of a falcon, its puffed up feathers a cloudy white in hue. At once meticulous and
delightfully whimsical, this delicate meringue seems almost too beautiful to dare eat.
It has 12 months of usefulness left.
It weighs 1 ounce(s).
It has the following aliases: cookie, meringue.
For the briefest moment, the falcon seems to shimmer grandly with striking distinction.
Iawa gives some gold sovereigns to Mincel Mooneye.
Smiling brightly at the honour to serve, Mincel Mooneye offers a prayer to the Lady Aesthete then
plucks a firecracker from her tray and hands it to Iawa.
Smiling brightly at the honour to serve, Mincel Mooneye offers a prayer to the Lady Aesthete then
plucks a cider from her tray and hands it to Aeldra.
Smiling brightly at the honour to serve, Mincel Mooneye offers a prayer to the Lady Aesthete then
plucks a firecracker from her tray and hands it to Nelras.
** more buying from Mincel! **
The cold voice of Kendra sends chills down your spine, "What a beautiful rose thank you!"
Iawa smiles and says to Nelras, "Apologies, sir Nelras. I did not mean to interrupt."
A light pink blush suffuses Aeldra's cheeks as she drinks a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit
cider, leaving her ever-so-slightly flushed.
The cold voice of Kendra sends chills down your spine, "I am ready when you are."
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says to Iawa, "You need not apologize, certainly not when there is
such a crowd."
Like the pealing of so many bells, your voice rings to Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind,
"You're welcome dearest, will I get everyone to move to the- aha! I'll get them to move to the room
where the ceremony will be held."
You clear your throat in an attempt to gain the attention of those around you.
The cold voice of Kendra sends chills down your spine, "Thank you."
Aeldra turns her attention to you, listening quietly.
Radiant Soul, Vidette smiles and says to Mincel Mooneye, "Thank you, so much."
You have emoted: Anita steps towards the gate to the north, and motions to everyone present. Smiling
she says clearly, "Please, if you could all move just to the north where the ceremony will take
place, the bride is ready to make an appearance!"
You portal to Moonlit Glade.
This room has not been mapped.
Moonlit path beneath an ancient oak tree. (#WINTERORCHID_1)
A crystalline bench rests here, seemingly overgrown with twining vines bearing pearlescent
honeysuckle blossoms. Grinning with a wide, button-outlined mouth and two gleaming eyes of coal, a
rather large snowman dominates his surroundings. Constructed of sturdy cardboard, an ornately
decorated box rests on the ground here. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here.
Lying flat on the ground is a key-shaped sigil. Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind drifts here
in a swirling vortex of ice crystals. There is a burning illusory eye floating darkly over her. She
wields an opaque ebon rose in her left hand. You see a sign here instructing you to use the PORTAL
command to enter the aetherplex system.
You see exits leading north, southeast (closed door), south, southwest (closed door), up (closed
door), down (closed door), and in (closed door).
You beam broadly at Kendra.
Kendra beams broadly at you.
Kendra begins to follow you.
Kendra exhales slowly, allowing a long fluid breath to creep from her lungs.
You say to Kendra, "Some of them were slow!"
Comprehension flashes across Kendra's face.
Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind looks confused and says to you, "I...if we have nobody to
marry us..."
Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind asks you, "Nelras or Aeldra?"
You have emoted: Anita clutches Kendra's hand gently, smiling softly. "Everything will be fine, my
You ponder the situation.
Comprehension flashes across Kendra's face.
Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind smiles impishly and says, "Nevermind."
Kendra gives you a peck on the cheek.
You smile and say to Kendra, "I would say Nelr- oh?"
Kendra points boldly towards the horizon and declares in a proud tone, "Onward!"
Ready for a new adventure, you point boldly towards the horizon and declare in a proud tone,
You portal to the Aetherplex Chamber.
You portal to Of Dawn and Twlight.
A high garden under dawn's light. (#DAWNLIGHT_1)
Holding aloft a silver tray of desserts and refreshment in her gloved hands, Mincel Mooneye quietly
oversees her surroundings. You see a sign here instructing you to use the PORTAL command to enter
the aetherplex system.
You see exits leading north and up (closed door).
You curtsey gracefully before Mincel Mooneye.
Mincel Mooneye inclines her head politely at you.
You smile and say to Mincel Mooneye, "You know you can attend the ceremony too, Miss Mooneye."
Kendra curtseys gracefully before Mincel Mooneye.
Mincel Mooneye inclines her head politely at Kendra.
Kendra beams at Mincel Mooneye and nods, proffering a chipper "Yep!" to finalize her position on the
Mincel Mooneye inclines her head politely at Kendra.
You say to Kendra, "Ready?"
Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind smiles and says, "As I will ever be."
Like the pealing of so many bells, your voice rings to Tambador, "We're coming in!"
Kendra slips her arm through yours, smiling nervously.
One enters the hushed din of this twilit paradise garden, tall bushes enclosing the area with only
the sky for a view above. The sky is painted with the colours of twilight; dusky purples, deep blues
and smoky greys deepen to black upon the horizon, lit only by the last vestiges of Father Sun in the
distance and the odd twinkle of a star above. The air is still and heavy, the honey-sweet scent of
roses filling the nose and the errant sound of faint music and voices raised in song teasing the
ears. A straight path of onyx pebbles runs down the middle of the garden from the amethyst and
quartz gate at the south to an intricately carved archway wrought from solid ice to the north. All
along the pathway and wrapping around the icy arch like vines are hundreds of tiny fairy lights,
illuminating the area with a soft glow. Beyond the archway, the bushes fall away to reveal an
impressive vista of snow-topped mountain ranges in the distance and a grand staircase going down
into another twilit garden. Either side of the onyx-pebbled pathway and facing the archway of ice
sit intricately worked benches of dusky mauve amethyst, sitting invitingly with their pale marble
seats and plush velvet cushions of smoky grey. Flanking each bench are dark bushes bearing velvety
roses of midnight blue, filling the air with their heavenly scent. Held airily aloft by three quartz
columns, a canopy spun from cloud gossamer and silken starlight shades a crystal dais here, forming
a ceremonial pavilion. Mianzi, the little red panda sits here, tail curled around her body as she
watches the world curiously. Blade Dancer Tirah Mzithrei, the Succor is here. Professor Kialkarkea
Diodorus, Textile Engineer is here. She wields a frosted orchid tessen in her left hand. Lilyin is
here. Remmiel Strongleaf stands here, carrying with him the echo of a fading hammer blow. Enforcer
of Harmony Ejderha Strongleaf, the People's Steward with a Pilgrim face radiates an aura of severity
and calm as he lingers here. He wields a graceful, opalescent wine glass in his left hand. Iawa is
here. Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate stands here, surrounded in an aura of ghostly, flickering
wings. He is surrounded by one reflection of himself. Radiant Soul, Vidette is here, shrouded. She
wields a delicate sunrise violin in her left hand. Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind drifts
here in a swirling vortex of ice crystals. There is a burning illusory eye floating darkly over her.
She wields an opaque ebon rose in her left hand. Nicholo Darkshade with a Pilgrim face is here. He
wields a silver tessen in each hand. Isune, the Aesthete iridesces here central to eddying motes of
dawn-hued lustre. Aeldra Ladyn, Lady of Ethereal Mists floats here as ribbons of prismatic light
dart about her form. She wields a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit cider in her left hand.
Tambador is here, shrouded. There is a burning illusory eye floating darkly over him.
You see exits leading south and down.
Kendra blushes lightly, a nervous air about her as she turns from her Mother and walks toward
Tambador. A proud smile rests upon her lips as she stops before him. "Goodness, you look positively
dashing." she murmurs, tripping over her words.
You have emoted: Anita steps through the gate, Kendra's arm looped through hers. She walks down the
pathway between those gathered, and stands before Tambador, regarding him with a soft smile. She
takes Kendra's hand and places it within Tambador's, nodding her head and murmuring something only
for the both of them to hear, before she steps back, pushing the two forward and taking a place
beside Ejderha.
Tambador's head snaps to Kendra his attention quickly focused from everyone and everything else to
her tracking her every movement.
Like the pealing of so many bells, your voice rings to Tambador, "Look after her, Tambador!"
Kendra curtseys gracefully before Isune.
Like the pealing of so many bells, your voice rings to Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind, "You
look beautiful, my dearest daughter. I wish you nothing but happiness."
Tambador tells you, "Of course I always have since we met and I always will."
Kendra proudly shows off a clinging wedding gown of ivory silk and black lace:
The creamy shade of pure ivory, this wedding gown is sewn from bolts of
the most exquisite silk, clinging sensuously to the female form. Leaving
the shoulders bare, two fragile straps of ivory lace hold up the bodice
that boasts a plunging V neckline. Black lace of geometric patterns lies
across the bodice like a thin veil of inky darkness with many shards of
glittering diamonds haphazardly arranged across the netting, reminiscent
of the stars at twilight as they catch any available light. Below the
bodice, the gown returns to the ivory silk that flows down smoothly over
the hips and legs until it reaches the knees where the material
dramatically flares outwards around the feet and extends back into a
queenly train of silk shot through with ruffles of the same black lace
as the bodice.
Isune languorously waves her hand through the air, illusory motes of prismatic light coalescing
about her fingertips. Hovering briefly about her arm in ever-changing helices, the motes abruptly
scatter throughout the surroundings to create long, effulgent streamers of pale rose, champagne, and
ivory hues.
Kendra tilts her head and glows a soft lilac, smiling appreciatively at the decorations surrounding
her. "Thank you, M'Lady." she whispers.
Isune claims Her official place before Tambador and Kendra, smiling warmly at them before lifting
Her gaze to those assembled.
Aeldra's eyes widen at Isune's weavings of light. She tears herself away from the admiration,
smiling at Kendra instead.
With clarion resonance in Her voice for the joyous occasion, Isune, the Aesthete says,
"Collectivists and friends, we have gathered here today to witness the joining of two lives in
marriage and Harmony. We celebrate the union of Tambador and Kendra."
You see the following people here:
Tirah, Kialkarkea, Lilyin, Remmiel, Iawa, Nelras, Nicholo, Tambador, Vidette, Ejderha, Isune, Kendra,
Aeldra, Anita.
Isune eyes a canopy of cloud gossamer and silken starlight unscrupulously a moment.
Kendra gazes up at Tambador with happy tears in her eyes, her breathing slightly staccatod.
Isune, the Aesthete says, "We celebrate the union of Tambador and Kendra!"
As Isune speaks, the vicinity is flooded with the sublime beauty of the aurora, which illuminates
her and arcs languidly though the air to include Tambador and Kendra in a corona of indigo, lavender,
and champagne light.
p canopy
Each thread a streamer of colour hand-plucked from the canvas of the aurora, this canopy shimmers
with each ripple of the fabric, flickering with sun-drenched hues. Airily held aloft by three
pillars of spiralling rose quartz, the canopy's interwoven strands of silken starlight and cloud
gossamer reflect a spectrum of twilight indigo blending into cool cerulean, burnished morning gold
softening the deep violet of eventide, and blushing pink winking off this star-studded panorama of
the ever-shifting sky. Two tassels of fine-spun gold pull at the wispy material like a curtain,
enfolding the pillars to form a pavilion shaded in vibrant, celestial hues. Wreathing each quartz
column, shy rosebuds tangle about the polished gemstone, their satin white blossoms redolent with
sweet-scented perfume. Beneath the shade of this ethereal awning, a circular crystal dais gleams
with glassy light, mirroring the prismatic rays filtering through the enchanting gossamer like a
lake's reflection at dawn.
Kendra gazes about herself and Tambador, weaving her arms through the colours.
Isune closes Her eyes briefly in light meditation. As the seconds pass, a swift breeze picks up,
coursing airily and scattering several petals before dancing through an array of wind chimes
suspended high above. The sound of chimes tinkle musically in romantic cadences, the zephyr
composing a lilting, joyous wedding melody that rises and falls, reminiscent of a capricious
springtime gale.
Lowering Her voice with gentle sternness, Isune, the Aesthete says, "It need not be iterated that
wedding vows are not to be taken lightly. They are among the strongest of bonds, the deepest of
promises, the staunchest of oaths."
With a slow nod to Isune, Kendra shows her understanding.
Tambador nods his understanding to Isune.
As She returns to the more joyous aspects of the ceremony, Her voice rings with pleased solemnity,
Isune, the Aesthete says, "For it may come to pass that in the course of our lives, we find
ourselves resonating more profoundly and perfectly with certain people, our minds reaching a greater
accord with theirs. With one person in particular, we may well find that we feel stronger and more
complete together than we would be apart. In their presence we feel most strongly the higher
emotions of love, compassion, and dedication."
Isune, the Aesthete says, "Such harmony existed between no less than the Elder Gods Trillillial and
Xyl, who sharded into the races of trill and lucidian. Their devotion to each other proved so strong
that the races they created have inherited that selfsame harmony and have come together to establish
the floating wonder that is our beautiful city and the great society that is the Collective."
Isune, the Aesthete says, "In that spirit of achieving mutual understanding and collaboration with
each other, we gather here today to celebrate the Harmony and Happiness that Tambador and Kendra
have found in their union."
Isune, the Aesthete says, "For only through the creation of harmony can true Beauty be achieved,
whether in art or in life, for only when all elements are in their proper place can they bring
pleasure and peace to the senses and the heart. Only in harmony with each other's sorrows and
successes alike can we experience true Compassion for each other's struggle. And only in harmony
with the cause that we serve can we Sacrifice our time, our hearts, and even our lives for a cause
greater than ourselves."
Aeldra's eyes sparkle brightly as she observes Tambador and Kendra, listening to Isune's words.
Tambador's eyes flick back and forth between Kendra and Isune listening intently and nodding at
Isune's words.
Turning to look at the couple before Her, Isune, the Aesthete says, "Tambador and Kendra, know that
in pledging your union today, you also pledge to share the beauty, understanding, and selflessness
of true harmony not merely with each other, but also with the Collective that you have faithfully
and steadfastly served. If it is your wish to make this pledge, then please step forward."
Kendra smiles beatifically at the words, her eyes glimmering in the available light.
Tambador steps forward before Isune turning to face Kendra.
Kendra steps toward Isune, linking her right hand with Tambador's as she turns to face Isune.
Isune, the Aesthete says, "Will you seek every day to appreciate and understand the Beauty in each
other's achievements and within each other's soul?"
Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind smiles and says, "I will seek every day to appreciate and
understand Beauty in our achievements and within each other's soul."
His voice clear and strong Tambador says "I will".
Isune extends Her arms high above Her head and opens Her palms skyward, as if to capture the sun's
brilliance in Her hands. Then, with a deft flick of Her wrist, She makes a gesture of scattering
flower petals. From Her uplifted hands, dancing motes of golden sunlight stream toward Tambador and
Kendra in a dazzling display, wreathing them in a corona of gentle, steady radiance.
Isune, the Aesthete says, "Will you strive to share each other's dreams and burdens in Compassion,
so that your spirits may grow strong and your dreams take wing?"
Kendra takes a deep breath and nods, "I will" she firmly says.
Tambador's chest swells as he nods saying "I will".
Kendra's crystal body swells as it glows a deep royal purple.
Isune whispers a few soft words and gathers manifests a handful of fragrant rose petals with a snap
of Her fingers. A quiet, murmurous zephyr wafts around the couple in response. The delicate colours
and scents of springtime suffuse the air as the zephyr carries the rose petals upward in a graceful,
spiralling column of wind around Tambador and Kendra, surrounding them with the promise of new life
and growth.
Kendra inhales deeply, her eyes closing. Exhaling on a content sigh, she opens her eyes to gaze up
at Tambador.
Isune, the Aesthete says, "Will you defend and protect each other in times of trouble, even
Sacrificing your own well-being for each other's happiness, if need be?"
Vidette tilts her head back, brushing away a tear that has formed at the corner of her eye.
Kendra squares her shoulders and lifts her chin, "With every inch and fierce determination I shall
protect and sacrifice for him." she firmly says.
Tambador's voice firm and resolute looks upon Kendra saying almost fiercely "I will".
Isune spreads Her arms wide, causing banks of clouds to roil about the vicinity shifting and parting
in a mesmerising dance. A wisp of pure, pristine white cloud slowly drifts forward, reflecting the
ambient light in a veil of rainbow brightness. Moving in gentle eddies, it gradually settles around
the feet of Tambador and Kendra.
Isune, the Aesthete says, "The couple has chosen to share personal vows."
Isune, the Aesthete says, "Let us bear witness to the vow of Tambador first. When you have given
your vows, give the canopy a gentle touch to confirm your words for all."
Motes of errant sunlight gather close to Tambador as though attending to his every word.
Aeldra tilts her head slightly, listening intently at Tambador's words.
Tambador beams broadly.
Taking a deep breath to steady himself Tambador gazes lovingly at Kendra as he begins in a warm
loving voice "I have become yours forever".
Tambador says, "You have become mine forever."
Tambador says, "We have united to become one."
Tambador's voice brigtens his eyes brimming with emotion as he continues "You are music and I am
Kendra turns fully toward Tambador and twines both hands with his, listening, enraptured by his
Tambador says, "Our song echoes through the ages."
Tambador takes a quick breath gathering him self before saying "You are pen and I am page".
Tambador says, "Our story written in the stars for eternity."
Tambador shift his weight, from foot to fot, conscious of all the eyes upon the couple "You are day
and I am night".
Tambador says, "Woven together endlessly for all time."
Taking Kendra's hands in his own forming a small circle Tambador says "Like the rings we give to
symbolize our love".
Tambador says, "We are one....unending."
Tambador says, "A circle in our completeness."
Tambador says, "Between you and I there is no beginning nor end."
Releasing one of Kendra's hands Tambador produces a heart shaped purple diamond wedding ring with a
trinity band from the pocket of his suit. With a trembling hand he places it upon her finger "Today
among our famliy and friends we acknowledge what we both have known since we met, I join my life to
yours and take you for my wife".
With a wistful look on his face, Tambador touches a canopy of cloud gossamer and silken starlight.
At Tambador's fingertips, a streamer of blushing rose colour streaks across the canopy's panorama of
the sky, bathing him in prismatic light.
Isune, the Aesthete says, "Let us bear witness to the vow of Kendra now. Likewise, when your vows
are complete, give the canopy a gentle touch to confirm your words for all."
Motes of errant sunlight gather close to Kendra as though attending to her every word.
Aeldra turns her attention towards Kendra, listening quietly.
You have emoted: Anita wipes at her face with a paw and sniffle, looking to Kendra now.
Tambador's full attention is focused completely upon Kendra his face filled with joy.
Kendra takes a deep breath and reaches up to clasp Tambador's face between her hands, her eyes lock
onto his piercing gaze, unflinching and proud. "Tambador, I take ye this day- Shard of my heart, my
missing fragment. I take you and piece you together with my soul, becoming whole and as one." she
tenderly proclaims. Raising her right hand to Tambador's temple and her left to his heart, Kendra
glows a wintry shade of royal purple, before continuing in a smooth and tender voice, "Though I may
not be rich in gold- I am wealthy in heart and mind. For what you possess internally has only sought
to bind me and see me flourish. I will keep safe and nurture your generous love and kindness. In
turn I will bestow upon you my fierce protection, undying loyalty, and love you for as long as time
will allow. I will stand proudly at your side as wife and equal. For this, I am prosperous and
auspicious. I do not have gifts or gold to bestow you this day, but I do bestow to you my heart.I am
yours, you are mine." she finishes, trailing off into silence. Taking Tambador's hands, she brings
them to her mouth and places a timid kiss upon his ring finger, then one for each knuckle before
lowering his hands between them both. A serene smile lights her eyes and she remains silent.
With a wistful look on her face, Kendra touches a canopy of cloud gossamer and silken starlight.
At Kendra's fingertips, a streamer of blushing rose colour streaks across the canopy's panorama of
the sky, bathing her in prismatic light.
Suddenly, the flickering lights shift in hue, brightening to the exuberant pinks and golds of the
early dawn to celebrate the vows of Tambador and Kendra to one another.
Isune, the Aesthete says, "Tambador and Kendra, here before us have you come to pledge your union,
and here by us is your union witnessed. May you find beauty, harmony, and happiness in your new life
together, and may your marriage bring honour and glory to the Collective."
Tambador slips into an extravagant platinum wedding band with filigree silver feathers.
Kendra slips into a heart shaped purple diamond wedding ring with a trinity band.
As Kendra turns a heart shaped purple diamond wedding ring with a trinity band it seems to catch the
light gathering it and channelling it through the centre of the diamond and the shard within. A glow
seems to build before bursting out bathing the room in dazzling purple sunset hues.
Isune claps Her hands sharply. In response, the aureoles of radiant light, flower-strewn zephyr, and
pure white cloud expand and merge into a swirling, shimmering whirlwind of gold, rose, and white
that engulfs Tambador and Kendra, completely shrouding their figures from view for a moment.
In the next instant, however, the whirlwind melts away and disperses, leaving nothing but a memory
of blinding brightness and a soft glow on the faces of Tambador and Kendra.
Smiling joyously, Isune, the Aesthete says, "May I present to you the newly wedded couple, Tambador
and Kendra."
Smiling, Isune pulls upon the golden tassels of the canopy to shroud Tambador and Kendra from sight.
All at once, a flock of sweet-throated sparrows cries out overhead in joyous celebration, their
talons releasing a blanket of white rose petals upon those gathered before departing skyward. The
canopy's curtain parts to shower the couple in the flurry of blossoms, flush with delight as Isune
declares them finally wed!
Iawa stands excitedly from his place on a pale marble bench to applaud Tambador and Kendra wildly,
his paws thundering loudly with each clap as his teeth are visible in a wide smile.
Kendra throws her arms wide around Tambador, laughing joyously as she murmurs to his ear, "I love
you shard of my heart".
Tirah smiles softly.
Tambador clutches Kendra to himself murmuring to Kendra "I Love you Heart of Mine" before kissing
her sweetly gentle tears falling from his amethyst eyes.
and Tambador, eyes glittering with tears.
Kendra tilts her head toward the sky, the petals falling down around them both as she timidly
returns a soft, tentative kiss.
Ejderha smiles brightly at the married couple, his large paws clapping together at the show of true
love and matrimony.
Kialkarkea cast Tirah a sidelong glance before smiling and looking back to the newlyweds.
You have emoted: Anita brings her paws together, clapping furiously and beaming at Kendra and
Tambador as happy tears stream down her face.
(Great House Zayah): You say, "Welcome to the family, Tambador!"
(Great House Zayah): Kendra says, "Welcome, Husband!"
Clearly having lost her battle against the tears, Vidette's eyes weep joyously as she smiles at the
newly wed couple.
Kendra grins mischievously at Vidette.
Tambador tilts his head backwards and draws his arms up, delicately weaving threads of burning
illusion into the shape of an all-seeing eye, which he leaves floating darkly above his head.
It is now the 25th of Kiani, 498 years after the Coming of Estarra.
Nicholo does his best to stay stoic with a quivering smile on his face. He claps for the two
newlyweds, lowering his head in respect and congratulations.
Aeldra smiles softly towards Vidette, before keeping her eyes upon Kendra and Tambador once more.
Turning with Kendra Tambador bows low to Isune "Many thanks Lady we strive to see that our marriage
honors not only each other but yourself and your tenants. Thank you for the honor of presiding over
our wedding".
Opening Her arms wide as if to embrace the gathering, Isune blesses each person in honour of the
Isune, the Aesthete has bestowed Her divine truefavour upon you. It will last for 18 months.
Tambador beams broadly.
Ejderha beams broadly.
Aeldra curtseys gracefully before Isune.
Kendra curtsey's low before Isune, her voice solemn, yet firm, "Thank you, Lady Isune. I shall carry
your Tenets forward within my heart and our marriage. Forever shall they burn within me."
Vidette mouths a quiet 'thank you'
Kialkarkea curtseys gracefully before Isune.
Isune, the Aesthete says, "Honour Me well in your new paths together. I must turn My attention
elsewhere. Enjoy Mincel's offering for the next day."
Tambador gives a thank-you present wrapped in mauve paper with black and white ribbons to you.
Enfolding prismatic wings, Isune evanesces into gossamer ribbons of iridescent light resembling
colourful, soaring birds.
Her ears twitching, Mianzi, the little red panda lets out a low, sad huff as Isune leaves.
The canopy shrinks as the three quartz rods diminish before your eyes, letting the awning collapse
in a folded heap of gossamer and silk on the ground.
Like day fading into dusk, you feel the Lady Aesthete's presence withdrawing with a final bright
mote of cheery luminscence at your cheek.
You smile softly.
Nelras smiles softly.
You give a two-tiered black and ivory ice-cream wedding cake to Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter
You give a two-tiered black and ivory ice-cream wedding cake to Tambador.
Wrapped in mauve paper with black and white ribbons, the present is stenciled with the words "Thank
you!" in various scripts and sizes. Attached to a large black and white checkered bow is a large tag
that reads, "Unwrap me!"
Tambador beams broadly.
Ejderha flashes Tambador a joyous smile.
Aeldra blinks incredulously at Tambador.
Kendra throws her head back and laughs wildly. Slicing a piece of a two-tiered black and ivory ice-
cream wedding cake she soon shoves it in her mouth.
Remmiel beams broadly at Tambador.
You tug urgently on Kendra's sleeve.
Aeldra smiles softly.
Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind smiles and says to you, "Yes, Mother?"
You say to Kendra, "A gift for you and Tambador - I know you both have been decorating many rooms
within your home together.."
You give a fluffy origami cloud package to Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind.
(has 3 tapestries within packages in! 'a striking tapestry of a stormy night',
'a radiant tapestry of a divine sunrise', and 'a dawn-cast tapestry depicting soaring birds')
A fluffy origami cloud package flutters apart in wisps of vellum as the last of its contents spill
into Kendra's hands.
Iawa exclaims, "A most wonderful ceremony! Congratulations master Tambador! Congratulations
marquessa Kendra!"
Laughing at Kendra Tambador tries to eat the cake before giving Kendra kiss smearing her lips with
some cake first.
Kendra laughs out loud at Tambador.
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
You point downwards.
Tambador beams broadly at you.
You say, "There is cake and tea for guests! And also somewhere to dance."
Kendra wipes at her mouth before turning to her Mother with tears in her eyes. Her fingertips
delicately trace the exquisite tapestries within her hands, "These...as usual...are perfect, Mother.
Forever you capture my desires in art and love." she whispers. Throwing her arms around you, she
whispers, "I love you, Mother".
You avert your eyes from Kendra, grinning sheepishly.
Kendra beams broadly at Aeldra.
Aeldra smiles softly at Kendra.
Tambador says to you, "Excellent cake and thank you for the gift."
Nelras smiles, before approaching Kendra and Tambador. "Congratulations," he says. "While I knew
that the two of you loved each-other greatly, it has become even clearer now. None who witnessed
those vows could ever doubt that, just as I could never doubt the honour of being permitted to
witness them."
Turning to the crowd before her, Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind says, "Everyone is welcome
to come dance the day away with us. I thank you for coming to watch our union- It really does mean a
lot to us."
Remmiel walks over and gives Tambador a hug before pecking Kendra on the cheek and saying,
"Congratulations you two. This is going to be a wonderful marriage."
You have emoted: Anita wraps her arms around Kendra, squeezing her daughter tightly and murmuring,
"I love you too, my dearest daughter! May you and Tambador have an eternity of happiness together."
Quietly, Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind says to Nelras, "Thank you, Cousin Nelras."
Sublty placing it in in his hand, Iawa gives a sheet of fractal mosaic stationery to Tambador.
You have emoted: Anita grabs Tambador into the hug, too.
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says to Tambador, "Thank you. That is two presents now, though.
Should I assume that one is intended for Xeii, as she could not be here?"
Tambador nods his head emphatically.
Tambador smiles broadly and says to Nelras, "I was just going to ask you to pass it on to her."
Nelras's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Kendra smiles wryly at Iawa.
Tambador says to Nelras, "Thannk you for joining us, it means alot."
Kendra flickers curious shades of light green, her head tilting slightly.
Iawa beams broadly at Kendra.
Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind smiles and says, "You may all purchase food and firecrackers
from Mincel, too."
Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind smiles broadly and says, "Mmm!"
** giving out wedding cake to guests **
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says to you, "Thank you."
Remmiel thanks you profusely.
You nod your head sagely.
Iawa flashes you a joyous smile.
Tirah thanks you profusely.
Vidette smiles happily at you.
You give a two-tiered black and ivory ice-cream wedding cake to Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate.
Ejderha beams broadly at you.
You smile and say to Nelras, "For Xeii, too."
Ejderha waits for a chance amid the hugs to approach and greet the couple, offering a handshake and
smile to Tambador and a hug for Kendra. "Congratulations to you both!"
Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind smiles broadly and says to Tambador, "Could you perhaps
purchase some firecrackers please Love?"
Smiling, Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says, "I shall pass it on."
Tambador hugs Ejderha compassionately.
Kendra hugs Ejderha compassionately.
Ejderha tentatively sticks out his tongue and licks a two-tiered black and ivory ice-cream wedding
With silent grace, Mincel Mooneye enters from the south, a silver tray of desserts and refreshment
held aloft in her gloved hands.
Inclining her head to those present, Mincel Mooneye politely excuses herself to the down.
Hundreds of fairy lights wrap like vines around the bannisters of the grand staircase, illuminating
the way down into this twilit garden. The air is warmer here, the honey-sweet scent of roses and
wildflowers filling the nose, while the sound of music and voices raised in song teasing the ears
grows louder. The sky above is painted with dusky purples, deep blues and smoky greys that deepen to
black upon the horizon, lit only by the last vestiges of Father Sun in the distance and the
emergence of twinkling stars across the firmament. In the centre of the garden stands an elevated
cage-like gazebo, illuminated by a myriad of glowing crystals that run across every surface of the
structure, their colours shifting every so often and casting a soft glow across the pale floor below
that creates an amply sized dance-floor. Dotted around outside the gazebo across the dew-dropped
grasses are ornate tables and chairs, while behind stands a long, crystalline bar with stools along
the front. Flowerbeds line the edges of the garden, filled to the brim with wildflowers and rose
bushes from across the First World, filling their air with their heavenly scents.
You yell, "Everyone come to the down!"
** everyone moving **
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
You grab Kendra and twirl her about in utter glee.
Aeldra flutters up and then towards Kendra and Tambador, encircling both in her flight, before
coming to hover before both of them. "I have been in the blessed chance to call both of you friends
for a long time. Kendra and I have more stories to recall together then I can muster to remember
alone." She grins at Tambador and Kendra, laughing. "I usually would've brought my own little gift
and yet, the fates willed that it shall have to be handed later. Yet, I do have these words for you.
" Her back suddenly straightens, her eyes shining from with in as she speaks, "By all that we hold
true, by all that is just and full of love, by all that we have revered through the years upon this
world and by all that still is hallowed to us. I do wish you both happiness and content, love and
compassion, quietness and adventure. May your lives be long and beautiful, adorned with each others
presence and may you always carry the joy of this day within your hearts." With that falls silent.
Nelras begins to wield an aesthetic viola of aurora borealis crystal in his left hand.
Tambador pulls Kendra close to him as he smiles so broadly you wonder if his face will crack. He
leans in to give Aeldra a sweet peck "Thank you".
Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind whispers to Tambador, "Cousin Nelras will allow us our first
dance with a piece of music."
You see the following people here:
Vidette, Iawa, Aeldra, Kialkarkea, Ejderha, Tirah, Nelras, Kendra, Tambador, Anita.
Kendra snickers at Tambador.
Iawa tentatively sticks out his tongue and licks a two-tiered black and ivory ice-cream wedding cake.
Nelras nods to Kendra, before playing a few notes on an aesthetic viola of aurora borealis crystal.
He steps away from the crowd and begins to play. The notes come slowly, yet they fill the air with
joy none the less.
Giving a festive bird-of-paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper a firm pull, Kendra
releases the avian spirit within, letting her soar high above with carefree abandon.
Exploding in a shower of luminescent radiance, the avian spirit from within a festive bird-of-
paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper bursts into myriad motes of light to coalesce into
a dawn-hued vision.
Soaring with elongated plumes stretching behind it, an aerial bird flies past a beauty of iridescent
_ _ __,
_ .`///,''
<(* ).`//,'`___.,*
', ,.'``'.___,;*
Aeldra smiles and says "you are welcome, very much so." she smiles and flutters back towards Vidette.
With several beats of her wings, Aeldra alights upon Vidette's shoulder.
You have emoted: Anita steps to Ejderha's side, smiling softly as the music begins to play. She
looks to Kendra and Tambador, awaiting the two to begin their first dance.
Aeldra Ladyn, Lady of Ethereal Mists laughingly says to Vidette, "Remind me to tease your mother for
missing the dance... again."
Ejderha laces his paw with yours, his ears perking at the music and his eyes watching the dance floor
for the happy couple.
Kendra smiles affectionately at Aeldra, before turning to Tambador and taking his hand in hers, "My
Love." she murmurs, pulling him to the dance floor as she sways to Nelras's music.
Vidette grins mischievously at Aeldra.
Taking Kendra into his arms Tambador sweeps lightly around the floor clasping her to his chest he
says "Yes my Wife" his voice shimmering with happiness.
You smile happily.
As the music continues, the initial joy they bring gives way to an almost nostalgic sound, speaking
of long summer evenings spent together, of memories both old and new. Nelras smiles over the viola
at Kendra and Tambador as they begin to dance.
Kendra sways within Tambador's embrace, tears glistening in her serene eyes. A smile curls her lips
upwards, pearly teeth flashing at Tambador. Spinning beneath Tambador's arm, she twirls back into
him. Kendra's left hand comes to settle upon his shoulder, her right held lightly in his other.
Giving a festive bird-of-paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper a firm pull, Iawa
releases the avian spirit within, letting her soar high above with carefree abandon.
Exploding in a shower of luminescent radiance, the avian spirit from within a festive bird-of-
paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper bursts into myriad motes of light to coalesce into
a dawn-hued vision.
Soaring with elongated plumes stretching behind it, an aerial bird flies past a beauty of iridescent
_ _ __,
_ .`///,''
<(* ).`//,'`___.,*
', ,.'``'.___,;*
Tambador's jeweled eyes burn with a purple fire his whole body radiating a sense of joy as his laugh
fills the air as he continues to dance with Kendra twirling her again so her gown flares out.
She is an ordinary human storm-born demigoddess and stands at 6ft in height. She has alabaster skin
with vivid emerald eyes, set with a violet iris and framed with long, black lashes. Her sharply
angled, well defined cheekbones exude a slight, peach blush, and a strong, aquiline nose leads to a
thick-set mouth stained a pale pink. She has a broad, solid frame which has toned up considerably
during her time spent hunting, and she holds herself tall. Her raven black hair as been finely
covered with ice white pigments, shot through with pale purple and ending it a sparkling, ethereal
effect- With wave upon wave of locks cascading down her back to end at her hips, braided at the
sides and elegantly pulled back from her face. Long arms rest lazily by her side but her tapered
fingers are constantly drumming against her thighs and emitting sparks of dazzling white lightning.
Muscled legs lead to sturdy feet. A thin layer of ice coats her skin in places to create an ethereal
effect, twining around her arms and neck, ending just beneath her jawbone. Pierced ears are wrapped
in silver chains, and a pair of sparkling, ivory wings sprout from her back, edged in ice. Her skin
shimmers faintly from a thin application of oil and smells faintly of sandalwood, woody and fresh.
She walks with the truefavour of Isune.
She is wearing:
a pair of ivory angel wings semi-arc behind her, ruffling and wafting back and forth to create a
gentle breeze.
a boreal silver bracelet of pale wintertide flora dangles elegantly from the wrist, chiming
delicately with each movement.
a stark white circlet of frost-laden boughs sparkles with an ethereal touch of frost with each
movement of the head.
an exquisite gossamer necklace glistens with an icy sheen as it drapes elegantly over the collar
a clinging wedding gown of ivory silk and black lace sparkles akin to midnight stars, clinging
sensuously to just below the knees- Flaring out in a queenly train of black and ivory ruffles.
stately high-heeled shoes of sleek black leather peek out from beneath the gown..
He is a shaggy igasho demigod. standing just over 8 feet tall with lush shining silver fur stretched
over a dominant, well defined body. It seems to be sculpted from a living soft-grey marble with
corded sinew of muscle crisscrossing every visible portion of his frame. His chest, shoulders, and
back cut a swath wide enough to throw a room into shadows and brawny arms capable of easily
controlling anything they grab, hang loosely at his side. His torso rides upon powerful legs capable
of wading through any resistance met. Striking amethyst eyes look out from a handsome face and eyes
and mouth are creased by subtle lines from a frequent warm smile. A fine silver-grey stubble seems
ever present along his cheeks while a thick silky mane of dark pewter hair falls down to his
shoulders. He walks with the truefavour of Estarra. He walks with the truefavour of Isune.
He is wearing:
a dark leather necklace with a crescent moon pendant
polished, formal shoes of onyx black leather
a stylishly cut ebony and ivory suit
an extravagant platinum wedding band with filigree silver feathers.
Aeldra smiles at the dancing couple, eyes glittering with tears again.
Aeldra whispers to Vidette "now, which cake do I turn to first" she asks, looking overwhelmed.
Kendra laughs serenely, her gown swirling about her legs as she steps lightly around, her heels
clacking on the floor. Spinning back into Tambador and pressing a tender kiss to his brow, she
beckons for others to join the dance, "Please come and celebrate!" she calls.
Rich notes fill the gazebo just as Kendra's gown fills her surroundings as she spins.
Kendra snickers at Aeldra.
Whispering, Vidette says to Aeldra, "You could just mash them all into your face at once. That's
what I would do..."
You have emoted: Anita holds out her paw to Ejderha, looking up at him with a bright smile.
Aeldra giggles quietly at Vidette, "dear, you are a guest too, grab yourself a cake!"
Tambador looks across the floor laughing at Vidette.
Your eyes sparkle with amusement at Vidette.
Radiant Soul, Vidette smiles and says, "Oh."
Iawa smiles at the newly wed couple dancing, tapping his boot with Nelras's music, albeit terriby
out of rhythm. He peers about, electing to take small bites of cake rather than eating the whole
thing in a single bite.
Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind smiles broadly and says to Vidette, "Please do!"
Aeldra raises a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit cider at Kendra and Tambador, taking a sip
while nibbling on a two-tiered black and ivory ice-cream wedding cake.
Needing no more encouragement, Ejderha squeezes your paw and leads her to the dance floor, spinning
her gently into their dancing pose, with his right arm holding her left and his left paw on her hip.
He beams brightly at her and whispers something quietly before taking a long step and two-step turn.
Tambador beams broadly at Aeldra.
Vidette carefully eyes a two-tiered black and ivory ice-cream wedding cake, looking almost as though
she is contemplating some method of attack against the work of art.
Kendra slows her rhythm, the world melting away around her as she gazes up at Tambador. Humming
beneath her breath, she signals their own personal love within the sound.
Nelras's playing remains steady for the most part, although he cannot resist a slight flourish as
more dancers join the newlyweds. He smiles softly, letting his eyes wander around the room as the
music grows quieter once more.
Kendra grins mischievously at Nelras.
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Nelras's lips.
Mincel Mooneye beams broadly.
Kendra beams broadly at Mincel Mooneye.
Giving a festive bird-of-paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper a firm pull, Kendra
releases the avian spirit within, letting her soar high above with carefree abandon.
Exploding in a shower of luminescent radiance, the avian spirit from within a festive bird-of-
paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper bursts into myriad motes of light to coalesce into
a dawn-hued vision.
Soaring with elongated plumes stretching behind it, an aerial bird flies past a beauty of iridescent
_ _ __,
_ .`///,''
<(* ).`//,'`___.,*
', ,.'``'.___,;*
Aeldra smiles warmly at Kendra, a tear slipping out of her eyes.
Vidette nearly melts, herself, as drips of icecream streak down her chin. "Oh Gods," she says,
"there is icecream."
Kendra laughs out loud at Vidette.
Tambador slips his arm behind Kendra before dropping her into a deep dip staring down at Kendra from
above he says "You make me so happy" before stealing a quick kiss then joining his tune to her
merging it into Nelras' music.
Aeldra Ladyn, Lady of Ethereal Mists says to Vidette, "Looks like you're getting a great deal of
tastings this weave, dear daughter."
Kendra peers over her shoulder at Tirah, "I know you have legs and can dance. I have seen them move,
Lady Tirah" she quips, her eyes turning to Kialkarkea and back to Tirah.
Tambador utters a deep, rumbling laugh at Kendra.
Taking his que from the firecracker, Nelras extends the higher notes, letting them soar through the
air like a bird taking flight. He grins at Tirah and his playing grows faster.
"Uhh..." stalls Tirah.
You have emoted: Anita grips Ejderha's paw tightly, her eyes just for him as he leads her to the
dance floor. Clearly confident in her feet, she beams brightly up at him as they begin to dance and
spin across the room, and she murmurs back to him.
Kialkarkea shuffles her feet uneasily.
Kendra suddenly clasps her hands behind her back and waltz's from side to side, a staccato beat
played out be her heels. Her hair bounces around her shoulders and she weaves her way around
Tambador in a thrumming melody.
Giving a festive bird-of-paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper a firm pull, Vidette
releases the avian spirit within, letting her soar high above with carefree abandon.
Exploding in a shower of luminescent radiance, the avian spirit from within a festive bird-of-
paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper bursts into myriad motes of light to coalesce into
a dawn-hued vision.
Bathed in dawn-hued radiance, a paradise birds soars overhead, every feather and pinion gleaming.
.-. `) | .-.
_.'`. .~./ \.~. .`'._
_.-'`.'-'.'.-: ;-.'.'-'.`'-._
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. / ^^ \ .
,` ' / || \ ' `,
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. .
.` .' '. `.
`'` `'`
offering her hand to her.
"Ooohhhhhhhhhh," says Aeldra.
Kendra grins sheepishly, averting her eyes from Tirah.
Eyes wide as she eats a fluffy meringue of tart white lemon, Kendra gazes about with an expression
of wordless wonderment, as though beholding the beauty of her surroundings for the first time.
Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind exclaims, "Oh my! Lemon!"
The corners of Tambador's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Eyes wide as she eats a fluffy meringue of tart white lemon, Aeldra gazes about with an expression
of wordless wonderment, as though beholding the beauty of her surroundings for the first time.
Tambador says, "Seems Mincel knew they were your favorite."
Kialkarkea's gills flickered for a moment before she took Tirah's hand and tilted her head to the
side, asking "Did you have a dance in mind dearest?"
Kendra titters a bit after sipping a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit cider and the drink
leaves her lips, moving to stifle a sudden bright, giddy laugh.
Kendra stares at Tambador and gives him a horribly cheesy grin.
A light pink blush suffuses Tambador's cheeks as he drinks a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit
cider, leaving him ever-so-slightly flushed.
Aeldra coughs softly, saying "I am afraid my daughter and I may not be able to move on our own at
the amount of delicious treats provided to us."
Iawa's eyes sparkle with amusement at Aeldra.
Radiant Soul, Vidette laughingly says to Aeldra, "If we could be blinded, perhaps we might stumble
free on accident."
You have emoted: Anita's attention flickers to Aeldra for a brief moment and she snickers, dipping
her head against Ejderha's chest to hide her amusement.
Tambador stifles a short laugh at Aeldra.
The music takes on aspects of Kendra's dance. High notes begin to give way to lower ones, falling as
if a bird diving towards the ground.
Kendra spins toward Iawa and grabs at his hand, merrily spinning him on the spot, then releasing as
she skips away again to the melody played by Nelras.
Tirah pulls Kialkarkea gently towards the dance floor. "Just something standard, I would think."
With that said she takes the lead and guides her fiancee across the floor in a gentle waltz.
Just before it seems as if the notes would turn sombre, their descent slows, leveling out into a
fairly standard 3/4 timing, suitable for a waltz
Iawa twirls clumsily with a broad smile, catching his feet and laughing happily at Kendra.
Ejderha leads you across the floor, with a step and turn, then reversing. He lifts a hand and spins
you around before stepping back in close, reversing direction to waltz back across their path.
Tambador weaves through the other poeple upon the floor trailing after Kendra laughing, catching her
up in his arms starting to waltz across the floor with Kendra.
Kialkarkea slipped her free arm around Tirah, her drance a bit unsteady before she got into the
swing of things. She tilted her head to the side, catching the music as she quietly mused "It has
been some time since I danced, love. I didn't know you cared to."
Kendra throws her arms wide around Tambador's broad shoulders, "Hello Husband mine" she murmurs. Her
eyes sparkle an emerald green, the violet sparking akin to lightning.
Mincel Mooneye beams broadly.
Aeldra smiles softly.
You have emoted: Soft and happy laughter escapes Anita's lips as Ejderha spins her around, her paw
gripping tightly at his again when he steps back in close. She hums softly along to the melody
playing as they turn and waltz back across their path, only sneaking the odd peek down at her feet.
Iawa bashfully walks up to Vidette offering his paw softly to her, "Perhaps, madam, I might be able
to interest you in a dance as well? It looks a good bit of fun, though I am certainly unskilled in
the matter."
Nelras's waltz grows faster as the notes build and the dancers spin. He smiles, clearly sharing in
the joy of the situation despite not dancing.
Tirah assists Kialkarkea when she is unsteady or uncertain with her guidance, leading her into the
graceful movements suited to the music played. She speaks quietly to her partner, "At times, I do."
Aeldra smiles softly, eyes sparkling as she flutters over to Nelras' position.
Kendra winks conspiratorially at Vidette.
Tambador's hands drop to Kendra's waist "Hello My Lovely Wife" his voices rings with happiness at
the words, before burying his head into Kendra's neck laughing joyously.
Her cheeks flushing a bit, Vidette stammers, "Oh- um, gosh. I can try, I think," taking Iawa's paw.
Still playing, Nelras turns to Aeldra.
Tirah smirks at Iawa.
Aeldra flutters next to Nelras, listening to the music, her eyes turned still on the dance floor.
(Great House Zayah): Tambador says, "And thank you all for the welcome."
Vidette closes her eyes for a moment, quietly counting "one, two, three," to herself, in time with
the music.
Finishing the phrase with 4 straight 3/4 turns, Ejderha and you come to a brief rest, laughing and
smiling. "Well done, my dear! You have picked up dancing on your feet so well!"
Aeldra reaches into her purse, producing a sea-sculpted lyre of cresting waters, considering it for
a moment, looking towards Nelras.
Kendra turns her head to watch her friends and family, her dance coming to life as she waltz's
around the room with Tambador. Her gown flares in and out to sweep the floor, scattering the fallen
petals everywhere.
Kendra urges Aeldra onwards.
Kialkarkea's gills rippled again before she rest her head on Tirah's shoulder, pressing in close and
dancing wordlessly with her and humming quietly along.
As Tambador and Kendra sweep past Vidette he says "two, six, nine" his laughter sparkling as they
sweep away.
You have emoted: Anita clings to Ejderha's side, looking down at her feet in wonder and wiggling her
toes. "It does seem like I have got the hang of it now, my dearest love!", she turns her face up to
Ejderha and flashes him a happy smile.
For a moment, the music grows quieter, simpler, while still maintaining the quintessential structure
of the waltz. Nelras glances at the newer dancers before giving a satisfied nod as the music picks
up once more.
Iawa gently leads Vidette to the dance floor, turning to face her with a soft smile, gently bowing
before taking her arms in his paws at the elbow, maintaining a respectful distance, before slowly
beginning to step to the tune, slightly out of time with the music. Leaning forward slightly he
whispers, "I could never keep a beat, myself."
Kendra presses her cheek to Tambador's shoulder, her fingers entwined with his as she almost floats
around the room with him. "I hope today is all you hoped for and more." she murmurs.
Aeldra begins to wield a sea-sculpted lyre of cresting waters in her right hand.
Tambador rests his head against Kendra's sighing contentedly "Family, friends, the Lady Isune, and
You" he sing songs to Kendra "How could it not be?"
Flashing Iawa a soft smile, Vidette allows herself to be led in the dance, concentrating on
synchronizing her movements with the tae'dae. "I'm fine," she whipsers, "when I am playing my violin,
but this is a bit different."
Aeldra tentatively plucks her lyre quietly, following Nelras' lead in the melody, her quiet tones
sneaking into the melody.
Kendra lifts her head and raises a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit cider toward the Haven's,
"To Lady Isune. For making this joyous moment possible. Forever will we carry Her strength and
reason within our heart's, mind's, and the Collective." she declares.
Ejderha holding you close and whispering to her again, they take up a less dramatic pace, slowly and
closely dancing together, his eyes locked on yours.
Smiling softly as Vidette and Iawa draw near, Nelras whispers, "It is much the same, yet your body
is the instrument you play, creating a beautiful harmony between yourself and your dancing partner."
He turns to Aeldra as she begins to play.
Tambador raises a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit cider in toast with Kendra "Lady Isune,
Friends, and Family".
Aeldra's finger's move more steadily at the mention of Lady Isune, a solemn smile on her lips as she
brushes her fingers along the a sea-sculpted lyre of cresting waters, carrying on the melody with
Nelras' lead.
Tambador holds his hand alot admiring an extravagant platinum wedding band with filigree silver
feathers before quickly kissing Kendra "It is a beautiful ring, I shall cherish it forever".
Kendra sways lightly to Aeldra's and Nelras's beautiful melodies. "We have such talented friends and
family. We are very lucky to have them all within our lives." she happily and firmly says. Bestowing
a loving and affectionate smile upon each of her guests, tears glimmer in her eyes, one slipping
slowly down her cheek. Her gaze comes to rest on her Mother's, a knowing twinkle in her eyes.
Iawa grins, nodding enthusiastically at Vidette as he slowly begins to follow her instead of
attempting to lead. He glances down at his feet now and then as he misses a step or two, laughingly
whispering, "Aye, I find it far easier to catch my feet while hunting, most certainly."
Nelras also grows slower, the music dipping down first at the mention of Lady Isune and then staying
low as Kendra speaks. "Thank you," he says.
Kendra chuckles quietly at Iawa and Vidette. Her eyes turn to #ring upon her finger, turning it in
the light, "I know tis shape- It tells a myriad of stories and unspoken words." she whispers up at
With a brief nod of his head to Aeldra, Nelras speeds up once more, returning to a more traditional
waltzing tempo. He holds that for a time, watching the dancers.
Vidette glances downward towards her own feet, and then back up to Iawa, giving him a broad smile as
she seems to become more comfortable with the pattern of the dance. "I have hoped to find someone to
perhaps show me how to do that," she says to Iawa, "If you are ever in need of company."
Aeldra's finger draft along Nelras' rythm, following up for her lyre to augment the waltz as she
continue's to play, watching the dancing, the newly weds and her daughter in particular.
Kendra glances down at her finger and blanches, "I...the ring has gone" she murmurs.
Kendra slips into a heart shaped purple diamond wedding ring with a trinity band.
As Kendra turns a heart shaped purple diamond wedding ring with a trinity band it seems to catch the
light gathering it and channelling it through the centre of the diamond and the shard within. A glow
seems to build before bursting out bathing the room in dazzling purple sunset hues.
You clear your throat in an attempt to gain the attention of those around you.
Ejderha turns his attention towards you as his ears perk up in interest.
Kendra tilts her head while gazing at you, her crystal body flickering curious shades of light green.
Aeldra turns her head to listen to you, letting the music continue in a steady rythm.
Tirah tilts her head curiously at you.
Iawa looks towards you, pausing his steps.
Tambador tilts his head and listens intently to you.
You have emoted: Anita pauses dancing with Ejderha for a few moments, smiling up at him one last
time before she turns towards Kendra and Tambador. She raises a decorative glass of spiced
powderfruit cider towards the newlywed couple, tears in her eyes. Looking at Kendra she, her voice
is soft yet clear as she says, "To my dearest and most beloved daughter, my Golden child, and also
Rebel Child. I have watched you grow into a beautiful, strong, lovely woman that stands here today
before us - and to witness your bonding to this man, to Tambador, has been truly a wonderful time.
You are amazing, and I am so grateful and happy that I can be a part of this happy time." She turns
to Tambador, "You are a dark horse, Tambador. All that time ago when my daughter told me of you, I
was unsure, suspicious and wondered what your intentions were for my daughter. But as with Kendra, I
have watched you come to the Collective and become a man worthy to be called my son-in-law. I have
watched you make my daughter the happiest woman alive, and that is all I could ever wish for." She
pauses, taking breath still raising her glass as she finally concludes with, "I wish you both an
eternity of happiness, of love and neverending bliss in each others embrace. May you be the beacon
of strength and harmony for each other, and also for the Collective."
Nelras pauses, allowing the music to fade almost to nothingness as you speak.
You smile softly.
You whisper, "You can go back to dancing now!"
Kendra throws her arms around her Mother you, tears flowing freely. "Thank you for saving me from
the abyss I floated in- When you first found me and turned my gaze toward the Sun." she murmurs in a
trembling voice.
Kendra beams broadly at a heart shaped purple diamond wedding ring with a trinity band.
Tambador beams at your words "Thank you for saving her for me" his voice cracking with emotion as he
watches Kendra and you.
Tirah gently guides her fiancee off the dance floor and back to its side, before giving her a peck
on the cheek and flashing her a smile.
Aeldra smiles warmly at the words spoken and Kendra's reaction, letting the music nearly subside as
to Nelras' lead. Her fingers brush the lyre in a gentle, almost inaudible rythm.
Kendra pulls back and beams at the people surrounding her, "Thank you all" she whispers, wiping away
her tears.
You have emoted: Anita squeezes Kendra close, wiping her eyes with a paw. "Anything for you, my
dearest daughter!"
Ejderha smiles at you and Kendra as they embrace, his joy at seeing both happy evident in his
glowing eyes.
Iawa pauses and retrieves his cider from the table where he left it, returning with a glass for
Vidette as well which he hands to her gently. He raises the glass high, exclaiming loudly, "To
master Tambador and marquessa Kendra!"
Iawa gives a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit cider to Radiant Soul, Vidette.
Kendra thrusts her glass into the air, urging others to join her cause, "For Hallifax!" she cries
Iawa drains the last of the spiced powderfruit cider from a decorative glass, smiling brightly.
Kialkarkea curtseys gracefully.
Vidette raises a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit cider up slightly before taking a small sip
from it.
It is now the 1st of Dioni, 498 years after the Coming of Estarra.
Tambador raising a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit cider "For Hallifax" he booms.
Ejderha raises a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit cider and echoes Kendra, "For Hallifax!"
Finding no glass nearby and his hands holding his viola, Nelras nonetheless takes up the toast that
is offered. "For Hallifax."
Tirah raises an imaginary glass of imaginative cider and joins the toast, "For Hallifax."
Aeldra inclines her head slightly at the toast.
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says, "For Hallifax, and for the allies that shall ever remain
with us, as friends."
Smiling serenely, Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind says to Aeldra, "For allies, family and
friends, too."
Aeldra nods seriously, "To all the bonds that bond and unite us all" she says with a solemn nod.
Kendra leans close to Tambador and gently lays a kiss upon his forehead.
Setting an aesthetic viola of aurora borealis crystal to one side for the time being, Nelras
carefully takes a drink from a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit cider.
Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind asks Tambador, "Perhaps the gifts?"
Tambador says to Kendra, "I passed them out."
Comprehension flashes across Kendra's face.
You take a little honey cake from a fesix backpack.
Tambador says to Kendra, "Not sure if any opened them."
Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind smiles and says, "Would everyone like to unwrap their
You have emoted: Anita lifts a little honey cake in the air and beams, "For all the people!"
Kendra laughs out loud at you.
You match Kendra's smirk as you casually bump your fist against her knuckles.
Iawa chuckles long and heartily at you.
Following a gentle sip of a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit cider, Nelras's eyes slip shut in
a pleasant daze, seemingly unbothered by his surroundings.
Blade Dancer Tirah Mzithrei, the Succor says, "If you insist."
Tirah flashes Kendra a joyous smile.
Tambador exclaims, "For all Honey cakes!"
You beam broadly.
You brandish a little honey cake menacingly.
Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind smiles impishly and says to Tirah, "I insist."
Tirah quickly unwraps a thank-you present wrapped in mauve paper with black and white ribbons, which
sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and grins enormously upon
receiving 98 aethergoop.
Two massive, scarlet intertwined hearts fill the sky as a massive rubescent inferno, sparks flying
off into the ether as the shapes fade into smoke.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
(the hearts were purple!)
Blade Dancer Tirah Mzithrei, the Succor says, "Woah."
Kendra laughs out loud.
You quickly unwrap a thank-you present wrapped in mauve paper with black and white ribbons, which
sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly pull a plush doll of
Max Coldsteel from within.
Ejderha quickly unwraps a thank-you present wrapped in mauve paper with black and white ribbons,
which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and grins enormously upon
receiving 2744 aethergoop.
Two massive, scarlet intertwined hearts fill the sky as a massive rubescent inferno, sparks flying
off into the ether as the shapes fade into smoke.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Tambador beams broadly.
Nelras quickly unwraps a thank-you present wrapped in mauve paper with black and white ribbons,
which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly pulls a pack
of ten Ikons from within.
Ejderha claps his hands together merrily.
Aeldra stops her lyre then, setting it aside gently.
Aeldra quickly unwraps a thank-you present wrapped in mauve paper with black and white ribbons,
which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly pulls a plush
doll of Emperor Ladantine VII from within.
Iawa quickly unwraps a thank-you present wrapped in mauve paper with black and white ribbons, which
sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and grins enormously upon
receiving 83 aethergoop.
Two massive, scarlet intertwined hearts fill the sky as a massive rubescent inferno, sparks flying
off into the ether as the shapes fade into smoke.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Vidette quickly unwraps a thank-you present wrapped in mauve paper with black and white ribbons,
which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly pulls a pack
of five Ikons from within.
Vidette beams broadly.
Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind laughingly says to Tambador, "You might as well give them
all out."
Kendra opens her mouth wide as her teeth sinks into a two-tiered black and ivory ice-cream wedding
cake, a blissful look in her eyes.
Tambador says, "I'll send some of to those that could not attend."
Kendra continues to rip chunks out of the cake, not a care for anyone else watching.
Tambador utters a deep, rumbling laugh at Kendra.
Aeldra's eyes sparkle with amusement at Kendra.
Tirah eats a two-tiered black and ivory ice-cream wedding cake with obvious gusto.
Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind says to Tambador, "You are welcome. I do not mind being your
Kendra smirks at Tambador.
Iawa turns back to Vidette with a deep bow, "Thank you for the dance, madam." Turning to address
everyone he says with a frown, "Unfortunately all, I must be off. I am most grateful to have been
invited to this special occasion and," he pauses slightly, turning one last time to face Kendra and
Tambador, "I wish you both the happiest of months. You have my deepest and most heart felt
Tambador utters a deep, rumbling laugh at Kendra.
Tirah ponders Tambador thoughtfully, looking him up and down.
Kendra hugs Iawa compassionately.
Tambador hugs Iawa compassionately.
Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind smiles and says to Iawa, "Thank you for coming."
Iawa firmly shakes Tambador's hand, looking him directly in the eye.
Radiant Soul, Vidette smiles and says to Iawa, "Thank you."
Iawa firmly shakes Kendra's hand, looking her directly in the eye.
You curtsey gracefully before Iawa.
A wry smile spreads across Kendra's face.
Blade Dancer Tirah Mzithrei, the Succor says to Kendra, "Would you describe him as pretty neat,
Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind looks undecided and says to Tirah, "Ah, he's alright I
Iawa whispers to Kendra, "Make sure the master Tambador shares the letter. It was meant for both of
Blade Dancer Tirah Mzithrei, the Succor says, "High praise!"
Kendra beams broadly at Iawa.
Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind whispers to Iawa, "Thank you."
With a flourish of his arm, Iawa bows deeply.
Tambador beams broadly at Iawa.
Tambador says to Iawa, "I will."
Aeldra inclines her head politely to Iawa.
Iawa leaves to the up.
Kendra quickly unwraps a thank-you present wrapped in mauve paper with black and white ribbons,
which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and grins enormously upon
receiving 91 aethergoop.
Two massive, scarlet intertwined hearts fill the sky as a massive rubescent inferno, sparks flying
off into the ether as the shapes fade into smoke.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
You clap your hands excitedly and intone a hearty, "Boom!"
Vidette gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
Giving a festive bird-of-paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper a firm pull, you release
the avian spirit within, letting her soar high above with carefree abandon.
The corners of Tambador's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Exploding in a shower of luminescent radiance, the avian spirit from within a festive bird-of-
paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper bursts into myriad motes of light to coalesce into
a dawn-hued vision.
Kendra glances askance.
Soaring with elongated plumes stretching behind it, an aerial bird flies past a beauty of iridescent
_ _ __,
_ .`///,''
<(* ).`//,'`___.,*
', ,.'``'.___,;*
Giving a festive bird-of-paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper a firm pull, Tambador
releases the avian spirit within, letting her soar high above with carefree abandon.
Exploding in a shower of luminescent radiance, the avian spirit from within a festive bird-of-
paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper bursts into myriad motes of light to coalesce into
a dawn-hued vision.
Giving a festive bird-of-paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper a firm pull, Nelras
releases the avian spirit within, letting her soar high above with carefree abandon.
Exploding in a shower of luminescent radiance, the avian spirit from within a festive bird-of-
paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper bursts into myriad motes of light to coalesce into
a dawn-hued vision.
Shimmering in undulating waves of light, an aurora of brilliant hues gleams and glitters like
`:| | | |: || : ` : | |+|: | : :
` : |
.' ': || |: | ' ` || | : | |: : | . ` * . :.
`' || | ' | * ` : | |
* * ` | : : | . ` '
.` | | | : .:| ` | || | : |: | | ||
' . + ` | : .: . '| | :
. . ` *| || : ` | |
. . || |.: * | || : :
. . . * . . ` |||. + + '| ||| . ||`
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* . ..!|* . | :`||+ |||`
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. .||` . ..|| | |: '` `| | |` +
. +++ || !|!: `
+ . . | . `|||.: .|| . . `
' * `|. . `:||| + ||' `
_ + `' `'|. `: *
Bathed in dawn-hued radiance, a paradise birds soars overhead, every feather and pinion gleaming.
.-. `) | .-.
_.'`. .~./ \.~. .`'._
_.-'`.'-'.'.-: ;-.'.'-'.`'-._
`'`'`'`'` \ / `'`'`'`'`
. / ^^ \ .
,` ' / || \ ' `,
`.,; :: ",.`
. .
.` .' '. `.
`'` `'`
"Woot!" Kendra shouts excitedly.
Utterly entranced, Aeldra emits a long "Ooooh."
Tambador quickly unwraps a thank-you present wrapped in mauve paper with black and white ribbons,
which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and grins enormously upon
receiving 91 aethergoop.
** moved to do genies**
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in solstice cheer, which sprays glittering silver dust and
cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly pull pack of 25 fine hair curios from within.
You waggle your eyebrows comically.
Kendra laughs out loud.
Tambador utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
You say, "The genies were kind!"
Aeldra gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
Tirah leaves to the up, emanating an aura of immense power.
Tirah enters from the up, emanating an aura of immense power.
Blade Dancer Tirah Mzithrei, the Succor says, "Mine not!"
Aeldra Ladyn, Lady of Ethereal Mists says, "Their blessings can be fleeting."
"Awwwww!" you say to Tirah.
Streaks of colour race in from the up, merging into one another with vibrant light before coalescing
into Aeldra.
Finger extended, Aeldra pokes a pair of kissable golden lips.
You beam broadly at Aeldra.
Finger extended, Kendra pokes a Czigany coin.
"Woot!" Tambador shouts excitedly at Kendra.
Kendra taps her fingers together and murmurs, "Excellent..."
** moved to do poteens**
You brandish a king's ransom of golden sovereigns menacingly.
You glance askance.
You brandish a Czigany coin menacingly.
Aeldra gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind smiles impishly and says to Tambador, "So long as you do not
throw up if I spin you fast."
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says, "I should return home before the cake and the present
intended for Xeii are damaged. Thank you both, for inviting me."
With a flourish of his arm, Nelras bows deeply.
Tambador utters a deep, rumbling laugh at Kendra.
You curtsey gracefully before Nelras.
Kendra hugs Nelras compassionately.
Tambador hugs Nelras compassionately.
Nelras hugs Kendra compassionately.
Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind says to Nelras, "Thank you, Nelras. Truly."
Nelras hugs Tambador compassionately.
Tambador beams broadly.
Tambador says, "Yes Thank you Nelras."
Tirah waves goodbye at Nelras.
Aeldra Ladyn, Lady of Ethereal Mists smiles and says to Nelras, "Was good to see you again, friend."
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says, "May the years you share together be full of nothing but
Tambador beams broadly.
Kendra beams broadly at Nelras.
Nelras's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Nelras has left the area.
Aeldra smiles softly, "I would say that was a very spectacular and memorable wedding."
Tirah nods her head at Aeldra.
Tambador hums a happy tune.
Tambador smiles impishly and says, "I quite enjoyed it."
Aeldra's eyes sparkle with amusement at Tambador.
Tambador tickles Kendra mercilessly!
Tirah ponders the situation.
Blade Dancer Tirah Mzithrei, the Succor says to Tambador, "Mind if I send everyone home with some
extra food?"
Tambador says to Tirah, "Please do."
Vidette's ears perk up with a sudden interest.
Tirah begins to wield an exquisite crystal spoon in her left hand.
With great elegance, Blade Dancer Tirah Mzithrei, the Succor lays out a spread of exotic cuisine and
delicacies before you. Along with everyone else, you indulge yourself in this epicurian feast,
eating and drinking until utterly satiated. The fine meal not only lifts your spirits, but enhances
your body as well.
"Tada!" Tirah says with a proud expression on her face.
You beam broadly at Tirah.
The corners of Tambador's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Kendra takes a deep breath as she smiles lovingly at the crowd before her, "I would like to thank
you all for coming and making this day/moment/time something I shall never ever forget. For you all
I shall paint a picture with words and have it placed within a library. For now I must steal my
husband away to the wheel and home." she proudly says.
You urge Kendra onwards.
Leaning forward, you gently press a kiss to Kendra's brow.
You give Tambador a peck on the cheek.
Aeldra smiles softly at Kendra "Maya every blessing spoken today hold true for you both."
Kendra leans close to you and gently lays a kiss upon your forehead.
Kendra hugs Ejderha compassionately.
Kendra hugs Aeldra compassionately.
Kendra hugs Tirah compassionately.
Aeldra hugs Kendra compassionately.
Tambador hugs you compassionately.
Kendra hugs Vidette compassionately.
Tambador hugs Tirah compassionately.
Vidette beams broadly at Kendra.
Kendra hugs Tambador compassionately.
Tambador hugs Ejderha compassionately.
Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind smiles and says to Tambador, "Thank you for coming."
Tambador utters a deep, rumbling laugh at Kendra.
A wry smile spreads across Vidette's face.
Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind smiles and says to Tambador, "You can leave now."
Kendra urges Tambador onwards.
Aeldra gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
Tambador utters a deep, rumbling laugh at Kendra.
You smile softly.
Aeldra Ladyn, Lady of Ethereal Mists says, "Be well, all of you."
Kendra winks conspiratorially at Tambador.
A queer sounding cry announces the arrival of a wheelworked extravagant magpie. Pausing mid flight,
it flings a righteous bong pipe in Kendra's direction with a mocking, "Deliver! Deeeeeliver! Tureee!
Kendra laughs out loud.
A wheelworked extravagant magpie rises in a blur of brilliant blue metal, releasing a queer call as
it takes off in flight.
Tambador utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
You burst into a fit of giggles, ending with an abrupt and surprising snort.
You beckon to Ejderha.
Tambador says, "Tremula says congratulations."
Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind smiles impishly and says, "A gift from Granny Tremula."
Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind smiles impishly and says, "Aye, I know."
Professor Kendra Zayah, the Winter Wind laughingly says to Tambador, "Off to the wheel!"
You say to Ejderha, "Come on, my heart. Let's leave the happy couple be."
You tug urgently on Ejderha's sleeve.
** END **
Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
You're welcome
Readlog Hallifax:
Kendra has been kicked out for: Stoned at the Matrix.