Dark tinted windows darken the room, furnishings out of someone's skin warm the floors, it is not your typical cottage.
Pale blue illumination reveals a chamber with a solitary desk, a waxy substance covers the walls, but the lone bed is fit for a queen.
Queen's study.
This location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water. There are 6 kephera warriors here. A marble pedestal rises up from the floor here. Queen Sethetmun judiciously holds court here, a puzzled look upon her insectoid features. Shimmering with power, an Orb of the Queens of Keph levitates above the white marble pedestal, slowly spinning and giving off waves of psychic power.
You see a single exit leading down.
[ (v12202) @ the Sethetmun Hive ]
Precious gemstones far as the eye can see, dazzling in flawless circles that make up the floor, walls, and ceiling of this spherical chamber of commerce.
The Aetherplex Chamber.
Hidden deep within the environment lies a mystic pathway. Shimmering with aetheric energy, a bright glowing portal floats here in midair. Covered in bone armour, a screech owl is here, surveying the surroundings. A screech owl is here, surveying the surroundings. There are 2 great brindle mastiffs here. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. Covered in bone armour, a green eyelash viper is slithering about here. A giant bat hangs here, wings folded about its body and one beady eye open. There are 29 fishcakes here. There are 15 curious young kittens here. There are 18 hamsters in a cage-wheel here. There are 10 frisky puppies here. There are 15 blubbery sea lion pups here. There are 14 green parakeets here. You see a sign here instructing you to use the PORTAL command to enter the aetherplex system. There is an aetherways portal here.
You see exits leading north (open door), south, out, and through a bright, glowing portal.
[ (v6831) @ Avechna's Peak ]
A lone tree dominates the clearing, its branches reaching for the blue sky, while a sea of grass sprawls below.
A tranquil clearing.
A comforting smell of grass and dew emanates through the air emanating from a healing shrine of Charune nearby. Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. Silent and observant, a red fox stands here, alertly watching all with a cunning glint of the eye. Wreathed in skittering sparks, a dark obsidian wyvern unfurls armoured wings of steel spikes here, green eyes alight with curiosity. A somnolent-hued nightingale perches here, its fine-feathered breast arched in preparation for an enchanting litany.
You see exits leading southeast, southwest, west, and northwest.
[ (v9172) @ Verasavir Valley ]
A gaping hole beckons in the ground, dozens of tiny ones its companions; each as black as its surroundings.
Besmeared flats riddled with insect burrows.
The air is filled with motes of light emanating from a healing shrine of Terentia nearby. Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. A massive pit erupts from the earth here, seething with an overflowing tide of stygian tar. A crazed buck stands here, viciously pawing the ground.
You see exits leading northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
[ (v16755) @ the Tar Pits ]
Ground underfoot cracked and broken, bleached bones scattered upon the sands, in the distance a statue gleams.
A pile of bones.
Hidden deep within the environment lies a mystic pathway. Scampering skittishly to and fro, a tiny desert rat is here. A somnolent-hued nightingale perches here, its fine-feathered breast arched in preparation for an enchanting litany.
You see exits leading northeast, southwest, and northwest.
[ (v11758) @ the Kiakodan Nature Reserve ]
A stone sarcophagus stands solemn, its tomb made up of massive blocks, a forest of pillars looms beyond.
Inside a dark stone tomb.
This location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water. A stone sarcophagus rests within the centre of this tomb.
You see a single exit leading north.
[ (v19147) @ the Chancel of Clangoran Mysteries ]
The symbol promising protection and justice gleams upon the gemmed gates, overgrowth sprawling untamed, mysteries tantalise beyond.
At the base of a flight of steps.
A crimson mist accompanies the sound of a burbling fountain as it moves and shifts as it flows in from a healing shrine of Fain nearby. Wrapped in creepers and stained by lichen, a marble plaque is mounted on the western wall.
You see a single exit leading up.
[ (v14068) @ Spectre Isle ]
Gizmos and gadgets click and whirr to depict the planes amidst bookshelves that reach near to the ceiling.
Wing of the planar sciences.
You may use the LIBRARY commands here.
You see a single exit leading south.
[ (v10364) @ Avechna's Peak ]
A pit of bones, cacoons on the walls, blood drippping of sharp stalagmites - the slithering creatures whose shadows are cast upon the wall invite not.
A large pit of bones.
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here.
You see a single exit leading east.
[ (v10681) @ the Caverns of Muhanlesh ]
Skeletal puppets sit in a gruesome display of wickedness along a path, the excavations plain to see up and down the crystal-lined tunnels of this forsaken place.
Dismal and macabre graveyard.
You see exits leading north and southeast.
[ (v44119) @ Mount Krog ]
Ancient roads meet here, weary travellers dine beneath the shadow of mountains and within the sight of sand.
A shadowy, silk-curtained hookah den.
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. Yirchi Tsivx slouches here, his eyes drooping and dreamy.
You see a single exit leading east (open door).
[ (v21024) @ Old Imperial Road, {east} ]
Marble walls, a marble table at the room's heart - pristine surroundings, yet menace lurks within the tools and equipment stacked within the cabinets.
An eerily pristine operating theatre.
Swaying slightly on the spot, the scientist Slegi Vleemgol stands here.
You see a single exit leading south.
[ (v37512) @ the Razine Mountain Range ]
The foot of an enormous staircase into the darkness, torches blazing yet doing little to light up the bubbling, liquid darkness that spreads far as the eye can see.
Passing a dreadful lake.
A lithe illithoid ravager hides here, wrapped in darkness.
You see exits leading east and down.
[ (v12974) @ the Great Illithoid Prison ]
Sand litters the floor of this abode, a stuffed animal and bottles its only occupants.
A sand-filled hut.
You see exits leading northeast, south, and northwest.
[ (v16982) @ the Skarch Desert ]
Clutter enough to drown a person is stacked far as the eye can see, the pulsating contents of the boxes, however, could make one's blood curdle.
Drowning in clutter.
There are 2 transmogrified turnkeys here.
You see exits leading northeast (open door) and up.
[ (v45188) @ the Mirage Prison ]
A splendid mural adorns the wall, at its heart a splendid misty figure that radiates a light that illuminates the muralled corridors beyond.
Before an almighty mural venerating Vestera.
You see exits leading east, south, and west.
[ (v37664) @ The Emerald Enclave ]
Grass underfoot, a small cave where a seal spins in the air, cracked but holding.
The Cave of Nature.
The Seal of Nature slowly spins in the air here, spidery cracks running along its surface. A noble unicorn wanders here with an air of quiet serenity, a fluid shimmer of silver light playing about his long horn. Avechna, the Avenger towers before you, radiating a powerful aura.
You see a single exit leading out.
[ (v7334) @ Avechna's Peak ]
You reach out and touch a golden tarot card depicting the Hermit.
The area fills with mist as an uncomfortable chill creeps in, obscuring your immediate surroundings from view.
The mists clear, banished by a burst of sunshine that fills the otherwise dusky Cave of Nature as energy is channeled to strengthen the Seal, causing it to thrum with a new and powerful vibrancy.
Your fingers tingle as the card shifts beneath your fingertips, losing its gleaming splendour to the stark desolation of the Forsaken Hermit.
palm trees bend over an ancient mosaic of purple inscriptions, the sand cleared away from the stone.
[spoiler]A strange mosaic.
Palm trees form an outer circle around this area, cutting it off but leaving the inside undisturbed. A large slate lies in the dust of the soil here, untouched by time or mortal machinations. Deep purple whorls dance about the slab of stone, intermingling with violet flares and mauve inscriptions. Similarly coloured veins of sand extend from the stone into the ground. Small bugs scuttle about, but they do not tread upon the stone, steering away with a care eerily reminiscent of reverence.
You see a single exit leading east.
v13622 @ Skarch Desert[/spoiler]
It was midnight and I felt sooo slow
I was proudest of getting the tiny holes one. Great clues!