Hallifax and the Divine Order of Lady
@Isune held a Midsummer Ball within Her realm at the Grand Aurora Ballroom this Avechary, 494 CE!
(Bureau of Artistic Endeavours): You say, "Hello! What preparations are still needed for the Ball?"
(Bureau of Artistic Endeavours): Xeii says, "The cheesecakes, sphere cakes and teas, I believe."
(Bureau of Artistic Endeavours): Xeii says, "The cups are being made now."
(Bureau of Artistic Endeavours): You say, "Wonderful!"(Bureau of Artistic Endeavours): Xeii (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "If you can be a brewmeister, Harmonist Anita, would you be so kind as to make some teas?"
(Bureau of Artistic Endeavours): You say, "I can do so as a cook, too."
(Bureau of Artistic Endeavours): Xeii (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Ah, good. Is there some food we made in advance, by any chance?"
(Bureau of Artistic Endeavours): You say, "I have some of the cakes made, aye. It won't take me long."
(Anonymous): You say, "If anyone is attending the Midsummer Ball within the Lady Aesthete's realm,
please meet me at the Aetherplex."
Nelras tells you, "Do you have the tea for the ball?"
Like the pealing of so many bells, your voice rings to Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate, "I do."
(Bureau of Artistic Endeavours): You say, "I have the tea and cakes, on my way."
*movement spam*
The sanctuary of Isune.
The graceful, translucent form of a bird of paradise dances in the air, the insubstantial image
shifting through a constant stream of vivid colours. A solemn plinth rises up from the ground, a
small crystal chamber locked on the front.
You see exits leading down and through an unstable rift.
You step towards an unstable rift and cautiously pull the edges apart. A violent force pulls at your
chest and you tumble wildly through, feeling disoriented as you are ejected on the other side,
barely managing to keep your footing.
High above the Ruins of Andeystelis.
Banks of clouds roil about here. Elegantly dangling from a nearby bough, a crystalline bell glitters
here enchantingly. Flitting back and forth, Arizh, an auroral hummingbird of dawn is a frenzy of
endless activity. Shimmering with dawn radiance, a lightweaving of a prismatic feather points the
way to the Grand Aurora Ballroom. A cow wanders about aimlessly, minding her own business and paying
you no attention. An enormous falcon nervously talons the ground, wings mantling. Her shoulders
rounded in mourning despair, a weeping trill statue cups her hands over her eyes here. Aria, the
rainbow kitsune has curled up into a bundle of fluff here. Vivet Pavok, Avatar to the Shrouded Guide
with a Wakabi face is here, shrouded. She wields D'varsha's Eternal Wand of Transcendental Force in
her left hand. Blade Dancer Tirah Mzithrei is here. Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate stands here,
surrounded in an aura of ghostly, flickering wings. He is surrounded by one reflection of himself.
Shonjir Shevat is here. He wields a plush doll of Sciomore, the Logician in his left hand. Yarith is
here, pondering thoughtfully. He wields a small medicine pouch in his left hand.
You see exits leading north, down, and through a shimmering fountain of heatless sparks.
Arizh, an auroral hummingbird of dawn flits happily around your head in a steady, welcoming thrum.
Like a soft sigh, a shuffling sound whispers through high above the Ruins of Andeystelis from a
weeping trill statue bowed in sorrow as it appears to move out of the corner of your eye.
You curtsey gracefully.
Hecton doffs a dapper black top hat cordially.
With a flourish of his arm, Nelras bows deeply.
Shonjir dips his masked head, neon tubes flashing garishly from his pauldron.
Lines of power flare up along Shonjir's body, connected by shimmering points of light. For a brief
moment, his body becomes a canvas displaying the constellations of Lusternia before the light
flickers and fades away.
Nelras tells you, "Will you go on ahead to have the tea in place? I will bring the guests in a
You nod your head at Nelras.
Nelras nods his head at you.
You say, "Do stay here, dearest guests!"
The Grand Aurora Ballroom.
Banks of clouds roil about here. Shimmering with dawn radiance, a lightweaving of a prismatic
feather points the way to the Grand Aurora Ballroom. Floating silently in the air, a dawn-struck
crystalline table is held up only by a thin wisp of fluffy cloud. There are 30 porcelain tea cups
embellished with golden feathers here. Holding aloft a silver tray of desserts and refreshment in
her gloved hands, Mincel Mooneye quietly oversees her surroundings. Xeii is here, her crystalline
form shifting slowly through the entire spectrum of visible colours. She wields a baroque violin of
antique silver and pearl inlay in her left hand and a golden whip of the pious in her right. Cygnine
Composer Vecennya is here.
You see exits leading east, south, and west.
You curtsey gracefully before Xeii.
Vecennya curtseys gracefully before you.
*giving cakes and tea to Xeii*
Nelras tells you, "Are we ready now?"
Vecennya hums a happy tune.
Mincel Mooneye stands up a little straighter, trying to look her best.
You curtsey gracefully before Mincel Mooneye.
Mincel Mooneye inclines her head politely at you.
This no-nonsense trill holds herself with the quiet dignity of the servant caste, her piercing sky
blue eyes alert and attentive to all that occurs around her. A sharpness to her features gives her
an almost hawkish appearance, though her well-groomed feathers resemble the cloudy white of a swan's
plumage. She wears her crisp white blouse pressed and starched so that nary a wrinkle can be seen,
complete with a silken black bow tie. Chic black dress pants, fitted perfectly to her person, allow
her flexibility as she deftly manoeuvres her way through even the most bustling of gatherings. Held
with such ease that it seems weightless in her gloved hands, a silver tray filled with all manner of
desserts and refreshment follows her every movement with no sign of slipping from her agile fingers.
Mincel Mooneye looks to be crushingly strong.
She weighs about 112 pounds.
You cannot see what Mincel Mooneye is holding.
It has the following aliases: mooneye, mincel, trill, servant.
Sleek and exquisitely formed from a single sheet of crystalline material, this table's shape is in a
banquet style with rounded edges. Simultaneously struck with radiant dawn hues, the entire piece
glistens and shimmers from a multitude of tiny facets in opaline fashion. A thin wisp of fluffy
cloud suspends the elegant table in mid-air, never straying or tipping in the face of wind or breeze.
Gentle kisses of dewy condensation dimple on the underside, reflecting light in endless prisms.
It weighs 1 ounce(s).
Banks of clouds drift through the sky outside these crystalline walls, veiling the naked windows in
a shroud of gossamer mist.
Like the pealing of so many bells, your voice rings to Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate, "I am just
waiting for Minister Xeii to respond.. I gave her the cakes and tea."
Nelras tells you, "Let me know when she does?"
Like the pealing of so many bells, your voice rings to Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate, "Aye."
Xeii: 33575 the Grand Aurora Ballroom
Tirah: 34004 high above the Ruins of Andeystelis
Shonjir: 34004 high above the Ruins of Andeystelis
Stratas: 34004 high above the Ruins of Andeystelis
Remmiel: 34004 high above the Ruins of Andeystelis
Yarith: 34004 high above the Ruins of Andeystelis
Vivet: 34004 high above the Ruins of Andeystelis
Hecton: 34004 high above the Ruins of Andeystelis
Kendra: 34004 high above the Ruins of Andeystelis
Ejderha: 34004 high above the Ruins of Andeystelis
Nelras: 34004 high above the Ruins of Andeystelis
Vecennya: 33575 the Grand Aurora Ballroom
Tambador: 34004 high above the Ruins of Andeystelis
Nicholo: 34004 high above the Ruins of Andeystelis
Elexia: 34004 high above the Ruins of Andeystelis
Like the pealing of so many bells, your voice rings to Cygnine Composer Vecennya, "Tell me if Xeii
High above the Ruins of Andeystelis.
Banks of clouds roil about here. Elegantly dangling from a nearby bough, a crystalline bell glitters
here enchantingly. Flitting back and forth, Arizh, an auroral hummingbird of dawn is a frenzy of
endless activity. Shimmering with dawn radiance, a lightweaving of a prismatic feather points the
way to the Grand Aurora Ballroom. A cow wanders about aimlessly, minding her own business and paying
you no attention. An enormous falcon nervously talons the ground, wings mantling. Her shoulders
rounded in mourning despair, a weeping trill statue cups her hands over her eyes here. Aria, the
rainbow kitsune has curled up into a bundle of fluff here. Defender of the Portals, Remmiel
Strongleaf is here, shrouded. Yarith is here, pondering thoughtfully. He wields a small medicine
pouch in his left hand. Her hands covering her eyes, the statue of a winged, crystal woman bows her
head here, weeping. Emitting a fiery, dawn-cast radiance, a proud knight emblazoned with the crest
of the White Falcons keeps solemn guard here. Shonjir Shevat is here. He wields a plush doll of
Sciomore, the Logician in his left hand. Vivet Pavok, Avatar to the Shrouded Guide with a Wakabi
face is here, shrouded. She wields D'varsha's Eternal Wand of Transcendental Force in her left hand.
Blade Dancer Tirah Mzithrei is here. Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate stands here, surrounded in an
aura of ghostly, flickering wings. He is surrounded by one reflection of himself. Nicholo, the
Fallen Nightshade is here. He wields an iridescent silver lyre in his left hand. A humble pilgrim
wearing simple robes and sandals actively meditates here, absently toying with a rope belt. Harvest
Reaper, Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon is here. Stratas stands here amidst a cloud of deathly cold mist.
Tribune Ejderha Strongleaf radiates an aura of severity and calm as he lingers here. He wields an
eagle quill in his left hand and an elegant book of early dawn in his right.
You see exits leading north, down, and through a shimmering fountain of heatless sparks.
Arizh, an auroral hummingbird of dawn flits happily around your head in a steady, welcoming thrum.
Like a soft sigh, a shuffling sound whispers through high above the Ruins of Andeystelis from a
weeping trill statue bowed in sorrow as it appears to move out of the corner of your eye.
Vecennya tells you, "Of course, ma'am."
You pick up 13 little honey cakes from a fesix backpack.
Pointing at the face, Volucer exclaims to Elexia, "Your face!"
Volucer says, "Two faces."
*giving out honeycakes*
Dipping her head, Harvest Reaper, Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon says to you, "Thank you, Ms. Anita."
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says to Nicholo, "You need not fear being whisked away, save
perhaps to the ballroom shortly."
Nicholo, the Fallen Nightshade says to you, "My thanks."
Ejderha beams broadly at you.
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says to you, "Thank you."
Volucer begins to follow Nelras.
Remmiel gives you a peck on the cheek.
A simple pilgrim says to you, "Thank you dear."
A statue of a weeping angel says to you, "Thank you, Mother."
Nicholo, the Fallen Nightshade smiles and says to Nelras, "That I would not mind."
Tirah thanks you profusely.
Remmiel flashes you a joyous smile.
Quickly stuffing the cake into his pouch as he rams the words together, Yarith Shevat, the Vehement
says, "Thankyou."
Yarith puts a little honey cake into a small medicine pouch.
Eyes gleaming brightly Tambador laughs at Volucer "Observant".
You smile and say, "Just while we wait, do enjoy a honeycake on me."
With crushing indifference Shonjir consumes the offering.
Stratas says to you, "Many thanks."
Sparkling overhead, the constellations shine with startling clarity, crystal-clear against the
fathomless twilight.
Shonjir eats a little honey cake with obvious gusto.
Yarith suddenly twitches, the air about him crackling as blue sparks zip across his skin before
sputtering out.
Like the pealing of so many bells, your voice rings to Minister Xeii Shevat, the Perpetual Auspice,
"Minister Xeii?"
Eyes brightening, Harvest Reaper, Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon says, "Oh, you mean the mask. Just a
decoration! A little something I made for the masquerade."
Glancing quickly at a pastel-toned pocket watch of the Symphonium Nelras says, "I do not think it
will be long now, before we do make our way there."
She is a graceful wild elfen and stands at a petite five feet in height. Her skin is a verdant green
that is reminiscient of spring leaves. Bright green eyes look out at the world from a heart-shaped
face framed by locks of sable hair. Her unbound hair flows down her shoulders and back in ebony
waves before ending at her waist. Slender ears tapered to a point poke out from the sides of her
head. Her build is slim and graceful in its movement. Dainty bare feet carry her with energy to her
She is wearing:
an anklet adorned with a multitude of bells
a storm glass amulet
an autumnal sari richly flecked in gold
a gold and silver lyrebird mask.
He is a serpentine nagasith harmonious vernal ascendant. The scales of his body and limbs are smooth
and shiny, displaying wide bands of black and red, separated by narrow bands of amber yellow that
match his eyes. His neck is longer than the average humanoid, narrow and serpentine, curving forward
to meet his head almost horizontally. A ridge on each side of his neck, running from the base of his
head to his shoulders, conceals the fold of scales he can inflate into a hood if agitated. The
triangular shape of his head is broader than the neck behind it, and dominated by iridescent red
scales, with intermittant patterns of black lines tracing symmetrical patterns around his eyes,
snout, and heat-sensing pits, almost like a tattoo. His mouth is likewise broad and curved up at the
end, leaving the impression of a perpetual grin or smirk. His irises are a bright, intense amber
that seem to glow, split harshly from top to bottom by the elliptical black slits of his pupils.
Strong, corded muscles flex beneath his scales, which pulse with every breath he takes. A serpentine
tail twists and curls behind him, showing the same red, yellow, and black pattern as his body.
Adhered to his body are hundreds of constructed feathers, layered plumage in modest colours of white,
grey, and copper brown, completing his sparrow costume. Tattooed on his hands is an illustration of
dragon flames. He walks with the truefavour of Isune.
He is wearing:
a feathered sparrow mask
a glittering avian shroud pulled three-quarters around him, covering his arms but baring the coat
over his chest
a dark, amber-hued coat of leather and honeycomb buttons starkly contrasting the shroud and visible
between the feathered edges, like the breast of a bird
an amber soul-mate wedding ring dangling from a worn leather cord, along side
a wide-banded soul mate ring.
Volucer exclaims to Elexia, "Yes, mask. That one has your face!"
Volucer gestures and points at Shonjir.
He is a burly tae'dae wandering demigod. He is what can only be described as a wall of muscle and
fur, rising to a lofty seven feet tall. Long, soft fur of deep russet covers him from head to toe,
though it deepens to black around the underside of his arms, legs and across his torso. Two large,
upright ears sit atop his head, twitching towards all but the sligtest sound, and the fur lightens
to almost white across his face. Sapphire eyes and an onyx black nose stand out against his pale
face, a smile seemingly splitting his maw more often than not. Curiously, the hair on the backs of
his legs has been braided. Tattooed on his hands is an illustration of spiralling words of power.
His soft crimson fur is a smooth mane about his face, flaring outward and flowing down his back.
Loose braids drape backward at the sides of his head, kept in place with gleaming golden wires that
add a forge-like shimmer to the overall appearance of his mane.
He is wearing:
a ring of the feral essence on the third finger of his right hand
a feral sunset ring alongside the other on his right ring ringer
a dapper gentleman's suit of sapphire and teal
a silver webbed sapphire earring through his left ear
dark brown dress shoes.
Shonjir emits a squealing sound like spinning gears as a harsh and heavy breathing sound follows
from beneath his mask.
"Uhh..." stalls Volucer.
Volucer points at Stratas.
Stratas's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Sparkling overhead, the constellations shine with startling clarity, crystal-clear against the
fathomless twilight.
Kendra silently observes the surrounding crowd, before smiling up at Tambador.
Ejderha tilts his head back with the entire honeycake in his mouth and hands at his side. His neck
undulates, a feathered sparrow mask bobbing as he consumes it nearly whole, in traditional avian
Stratas says, "It is a very fashionable face, I must say."
Standing just shy of two feet tall, she is a nimble faeling radiant demigoddess changeling, with
soft, pale skin like porcelain. Her slender form is graced with gentle curves, and she holds herself
with an elegant and regal poise. From her back extend ethereal butterfly wings of silver, the edges
darkened to a deep sapphire. Her hair, as white as fresh snow, has been scooped back from the
temples in two braids, while the rest falls down around her delicate frame in a wild mass of tightly
curled ringlets, ending just below her knees. Upon her brow sits a crown of pale golden orchids
among other wildflowers, and a delicate scent of flowers and honey lingers about her form. Elfen
like ears poke out through her curls, often twitching at the sounds around her. Her most noticeable
feature are her large, child-like eyes that are both unique in appearance and framed by soot-black
lashes. Her left eye is of a magnificent emerald colour, marred by a thin sliver of gold, where her
right eye is of a pale ice-blue, void of any imperfections. Anita has a small button nose which sits
between high swept cheekbones, flushed with life, and below are her rosebud full lips of natural,
pale pink. Tattooed on her wrists is an illustration of spiralling silver scrollwork. She walks with
the truefavour of Czixi. She walks with the truefavour of Isune.
Spilling from the crown of her head to her shoulders is a finespun waterfall of sparkling crystal,
each thread perfectly clear and colourless. As she moves, the gentle peal of pellucid chimes sounds
in her wake, soft and soothing.
She is wearing:
stained glass prayer beads of the Lady Aesthete wrapped tightly around her left wrist
an amber ring set with a round moonstone on a chain around her neck
a simple ring of stone cradling an orchid around her right ring finger
elegant slippers of dove-grey silk and feathers
a feathered, dove-grey gown of pearlescent silks and chiffon
a misty grey stole trimmed in rubescent tassels
a feathered silk mask of pearlescent dove-grey shrouds her face
a tempestuous blue velvet choker set with lightning opal tight around her throat.
Elexia grins, nodding. "Aye, I suppose we have similar taste, then!" she replies.
Volucer says to Stratas, "No it's not. It needs a bow-tie to be fashionable. So sayeth the Lady."
You beat your wings furiously, hovering in the air.
You remove 1 fish, bringing the total in the rift to 1634.
Mumbling to himself, Volucer says, "Or does She just try to tell me that..."
You give a fish wrapped in paper to Volucer.
Volucer clasps a fish wrapped in paper in his talons and leisurely consumes every morsel.
Volucer ponders the situation.
Stratas ponders the situation.
Volucer exclaims to you, "FINALLY, someone who appreciates me!"
You beam broadly at Volucer.
Using his tongue and the roof of his mouth, Volucer makes a quiet clicking noise.
There is a small commotion from the other side of the fountain - a flurry of hissing whispers
intersposed with low, soothing tones.
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says to Volucer, "Certainly, a bow-tie does help."
Shonjir Shevat says, "Oho."
Yarith's ears perk up with a sudden interest.
Kendra's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Shonjir's neon tubes flash wildly.
You smile impishly and say to Volucer, "A wonderful paradise bird once told me that you enjoyed fish
- I do tend to listen at times!"
Midnight shadows coalesce around a new day, and Mother Night embraces the land in utter darkness.
It is now the 3rd of Avechary, 494 years after the Coming of Estarra.
Volucer says to you, "Enjoy and love. Hey, got any fish tea???"
You ponder the situation.
Nelras glances towards the fountain.
A wry smile spreads across Kendra's face.
Taking Kendra by the arm Tambador weaves them among the gathered guests pointing out the various
regalia of those assembled "It is interesting to see all the creative things people have come up
with" he says happily to Kendra.
You say to Volucer, "Give me..just a few moments."
overtaking your senses as the world is wiped out to a slate of shimmering white. Within moments
which feel like an eternity, you find yourself suddenly within a similar fountain of light, unharmed.
The sanctuary of Isune.
The graceful, translucent form of a bird of paradise dances in the air, the insubstantial image
shifting through a constant stream of vivid colours. A solemn plinth rises up from the ground, a
small crystal chamber locked on the front. Stood tall in an exquisite periwinkle gown, Ruin rocks
here restlessly, beautiful brown and gold wings folded behind her. Face concealed behind a
crystalline mask, Aiya Ehc'zi stands here in a juxtaposition of cool poise and skittish scholarship.
You see exits leading down and through an unstable rift.
You curtsey gracefully before Ruin.
You curtsey gracefully before Aiya Ehc'zi.
Ruin says, "...not acceptable, I - oh. Shit."
Eyes widening, you say, "Greetings to you both."
Aiya Ehc'zi moves as if to curtsey before you, then pauses, thinking better of it. Instead, she bows
Ruin scuffs her toe against the ground, the sound muffled by her gown. "Hi," she states, eyes
glowering beneath her mask.
Shonjir arrives, following Yarith Shevat, the Vehement.
The air throbs as an unstable rift flares and widens, Yarith tumbling through and just managing to
stay upright.
Yarith has entered the area.
A smile dancing about her lips, you say, "Did you need help attending to the Lady Aesthete's realm?
Or will I leave you to it?"
Shonjir's ruby eyes rotate upon his mask.
Ruin's eyes raise to the heavens as a look of hope flashes across her face.
Ruin says to Aiya Ehc'zi, "EVERYONE is going to see me looking like this."
Aiya Ehc'zi hides a grin behind her hand.
Aiya Ehc'zi says, "Begging your pardon, Lady Warden, but that is rather the point."
Clockwork gears grinding upon his armour, Shonjir Shevat says, "That is entirely the idea."
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
Nelras has entered the area.
An uneven portal rips open the air and a falcon of massive proportions flutters through on
unreliable wings before the rift snaps shut once more.
With a flourish of his arm, Nelras bows deeply.
Aiya Ehc'zi steps in front of Ruin and holds out her left arm. The gesture goes entirely without
repsonse for a long, awkward moment.
Ruin says, "Seriously."
Aiya Ehc'zi says, "I believe the Lady instructed you to accompany me. Perhaps you would prefer to
defy Her outright? That is not, if you will excuse me, your usual style."
Ruin gives Aiya Ehc'zi the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
"Only," Ruin replies, reaching out and taking the lucidian's arm with absentminded grace, "because
they might have macarons. And because She's worse than this. But only just."
Aiya Ehc'zi's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
You see the following people here:
Yarith, Nelras, Shonjir, Anita.
You have emoted: Spotting Nelras , Anita dips into a curtsey and murmurs to him, "I am just nipping
away to make Volucer some fish tea.."
Shonjir's neon tubes flash wildly as a low, growling chuckle resounds from beneath his mask.
Yarith's ears lift, along with his gaze as he contemplates Ruin. "You will be the bell of the ball,
and yes, there may very well be macarons."
*movement to make Volucer fish tea and back*
High above the Ruins of Andeystelis.
Banks of clouds roil about here. Elegantly dangling from a nearby bough, a crystalline bell glitters
here enchantingly. Flitting back and forth, Arizh, an auroral hummingbird of dawn is a frenzy of
endless activity. Shimmering with dawn radiance, a lightweaving of a prismatic feather points the
way to the Grand Aurora Ballroom. Her shoulders rounded in mourning despair, a weeping trill statue
cups her hands over her eyes here. Aria, the rainbow kitsune has curled up into a bundle of fluff
here. A cow wanders about aimlessly, minding her own business and paying you no attention. An
enormous falcon nervously talons the ground, wings mantling. Stood tall in an exquisite periwinkle
gown, Ruin rocks here restlessly, beautiful brown and gold wings folded behind her. Face concealed
behind a crystalline mask, Aiya Ehc'zi stands here in a juxtaposition of cool poise and skittish
scholarship. Emitting a fiery, dawn-cast radiance, a proud knight emblazoned with the crest of the
White Falcons keeps solemn guard here. Vivet is here, dusting herself off. She wields D'varsha's
Eternal Wand of Transcendental Force in her left hand. Stratas is here, pondering thoughtfully.
Yarith Shevat, the Vehement looms here, projecting an aura of command. He wields a small medicine
pouch in his left hand. Blade Dancer Tirah Mzithrei is here. Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate
stands here, surrounded in an aura of ghostly, flickering wings. He is surrounded by one reflection
of himself. Her hands covering her eyes, the statue of a winged, crystal woman bows her head here,
weeping. Shonjir Shevat is here. He wields a plush doll of Sciomore, the Logician in his left hand.
Tribune Ejderha Strongleaf radiates an aura of severity and calm as he lingers here. He wields an
eagle quill in his left hand and an elegant book of early dawn in his right. Defender of the Portals,
Remmiel Strongleaf is here, shrouded. Nicholo, the Fallen Nightshade is here. He wields an
iridescent silver lyre in his left hand. A humble pilgrim wearing simple robes and sandals actively
meditates here, absently toying with a rope belt. Harvest Reaper, Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon is here.
You see exits leading north, down, and through a shimmering fountain of heatless sparks.
Arizh, an auroral hummingbird of dawn flits happily around your head in a steady, welcoming thrum.
You curtsey gracefully.
Her coarse words at odds with her appearance, Ruin says to Volucer, "Oh great, it's you."
Kendra's eyes sparkle with amusement at Ruin.
You have emoted: Anita dips into a curtsey before Volucer, holding up an onyx vial.
Tambador hovers attentively at Kendra's he squirms and fidgets a bit nervously his head swivelling
to watch all the people coming and going. With a quick hug for Remmiel he says "Ohhh you made it".
This vial has been fashioned by a highly trained artist from onyx. There is a small stopper at the
It has 50 months of usefulness left.
It weighs 2 ounce(s).
Fish brew tea sloshes about in it.
It has the following aliases: vial, elixir, potion.
You give an onyx vial to Volucer.
Volucer shakes his head at you.
Remmiel bows respectfully to Ruin.
The charged crystals illuminating Aiya Ehc'zi's mask shift to a hazy grey as she glances at her
companion. "Lady Warden..."
Volucer stares implacably at Ruin.
Ruin says, "Yeah yeah, play nice, no stabbing, even if he is closer to the left. Or was it right. I
don't know now. Hi, stuck up people."
Aiya Ehc'zi opens her mouth as if to say something, but pauses.
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says to Ruin, "Yes, it is. That is one of the reasons for such an
event, we all get to meet people we might not usually speak with all that often."
Vivet delicately nibbles at a few crumbles from her honey cake before wrinkling her nose. Glancing
about furtively, she reaches down with it and offers it to her cow, who briefly sniffs the cake
before gulping it down whole with a stealthy smack of the chops.
Volucer says to Ruin, "Hmph! Of course it's me, this is MY home."
Volucer mutters discontentedly.
Sparkling overhead, the constellations shine with startling clarity, crystal-clear against the
fathomless twilight.
Clearing her throat, Aiya Ehc'zi says, "May I please offer my apologies on the Lady Warden's behalf,
to all who require it, from now until the end of the ball."
Aiya Ehc'zi's crystalline mask flushes rosy pink as she adds, "As I suspect it might be required
more than once."
Kendra cants her head curiously toward Ruin, "'tis lovely to see you again. You look rather
resplendent." she says.
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says to Aiya Ehc'zi, "While the thought is appreciated, I am sure
that it will not be necessary."
Like the pealing of so many bells, your voice rings to Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate, "Would you
object if I..forced the Minister Xeii to hand over the cakes and tea?"
Kendra begins to follow you.
Remmiel flashes a weeping trill statue bowed in sorrow a joyous smile.
Kendra peers at Remmiel unscrupulously.
Volucer says to Aiya Ehc'zi, "Maybe write it on paper to give to everyone, then you won't miss
someone later."
Like the pealing of so many bells, your voice rings to Professor Kendra Zayah, Winter's Drifting
Slumber, "Can you induce people?"
Nelras tells you, "Given the circumstances, no. Assuming you mean a method that will not be painful.
The cold voice of Kendra sends chills down your spine, "I can."
Remmiel tilts his head curiously at Kendra.
Like the pealing of so many bells, your voice rings to Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate, "No, my
daughter will convince her to hand them over."
*movement spam to convince Xeii to hand over tea and cake*
Banks of clouds roil about here. Elegantly dangling from a nearby bough, a crystalline bell glitters
here enchantingly. Flitting back and forth, Arizh, an auroral hummingbird of dawn is a frenzy of
endless activity. Shimmering with dawn radiance, a lightweaving of a prismatic feather points the
way to the Grand Aurora Ballroom. A cow wanders about aimlessly, minding her own business and paying
you no attention. Face concealed behind a crystalline mask, Aiya Ehc'zi stands here in a
juxtaposition of cool poise and skittish scholarship. An enormous falcon nervously talons the ground,
wings mantling. Stood tall in an exquisite periwinkle gown, Ruin rocks here restlessly, beautiful
brown and gold wings folded behind her. Her shoulders rounded in mourning despair, a weeping trill
statue cups her hands over her eyes here. A humble pilgrim wearing simple robes and sandals actively
meditates here, absently toying with a rope belt. Shonjir Shevat is here. He wields a plush doll of
Sciomore, the Logician in his left hand. Nicholo, the Fallen Nightshade is here. He wields an
iridescent silver lyre in his left hand. Stratas stands here amidst a cloud of deathly cold mist.
Defender of the Portals, Remmiel Strongleaf is here, shrouded. Emitting a fiery, dawn-cast radiance,
a proud knight emblazoned with the crest of the White Falcons keeps solemn guard here. Vivet is here,
dusting herself off. She wields D'varsha's Eternal Wand of Transcendental Force in her left hand.
Tribune Ejderha Strongleaf radiates an aura of severity and calm as he lingers here. He wields an
eagle quill in his left hand and an elegant book of early dawn in his right. Nelras is here, smiling
faintly. He is surrounded by one reflection of himself. Yarith Shevat, the Vehement looms here,
projecting an aura of command. He wields a small medicine pouch in his left hand. Harvest Reaper,
Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon is here.
You see exits leading north, down, and through a shimmering fountain of heatless sparks.
Arizh, an auroral hummingbird of dawn flits happily around your head in a steady, welcoming thrum.
Like a soft sigh, a shuffling sound whispers through high above the Ruins of Andeystelis from a
weeping trill statue bowed in sorrow as it appears to move out of the corner of your eye.
Tirah enters from the north, emanating an aura of immense power.
Nine tails swishing behind her, Aria, the rainbow kitsune enters from the north, briefly colouring
random objects around her.
You curtsey gracefully.
Tirah gives a chocolate cake to Ruin.
Ruin shoves a chocolate cake into her mouth in one fell swoop, hastily wiping the mess from her chin
with the back of a hand.
Shonjir's ruby eyes flicker with a coruscating energy as he briefly turns his attention away and
releases the channeled power of his battery pack in a stream of harmless radiant heat and light.
Elexia curtseys gracefully before you.
Tambador says to Volucer, "We can stuff you with fish and you can roll out together."
You say, "I must apologise dear guests, if you could wait just a few moments more and we shall begin.
Tirah giggles happily.
Nelras nods his head at you.
Like the pealing of so many bells, your voice rings to Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate, "I just
have to make some more cakes."
*movement to make more cakes and tea for Ball*
Grand Aurora Ballroom.
Banks of clouds roil about here. Shimmering with dawn radiance, a lightweaving of a prismatic
feather points the way to the Grand Aurora Ballroom. Floating silently in the air, a dawn-struck
crystalline table is held up only by a thin wisp of fluffy cloud. There are 30 porcelain tea cups
embellished with golden feathers here. Holding aloft a silver tray of desserts and refreshment in
her gloved hands, Mincel Mooneye quietly oversees her surroundings. There are 3 palm sigils here.
There are 2 alabaster sphere cup cakes here. Attracting insects, a beehive keg has been recklessly
left behind here. Looking at first like an oddly-coloured barrel, a keg of bloodstone rests here. A
dark amethyst keg rests here.
You see exits leading east, south, and west.
You put 50 columbine sphere cup cakes into a floating dawn-struck crystalline table.
Like the pealing of so many bells, your voice rings to Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate, "Alright!"
*movement back to the group*
Flitting back and forth, Arizh, an auroral hummingbird of dawn is a frenzy of
endless activity. Shimmering with dawn radiance, a lightweaving of a prismatic feather points the
way to the Grand Aurora Ballroom. A cow wanders about aimlessly, minding her own business and paying
you no attention. Face concealed behind a crystalline mask, Aiya Ehc'zi stands here in a
juxtaposition of cool poise and skittish scholarship. An enormous falcon nervously talons the ground,
wings mantling. Stood tall in an exquisite periwinkle gown, Ruin rocks here restlessly, beautiful
brown and gold wings folded behind her. Her shoulders rounded in mourning despair, a weeping trill
statue cups her hands over her eyes here. Aria, the rainbow kitsune has curled up into a bundle of
fluff here. A humble pilgrim wearing simple robes and sandals actively meditates here, absently
toying with a rope belt. Stratas lingers here, bursts of multicoloured light randomly exploding in
and out of existence around him. Blade Dancer Tirah Mzithrei is here. Nicholo, the Fallen Nightshade
is here. He wields an iridescent silver lyre in his left hand. Emitting a fiery, dawn-cast radiance,
a proud knight emblazoned with the crest of the White Falcons keeps solemn guard here. Nelras is
here, smiling faintly. He is surrounded by one reflection of himself. Yarith Shevat, the Vehement
looms here, projecting an aura of command. He wields a small medicine pouch in his left hand. Her
hands covering her eyes, the statue of a winged, crystal woman bows her head here, weeping. Defender
of the Portals, Remmiel Strongleaf is here, shrouded. Shonjir Shevat is here. He wields a plush doll
of Sciomore, the Logician in his left hand. Vivet is here, dusting herself off. She wields
D'varsha's Eternal Wand of Transcendental Force in her left hand. Tribune Ejderha Strongleaf
radiates an aura of severity and calm as he lingers here. He wields an eagle quill in his left hand
and an elegant book of early dawn in his right. Vecennya has a look of comprehension here. Harvest
Reaper, Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon is here.
You see exits leading north, down, and through a shimmering fountain of heatless sparks.
Arizh, an auroral hummingbird of dawn flits happily around your head in a steady, welcoming thrum.
Like a soft sigh, a shuffling sound whispers through high above the Ruins of Andeystelis from a
weeping trill statue bowed in sorrow as it appears to move out of the corner of your eye.
You begin to follow Nelras.
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says to Vecennya, "We are all here..."
Aiya Ehc'zi flashes Vecennya a joyous smile.
Yarith inclines his head politely to Vecennya.
Cygnine Composer Vecennya says to Nelras, "I was in the ball room, very confused!"
Vecennya curtseys gracefully before Aiya Ehc'zi.
Vecennya curtseys gracefully before Yarith.
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says, "On second thoughts, shall we make our way to the ball room
Volucer says to Ruin, "I won't help you. Only that other one had fish, no fish, no deal."
Vecennya gives Ruin a respectful salute.
You nod your head at Nelras.
Clasping her hands in front of her, Harvest Reaper, Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon says, "The ballroom
sounds like a lovely idea."
Nelras tells you, "Did the musicians arrive yet?"
Like the pealing of so many bells, your voice rings to Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate, "Ah..I am..
not sure?"
Ruin says to Volucer, "Fair. I wouldn't commit larceny for less than a sugary treat. Well, let's get
this over with then."
Ruin begins to follow Nelras.
You have emoted: Anita pinches the bridge of her nose and takes a breath.
Aiya Ehc'zi begins to follow Nelras.
*movement to Ball room to see if musicians are there or not*
The Grand Aurora Ballroom.
Banks of clouds roil about here. Shimmering with dawn radiance, a lightweaving of a prismatic
feather points the way to the Grand Aurora Ballroom. Floating silently in the air, a dawn-struck
crystalline table is held up only by a thin wisp of fluffy cloud. There are 30 porcelain tea cups
embellished with golden feathers here. Holding aloft a silver tray of desserts and refreshment in
her gloved hands, Mincel Mooneye quietly oversees her surroundings. There are 3 palm sigils here.
Attracting insects, a beehive keg has been recklessly left behind here. Looking at first like an
oddly-coloured barrel, a keg of bloodstone rests here. A dark amethyst keg rests here.
You see exits leading east, south, and west.
Like the pealing of so many bells, your voice rings to Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate, "There are
no musicians here."
A pair of musicians strides in and takes position side-by-side.
Nelras tells you, "I knew there would not be all of them by any stretch, but...none at all?"
Like the pealing of so many bells, your voice rings to Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate, "Aha! A
pair just strode in."
Your eyes raise to the heavens as a look of hope flashes across your face.
You greet a classic trill musician with a sincere smile.
Nelras tells you, "Wonderful. I knew that the conductor would not let us down."
You greet a classic trill musician with a sincere smile.
A shadow passes over the glass pane as a royal bird-of-paradise soars beyond the distant horizon,
sunlight glinting off his wings.
You say, "Greetings to you both - I thank your timely arrival!"
Banks of clouds drift through the sky outside these crystalline walls, veiling the naked windows in
a shroud of gossamer mist.
Nine tails swishing behind her, Aria, the rainbow kitsune enters from the west, briefly colouring
random objects around her.
Tirah arrives, following Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate.
Shonjir arrives, following Yarith Shevat, the Vehement.
Making no sound, a weeping trill statue bowed in sorrow arrives from the west.
Nicholo arrives, following Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate.
Hecton arrives, following Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate.
Yarith arrives, following Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate.
A cow ponderously moseys over from the west.
Stratas arrives, following Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate.
Elexia arrives, following Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate.
Vecennya arrives, following Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate.
He is followed by Aiya Ehc'zi, Volucer, and Ruin.
The ominous ruby eyes on Shonjir's mask gleam and glint dangerously with a mimicry of divine power.
A tear-streaked dove in mourning dips her head in greeting.
With a flourish of his arm, Nelras bows deeply.
With a flourish of his arm, Tambador bows deeply.
Elexia dips into a curtsey.
Vecennya curtseys gracefully.
Bringing its hands together before it, a simple pilgrim presses a closed fist into an open hand as
it bows humbly to all present.
With a flourish of her arm, Aiya Ehc'zi bows deeply.
Mist-laden costume trailing behind her, a lovely trill wielding a skysilver tessen arrives from the
A woman of great elegance and beauty, this lovely trill has a youthful bearing and graceful poise
beneath a head of opaline feathers that shimmer and shine with iridescence. Translucent wings extend
behind her grandly, each prismatic pinion catching and reflecting the light. Her costume is little
more than long, thin strips flaring around her in a circle, ephemeral and gossamer as mist with
beads of condensation laced throughout. Each narrow piece of the outfit appears lined with radiant
dawn light, delicately outlining the clothing's silhouette. Around her feet, wisps of fog curl like
smoke that trail along with her at every movement. Completing the mysterious look, she wields a
large tessen of skysilver that stands a head taller than herself. The deadly weapon shimmers with
crystal inlays, gorgeous and beautiful in its lethal glinting.
A trill in a mist-wreathed costume almost glows with nearly god-like power.
She weighs about 184 pounds.
You cannot see what a trill in a mist-wreathed costume is holding.
It has the following aliases: citizen, trill.
Ruin's mask shifts, as if her jaw had dropped open beneath it. "Um," she says, elbowing her
companion in the ribs.
Beaming at the attendees, a trill in a mist-wreathed costume and roots her tessen at her feet to
position it at a slant in her hand before speaking, "Oh how lovely! The turnout is quite grand."
Her voice almost a whisper, Harvest Reaper, Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon says, "I've seen nothing like
this place..."
"Ow!" Aiya Ehc'zi exclaims, before following Ruin's frantic pointing. "I...oh. Oh. Is that - oh. Oh
A tear-streaked dove in mourning dips her head in greeting to a trill in a mist-wreathed costume.
Remmiel tilts his head curiously at Ruin.
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says, "Indeed, it is good to see so many of us here. Might I have
a few words, before we begin in earnest?"
Ruin gives a trill in a mist-wreathed costume the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
Vecennya turns towards Nelras and listen intently.
Tambador tilts his head curiously.
The pointed tips of Elexia's ears twitch as she tries to listen closely to Nelras.
A trill in a mist-wreathed costume turns to you and inclines her head, "You have done very well
organising the Ball!" She takes a step back and smiles at everyone.
A trill in a mist-wreathed costume looks to Ruin with a raising of her eyebrow.
Tirah curtseys gracefully before a trill in a mist-wreathed costume.
Mincel Mooneye stands up a little straighter, trying to look her best.
Nicholo bows respectfully to a trill in a mist-wreathed costume.
Vecennya curtseys gracefully before a trill in a mist-wreathed costume.
Remmiel's lips quirk up slightly and he bows to a trill in a mist-wreathed costume.
A statue of a weeping angel smiles up at a proud knight emblazoned with the crest of the White
Addressing all of the guests, Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says, "First off, thank you all for
coming. We all know that the trial of Harmony is just around the corner, yet it is a different kind
of harmony we find here tonight. The harmony between friends. Between citymates and allies. Recent
times have been difficult for many of us, but we cannot allow that to define them entirely. For now,
let us put difficulties and disagreements aside and enjoy the time ahead of us."
Eyes curious, a tear-streaked dove in mourning turns her head towards Nelras, tilting to listen.
Twinkling motes of colour pirouette in dizzying patterns through glassy sunbeams, winking in and out
of sight with a dreamy transience.
Neon tubes flash with garish light upon Shonjir's pauldron as he tilts his masked head to listen.
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says, "I will keep this short, as none of us are here to listen to
me make speeches. Allow me to thank the people who have made this ball possible."
Remmiel flashes Nelras a joyous smile.
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says, "First of all, Anita, for she is the one who first thought
to hold this ball. Furthermore, without here invaluable work, none of this would have happened."
Ejderha beams broadly at you.
You grin sheepishly and blush faintly.
A trill in a mist-wreathed costume beams broadly at you.
Elexia flashes you a joyous smile.
Standing at his full height, Tambador regards his surroundings with contempt as two stunning wings
of platinum white unfurl behind him in a grand display. The image shimmers like a mirage before it
fades, the feathers dissipating in motes of flickering light.
A simple pilgrim smiles softly at you.
Aiya Ehc'zi slips her hand from Ruin's and leads a short, polite applause with the announcement.
Remmiel grins mischievously at you.
Remmiel gives you a peck on the cheek.
Mincel Mooneye beams broadly.
The body of Minister Xeii Shevat, the Perpetual Auspice appears in a flash and her soul descends to
fill it, causing the previously expressionless face to fill with emotion.
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says, "Secondly, I must thank the Ministry of Culture, and with
them my beloved wife, for all of the effort and resources that they have provided for this event."
Nelras smiles softly at Xeii.
Stratas glances about and inhales, becoming larger and seemingly more genteel than his normal self.
A faint eddying of music and the echo of erudite conversation fill the air.
Xeii bows her head, retreating to a less noticeable place than her original position.
A statue of a weeping angel smiles serenely at Xeii.
Ruin claps loudly and whoops, before looking around with a shrug at the resulting glances. "What.
You clapped before."
Remmiel glances wryly at Ruin and hides a grin behind his hand.
Vecennya hides a smile behind her hand, looking away briefly.
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says, "And finally, although certainly not least, Lady Isune.
Without the Lady Aesthete, we would not have been able to use this wonderful ballroom, situated as
it is within Her Realm."
Shonjir emits a squealing sound like spinning gears as a harsh and heavy breathing sound follows
from beneath his mask.
He is a ferocious loboshigaru concordant demigod and carries himself with an air of precision and
perpetual alertness. His tall, elegantly athletic frame is compact but powerful, almost entirely
covered by an immaculate coat of dense fur that lies close to the skin, glossy black except for the
sharply defined markings in a rusty, sandstone hue appearing above both eyes, muzzle and throat,
like gloves upon his limbs and in two triangular spots upon his chest. His long, straight muzzle
subtly widens to a blunt wedge of a head in a near unbroken line, offering only a slight step
between his almond-shaped black eyes. Sharply pointed ears stand long and erect atop his flat skull,
lending him an aura of constant vigilance.
He is wearing:
a nebulous pauldron of trailing mist studded with garishly flashing neon tubes
a suit of scavenged plate armour filled with spinning clockwork gears
a copper-topped battery pack
a featureless white mask bearing a rust-hued gear and three menacing ruby eyes
a long dark coat of black sheep's wool
a tulip of golden beryl embeded among the spinning gears of his chest plate.
Xeii moves out of your line of sight to arrange more items on a floating dawn-struck crystalline
table, eyes only for her work.
Aiya Ehc'zi pauses halfway to bringing her hands together. "Does one applaud a Goddess?" she asks
Ruin quietly.
Vecennya claps politely.
A trill in a mist-wreathed costume beams broadly at Nelras.
Stratas smiles softly.
Ruin stares blankly at Aiya Ehc'zi.
Elexia scans the room with her eyes for a moment, then adds her own applause.
Volucer lays his ears back and relaxes, his eyes lidding halfway.
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says, "With those words, let us begin. If you would care for
refreshments, they can be found on the table."
Mincel Mooneye clears her throat.
Nelras tilts his head and listens intently to Mincel Mooneye.
Mincel Mooneye inclines her head politely at Nelras.
Barely have the words left Nelras's mouth before Ruin all but flies across the ballroom, beginning
to scan the tables intently.
Remmiel's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Aiya Ehc'zi's eyes raise to the heavens as a look of hope flashes across her face.
Vecennya curtseys gracefully.
Tambador looks around and scratches his head.
A knight of the White Falcons says to Kendra, "Would you care for some refreshments??"
Cygnine Composer Vecennya says to Aiya Ehc'zi, "That is an incredibly lovely outfit."
Mincel Mooneye says, "If you speak with me, I am also offering a special selection of items blessed
by the Lady Aesthete."
Banks of clouds drift through the sky outside these crystalline walls, veiling the naked windows in
a shroud of gossamer mist.
A tear-streaked dove in mourning lifts a wing to hide the smile upon her face as she watches Ruin.
Mincel Mooneye beams brightly.
Aiya Ehc'zi:
Devoid of her usual effulgent gown, Aiya Ehc'zi has adopted a far more genderless appearance for
this grand occasion. Shimmering silver robes envelop her shapely form, the billowing silk lending
her flourishing movements and a blocky, hard appearance. The long sleeves are folded back, exposing
the elaborate multicoloured lining - an intricate, two-dimensional depiction of the mandalic core of
the Matrix itself. Where they are pinned, the natural striations of her own crystalline skin can be
seen, lending a rough-hewn edge to her otherwise peerlessly clear form. These striations splay forth
upon her head, trailing out in finespun curls that tinkle with prismatic radiance to frame her stern
mask. Skilfully crafted, it might be mistaken for a curious extension of her own clear form were it
not for the prismatic glow it emits. Its hard-edged lines are illuminated by the minuscule charged
gems that have been embedded in the clear crystal, filling the otherwise cold features with the
brilliant clarity of lucidian emotion.
Aiya Ehc'zi has an air of extreme strength.
A statue of a weeping angel gathers the skirts of her snow white gown and steps closer to a proud
knight emblazoned with the crest of the White Falcons, "Please" she whispers.
Mincel Mooneye says to Ejderha, "Try greeting me, sir."
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says to Mincel Mooneye, "Thank you. It is most kind of you to make
this offer to everyone here."
Ejderha greets Mincel Mooneye with a sincere smile.
Inclining her head politely, Mincel Mooneye says, "Dawn's radiance upon you, sir."
Mincel Mooneye says, "I am offering a fine selection of refreshments. Would you like to hear about
Tribune Ejderha Strongleaf says, "Yes, please tell me about your refreshments."
Turning, Mincel Mooneye speaks directly to Ejderha now.
Mincel Mooneye says, "I am currently able to serve you one of the following..."
Mincel Mooneye says, "For one-hundred gold, a fluffy meringue cookie which is divine, light as a
cloud, and blessed by the Lady Aesthete with a random flavour for your enjoyment."
Mincel Mooneye says, "For five-hundred gold, a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit cider with a
touch of cinnamon that warms the heart like the Lady Aesthete's own dawn light."
Mincel Mooneye says, "For one-thousand gold, a festive bird-of-paradise firecracker wrapped in
sunset-hued paper which will illuminate the sky with visions and hues inspired by the Lady Aesthete.
Mincel Mooneye says, "Please give me the exact amount of gold for one and I will gladly serve you
the designated item."
Amidst the commotion, Ruin quietly stuffs her face, careful to sample everything on offer with her
usual lack of decorum.
Stratas smiles softly.
Smiling brightly at the honour to serve, Mincel Mooneye offers a prayer to the Lady Aesthete then
plucks a cider from her tray and hands it to Ejderha.
Mincel Mooneye completes her transaction and turns to wait on others.
*Spam of everyone buying things from Mincel Mooneye!*
Vecennya lines up behind others waiting, sparing several glances over at Ruin, likely losing her
place in line.
Ejderha bows respectfully to Mincel Mooneye.
Mincel Mooneye inclines her head politely at Ejderha.
Elexia's eyes light up at the offer and her hands drift to pull out a handful of sovereigns.
Vecennya drifts away from Mincel Mooneye to look over the tables near Ruin.
Following a gentle sip of a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit cider, Ejderha's eyes slip shut
in a pleasant daze, seemingly unbothered by his surroundings.
A statue of a weeping angel leans back and scans the table for chocolate.
Shonjir takes a kaleidoscopic cake of origami birds from a floating dawn-struck crystalline table.
A classic trill musician observes her companion and matches her metre, taking bow to her violin.
Mouth spewing shards of meringue, Ruin says to Vecennya, "Try thmh cek."
Vecennya tentatively sticks out her tongue and licks an alabaster sphere cup cake.
Nelras turns to look at the musician and, with a slight nod of his head, smiles.
Tirah gets some gold sovereigns from a glamorous black-sequined purse.
Through a mouthful of cake, Cygnine Composer Vecennya says to Ruin, "Oh, delicious."
Stratas says, "I appreciate being allowed to attend this wonderful gathering, and I regret that I
must leave as soon as it begins. But many thanks, and I hope you all have a delightful time."
Aiya Ehc'zi nods her head sagely at Vecennya.
Yarith snickers softly to himself.
With a flourish of his arm, Stratas bows deeply.
Yarith gives Shonjir a peck on the cheek.
Comprehension flashes across Tirah's face.
Xeii curtseys gracefully before Stratas.
(Bureau of Artistic Endeavours): Nelras says, "We were just considering a display of the
firecrackers later."
Kendra curtseys gracefully before Stratas.
Bowing politely, Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says to Stratas, "Thank you for coming."
Volucer picks his head up and looks around, then relaxes slowly again.
(Bureau of Artistic Endeavours): You say, "Ooh, aye. That would be nice. I would just like to keep
this as a keepsake, though."
Remmiel flashes Hecton a joyous smile.
You put a festive bird-of-paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper into a luxurious, golden
silk money pouch.
Twinkling motes of colour pirouette in dizzying patterns through glassy sunbeams, winking in and out
of sight with a dreamy transience.
Nelras tells you, "Of course, we would not take the one you purchased for yourself."
You flash Nelras a joyous smile.
As she looks over more tables, Cygnine Composer Vecennya says to Aiya Ehc'zi, "Do you have a
favourite flavour? I haven't been able to find an macarons yet for you, and, so I was thinking
perhaps just whipping up a platter of them."
Cygnine Composer Vecennya says to Ruin, "Sorry, that...was for you."
Nelras quietly asks Mincel, "How many of the firecrackers do you have?"
Overwhelmed, Mincel Mooneye says, "Oh my. You all may just hand me the gold if I am not serving
another. I will know what you wish."
Mincel Mooneye says, "Unless of course you wish to hear the list several times over?"
Tirah puts a festive bird-of-paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper into a glamorous
black-sequined purse.
Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, Ruin says, "Cake flavour."
Cygnine Composer Vecennya says to Aiya Ehc'zi, "Although, if you have a favourite flavour, I would
not dismiss it of course."
Remmiel grins mischievously at Mincel Mooneye.
Mincel Mooneye inclines her head politely at Remmiel.
With a slow nod to Ruin, Vecennya shows her understanding.
Shonjir gives a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit cider to Yarith Shevat, the Vehement.
Cygnine Composer Vecennya says, "Perhaps several different macarons, then."
Xeii gives a knowing smile in the direction of Ruin before lowering her gaz once moree.
Smiling brightly at the honour to serve, Mincel Mooneye offers the gold in prayer to the Lady
Aesthete, then plucks your item off her tray and hands it to you. She whispers reverently for you
alone, "May you ever fly past clouds and obstacles towards the dawn light in pursuit of Beauty."
At the invitation, Aiya Ehc'zi strides across the ballroom with a click, click of her heels to join
Vecennya and Ruin at the table. "I am quite fond of lemon," she replies, smiling politely.
You give 500 gold sovereigns to Mincel Mooneye.
Smiling brightly at the honour to serve, Mincel Mooneye offers the gold in prayer to the Lady
Aesthete, then plucks your item off her tray and hands it to you. She whispers reverently for you
alone, "May you ever drink to the dawn of a new day that arises from Sacrifice."
Tirah sways back and forth.
Shonjir gives a fluffy meringue of powderfruit jam to Yarith Shevat, the Vehement.
Kendra's ears perk up as her attention turns towards Aiya Ehc'zi.
Remmiel flashes you a joyous smile.
Shonjir's eyes slip shut in a pleasant daze as he eats a fluffy meringue of powderfruit jam,
seemingly unbothered by his surroundings as a slow, warm smile spreads on his lips.
You put a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit cider into a luxurious, golden silk money pouch.
You put a fluffy meringue of powderfruit jam into a luxurious, golden silk money pouch.
Yarith's eyes slip shut in a pleasant daze as he eats a fluffy meringue of powderfruit jam,
seemingly unbothered by his surroundings as a slow, warm smile spreads on his lips.
Elexia looks down at the cookie in her hands. "It looks simply gorgeous," she says quietly, before
venturing a bite.
Ejderha tentatively sticks out his tongue and licks a kaleidoscopic cake of origami birds.
A light pink blush suffuses Elexia's cheeks as she eats a fluffy meringue of rosewater whipped cream,
leaving a dreamy smile on her lips and an ever-so-light rosy flush in the face.
A statue of a weeping angel spins to join the other ladies at the table, "Someone say lemon?" she
eagerly asks.
Vecennya takes a silver-iced cup cake bearing a jagged white bolt from a floating dawn-struck
crystalline table.
Mincel Mooneye says, "One more thing, all these treats are quite ephemeral. Do not think to hide
them in your store rooms."
She is an ordinary human storm-born demigoddess and stands at 6ft in height. She has alabaster skin
with vivid emerald eyes, set with a violet iris and framed with long, black lashes. Her sharply
angled, well defined cheekbones exude a slight, peach blush, and a strong, aquiline nose leads to a
thick-set mouth stained a pale pink. She has a broad, solid frame which has toned up considerably
during her time spent hunting, and she holds herself tall. Her raven black hair as been finely
covered with ice white pigments, shot through with pale purple and ending it a sparkling, ethereal
effect- With wave upon wave of locks cascading down her back to end at her hips, braided at the
sides and elegantly pulled back from her face. Long arms rest lazily by her side but her tapered
fingers are constantly drumming against her thighs and emitting sparks of dazzling white lightning.
Muscled legs lead to sturdy feet. A thin layer of ice coats her skin in places to create an ethereal
effect, twining around her arms and neck, ending just beneath her jawbone. Pierced ears are wrapped
in silver chains, and a pair of sparkling, ivory wings sprout from her back, edged in ice. She walks
with the truefavour of Czixi. She walks with the truefavour of Isune.
She is wearing:
the Quintessential Mandala of Resplendent Harmony
sheer silk and lace gloves
a pair of delicate, clear crystal shoes
a snoefaasia orchid crown of boreal crystal
a snow-white, fur-trimmed ball gown
a white silk domino mask
a crystal-beaded stole of rose quartz and violet velvet.
Vecennya examines a silver-iced cup cake bearing a jagged white bolt carefully, turning it around in
her hands before she takes a bite of it.
Aiya Ehc'zi's mask illuminates with beautiful citrine yellow as she turns to glance at Kendra. "I
did. Miss Vecennya was asking my preferences in cake."
Vecennya tentatively sticks out her tongue and licks a silver-iced cup cake bearing a jagged white
Vecennya nods her head at Aiya Ehc'zi.
Kendra smiles beatifically at Aiya Ehc'zi Ehc'zi, "I love a lemon tart!" she laughingly says.
Cygnine Composer Vecennya says to Aiya Ehc'zi, "Lemon works quite well in a cake, doesn't it? The
tart and the sweet go well."
Volucer tilts his head back and turns his eyes to the sky for a brief moment.
Kendra's eyes raise to the heavens as a look of hope flashes across her face.
You give a fish wrapped in paper to Volucer.
Volucer clasps a fish wrapped in paper in his talons and leisurely consumes every morsel.
The rest of her body glowing the same golden hue, Aiya Ehc'zi says, "Precisely! It is the contrast
that truly develops the flavour. The complement."
Making his way over to the table, Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says, "I would have to agree as
Vecennya consumes a silver-iced cup cake bearing a jagged white bolt leisurely, seeming to enjoy
every bite.
A light pink blush suffuses Kendra's cheeks as she drinks a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit
cider, leaving her ever-so-slightly flushed.
Shonjir titters a bit after sipping a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit cider and the drink
leaves his lips, moving to stifle a sudden bright, giddy laugh.
Shonjir licks his lips.
Kendra's body suddenly begins to shift through a variety of colours, first a cheerful ruby then a
gentle cerulean, before becoming a warm topaz before repeating.
Vecennya curtseys gracefully before Mincel Mooneye.
Mincel Mooneye inclines her head politely at Vecennya.
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Mincel Mooneye's lips.
A tear-streaked dove in mourning says, "I do hope the refreshments and cakes are to everyone's
Vecennya titters a bit after sipping a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit cider and the drink
leaves her lips, moving to stifle a sudden bright, giddy laugh.
Shonjir smacks his lips behind his mask, cogs whirling noisly upon his armour.
Vecennya drinks down the cider before smiling happily.
Cygnine Composer Vecennya says, "Oh, that was quite delicious."
A simple pilgrim says, "The refreshments and cakes are quite delicious."
Harvest Reaper, Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon says, "Simply marvelous! I believe I will take one or two
home to share."
Shonjir takes a bird of paradise cheesecake from a floating dawn-struck crystalline table.
Quietly, Aiya Ehc'zi murmurs, "Lady Warden, your gown." She steps forward and gently brushes the
periwinkle silk of Ruin's dress to discard the stray crumbs and shards of meringue.
Shonjir quickly devours a bird of paradise cheesecake.
Remmiel flashes you a joyous smile.
Ejderha begins to wield a cloud-shaped meringue cake in his right hand.
Stepping up to join Kendra at the table a knight of the White Falcons hands Kendra a lemon meringue.
Soon after Xeii eats a fluffy meringue of sunny honeycomb, she titters quietly as her eyes light up
and she moves to politely stifle a sudden giddy laugh.
Ruin waves Aiya away, mask shifting as she grimaces beneath it. "Stop mothering me, ugh," she
grumbles, eyes gleaming, before reaching for the next type of cake.
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Nelras's lips as he glances at Xeii.
The musicians' music flows and harmonises softly and quietly, a beautifully blended melody of harp
and violin.
Shonjir Shevat says to Yarith, "The meringue is positively delicious. And the cheesecake... mhm."
A statue of a weeping angel daintily bites into a cloud like meringue, careful to catch any crumbs
as she nibbles around the edges, "Mmmm! Heaven in my hand" she whimsically says.
Vecennya picks up a porcelain tea cup embellished with golden feathers.
Curious to discern the aroma, Nelras sniffs a fluffy meringue of sunny honeycomb.
You give 100 gold sovereigns to Mincel Mooneye.
Smiling brightly at the honour to serve, Mincel Mooneye offers the gold in prayer to the Lady
Aesthete, then plucks your item off her tray and hands it to you. She whispers reverently for you
alone, "May you ever fly past clouds and obstacles towards the dawn light in pursuit of Beauty."
Soon after Nelras eats a fluffy meringue of sunny honeycomb, he titters quietly as his eyes light up
and he moves to politely stifle a sudden giddy laugh.
Tambador's eyes slip shut in a pleasant daze as he eats a fluffy meringue of powderfruit jam,
seemingly unbothered by his surroundings as a slow, warm smile spreads on his lips.
You bite into the petite lavender-hued meringue, feeling the sugary treat's outer shell crumble
apart between your teeth before it melts into a light, sweet syrup. As you reach the soft, chewy
centre, you unveil a piped pocket of powderfruit preserves, entwining the thicker texture of the
fruity jam with the velvety one of the meringue. As the redolence of powderfruit meets your palate,
you are entirely suffused with the comfort of home, kind words of familial praise and love
enveloping your mind and senses in a warm, cosy blanket. The feeling fades slowly away, though the
sweetness of the meringue still lingers on your tongue.
Eyes wide as she eats a fluffy meringue of tart white lemon, Kendra gazes about with an expression
of wordless wonderment, as though beholding the beauty of her surroundings for the first time.
Soon after Vecennya eats a fluffy meringue of sunny honeycomb, she titters quietly as her eyes light
up and she moves to politely stifle a sudden giddy laugh.
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says to Mincel Mooneye, "A most exceptional meringue, thank you."
Acknowledging Nelras's point to be true, Vecennya nods her head gravely at him.
Cygnine Composer Vecennya says, "Real delight."
Remmiel walks to the table and picks up a piece of cheesecake before leaning against the edge of the
tabletop, eyes roaming the crowd lazily as he eats, careful not to get any on his face or clothes.
Elexia nods her head enthusiastically.
Eyes widening and glistening as if in a trance, a statue of a weeping angel says, "Oh my."
Nicholo blinks.
As Nicholo blinks, a weeping trill statue bowed in sorrow reaches out a hand to touch him with
barely the brush of a palm, causing him to disappear as if never there.
Vecennya clears her throat of the meringue before trying again. "A real delight!"
A tear-streaked dove in mourning says, "Oh my, the meringues are truly wonderful."
Lines of power flare up along Shonjir's body, connected by shimmering points of light. For a brief
moment, his body becomes a canvas displaying the constellations of Lusternia before the light
flickers and fades away.
Smiling brightly at the honour to serve, Mincel Mooneye offers the gold in prayer to the Lady
Aesthete, then plucks your item off her tray and hands it to you. She whispers reverently for you
alone, "May you ever fly past clouds and obstacles towards the dawn light in pursuit of Beauty."
A knight of the White Falcons says to Kendra, "Would you like another??"
Among the sparkling motes of light, a translucent figure appears in the air and then quickly
solidifies as Nicholo comes into view.
Vivet puts her nose over a heliotrope sphere cup cake and inhales.
Nicholo grumbles angrily.
Nicholo peers about himself unscrupulously.
Xeii titters a bit after sipping a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit cider and the drink leaves
her lips, moving to stifle a sudden bright, giddy laugh.
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Nelras's lips.
Cygnine Composer Vecennya says to Nicholo, "Oh! Welcome to the party."
Remmiel's eyes sparkle with amusement at Nicholo.
Vecennya curtseys gracefully before Nicholo.
Aiya Ehc'zi polishes off her own cake and returns to observing the party, now emitting an aura of
brilliant golden light.
A knight of the White Falcons greets Nicholo with a sincere smile.
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says to Nicholo, "Do not worry. As you saw, should anyone find
themselves elsewhere, they need only teleport back to me."
Bringing its arms together before it, a simple pilgrim presses a closed fist into an open hand
before bowing humbly to Nicholo as their faces reflect a sudden sense of well-being.
Remmiel grins mischievously at you.
A tear-streaked dove in mourning glances askance.
Kendra greets Mincel Mooneye with a sincere smile.
Inclining her head politely, Mincel Mooneye says, "Dawn's radiance upon you, miss."
Rubbing his glowing red eyes, Nicholo, the Fallen Nightshade says, "I suppose... I took too many
Colour Bursts in the eyes. It is difficult to not blink."
Vecennya ponders a festive bird-of-paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper thoughtfully,
looking it up and down.
Glittering like diamonds against the glass-wrought walls, the night sky shimmers with shadow-cloaked
Cygnine Composer Vecennya says, "Would now be an appropriate time to pop a firecracker?"
Tambador nods enthusiastically at Vecennya and says "Sure!"
Cygnine Composer Vecennya says, "One vote is enough for me."
Vecennya acknowledges the point with a grave nod of her head.
Giving a festive bird-of-paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper a firm pull, Vecennya
releases the avian spirit within, letting her soar high above with carefree abandon.
Exploding in a shower of luminescent radiance, the avian spirit from within a festive bird-of-
paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper bursts into myriad motes of light to coalesce into
a dawn-hued vision.
Shimmering in undulating waves of light, an aurora of brilliant hues gleams and glitters like
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[ https://ada-young.appspot.com/pastebin/mAKZtiW2 ]
"Oooooooooh!" Shonjir says, eyes wide with wonder.
Tambador clenches his fist and chortles "Ooer!"
Utterly entranced, Tirah emits a long "Ooooh."
Kendra claps her hands together merrily.
Aiya Ehc'zi gives a short gasp of elation.
A simple pilgrim claps its hands together merrily.
Utterly entranced, Ejderha emits a long "Ooooh."
Elexia gasps with delight as she takes a step back from the marvelous display.
Vecennya looks up at the firecracker, eyes boggling in amazement. "That's absolutely gorgeous!"
Vivet hums a happy tune.
With delight, Aiya Ehc'zi says, "Oh! Is it illusion, or chemical reaction? Divine magic? The
manifestation of a harmonic resonance?"
Unable to help but smile, Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says, "Perhaps for others who wish to
release their firecrackers, we could have an impromptu display of them, later?"
Aiya Ehc'zi claps her hands together merrily.
Blade Dancer Tirah Mzithrei says to Aiya Ehc'zi, "Yes."
Gasping in elation as she turns her face skyward, a statue of a weeping angel says, "Goodness me
Cygnine Composer Vecennya says, "Whatever it was, it was delightful!"
Nicholo clears his throat.
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says to Vecennya, "Indeed, it was."
Nelras tilts his head and listens intently to Nicholo.
Smiling brightly at the honour to serve, Mincel Mooneye offers the gold in prayer to the Lady
Aesthete, then plucks your item off her tray and hands it to you. She whispers reverently for you
alone, "May you ever drink to the dawn of a new day that arises from Sacrifice."
Shonjir titters a bit after sipping a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit cider and the drink
leaves his lips, moving to stifle a sudden bright, giddy laugh.
A light pink blush suffuses Tambador's cheeks as he drinks a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit
cider, leaving him ever-so-slightly flushed.
Vecennya takes a bird of paradise cheesecake from a floating dawn-struck crystalline table.
Xeii nods at Nelras. "Usage of firecrackers I think may be better if done together and at a set time
rather than at whim."
Vecennya carefully plucks a cheesecake from the table, looking over it carefully.
Whispering, a statue of a weeping angel says to Tambador, "More lemon meringue please, Sir Tam."
Nelras nods his head at Xeii.
Wispy, fragrant tendrils of steam rise from the clear, peach-hued cider, emanating a cosy, welcoming
warmth from the vessel in your grasp. Flecks of cinnamon sprinkle the surface of the liquid, and
even more have settled at the bottom. Swirling the drink contemplatively for a moment, you take a
long, languid sip, and the sweet, spiced flavour of powderfruit washes over your palate, underlaid
by honeyed notes of peaches and apples. The heat of the powderfruit cider spreads throughout your
body as you swallow, warming you pleasantly from the inside out.
Ejderha glances askance.
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says to Xeii, "My thoughts exactly, if we are to maximize the
effect of them."
Vecennya puts her nose over a bird of paradise cheesecake and inhales.
Shonjir Shevat says to Ejderha, "A favourite bottle of plonk?"
Vecennya tentatively sticks out her tongue and licks a bird of paradise cheesecake.
Vecennya eats a bird of paradise cheesecake with obvious gusto.
Kendra laughs out loud at Shonjir.
Tambador chuckles long and heartily.
Your eyes sparkle with amusement at Ejderha.
Shonjir's neon tubes flash wildly.
Tribune Ejderha Strongleaf says to Shonjir, "I am practicing a tae'dae impersonation?"
A light pink blush suffuses Vivet's cheeks as she drinks a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit
cider, leaving her ever-so-slightly flushed.
Kendra titters a bit after sipping a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit cider and the drink
leaves her lips, moving to stifle a sudden bright, giddy laugh.
Vecennya wipes her mouth from the cheesecake, smiling as she looks over the plethora of other cakes.
Banks of clouds roil about here. At once a dream made manifest and reality made surreal, this
resplendent ballroom is suffused with the gentle golds and silvers of the aurora. The walls are
papered with gold-washed ivory, further decorated with long silk-brocade tapestries of intricate
make; composed of rich hues, far more vivid than stained-glass, the threads coalesce in aesthetic
illustrations of various avian creatures, their graceful, fluttering forms set against the majestic
backdrop of dawn's firmament. Gossamer halos of gold appear to envelop the air about every gentle
source of light, whether it is the chandelier above or the silvered sconces upon the walls. Large
cathedral-like windows around the circumference of this elegant chamber provide a breathtaking view
of the celestial night skies, filled with all the silver-blue stars of the constellations and
gracing the chamber with their empyrean, twinkling light. Beneath, the dancing floor is flawless
white marble, chased with glimmering gold; these aurulent lines waltz and spiral around one another
to create an elaborate filigree sun that encompasses the entire floor. Shimmering with dawn radiance,
a lightweaving of a prismatic feather points the way to the Grand Aurora Ballroom. Floating silently
in the air, a dawn-struck crystalline table is held up only by a thin wisp of fluffy cloud. There
are 29 porcelain tea cups embellished with golden feathers here. There are 3 palm sigils here. There
are 3 beehive kegs here. Looking at first like an oddly-coloured barrel, a keg of bloodstone rests
here. A dark amethyst keg rests here. There are 4 stained glass tea bottles of sun-blanched magnolia
here. Her shoulders rounded in mourning despair, a weeping trill statue cups her hands over her eyes
here. A cow wanders about aimlessly, minding her own business and paying you no attention. Face
concealed behind a crystalline mask, Aiya Ehc'zi stands here in a juxtaposition of cool poise and
skittish scholarship. An enormous falcon nervously talons the ground, wings mantling. Wielding a
large tessen of skysilver lined with shimmering crystal, a trill in a mist-wreathed costume observes
her surroundings with ready alertness and a bemused smirk on her face. A classic trill musician
walks about briskly, harp in hand. A classic trill musician walks about briskly, lyre in hand.
Holding aloft a silver tray of desserts and refreshment in her gloved hands, Mincel Mooneye quietly
oversees her surroundings. Stood tall in an exquisite periwinkle gown, Ruin rocks here restlessly,
beautiful brown and gold wings folded behind her. Yarith Shevat, the Vehement looms here, projecting
an aura of command. He wields a small medicine pouch in his left hand. Minister Xeii Shevat, the
Perpetual Auspice lingers here, the coolly pure scent of skyblooms and wind wisps surrounding her
form like mountain mist. She wields a baroque violin of antique silver and pearl inlay in her left
hand and a golden whip of the pious in her right. Tirah has a look of comprehension here. Emitting a
fiery, dawn-cast radiance, a proud knight emblazoned with the crest of the White Falcons keeps
solemn guard here. Shonjir Shevat is here. He wields a plush doll of Sciomore, the Logician in his
left hand. A humble pilgrim wearing simple robes and sandals actively meditates here, absently
toying with a rope belt. Vivet Pavok, Avatar to the Shrouded Guide with a Wakabi face is here,
shrouded. She wields D'varsha's Eternal Wand of Transcendental Force in her left hand. Nelras is
here, smiling faintly. Her hands covering her eyes, the statue of a winged, crystal woman bows her
head here, weeping. Harvest Reaper, Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon is here. Vecennya is here, pondering
thoughtfully. Nicholo is grumbling to himself slightly. He wields an iridescent silver lyre in his
left hand. Tribune Ejderha Strongleaf radiates an aura of severity and calm as he lingers here. He
wields a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit cider in his left hand.
You see exits leading east, south, and west.
Elexia picks up a porcelain tea cup embellished with golden feathers.
Gears grind noisly in his armour as Shonjir chuckles beneath his mask.
The musicians' continue to play, their blended harmonics shifting between beautiful high and mid-
range notes for a classic and elegant complement.
Shonjir takes a cloud-shaped meringue cake from a floating dawn-struck crystalline table.
Shonjir consumes a cloud-shaped meringue cake leisurely, seeming to enjoy every bite.
Cygnine Composer Vecennya says, "Such lovely food, drink, and music, a truly lovely ball."
Nelras had been about to make his way to one of the musicians, but stops, turning back to the guests.
A statue of a weeping angel picks through the table, muttering about the distinct lack of chocolate.
Shaking her head, she grabs two handfuls of cheesecake, and without remorse, tares into them.
Yarith suddenly twitches, the air about him crackling as blue sparks zip across his skin before
sputtering out.
Nicholo eats a little honey cake with obvious gusto.
Cygnine Composer Vecennya says to a weeping trill statue bowed in sorrow, "I've never had chocolate,
what does it taste like?"
A tear-streaked dove in mourning hovers lightly beside a floating dawn-struck crystalline table,
watching the gathered guests curiously as the notes of music fill the air.
You take a kaleidoscopic cake of origami birds from a floating dawn-struck crystalline table.
You sprinkle a bottle of powdered chocolate over a kaleidoscopic cake of origami birds, which glows
and then transforms into a chocolate bar.
A statue of a weeping angel cants her head toward a weeping trill statue bowed in sorrow, "A family
member?" she wickedly says.
With a playful flourish Tambador gives Kendra a lemon merignue "Your lemon meringue Lady".
You give a chocolate bar to Professor Kendra Zayah, Winter's Drifting Slumber.
Twinkling motes of colour pirouette in dizzying patterns through glassy moonbeams, winking in and
out of sight with a dreamy transience.
Clearing his throat, Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says, "The dancing will begin momentarily, if
the musicians are ready and the floor clear."
Mulling over her words, a statue of a weeping angel says to Vecennya, "'tis like taking down your
first enemy, a mouthful of bliss, a euphoric feel forever after."
Ejderha's ears perk up as his attention turns towards Nelras.
Having made his announcement, Nelras makes his way to Xeii.
Remmiel's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
To a statue of a weeping angel, Cygnine Composer Vecennya says, "Well my! If I ever have the
pleasantry of seeing any, I will savor it!"
It is now the 4th of Avechary, 494 years after the Coming of Estarra.
A statue of a weeping angel doesn't hesitate as she tares into another meringue, "Oh...I've a lot of
love of lemon, too" she mumbles around the meringue.
Vecennya moves away from the dance floor as she speaks.
Xeii lifts her gaze, looking at Nelras for a moment with a rosy flicker before she steps forward.
Aiya Ehc'zi's eyes brighten amidst her mask, and she looks between the open floor of the ballroom
and her companion - there she pauses, head dropping slightly, a sigh escaping her lips.
Aiya Ehc'zi:
Devoid of her usual effulgent gown, Aiya Ehc'zi has adopted a far more genderless appearance for
this grand occasion. Shimmering silver robes envelop her shapely form, the billowing silk lending
her flourishing movements and a blocky, hard appearance. The long sleeves are folded back, exposing
the elaborate multicoloured lining - an intricate, two-dimensional depiction of the mandalic core of
the Matrix itself. Where they are pinned, the natural striations of her own crystalline skin can be
seen, lending a rough-hewn edge to her otherwise peerlessly clear form. These striations splay forth
upon her head, trailing out in finespun curls that tinkle with prismatic radiance to frame her stern
mask. Skilfully crafted, it might be mistaken for a curious extension of her own clear form were it
not for the prismatic glow it emits. Its hard-edged lines are illuminated by the minuscule charged
gems that have been embedded in the clear crystal, filling the otherwise cold features with the
brilliant clarity of lucidian emotion.
Aiya Ehc'zi has an air of extreme strength.
It is almost impossible, at first glance, for even those who know her well to recognise this young
woman beneath the mask and costume. Only the intense, dark glower of Ruin's eyes reveal both her
identity and her displeasure. She stands tall, resplendent in an off-the-shoulder gown of pale,
periwinkle blue that contrasts perfectly with her medium-brown skin. It dips above her breasts in a
sweetheart line, then billows out across her upper arms in short sleeves that flutter to her elbows.
The organza gown is fitted to the waist, then flares incredibly wide - held in place not by any
underskirt, but by their voluminous layers, shifting ever constantly as she moves. Her mask covers
not only her face - in a beautiful, avian-featured expression of bright ceramic - but her head, her
hair hidden beneath a perfectly coiffed crop of headfeathers. But it is the wings that spring from
her shoulderblades that are the true majesty of her costume: burnished brown run through with gold,
almost as wide as she is tall. Only the very discerning eye can spot them for the incorporeal;
nothing more than mist and light, bent into a cunning illusion.
Ruin has an air of extreme strength.
A trill in a mist-wreathed costume:
A woman of great elegance and beauty, this lovely trill has a youthful bearing and graceful poise
beneath a head of opaline feathers that shimmer and shine with iridescence. Translucent wings extend
behind her grandly, each prismatic pinion catching and reflecting the light. Her costume is little
more than long, thin strips flaring around her in a circle, ephemeral and gossamer as mist with
beads of condensation laced throughout. Each narrow piece of the outfit appears lined with radiant
dawn light, delicately outlining the clothing's silhouette. Around her feet, wisps of fog curl like
smoke that trail along with her at every movement. Completing the mysterious look, she wields a
large tessen of skysilver that stands a head taller than herself. The deadly weapon shimmers with
crystal inlays, gorgeous and beautiful in its lethal glinting.
A trill in a mist-wreathed costume almost glows with nearly god-like power.
Mincel Mooneye:
This no-nonsense trill holds herself with the quiet dignity of the servant caste, her piercing sky
blue eyes alert and attentive to all that occurs around her. A sharpness to her features gives her
an almost hawkish appearance, though her well-groomed feathers resemble the cloudy white of a swan's
plumage. She wears her crisp white blouse pressed and starched so that nary a wrinkle can be seen,
complete with a silken black bow tie. Chic black dress pants, fitted perfectly to her person, allow
her flexibility as she deftly manoeuvres her way through even the most bustling of gatherings. Held
with such ease that it seems weightless in her gloved hands, a silver tray filled with all manner of
desserts and refreshment follows her every movement with no sign of slipping from her agile fingers.
Mincel Mooneye looks to be crushingly strong.
Blade Dancer Tirah Mzithrei says to Aiya Ehc'zi, "Are you alright?"
A classic trill musician:
Lovely in a lily-white gown, this golden-feathered trill stands with the proud height of her race
and the gentle grace of her artistry. Her wings, magnificent and well-preened, unfurl behind her in
a gilded display of sun-kissed gold. Charming crystal bracelets adorn her wrists, the chain of
miniature roses complementing the flower in her head feathers. So too do her wide, blue eyes match
the cool sapphire sash of her gown, which tolerates neither wrinkle nor stain in its prim tidiness.
She holds a beautiful harp in her hands.
A classic trill musician seems strong and confident.
Grinning with mischief, a trill in a mist-wreathed costume taps a foot on the ground, allowing the
mists to retreat and reform with every motion. She looks to Volucer with a gleam.
Elexia remains near the tables, looking curiously towards the ballroom's floor as the dancing begins.
Shonjir's pauldron flashes with sputtering neon tubes as he offers a hand to Aiya, quickly leading
her for a spin across the dance floor.
A statue of a weeping angel grasps a proud knight emblazoned with the crest of the White Falcons y
the hand, twining her fingers within his.
Whilst Ruin nonchalantly picks at a spot of icing on her wings, Aiya Ehc'zi turns to Tirah and nods
her head, mask losing its colour before returning to a myriad of hues. "Of course, Lady Mzithrei."
She opens her mouth to continue but pauses, looking at Shonjir in surprise as she is swept up. "Oh!"
Banks of clouds drift through the sky outside these crystalline walls, veiling the naked windows in
a shroud of gossamer mist.
Showing that she understands, Tirah nods her head slowly.
Ejderha leans over to whisper in your ear, then brings one arm from beneath a glittering avian
shroud, offering his hand to you.
With a gentle beat of her wings, a tear-streaked dove in mourning hovers beside Ejderha, extending
her hand to him.
Holding the hand of A statue of a weeping angel a knight of the White Falcons says "Would you dance
with me Heart of Mine?"
Making no sound, a weeping trill statue bowed in sorrow leaves to the east.
Xeii holds her head high as she steps into the rhythm of the dance, though her form flickers sunset
colours. Her gaze wanders at the start, resting on the walls, the floor, the windows, but rarely at
the other guests, until the music and the dance picks up.
Anita, Hecton, Nicholo, Shonjir, Tirah, Xeii, Elexia, Vecennya.
(*) Currently, there are 8 Lusternians on this Plane and 31 on other Planes.
With a crunch of clockwork gears Shonjir twirls Aiya around before depositing her in front of Tirah.
"Next!" he grins, turning to Yarith.
Tirah blinks.
Glittering like diamonds against the glass-wrought walls, the night sky shimmers with shadow-cloaked
Aiya Ehc'zi sways on the spot, smoothing her robes down and laughing giddily. "I suppose," she
concedes, "that if the Logician had danced, he would indeed have done so abruptly and without asking
for permission."
A simple pilgrim smiles as he watches those gathered dancing. Queitely yet deftly stepping to the
side as those heading to dance may pass by with ease.
Volucer tenses his talons and draws himself up slightly.
A statue of a weeping angel beat several shades of ice blue and lavender as she takes the hand of a
proud knight emblazoned with the crest of the White Falcons, "Aye, shard of my heart" she murmurs.
Shonjir grins mischievously at Aiya Ehc'zi.
Ejderha takes your hand in his, leading smoothly to the dance floor, a broad and happy smile barely
visible beneath a feathered sparrow mask. There is no mistaking the confidence in his motion, though,
as he swings around you, wrapping his other arm around your waist and joining the dancers on the
floor in perfect time.
Vecennya fills a porcelain tea cup embellished with golden feathers from a beehive keg.
Nicholo holds an iridescent silver lyre gently to his chest and strums at its strings idly, plucking
and drawing out simple notes as he watches the gathering dance about.
Nicholo begins to wield a fan of infinite stars in his right hand.
As the music picks up, Nelras dances with Xeii, gliding almost effortlessly through the first steps
of the dance as his eyes find hers for just a moment.
Tirah offers her hand to Aiya. "Would you like something less abrupt and more traditional?"
Slowly, almost heaitantly, Xeii's eyes find Nelras's. Her grip on his hand tightens ever so slightly
before a sunlit, blushing glimmer begins to whirl beneath her skin.
Vecennya takes a drink from a porcelain tea cup embellished with golden feathers.
Spilling across the polished expanse of the marble floor, sprays of jewelled light evanesce and
coalesce with the slow passage of time.
Vecennya takes a sip of tea as she watches the dancing, eyes wandering around the ballroom.
"I - oh, goodness. I do not think I have been offered so many dances since my debut," Aiya Ehc'zi
she confesses, words running away with her as she glows rose gold. "My partners found me rather
boring to speak to and - I mean, yes, thank you, I would love to." She reaches out and takes the
offered hand, clearing her throat.
Shonjir grasps Yarith's hand in his own and pulls him to the dancefloor, each step punctuated with a
wild discharge of garish neon light.
Gliding gracfully to the dance floor a knight of the White Falcons glides and twirls with A statue
of a weeping angel. His face shining bright as he only has eyes for as they move fluidly amond the
other dancers as smile etches on his face.
Elexia pulls out a berylline floral notepad and a quill, her green eyes glancing over the scene. She
twists her mouth thoughtfully and begins to sketch and scribble.
Vecennya turns to watch Shonjir and Yarith dance, a faint smile on her face.
Nelras's wings catch the light, coming to life with all of the subtle shades that make up the dawn.
He gives Xeii's hand a slight squeeze and, with a subtle nod of his head, leads her into a spin.
Shonjir sweeps Yarith across the floor, dazzling Yarith with his footwork.
Yarith stiffly moves alongside Shonjir's lead, each action more a mechanical formality than an
expression of art or poise.
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Mincel Mooneye's lips.
You have emoted: Anita grips Ejderha's hand tightly, her wings fluttering nervously behind as he
leads her to the dance floor. Though her eyes are hidden, a smile breaks across her face as he pulls
her in close, joining the other dancers.
Tirah leads Aiya onto the dance floor with slow, elegant steps, raising the hand by which she holds
her momentarily before starting to lead the lucidian scientist in graceful movements to the music.
Vecennya lets her gaze wander, trying to see if Ruin is still consuming cakes.
The musicians' music flows and harmonises softly and quietly, a beautifully blended melody of harp
and violin.
With surprising dexterity Shonjir dips his partner low in a grand flourish to end their dance, the
crimson eyes of his mask glittering brightly.
the crest of the White Falcons. Her hips sway in time as she moves gracefully and fluidly within the
embrace of the knight. Her eyes are enraptured as if all else has melted away. Her feet move
effortlessly to and fro, stepping into the knight and back again. Her crystalshoes tap out a light
rhythm to the adagio.
Aiya Ehc'zi's movements are hestiant at first, but soon fall into a rhythmic step - neither perfect
nor beautiful, but precise and practiced. She twirls the fingers resting on Tirah's shoulder, eyes
gleaming as she coaxes the charged gems in her mask to glowing ruby, onyx and clear white -
mirroring and refracting upon the gemstones on her mask.
Meanwhile, Ruin happily chows down on yet another cake, showing no sign of stopping.
Xeii bites her lower lip, nothing guarded in the gaze beneath a silver filigreed half mask as her
spin wraps the folds of her gown around Nelras briefly. They safely disentangle themselves with a
few steps, though Xeii yet dances near Nelras, like a dawn-kissed glacier.
Spinning in wide, graceful circles, Ejderha traverses the floor, his hands holding you close. His
eyes never part from your, even as they swirl and evade the other dancers on the floor. He leans
forward briefly to whisper in your ear, the barely visible reddish scales on his head and neck
growing an even warmer, brighter red.
Standing at her full height, Kendra regards her surroundings with contempt as two stunning wings of
platinum white unfurl behind her in a grand display. The image shimmers like a mirage before it
fades, the feathers dissipating in motes of flickering light.
Vecennya smiles from behind her veil, leaning against the wall as she watches the scene.
The ominous ruby eyes on Shonjir's mask gleam and glint dangerously with a mimicry of divine power
and after a moment of hesitation, he grabs hold of Ruin's hand before she can pick up yet another
cake and pulls her to the dancefloor.
Shonjir beams broadly at Ruin.
The conjoined harmonies of the harp and violin rise and fall with gentle slow slopes of sound as the
musicians keep rhythm, leading the dancers with their melodies.
But Ruin is faster. With a single beat of her wings, she soars high above the dancers in a single
swoop, glaring below her. "No," she states flatly, mist surging around her like licks of flame.
A shadow passes over the glass pane as a royal bird-of-paradise soars beyond the distant horizon,
sunlight glinting off his wings.
Vecennya giggles quite loudly before managing to shove a hand into her mouth.
Shonjir emits a series of ear-splitting sounds like those of endless crystals shattering to pieces,
arms raised dramatically.
Volucer flutters his wings, dislodging loose feathers which drift to the ground.
Nicholo continues to pace around the dance floor, watching the pairs sweeping through music and
dance. He continues to strum idly at an iridescent silver lyre and makes his way to the vacant spot
left by Ruin. "Might as well try these before they all get eaten," he muses before picking up a
piece of cake.
Tirah continues dancing, and leading, flashing Aiya an encouraging smile. In quiet voice, she
addresses her dance partner. "I hope I am not too bad a substitute for what you were hoping for."
Her eyes wandering to the airborne woman for a moment.
Nelras's steps are not impeded as the fabric of the gown wraps around him. He continues, holding
Xeii close as he leads her in a slow spiral back towards the centre of the floor.
A light pink blush suffuses Vivet's cheeks as she drinks a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit
cider, leaving her ever-so-slightly flushed.
Elexia glances at her sketchbook in apparent satisfaction, putting it away as she walks closer to
the dancing.
Mincel Mooneye stands up a little straighter, trying to look her best.
A knight of the White Falcons rests his head next to A statue of a weeping angel's. His hand rests
upon her hip as they continue to dance in what seems their own reality. He whispers softly to her
while nuzzling her cheek gently.
Crackling lightning wreathes Ejderha in bolts of incandescent light, a sudden wind sweeping about
him in a furious, but fleeting, gale.
Ruin sweeps across the upper eschalons of the ballroom like an avenging angel, the fury of her
flurried movements at odds with the beautiful image of Trillillial. She lands at the opposite end of
the ballroom, and crosses her arms sternly over her chest.
From far away, Cygnine Composer Vecennya says to Ruin, "But...the cakes are over here?"
You have emoted: Anita beams up at Ejderha as he leads her around, spinning in circles. Her cheeks
are flushed as he leans in to whisper, wings now fluttering fast behind as she tries to keep up with
his skillful footwork.
Vecennya takes a drink from a porcelain tea cup embellished with golden feathers.
"She loves dancing," Aiya Ehc'zi murmurs to Tirah in a low voice, eyes flickering across to the
other end of the room. "I wish she would. But it reminds her of ... you know." She sighs gently,
casting her gaze back down.
A simple pilgrim looks across the ballroom at Ruin, raising a cake in offering while saying, "The
cake is on this end."
Shonjir emits a squealing sound like spinning gears as a harsh and heavy breathing sound follows
from beneath his mask, sounding suspiciously like laughter. He strides up to Ruin and with a crunch
of gears bows deeply, extending his hand. "Would you prefer I ask for a dance this way, Lady Warden
of Salvation?"
Nicholo stares at the cake in his one hand and slowly settles it back where he picked it up as the
others gesture over to this side. "Or, I suppose, I like staying unburnt," he murmurs to himself as
he backs away from Ruin's cakes.
A simple pilgrim's eyes sparkle with amusement at Nicholo.
"I mean, consent is a thing," Ruin points out, folding her wings back behind her. "So yeah. But also,
still no. I don't dance."
The musicians continue to play, their blended harmonics shifting between beautiful high and mid-
range notes for a classic and elegant complement.
A statue of a weeping angel leans her head against a knight of the White Falcons, humming softly to
his ear as she closes her eyes and allows him to lead. "I am glad I came, Sir." she chuckles. With a
light and slight off-kilter foot pattern, she steps from side-to-side, crossing one ankle behind the
other as she twirls beneath the white knight's arm.
Strolling in leisurely from the east, Cosette Cloudwalker blinks before falling into a belated
Vecennya walks slowly over to Ruin, wings useless from the fabric covering them. "Would you rather
practice some martial arts moves? I have a few that might look like dancing. From a distance."
Xeii glances upwards for a fleeting moment. Her movements grow focused and more intense, her eyes
glowing bright like embers about to burst into flame. No longer does her gaze waver, and soft light
begins to spread beneath her arms to light even the tips of her fingers.
Arriving in a rush, Cosette Cloudwalker catches her breath, "Oh I am not terribly late am I??"
Bringing its arms together before it, a simple pilgrim presses a closed fist into an open hand
before bowing humbly to Cosette Cloudwalker as their faces reflect a sudden sense of well-being.
Elexia curtseys before Cosette. "Oh, not at all!" she chirps with a bright smile.
Shonjir's ruby eyes flicker with a coruscating energy as he briefly turns his attention away and
releases the channeled power of his battery pack in a stream of harmless radiant heat and light.
Tirah nods slowly, not stopping in her practiced steps and continues in low voice. "It makes sense."
She finish the dance with a quick spin, which turns into dipping the lucidan deep towards the floor,
holding her safe with her free hand on her back. Pulling her back up, she smiles, bows and adds:
"You should probably see to her."
Brightly, Harvest Reaper, Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon says, "The dancing just begun not too long ago."
A simple pilgrim says to Cosette Cloudwalker, "Not at all, fassionably late perhaps, but not
terribly late."
Banks of clouds drift through the sky outside these crystalline walls, veiling the naked windows in
a shroud of gossamer mist.
The bright amber luminescence of Ejderha's eyes glow through a feathered sparrow mask, brighter than
ever, enough to cast light rays and shadows around the room as he and you twirl around the room.
Matching the bright sounds of the musician's harmonies, he flexes his legs to dip toward the ground,
then rises up on his toes as he spins about, though you is almost drug along, hovering all the while.
Aiya Ehc'zi bows deeply to Tirah, shifting the gems in her mask back to a brilliant, dappled yellow.
"I will. Thank you."
Blushing, her face flushing Cosette Cloudwalker steps to the side next to the floating table of
refreshments and murmurs with an almost swoony tone, "Ah, dancing... How lovely!" Realising there
are couples mid-dance already, she turns and gazes about dreamily.
A statue of a weeping angel gathers her skirts and curtsey's low toward Cosette Cloudwalker, "Lovely
to see you!" she quips.
Tirah nods at Aiya and retreats from the dance floor, leaning against one of the walls as she
settles in to watch the dances.
"Monk things," Ruin replies belatedly, eyes following Aiya as she moves quietly through the edges of
the room, "are just flashy. You kill the person as fast as you can. That's it. Faster than they can
kill you. Done. Don't need to wave fans about to do it."
Nicholo peers at a fan of infinite stars unscrupulously.
Grinning slightly, Cygnine Composer Vecennya says, "Some would say it is a very fast way to kill
one's enemies."
Ruin shrugs helplessly.
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Mincel Mooneye's lips.
A shadow passes over the glass pane as a royal bird-of-paradise soars beyond the distant horizon,
sunlight glinting off his wings.
Elexia walks lightly to Hecton, bowing her head and extending a hand. "Would you care to dance?" she
inquires. "I've not seen this manner of dance before, but I do wish to try it." Her smile is joyous,
but betrays her apprehension.
Kendra urges Hecton onwards.
Cosette Cloudwalker raises a hand to stifle a soft titter and more blushing. She whispers
confidentially, "I had quite the trouble deciding what to wear! But was inspired by the Lady to wear
that which felt so romantic."
Cygnine Composer Vecennya says, "But, perhaps, the dance floor isn't the right place for me. I might
get underfoot. Or worse...my wings might get torn."
Nelras's gaze follows Xeii's, before the dancers begin to spin all the faster as they reach the
centre of the ballroom. He stretches out his wings, curving them slightly towards Xeii.
Guiding A statue of a weeping angel through a slowly spins holding her close as he does a knight of
the White Falcons slowly dips her down and beaming down at her he says "I am so glad you came" he
says gently before pulling her back up to him, perfectly content to hold on to her".
Vecennya turns her attention back towards the dance floor.
Spilling across the polished expanse of the marble floor, sprays of jewelled light evanesce and
coalesce with the slow passage of time.
Aiya Ehc'zi arrives as Ruin opens her mouth to reply, dipping into a half-bow of acknowledgement.
"Lady Warden," she says, politely and composedly. "I would like to say that I am very grateful you
chose not to defy our Lady's request. I am pleased to have had so fine a partner to be the Lady
Trillillial to my Lord Xyl."
Ruin gives Aiya Ehc'zi the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
The conjoined harmonies of the harp and violin rise and fall with gentle slow slopes of sound as the
musicians keep rhythm, leading the dancers with their melodies.
Ruin says, "You want something. What."
Yarith leans on Shonjir seeking consolation.
Harvest Reaper, Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon says to Vecennya, "Oh, you needn't touch the floor to
dance! With your wings, you can dart to and fro most beautifully about the air."
A statue of a weeping angel throws her head back and laugh wildly as she is dipped low. Taking the
opportunity to study Cosette Cloudwalker, "Oh! I do love your earrings, Miss Cosette!" she serenely
adds, dimpling as she smiles.
Shonjir glances about, a puff of smoke erupting from his pauldron as a neon tube crackles and
A low, contented growl arises within Shonjir's chest as he sniffs at Yarith.
Cygnine Composer Vecennya says to Elexia, "That would work, had I not covered them in such fluffy
fabric for the costume part!"
Yarith glances askance at Shonjir.
about the room, laughing breathlessly as he dips and rises once more. As he turns into another spin,
she opens her eyes and beams up at Ejderha again, leaning closer to whisper into his ear.
Vecennya flutters her wings very gently, the fluffy clouds on her back rubbing together.
Spilling across the polished expanse of the marble floor, sprays of jewelled light evanesce and
coalesce with the slow passage of time.
"One dance," Aiya Ehc'zi she replies, glowing radiantly. "And then we can leave. I will even permit
you to stuff your pockets with as many of the cakes as you desire." With that, she extends one hand,
inclining her head respectfully.
Beaming brightly at a statue of a weeping angel, Cosette Cloudwalker goes wide-eyed and youthfully
dreamy in expression, "Thank you! How kind and lovely of you. You remind me of the statues I helped
sculpt here."
Cosette Cloudwalker gives the barest of wicked grins beneath her mask.
Her eyes wide with alarm behind her ceramic mask, Ruin stands perfectly still for a long, long
moment. Then, staring at the lucidian's outstretched hand, she reaches out her own and takes it,
stepping perfunctorially into Aiya's arms with wings folded behind her.
Nodding, Harvest Reaper, Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon says to Vecennya, "Perhaps that might make it a
bit more challenging, but it could still be worth a try, no? Such balls do not come about often."
Spilling across the polished expanse of the marble floor, sprays of jewelled light evanesce and
coalesce with the slow passage of time.
While watching Ruin and Aiya, Cygnine Composer Vecennya says to Elexia, "Indeed they do not! But
sometimes, you just wish to drink them in."
Vivet titters a bit after sipping a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit cider and the drink
leaves her lips, moving to stifle a sudden bright, giddy laugh.
The musicians' music flows and harmonises softly and quietly, a beautifully blended melody of harp
and violin.
With a slow nod to Vecennya, Elexia shows her understanding.
And the two of the Welkin's chosen begin to move. Their first few steps, a traditional box waltz,
are hesitant - but after several moments it becomes clear that it is really Ruin who is leading the
dance. She steps confidently, gracefully, all the time glaring with the same fear over Aiya's
Xeii's eyes close at the first brush of Nelras's wings. Her hand in his glows in warm colours, and
she seems oblivious to those around her - until she opens her eyes again and finds a floating dawn-
struck crystalline table standing not quite far off. Keeping an ear on the music, she slowly begins
to change direction, her eyes now quizzical.
Kendra tilts her head backwards and draws her arms up, delicately weaving threads of burning
illusion into the shape of an all-seeing eye, which she leaves floating darkly above her head.
Shonjir gives Yarith's hand a quick squeeze before making his way across the dancefloor with a heavy
crunch of clockwork gears. His triple eyes glint with coruscating energy as he extends a hand to
Twinkling motes of colour pirouette in dizzying patterns through glassy sunbeams, winking in and out
of sight with a dreamy transience.
Vecennya turns towards Shonjir and looks at his hand.
Yarith leans on a tower shield of the Matrix seeking consolation.
As they move, the pale blue of Ruin's gown flutters amidst the flaring length of Aiya Ehc'zi's robes,
lending them a magical air as they whirl amidst the illumination of the lucidian's charged gems.
Growing bold, Aiya pulls back, leading Ruin into a slow spin, the two of them each twirling under
their joined hands.
Elexia flashes Vecennya a joyous smile.
Smiling, Cygnine Composer Vecennya says to Shonjir, "It would appear your husband wishes for more
dances, from the looks on his face."
A statue of a weeping angel winks at Cosette Cloudwalker, her eyebrows waggling slightly, before she
spins away again. Her arm clasped behind her back, she suddenly pulls a white knight into a staccato
dance with the other. Hair bobbing wildly about her shoulders, she clicks her heels as she circles
the knight in a jaunty rhythm, her eyes glancing over to Ruin as she watches on happily.
Ejderha slows the speed and spin of their movement, dropping to a half-time pace that leaves the
appearance of dancing in slow motion. His lips move, quiet words passing between he and you, as he
draws her closer to him.
Standing at his full height, Tambador regards his surroundings with contempt as two stunning wings
of platinum white unfurl behind him in a grand display. The image shimmers like a mirage before it
fades, the feathers dissipating in motes of flickering light.
Tambador tilts his head backwards and draws his arms up, delicately weaving threads of burning
illusion into the shape of an all-seeing eye, which he leaves floating darkly above his head.
Neon tubes flashing wildly upon his pauldron Shonjir Plenty of me to go around.
Continuing, Cygnine Composer Vecennya says, "But, if you insist..."
But Ruin has other ideas - when the spin ends, she grabs Aiya by the waist, switching their
positions. "Look," she says, pulling them to a sudden stop. "If we're going to do this, let's at
least do it -properly-."
The corners of Shonjir's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Rather than moving away from the table, Nelras slows his steps but continues in the same direction
as he takes his time from the music. He spins Xeii around him, gently dipping her down as he brings
his wings around her.
Vecennya gently takes Shonjir's hand.
Garnet hues suddenly flood Xeii's crystalline cheeks.
Tambador fluidly waves his arms about his body and you notice that with each pass pieces of misty-
purple phantom armour are revealed.
Aiya Ehc'zi tilts her head, but only has a moment to ponder as she is swept into a sudden change of
pace. The music remains the same, and yet somehow their waltz completely changes. Rather than being
a slow rotation with square steps, it is fluid - the two of them spin through the rest of the
dancers like a barely contained whirlwind.
A wry smile spreads across Tirah's face.
Nelras Helps Xeii to her feet, pausing for the slightest of moments before releasing her from his
And all of this is very clearly Ruin's doing. Though Aiya does her best to keep up, the trill-
disguised human all but carries her through the movements, holding the lucidian flush against her so
that they move no longer as two figures, but one.
You have emoted: Anita sways happily in Ejderha's embrace as he slows down the dancing, her head
tilting as she listens closely to his words.
Twinkling motes of colour pirouette in dizzying patterns through glassy sunbeams, winking in and out
of sight with a dreamy transience.
Laughing gaily a knight of the White Falcons shifts to follow A statue of a weeping angel in the new
dance his hands drift to bat playful at her flowing hair.
After one impressive twirl, Aiya Ehc'zi lets out a gasp as Ruin spreads her brown and gold wings
wide, lifting the two of them aloft as they spin for a moment in complete defiance of gravity - they
dance there in the air, whirling so swiftly as to avoid any indecorous views, the lucidian's
laughter spilling down onto the rest of you from above.
With a crunch of gears and an amused sidelong look at Ruin and Aiya Shonjir pulls Vecennya onto the
dance floor. A puff of smoke and a flash of neon lights punctuate their steps as they join the
dancing crowd.
Cosette Cloudwalker watches the beauty of the dancers with dreamy eyes and a soft swooning sigh.
Vecennya follows Shonjir onto the dance floor, wings fluttering as little as possible.
Xeii curtseys to Nelras, demeanor once more stolid and reserved if one neglected to take in the look
in her eyes.
Elexia smiles as she sips from a tea cup and watches the dancing couples.
The musicians continue to play, their blended harmonics shifting between beautiful high and mid-
range notes for a classic and elegant complement.
Nelras returns Xeii's curtsey with a bow which would look completely formal, if it were not for the
slight smile which comes to his lips.
Vecennya gently twirls on the dance floor with Shonjir, making sure they are not in the way of Ruin
and Aiya.
Even Ruin laughs briefly as she lifts Aiya in a daring sweep, holding the astonished lucidian high
above her head before dropping the two of them smoothly to the floor. She places Aiya gently on the
solid ground at the very centre of the ballroom, steps back, and dips into a perfectly executed
curtsey that any noblewoman would be envious of.
Tirah gives up a round of applause.
Elexia claps her hands together merrily.
A statue of a weeping angel gathers the skirt of her snowy gown, lifting them slightly as she dances
circles around the white knight. Finally stopping breathless before him, she clasps both of
Tambador's hands and pulls him to her, leading them into a soft, slow waltz around the room. Her
eyes alight on the other dancers, a serene smile in her eyes, dimpling slightly. "Look, love. A
painting to be imprinted upon the mind, and to share upon a canvas at a later date." she muses.
Shonjir spins Vecennya around as the neon tubes upon his shoulder hiss and gather charge. Remarkably
nimble in his clockwork armour, he leads the pair through several more turns before returning to the
Aiya Ehc'zi sways back and forth, taking a moment to compose herself before bowing. There is no
expression on her cold mask, but she glows with a brilliant, royal purple, the light more than
articulating her pleasure.
Nicholo props his lyre onto the table by the cakes and starts to idly pick them up, picking at them
without fear now that Ruin is busily and happily on the dance floor.
Vecennya breathes deeply before giving a belated clap to Aiya and Ruin, catching her breath.
Casually, Ruin says to Aiya Ehc'zi, "Your leading leg is weaker than the other. You dance better
when led."
Ruin winks at Aiya, then sasheys gracefully through the dancing couples and back to the table,
leaving Aiya standing in the centre of the room.
Ejderha lifts his arms, raising the floating form of you into the air, where he catches you around
the waist as he returns to a swift twirl, holding you aloft, high and free, flying.
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says to Xeii, "Would you care for some tea, love? Or else perhaps
some of the powderfruit cider, if any is left?"
Several moments later, Aiya Ehc'zi negotiates a path out of the way and finds a seat next to Tirah.
"Oh," she articulates eloquently, clearing her throat and watching the still-dancing couples.
as he releases his hold on Vecennya with a gear crunching bow. A few steps return him to his
husband's side.
Hand on her cheek, softly, Cygnine Composer Vecennya says, "I did not think I would ever see the
Lady Trillillial and Lord Xyl dance."
His eyes follow A statue of a weeping angel's gaze and he says a knight of the White Falcons says
"It reminds me a bit of the poem I penned for you last weave Heart of Mine." He continues to clasp
her to himself as if he could never tire of such.
Cosette Cloudwalker whispers softly to Vecennya, "Isn't it positively dreamy?"
Tambador's eyes raise to the heavens as a look of hope flashes across his face.
Tirah flashes Aiya a smile. "More than you bargained for, or at least expected? It certainly was
beautiful to watch."
Xeii nods at Nelras and moves to choose a cup at random, though her choice of tea takes some more
time. She retreats to one of the windows, apparenrly forgetting the next item on the agenda for the
Xeii picks up a porcelain tea cup embellished with golden feathers.
A knight of the White Falcons nods its head at Tirah.
Xeii fills a porcelain tea cup embellished with golden feathers from a barrel-shaped keg of
Spilling across the polished expanse of the marble floor, sprays of jewelled light evanesce and
coalesce with the slow passage of time.
Taking a cup, Nelras moves to join Xeii by the window.
A light pink blush suffuses Shonjir's cheeks as he drinks a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit
cider, leaving him ever-so-slightly flushed.
The conjoined harmonies of the harp and violin rise and fall with gentle slow slopes of sound as the
musicians keep rhythm, leading the dancers with their melodies.
Following a gentle sip of a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit cider, Nicholo's eyes slip shut
in a pleasant daze, seemingly unbothered by his surroundings.
Nelras fills a porcelain tea cup embellished with golden feathers from a beehive keg.
Aiya Ehc'zi hums in agreement under her breath, tilting her head to listen to the musicians.
Nelras takes a drink from a porcelain tea cup embellished with golden feathers.
Xeii takes a drink from a porcelain tea cup embellished with golden feathers.
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Mincel Mooneye's lips.
A statue of a weeping angel turns until her back is pressed to a knight of the White Falcons.
Pulling his arms around her, she sways back and forth, gently urging him to step backwards, "Some
refreshments, Love?" she quietly asks. "Such delights it is to watch the jewels of the dance floor."
she muses.
Nicholo gives some gold sovereigns to Mincel Mooneye.
Smiling brightly at the honour to serve, Mincel Mooneye offers a prayer to the Lady Aesthete then
plucks a cider from her tray and hands it to Nicholo.
Volucer pulls on his bow tie with a grouse.
Yarith gives Shonjir a peck on the cheek.
Shonjir leans down to murmur in Yarith's ear but his mask catching on his husband's many hats and he
spends a moment untangling. Another neon tube pops with a sputtering burst of garish light.
With a flourish of his arm, Yarith bows deeply.
Yarith begins to roll towards the west.
Shonjir gives Yarith a peck on the cheek.
Yarith's roll takes him out of the room to the west.
Volucer says, "Huh, someone did roll out of this party."
Banks of clouds drift through the sky outside these crystalline walls, veiling the naked windows in
a shroud of gossamer mist.
Volucer says, "Think he ate too much food too?"
You have emoted: Anita gives a startled yet happy squeal as Ejderha lifts her into the air, her
wings spreading up and out to their full extend behind her, before coming close once more to flutter
gently. She looks to him as he lowers her once more and she smiles softly, murmuring softly in
Kendra chuckles long and heartily at Volucer.
Using his tongue and the roof of his mouth, Volucer makes a quiet clicking noise.
Slightly concerned, Cygnine Composer Vecennya says, "He did, didn't he."
A knight of the White Falcons pulls A statue of a weeping angel in a backwards shuffle step as they
watch the other guests dance. As they obtain the egde of the floor he offers her a glass of cider.
With a slight smile, Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says to Volucer, "Of course they did not. He..
.was carried away by the dancing, is all."
"He knows how to make an exit," says Shonjir , his words punctuated by flashes of garish light as
the neon tubes upon his shoulder hiss and gather charge.
Vecennya takes a drink from a porcelain tea cup embellished with golden feathers.
Through narrowed eyes, Volucer says to Nelras, "Sure."
Kendra nods toward Shonjir as she raises a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit cider, "Perhaps we
should all learn to make an entrance and exit, in the spirit of your husband." she laughingly says.
Blinking, Xeii glances at Nelras, bringing out a beribboned letter satchel. She pauses, looking and
listening, before whispering, "Love, do you think it is time to move onto poetry?"
Slowing until they come to a stop, their dance finally done, Ejderha lowers you back to eye height,
smiling and sighing happily.
Shonjir emits a squealing sound like spinning gears as a harsh and heavy breathing sound follows
from beneath his mask, suspiciously like laughter.
Turning to see that you and Ejderha are no longer dancing Nelras says to xeii, "I think it might
well be time."
Kendra flashes Shonjir a wicked smile.
A tear-streaked dove in mourning inclines her head towards Xeii and Nelras, a faint smile upon her
Kendra turns her attention toward Xeii and Nelras.
The musicians look up, taking the cue and nod to one another.
The musicians' music softens, the melody still wonderfully harmonious between harp and violin but
quieter in volume than before.
Banks of clouds drift through the sky outside these crystalline walls, veiling the naked windows in
a shroud of gossamer mist.
A light pink blush suffuses Kendra's cheeks as she drinks a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit
cider, leaving her ever-so-slightly flushed.
Tambador's ears perk up as his attention turns towards Xeii.
Shonjir titters a bit after sipping a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit cider and the drink
leaves his lips, moving to stifle a sudden bright, giddy laugh.
Lines of power flare up along Shonjir's body, connected by shimmering points of light. For a brief
moment, his body becomes a canvas displaying the constellations of Lusternia before the light
flickers and fades away.
Vecennya gently makes her way over to Mincel as the music quiets.
Stepping forward in a whisper of cool silks, Minister Xeii Shevat, the Perpetual Auspice says, "Hope
you have all enjoyed the first round of dancing. There was another event we prepared, that of the
written - and spoken - art to complement the art of dance."
Elexia beams broadly, ears twitching in anticipation of the upcoming poetry.
A light pink blush suffuses Ejderha's cheeks as he drinks a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit
cider, leaving him ever-so-slightly flushed.
Hecton peers about himself unscrupulously.
You laugh melodically at Ejderha.
You cough softly.
Xeii says, "Only one of the applicants are present for the ball. His entry also happens to be the
first received." She smiles slightly at Tambador.
Mincel Mooneye beams broadly.
Banks of clouds drift through the sky outside these crystalline walls, veiling the naked windows in
a shroud of gossamer mist.
Ruin sidles round the edge of the room and plops herself into the other seat besides Tirah, two
cupcakes in each hand.
"Uhh..." stalls Tambador.
Xeii takes a translucent crystalline letter from a beribboned letter satchel.
Kendra tilts her head while gazing at Tambador, her crystal body flickering curious shades of light
Vecennya gently sits down on a nearby chair, watching Xeii.
Vivet curtseys gracefully.
To those gathered, Minister Xeii Shevat, the Perpetual Auspice says, "The theme of the poetry
contest that was hosted till last month was that of Hallifax'a Divine, but also of the great Love
that flows within our city, in all its forms. Citizen Tambador's work addresses one such form."
Tambador blushes furiously.
Nelras takes a step back from Xeii, yet remains close as he listens intently to her.
A statue of a weeping angel clasps her hands and bows her head.
Shonjir's ruby eye paints a glowing crimson target on Tambador's back.
Minister Xeii Shevat, the Perpetual Auspice says to Tambador, "If you would do us the honours of a
Tambador says, "If you give me a moment."
Maimah enters from the east, emanating an aura of immense power.
Xeii gives a translucent crystalline letter to Tambador.
Elexia flashes Maimah a joyous smile.
A statue of a weeping angel raises her eyes slightly as she watches Tambador with a curious air.
Bringing its arms together before it, a simple pilgrim presses a closed fist into an open hand
before bowing humbly to Maimah as their faces reflect a sudden sense of well-being.
You give Maimah a peck on the cheek.
Maimah gives you a peck on the cheek.
can share it."
Vivet curtseys gracefully.
Minister Xeii Shevat, the Perpetual Auspice says to Hecton, "Ah, a narrative? Let us hear it after
the poems are read and, hopefully, judged."
Clutching the poem Tambador says "I wrote this for some music that another wrote, my best
A simple pilgrim says to Xeii, "I will be happy to."
Clearing his throat Tambador begins.
It is now the 5th of Avechary, 494 years after the Coming of Estarra.
Elexia's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
A statue of a weeping angel blushes deeply, fidgeting on the spot as her hands wring together. Her
eyes settle on the white knight, but she keeps her head slightly low.
Tambador says, "Can you hear the voices when the wind blows, their voices like fog on the morning,
rising so slowly to challenge the dawn, for she chases the night away, darkness is the blanket of
their love, night ever eternal, the dream of those cursed to hide their love."
Tambador says, "The dawn she rises, bursting through the sky, tearing the lovers asunder, scattering
them like leaves on the wind, their love can not survive the light of day, for each was promised to
Volucer clips his beak together, making a quiet clicking sound.
Tambador says, "The day he rides through the sky, never a thought for the loss he brings them,
shining ever bright threatening to expose them, other lovers frollic walking hand in hand, but a
single passing glance or act of happenstance, in the light of day will unmask them."
The musicians continue to play, their blended harmonics quietly shifting between beautiful high and
mid-range notes for a classic and elegant complement.
Tambador says, "Can you hear the wolf howl, his voice racing through the sky, they call him to their
aid, to come and chase the day away, bringing them once again to twilight's embrace, and returning
the darkness of the night."
Tambador says, "The sun he will not go easy, fighting to his last ray, the dusk buring with his
feiry rage, but the wolf he will not be denied, his triumphant bay."
Glittering like diamonds against the glass-wrought walls, the night sky shimmers with shadow-cloaked
Tambador says, "The sun he will not go easy, fighting to his last ray, the dusk buring with his
feiry rage, but the wolf he will not be denied, his triumphant bay once again calling the darkness
from the light, at last he has freed them."
Tambador's eyes raise to the heavens as a look of hope flashes across his face.
A statue of a weeping angel finally raises her head to lock her gaze upon Tambador. Swaying in time
to the music, the angel listens intently, enraptured.
Maimah beams broadly at Tambador.
Tambador says, "The night silvery and silent, she embraces them, spilling diamonds eternal through
the sky, a blanket for the lovers in the darkness, to wrap them and protect them, for as long as she
holds sway."
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Mincel Mooneye's lips.
A flashing neon tube sputters briefly on Shonjir's pauldron before flaring with a renewed garish
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Nelras's lips.
Glittering like diamonds against the glass-wrought walls, the night sky shimmers with shadow-cloaked
Tambador says, "Love is the eternal struggle, As old as night and day, wether in the darkness or the
light, it will not be denied."
Elexia smiles softly.
Blushing Tambador curls the poem and steps to Kendra's side.
A flickering glow enters Xeii's skin as she directs a round of applause.
Aiya Ehc'zi gives up a round of applause.
Elexia cheers wildly!
Vivet gives up a round of applause.
Harvest Reaper, Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon smiles and says, "How lovely!"
A simple pilgrim claps slowly, giving Tambador a slight nod of approval.
Nelras remains silent as until the words have faded away, before applauding.
"Impressive," says Shonjir , his words punctuated by flashes of garish light as the neon tubes upon
his shoulder hiss and gather charge.
Nicholo congratulates Tambador with some wild clapping.
Nelras smiles softly at Xeii.
A simple pilgrim says, "Very lovely, well done."
With a scattering of cake crumbs, Ruin claps a single, imperious clap.
Twinkling motes of colour pirouette in dizzying patterns through glassy moonbeams, winking in and
out of sight with a dreamy transience.
Kendra smiles beatifically at Tambador, the smile almost splitting her face, "Oh.." is all she
manages to whisper. "I devoured it. Thank you." she says a little louder.
A tear-streaked dove in mourning smiles softly at Tambador, bringing her hands together in polite
Vecennya claps politely.
Glancing around the guests as if searching for a being, Minister Xeii Shevat, the Perpetual Auspice
says, "Movingly written, and worded well indeed."
You see the following people here:
Tirah, Tambador, Shonjir, Hecton, Nelras, Kendra, Vivet, Xeii, Ejderha, Vecennya, Elexia, Nicholo,
Maimah, Anita.
Curtseying, Harvest Reaper, Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon says, "Excuse me a moment, I must help a friend.
Elexia leaves to the east.
Tambador nods politely to those around "Thank you" he whispers gently.
Twinkling motes of colour pirouette in dizzying patterns through glassy moonbeams, winking in and
out of sight with a dreamy transience.
Xeii catches your eye and pauses, tilting her head ever so slightly as if to beckon her near.
Ejderha gives you a peck on the cheek.
Lief arrives from the east.
Loping lithely in from the east, a silver-furred vixen sniffs the air.
Xeii takes a storm-grey letter emblazoned with a lightning bolt from a beribboned letter satchel.
Xeii takes a starry sheet of onyx and diamond stationery from a beribboned letter satchel.
Comprehension dawns upon Xeii's face as her body glows with blushing hues of pink and topaz.
Xeii curtseys gracefully before Lief.
Lief slips in, trailed by an armoured vixen, her face alight with delight. "Hello!" she beams. "I'm
so sorry for being late, but I heard poetry was being read and I couldn't keep away!"
Kendra beams broadly at Lief.
Vivet hides a grin behind her hand.
Minister Xeii Shevat, the Perpetual Auspice says to Lief, "What a time to make an entrance in. Your
entry is due soon."
Spilling across the polished expanse of the marble floor, sprays of jewelled light evanesce and
coalesce with the slow passage of time.
The conjoined harmonies of the harp and violin rise and fall in whispering tones with gentle slow
slopes of sound as the musicians maintain their melody.
Kendra fluidly waves her arms about her body and you notice that with each pass pieces of misty-
purple phantom armour are revealed.
Lief's dragonfly wings buzz with quiet eagerness. "I'll be quiet!" she promises.
Xeii gives a storm-grey letter emblazoned with a lightning bolt to you.
Xeii whispers something quietly to you.
A simple pilgrim says to Lief, "Why hello there, niece person."
Xeii tells you, "Would you like to take on Facet Ushaara's piece on Hallifax?"
A shadow passes over the glass pane as a royal bird-of-paradise soars beyond the distant horizon,
sunlight glinting off his wings.
A trill in a mist-wreathed costume folds her hands patiently, listening and waiting for the next
artistic piece.
Whispering, a statue of a weeping angel exclaims to Lief, "I think your performances are rather
A tear-streaked dove in mourning regards the letter Xeii hands her, nodding to Xeii's words.
Kendra tilts her head and listens intently to you.
Like the pealing of so many bells, your voice rings to Minister Xeii Shevat, the Perpetual Auspice,
Standing at her full height, Kendra regards her surroundings with contempt as two stunning wings of
platinum white unfurl behind her in a grand display. The image shimmers like a mirage before it
fades, the feathers dissipating in motes of flickering light.
Lief's ears twitch slightly, her eyes swivelling about. "Hello, family!" she says to the pilgrim,
and quietly to the statue, she whispers, "I'm so glad to have touched you with them!"
Mincel Mooneye stands up a little straighter, trying to look her best.
A simple pilgrim hums quietly as he awaits the next recital.
Vecennya swirls the tea around in her cup, listening to the poetry.
Twinkling motes of colour pirouette in dizzying patterns through glassy sunbeams, winking in and out
of sight with a dreamy transience.
A tear-streaked dove in mourning says, "Once there was a skylark,."
A tear-streaked dove in mourning says, "That bird of sweetest call,."
A tear-streaked dove in mourning says, "Whose wings did fly upon the winds,."
A tear-streaked dove in mourning says, "In stark and stormy squall."
A tear-streaked dove in mourning says, "Piercing clouds of angry hue,."
A tear-streaked dove in mourning says, "With clarity its song was cried,."
A tear-streaked dove in mourning says, "But fleeting were its crystal notes,."
A tear-streaked dove in mourning says, "And soon the skylark died."
A tear-streaked dove in mourning says, "While ephemeral was the beauty,."
A tear-streaked dove in mourning says, "Of the ascending skylark's chimes,."
A tear-streaked dove in mourning says, "Resounding bright and everlasting,."
A tear-streaked dove in mourning says, "Was left legacy of resonant ring,."
A tear-streaked dove in mourning says, "Compassion, Beauty, Sacrifice,."
A tear-streaked dove in mourning says, "It is of these tenets that I sing."
A tear-streaked dove in mourning says, "For it was not with idle purpose,."
A tear-streaked dove in mourning says, "From which this skylark flew,."
A tear-streaked dove in mourning says, "But knowing duty and exacting price,."
A tear-streaked dove in mourning says, "Was from Foundations sure and true."
A tear-streaked dove in mourning says, "So clothed by Design it rose,."
A tear-streaked dove in mourning says, "Our graced skylark's melody,."
A tear-streaked dove in mourning says, "Sheltered not with selfish vanity,."
A tear-streaked dove in mourning says, "But shining as beacon in darkest night,."
A tear-streaked dove in mourning says, "Singing of hope in fearsome starkness,."
A tear-streaked dove in mourning says, "Holding Art as guiding light."
A tear-streaked dove in mourning spreads her wings to their full extent as she dips into a curtsey.
Xeii nods as she applauds. "Concise, yet it speaks much."
Vivet gives up a round of applause.
Nelras smiles softly as he offers a round of applause.
Vecennya gently claps.
Tambador claps his hands together merrily.
Beaming with unfettered joy, Lief claps her hands in enthusiastic applause.
Kendra clasps a hand to her heart before clapping.
A simple pilgrim says, "Well done."
A flashing neon tube sputters briefly on Shonjir's pauldron before flaring with a renewed garish
glow. "Poignant," he remarks.
You read what is written on a storm-grey letter emblazoned with a lightning bolt:
Greetings, Minister
I recently rediscovered a copy of a poem I wrote quite some time ago,
and thought I might submit it for the upcoming Midsummer's Ball.
I don't believe it was published, but hopefully the person I originally
sent it to will forgive me submitting it on this occasion.
Skylark Ascending
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Once there was a skylark,
that bird of sweetest call,
whose wings did fly upon the winds,
in stark and stormy squall.
Piercing clouds of angry hue,
with clarity its song was cried,
but fleeting were its crystal notes,
and soon the skylark died.
While ephemeral was the beauty,
of the ascending skylark's chimes,
resounding bright and everlasting,
was left legacy of resonant ring,
Compassion, Beauty, Sacrifice,
it is of these tenets that I sing.
For it was not with idle purpose,
from which this skylark flew,
but knowing duty and exacting price,
was from Foundations sure and true.
So clothed by Design it rose,
our graced skylark's melody,
sheltered not with selfish vanity,
but shining as beacon in darkest night,
Singing of hope in fearsome starkness,
holding Art as guiding light.
Best regards,
Facet Ushaara
A storm-grey letter emblazoned with a lightning bolt is holding:
Xeii beckons Lief forward, smiling slightly.
Aiya Ehc'zi gives up a round of applause.
Nicholo claps his hands together merrily.
You give a storm-grey letter emblazoned with a lightning bolt to Minister Xeii Shevat, the Perpetual
Naevari arrives from the east.
Minister Xeii Shevat, the Perpetual Auspice says, "And another entry, this time from allied
Serenwilde, whose author is here with us now."
Naevari ducks his head as he enters, shuffling quietly over to stand at the periphery of the crowd
with his eyes on the floor.
A trill in a mist-wreathed costume places a hand over her hed and smiles softly.
Kendra greets Naevari with a sincere smile.
A trill in a mist-wreathed costume places a hand over her heart and smiles softly.
Naevari blinks, then lifts his head to scan the surrounding faces curiously.
Nelras turns to Naevari with a slight smile.
Vecennya inclines her head politely to Naevari.
Xeii inclines her head politely to Naevari.
A knight of the White Falcons greets Naevari with a sincere smile.
Lief flits over to Xeii, her wings humming her along. She clasps her hands before herself, pondering
the gathered people with a tilt of her antlered head.
Light spreads across your back in numerous colours and hues, enfolding you like butterfly wings.
A tear-streaked dove in mourning inclinces her head to Naevari in greeting.
Zyphora emerges from the east with immaculate poise, bringing with her a fragrant whisper of wind
wisps and skyblooms.
Zyphora curtseys gracefully.
Vivet flashes Zyphora a joyous smile.
A tear-streaked dove in mourning inclinces her head to Zyphora in greeting.
Tirah inclines her head politely to Zyphora.
Xeii inclines her head politely to Zyphora.
The musicians' music plays softly, the melody still wonderfully harmonious between harp and violin
but quiet as soft whispers.
Bringing its arms together before it, a simple pilgrim presses a closed fist into an open hand
before bowing humbly to Zyphora as their faces reflect a sudden sense of well-being.
Lief favours Naevari with a quick, warm smile before nodding over her shoulder at Xeii, a look of
understanding flickering across her features.
Vecennya curtseys gracefully before Zyphora.
Nelras bows politely to Zyphora as she enters, saying, "I am glad that you could join us, High Scion,
" before returning his attention to Lief.
A statue of a weeping angel curtsey's toward Zyphora.
Naevari dips his head in a polite nod of his own, then returns Lief's smile with a faint upturn of
his own lips as his attention finally settles on her.
Standing little more than five feet tall, he is a graceful elfen, his lithe body corded with the
beginnings of wiry muscle. In contrast to his otherwise delicate features, a prominent, bent-bridged
nose sticks outward from his face, contrasting bleakly against the high cheekbones to its either
side. Irises like yellow ochre adorn his large, serious eyes, tiny bronze flecks suspended in their
depths between coruscating striations of lime green. Gathered into a topknot above his head, nut-
brown hair shears close to his scalp on the sides and back, leaving his pointed ears to sweep upward
unobstructed by wayward locks. A scar snakes its way up from under the left one, parting his buzzed
strands in a narrow, sinuous trail of uncovered flesh.
He is wearing:
a flowing black tunic trimmed in red and gold
an earthen-hued beaded pack.
experienced the briefest touches of the Gods of Hallifax, and I was called to write on Lord Zvoltz.
I, ah..." She pauses, considering. "I like to let my words find their resonance within whomever
might hear them, but for me, this poem is a spark in my mind and spirit, a common place of meeting,
for me, between the city of Hallifax and my sweet home."
Gazing around the venue, Lady Zyphora Windwhisper, Quintessence of Refinement says, "I'm glad to
have been able to make it. What an aesthetic scene."
Aiya Ehc'zi tilts her head and listens intently to Lief.
Wings buzzing quickly behind her to keep her aloft and visible, Lief draws a quick breath. "I call
this poem simply, 'Zvoltz.'"
A trill in a mist-wreathed costume offers a ghost of a fleeting smile on her lips as she turns her
full attention to Lief, folding her hands politely before her.
Antlered head lowering slightly as she begins to recite, Oracular Lief Myeras-Silvermoon says,
"Water against glass,."
Oracular Lief Myeras-Silvermoon says, "Streaking humid, languid lines."
Oracular Lief Myeras-Silvermoon says, "Weighed by foreboding:" Grey eyes flicker up. "A distant
sound of thunder."
Oracular Lief Myeras-Silvermoon says, "Silent, precise promises."
Twinkling motes of colour pirouette in dizzying patterns through glassy sunbeams, winking in and out
of sight with a dreamy transience.
Zyphora smiles slightly at Vivet before nodding in acknowledgment.
Fingers disentangling themselves from one another, Oracular Lief Myeras-Silvermoon says,
"Breathlessly await electricity's shivers;."
Oracular Lief Myeras-Silvermoon says, "Goosebumps thrill my mind, inspirations womb, nurtured,
sparked by anticipation."
Oracular Lief Myeras-Silvermoon asks, "Will this be enough?"
After a pause which spans a breath, Oracular Lief Myeras-Silvermoon says, "I drink harmony's waters.
Oracular Lief Myeras-Silvermoon says, "Serenity comes on a roll of thunderclouds, pierced by
scintillating white."
Lief dips her antlered head, her wings letting her lower into something resembling a curtsey as she
reaches the poem's conclusion.
Xeii smiles with unexpected, though not quite unexpected, warmth at Lief, offering up a round of
Aiya Ehc'zi gives up a round of applause.
A simple pilgrim smiles softly at Lief.
Nelras applauds Lief heartily.
Tambador applauds Lief heartily.
Vecennya claps politely.
A simple pilgrim says to Lief, "Very well done."
The ominous ruby eyes on Shonjir's mask gleam and glint dangerously with a mimicry of divine power
as he joines the applause.
A tear-streaked dove in mourning brings her hands together in polite applause, smiling at Lief.
Nicholo congratulates Lief with some wild clapping.
Vivet looks about herself, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.
Minister Xeii Shevat, the Perpetual Auspice says, "It is clear that much contemplation went into the
creation of this piece - its harmony is lovely."
Lief flashes a beaming smile outward before she happily rejoins those gathered.
Clasping her hands to her heart, before clapping resoundly, a statue of a weeping angel exclaims,
"Another splendorous performance, Lief!"
Vivet reaches out and grips Lief's shoulder as electricity crackles in their eyes.
Xeii looks to Hecton, extending a hand with a citrine glow.
"Ahah!" Remmiel exclaims triumphantly.
Head dipping to half-conceal his broadening smile, Naevari joins the those of the audience who
applaud - although his own hands move almost sedately to meet each other. Despite that, however, the
light of admiration shines unambiguously from his yellow eyes.
Standing at his full height, Tambador regards his surroundings with contempt as two stunning wings
of platinum white unfurl behind him in a grand display. The image shimmers like a mirage before it
fades, the feathers dissipating in motes of flickering light.
Brightly, Oracular Lief Myeras-Silvermoon says, "Oh, thank you so very much, everyone!" She gives a
sudden, startled look to the person gripping her shoulder, her eyes wide with shock, and then
delight. "Oh, and thank *you*!"
Just loudly enough to be heard, Spirit-Touched Naevari says to Lief, "That was very beautiful, Lief.
A tear-streaked dove in mourning turns her attention to Hecton, head tilted curiously.
Vivet Pavok, Avatar to the Shrouded Guide says to Lief, "A brief acknowledgement, for the sake of My
Minister Xeii Shevat, the Perpetual Auspice says to Hecton, "And for our last participant, who
brings a story rather than a poem. This will be intriguing."
Tambador waves his arms before himself and suddenly his body becomes blurry and out of focus.
Quietly, sincerely, Oracular Lief Myeras-Silvermoon says to Vivet, "I hope it speaks some spark of
truth for You and Him."
Zyphora claps politely, smiling warmly at Lief. "Thank you for sharing your art, Oracular Lief."
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says, "Indeed, it was beautiful. I must say that I feel moved by
all of the poems we have heard here today."
A tear-streaked dove in mourning says to Hecton, "The Lady wished to hear a tale from you, I believe
Vivet Pavok, Avatar to the Shrouded Guide says to Lief, "I found it enjoyable, certainly."
Lief beams broadly.
Shonjir's ruby eyes flicker with a coruscating energy as he briefly turns his attention away and
releases the channeled power of his battery pack in a stream of harmless radiant heat and light.
With a sudden pop, the last of the neon tubes upon his pauldron explodes in a shower of sparks.
Lief eagerly turns her attention to Hecton.
Zyphora inclines her head briefly before sweeping out of the room gracefully.
Zyphora takes composed strides to the east as the fragrance of wind wisps and skyblooms fades into
the air.
Remmiel flashes Lief a joyous smile.
Remmiel hugs Tambador compassionately.
Blade Dancer Tirah Mzithrei says, "Excuse me."
Tirah curtseys gracefully.
Remmiel bows respectfully to Tirah.
Tirah leaves to the south, emanating an aura of immense power.
Shonjir Shevat murmurs, "Excuse me also."
A simple pilgrim says, "My story, a fable with no title as of yet. Is a fantasy, nothing more..."
Shonjir leaves to the west, emanating an aura of immense power.
Naevari turns slowly to settle his attention on this latest speaker.
A simple pilgrim says, "I shall try my best to recite it, although I am certain it pales in
comparison to the wonderous poets who have spoken before me."
Volucer clips his beak together, making a quiet clicking sound.
A simple pilgrim says, "This is a work in progress, so do bear with me. My first, rough draft if you
A simple pilgrim coughs softly as he pulls a scroll from the folds of his robes, unrolling it as he
begins his recitation.
Lief flits from side to side with eagerness that is, as promised, silent - though barely constrained.
A simple pilgrim says, "Steal from Dirks. This is what she had said. We'll become rich! Richer than
our wildest dreams!...this was three days ago and I had been running ever since. Where was she? Dead.
Turned to ash by the mighty Dirks and his hoard armies."
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Mincel Mooneye's lips.
Nelras glances around, as if looking for something.
A simple pilgrim says, "Now I'm here, floating through aetherspace. Almost out of fuel, and out of
time as Dirks is tight on my trail. An alarm starts blaring, waking me from my revelries as I sit,
holding the artifact in my hands. It was cold, this thing. I'm not even sure what it is. She told me
it was priceless, but it weighs nothing."
A simple pilgrim says, "I look over the console and see that another ship has come within firing
range, has been for awhile. Why is it not firing? I should be dead by now...that's when it hits me.
He wants to kill me up close. Get that revenge kill and watch as my life fades with his own eyes. I
angered that which should have been left alone...and all because of a woman."
A simple pilgrim says, "The blaring alarm's incesant buzzing alerting me to the nearing ship fades
into the background as I think upon the woman. How could I have been such a fool? I fell for her
beauty, that's what happened. Her smooth tanned skin and voice of an angel. She worked me over and
tricked me good. It will be easy she said, a fools errand. Man...was she ever wrong. How did I even
meet her, anyway..."
A simple pilgrim says, "I was sitting in a bar, I remember this now. Some spaceport out in the
middle of nowhere, don't even think it had a name, when she walked in. There I was, in my alliance
garb. An alliance fifty years past destruction, but it was how we on the underbelly of the universe
showed we were for hire."
A simple pilgrim says, "I'm not sure if she had picked me out by chance, or if she watched for some
time, but I remember when she sat on the worn stool next to me and ordered her drink. That voice, oh
that beautiful voice...I'll never forget the sound of that angelic whisper saying there was a job,
before her soft lips kissed my earlobe."
A simple pilgrim says, "I was hooked from the start. Looking back now, I realize how much a fool I
truly am. No one that beautiful would hire the likes of me."
A simple pilgrim says, "The alarms were droning louder now. I reached over and flipped a couple
switches. May as well use the reserve fuel, I know I won't get away but maybe I can think up how to
survive this. I could give back the artifact that I had stolen...tell Dirks that I had been coherced
by the woman."
A simple pilgrim says, "Wouldn't matter either way, this I knew. He would either kill me on
principal that I had stolen something sacred to him...or because I was coward and ran. He's already
chased me through twelve sectors. I was running out of time and I knew it...the fumes in those tanks
wouldn't hold out forever. Why didn't I turn her away..."
A shadow passes over the glass pane as a royal bird-of-paradise soars beyond the distant horizon,
sunlight glinting off his wings.
Yves arrives, following Lady Zyphora Windwhisper, Quintessence of Refinement.
Zyphora emerges from the east with immaculate poise, bringing with her a fragrant whisper of wind
wisps and skyblooms.
A simple pilgrim says, "I knew it was a trap from the start, but I wasn't thinking with my head. As
soon as I heard her whisper, it was a done deal...I was going to do this job. She took me by the
hand, leading me to the back of the bar. Towards the inn at the rear, as though we were lovers and I
was just awaiting her arrival before bedding down before the next long haul through aetherspace. She
played her part meticulously."
Vecennya inclines her head politely to Yves.
With a flourish of his arm, Yves bows deeply.
Xeii inclines her head politely to Yves.
A simple pilgrim says, "Not a single flaw in her performance to give away that she was a client. I
however, was the bumbling idiot, trudging along ruminiscing about how smooth her small hand was
within my own larger, wart covered hand. It was in the room which we ironed out the details. She
started in strong...we'll be rich."
A simple pilgrim says, "Richer than our wildest dreams! Her opening statement. If I had my wits, I'd
have told her right there to leave. But that woman..."
A simple pilgrim says, "What? What happened? Silence as I came back from my memory. Why is the alarm
not going off? I began flipping switches, pouring myself over the console. The ship was gone? How
could this...and then it hit me, he cloaked. FOOL! I am a fool...now I don't know where he is within
the aether."
Banks of clouds drift through the sky outside these crystalline walls, veiling the naked windows in
a shroud of gossamer mist.
A simple pilgrim says, "I would fire a round from the ships guns, but I am unsure if he knows where
I am either. I'm sure he does know, I left my own cloak off to try saving fuel. And then the ship
groaned as the engines let out a deafening bang...the fuel was gone. I am adrift in the aether and
no one is coming to help. I am such a fool..."
A simple pilgrim says, "The job was simple enough actually. She was right...Dirks didn't have much
security on the artifact. Who would be foolish enough to steal from him anyway? Me apparently. In
and out...only that fool woman got herself caught by his demons before reaching the ship. Her
screams weren't as angelic as her voice, but I smiled as I thought of the payment due me when we
reach the broker."
A simple pilgrim says, "Only there wasn't one...just another cold body and an awaiting Dirks. He
hadn't brought his hoard with him this time. He would have been attacked on the spot within the New
Empire's Alliance. But he alone was worth running from. I don't know how I managed to get away from
him, maybe he was blinded by the conduit I shorted out, but I made it back to my small fighter ship
and back offworld into the aether. I've been running ever since."
A simple pilgrim says, "The alarm blared once more and I snapped my full attention to the console.
This can't be right, he couldn't have found me. Red lights blinked all around the cockpit, the alarm
blaring loudly, ringing it's alert in my ears..."
A simple pilgrim says, "HULL BREACH! INTRUDER ALERT! HULL BREACH! INTRUDER ALERT! No, I needed more
time! I hit the door lock, knowing the ancient mechanism would only give moments, but maybe that's
all I needed...but now I was stuck in this room. As soon as I returned to my seat, I could hear his
heavy boots in my ship, looking room to room. My ship was small, but there were many...COMPARTMENTS!
Yes, I'm a smuggler, fool."
A simple pilgrim says, "I ran to the hidden floor compartment, yanking it open and forcing my
bulking mass into the small, cramped space. It wasn't easy, but I was in...I heard the door open."
Spilling across the polished expanse of the marble floor, sprays of jewelled light evanesce and
coalesce with the slow passage of time.
A simple pilgrim says, "I listened as his heavy footsteps to my console, I could hear him flip a few
switches. Then he was standing atop the panel above me. "I know you are here," he said, "I was going
to kill you, but as foolish as you are, you've done my job for me.""
A simple pilgrim says, "I heard his footsteps recede again towards the console, then I listened as
he tore the entire thing from the floor."
A simple pilgrim says, "I waited until the alarm stopped before emerging from my hiding spot...
knowing my fate at his hands. I would die, adrift...within the aethers...clutching a fools errand in
my hands."
A simple pilgrim bows slowly, then rolls the parchment back up, folding it into his robes once more.
Tambador congratulates Hecton with some wild clapping.
Nelras waits for a moment before applauding.
A tear-streaked dove in mourning brings her hands together in polite applause, smiling at Hecton.
Xeii nods, clapping in Hecton's direction with a thoughtful look.
Lief blinks several times, then claps her hands together madly. "A story made for reciting!" she
declares. "How wonderful!"
Nicholo congratulates Hecton with some wild clapping.
Naevari once more claps as well, bobbing his head in a nod of acknowledgment for the story, his lips
curved into a faint, silent smile.
Oracular Lief Myeras-Silvermoon smiles broadly and says to Hecton, "I'm so proud to be your niece."
With a golden glow, Minister Xeii Shevat, the Perpetual Auspice says, "Our kindest thanks for all
your submissions."
A statue of a weeping angel clasps her hands to her heart before giving up a resounding applause,
"Well done, Mr Hecton!"
Hecton's eyes twinkle enchantingly at Lief.
Maimah congratulates Hecton with some wild clapping.
Once again just loud enough to be heard, Spirit-Touched Naevari says to Hecton, "A good story, well
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says to Hecton, "A most wonderful tale. Do you think that it will
be available in the library, once the editing is done? In case we wish to read it ourselves."
Piping up, Oracular Lief Myeras-Silvermoon says, "Or the stage! I'd listen to and watch that again
and again."
Banks of clouds drift through the sky outside these crystalline walls, veiling the naked windows in
a shroud of gossamer mist.
Kendra tilts her head and listens intently to Hecton.
A simple pilgrim says to Nelras, "I have already submitted to Aramel for editing and placing into
the library."
A tear-streaked dove in mourning exclaims to Hecton, "I do hope you plan to- aha!"
A tear-streaked dove in mourning nods its head emphatically.
Winging closer to Naevari, Lief bends her antlered head close to whisper something.
A simple pilgrim says to Lief, "I have thought many times about writing a play, but wouldn't know
where to begin on one."
Glittering like diamonds against the glass-wrought walls, the night sky shimmers with shadow-cloaked
In answer, Naevari bobs his head in another nod, then turns it to whisper something back.
Tilting her head back up, Oracular Lief Myeras-Silvermoon says, "Oh, I'm still working on one myself
- that shouldn't stop you from recitals!"
You see the following people here:
Remmiel, Zyphora, Yves, Xeii, Nelras, Kendra, Lief, Nicholo, Vivet, Hecton, Naevari, Tambador,
Vecennya, Maimah, Anita.
A simple pilgrim ponders the situation.
He is a graceful elfen wandering demigod and stands five foot, ten inches tall. Long, braided snow
white hair adorns the top of his head. Steel grey eyes peer out at the world. A jagged scar traces
from just above his left eye, diagonally down and across his nose, stopping just under his right eye.
His golden tanned skin glistens slightly in the light. The tips of his pointed ears slightly
wrapping closely around his head. His slender, athletic frame only slightly hidden beneath his
clothing. He walks with the truefavour of Czixi. He walks with the truefavour of Isune.
He is wearing:
an open hand of abanoi pendant
a dapper black top hat
an elegant jade brooch
a small silver watch
a bracelet of gems
a round escutcheon brooch
an impeccable steel-grey suit
polished black boots
a silver half mask.
Xeii's eyes search the audience once more, though they linger briefly on a certain trill as if
trying to decipher something. "We have enlisted the help of the Divine for both contests... Seeing
as the entry pool is quite small, there will be only one winner - but artistic contributions will
not and should not go unrewarded.
She is a crystalline crystalsinger lucidian devoted demigoddess and cuts a lithe and statesque
figure, a little over six feet. Perhaps befitting her stature, Xeii's voice possesses a timbre as
dark as her hooded smoky-quartz eyes; both are surprisingly expressive, and childlike mirth surfaces
just as often as curiosity and pensiveness does. Despite this, her aristocratic features hold an air
of confidence that nearly verges on hauteur - as evidenced by the slight but definite tilt in her
chin. Almost fluid strands of milky quartz form a short, round bob close to her scalp, their tips
shifting into a glacial, viridian aquamarine. Two thick locks rest languidly against Xeii's smooth
cheeks, their ends mirroring each other in a graceful, precise curl. The rest of her body is a lilac
amethyst about two shades darker than her crystalline hair, without ridge or flaw save for the scar
branded in the centre of her neck. Faint, feathery crimson striations reach towards her heart, marks
of magical injury that appears to have faded. Tattooed on her back is an illustration of a boreal
cascade of crystalline snowflakes. She walks with the truefavour of Czixi.
Spilling from the crown of her head to her shoulders is a finespun waterfall of sparkling crystal,
each thread perfectly clear and colourless. As she moves, the gentle peal of pellucid chimes sounds
in her wake, soft and soothing.
She is wearing:
an ethereal rose of iridescent crystal peeking out from between gemstone swirls
a wispy ring of windswept sapphire
a carved band of marble and gold on her left hand
a swirling fractal headpiece of lapis lazuli blossoming across her hair
rime-covered prayer beads of the Frost Queen wrapped around her right wrist
ethereal spiral-heeled glass slippers
an ethereal sheath gown of glacial aquamarine trailed by frost-etched tulle
a silver filigreed half mask unfolding like a glittering butterfly.
A tiny speck of mist winks into being before you, stirring the air with susurrant waves as it spills
forth into the diminutive form of the Welkin Goddess.
The musicians continue to play, their blended harmonics quietly shifting between beautiful high and
mid-range notes for a classic and elegant complement.
Vivet curtseys gracefully before Czixi.
Tambador bows respectfully to Czixi.
Nelras bows respectfully before Czixi.
Minister Xeii Shevat, the Perpetual Auspice says, "When They would make Their decisions known - Ah,
and greetings to You, Lady Welkin."
Xeii curtseys gracefully before Czixi.
With a flourish of his arm, Yves bows deeply.
Folding Her arms across Her chest, Czixi raises a single eyebrow and glares piercingly at a trill in
a mist-wreathed costume. "So large a tessen, Isune. Which of Your conquests are You compensating on
the behalf of, exactly?"
Zyphora curtseys gracefully before Czixi.
Kendra curtseys gracefully before Czixi.
You curtsey gracefully before Czixi.
Lief's wings buzz with excitement. "Hello, Lady Czixi!"
Czixi waves a hand idly, mist cascading from Her fingertips and falling to join the flowing ribbons
that enfold Her. "Not My Brother, surely. For it is said the egos of Our Circle are so large they
would fill the Void itself, and with good reason."
Vivet hides a grin behind her hand.
"But You would know better than I, of course." Czixi's eyes gleam almost pure white as She smirks.
"Embarrass Me, Isune, and I will think of a hundred far worse ways to return it in kind."
Bringing its arms together before it, a simple pilgrim presses a closed fist into an open hand
before bowing humbly to Czixi as their faces reflect a sudden sense of well-being.
Naevari turns with visible nervousness to offer Czixi a poor simulacrum of the other, more graceful
A statue of a weeping angel whistles beneath her breath and watches on with wide-eyed interest.
Folding her hands together demurely, a trill in a mist-wreathed costume innocently replies,
nonplussed, "Oh My dear Lady Welkin, surely if You assume I honour You as portraying Your likeness,
perhaps it is a question You might turn upon Yourself?"
Lief nods her agreement toward a statue of a weeping angel's whistling, her eyes wide.
Nicholo bows respectfully to Czixi.
Mincel Mooneye stands up a little straighter, trying to look her best.
Maimah bows respectfully to Czixi.
Shedding her costume and disguise, the trill image fades away, exploding into myriad motes of light
revealing the Lady Aesthete.
Vecennya curtseys gracefully before Czixi.
A wry smile spreads across Czixi's face.
You curtsey gracefully before Isune.
Yves blinks.
Xeii curtseys gracefully before Isune.
Kendra curtseys gracefully before Isune.
Vecennya curtseys gracefully before Isune.
Nelras bows reverently before Isune.
Bringing its arms together before it, a simple pilgrim presses a closed fist into an open hand
before bowing humbly to Isune as their faces reflect a sudden sense of well-being.
Zyphora curtseys gracefully before Isune.
Maimah blinks and bows deeply to Lady Isune.
Naevari blinks, then turns and executes another deep, if clumsy bow in the direction of Isune.
Glittering like diamonds against the glass-wrought walls, the night sky shimmers with shadow-cloaked
Tambador bows respectfully to Isune.
Yves bows respectfully to Isune.
"Hello, Lady Isune!" chirps Lief as she flits excitedly about.
"There is no purpose to constructing a costume," Czixi replies, cocking Her head at an awkward angle,
"if you always wear one. After all, I hardly require a corporeal form. Now."
Moisture hangs in the air around the Welkin Goddess as delicate skeins of mist drift in Her wake,
cascading in every direction in defiance of gravity. It is amidst these tendrils that She hovers,
alternating between constant, agitated movement and impossibly perfect stillness. There is an
intensity to Her presence that belies mortality, and certainly She is a radiant immortal. But She
does not have the implausible figures of Her kin, appearing instead as a diminutive human, barely
four foot from the top of Her head to the tips of Her bare toes. She has blue-grey skin that shifts
with Her every movement, rippling like clouds in the sky, changing from thin striations to overcast
shadows and back again. Thin, asymmetrical locks fall to frame Her face, clipped close to Her head
on one side and shorn into blunt, jagged tufts on the other. As myriad as the twilit sky, that hair
flits from every shade of indigo through to ebony, with highlights that take on a greyer tone. Her
sharp and delicate features are otherwise unremarkable, save for the slight turn to Her perpetually
darting eyes and the darker hue of Her lips.
She is wearing:
a pair of ebony leather scabbards hidden within the folds of Her cloak;
a faintly mottled ivory tunic as padding beneath Her armour;
a fluttering cloak of frayed faille that swirls with thread-like skeins of mist;
loosely-fitted grey trousers that billow around Her thighs and become tatters at Her knees;
a bisected silver-and-crystal cyclone armband around the top of Her left bicep;
multiple pieces of immaculately tooled leather armour strapped to Her arms, legs and torso
an armoured circlet of fulminating sparks that sheds lightning from Her brow as She moves.
Kendra glances askance.
She is a radiant immortal and carries Herself with effortless grace, suffusing the space around Her
with sparkling motes that twinkle like morning sunlight. Gazing about with the preoccupied
inconstancy of an artist, Her eyes are a crystalline blue-green flecked with gold and rust, though
often their colours are lost to an inherent glow that flares and dims with the slightest shift of
mood. Her high, prominent cheekbones, faintly hawkish nose, and full lips lend Her an aristocratic
air which manages to complement rather than contrast Her sense of wispy, gossamer delicacy; Her form
is slender, even fragile in build and appearance, and Her skin is fair to the point of translucence.
Seemingly unconnected to Her, ephemeral and almost liquid wings which shimmer over with rainbows of
colour like oil on water slowly sweep to and fro. Faint sparks of light drift within and about those
wings in sporadic, yet intricate patterns, silently dancing around Her.
Lustrous feathers frame Her face and cascade down Her back in a mane of snowy-white, whimsically
threaded with wisps of daylight and strung with frosted crystal decorations.
She is wearing:
a snowflake preserved inside a gem of ice nestled delicately to float just above Her suprasternal
an evanescent cloak of lightweaving feathers draped across the Aesthete's shoulders as brightly
shimmering sun-kissed radiance
a starlit circlet crowned with the Sun-in-Glory sitting proudly atop a nest of opalescent head
a mist-emblazoned ring of smoky quartz accentuating Her delicate first finger on the right hand
a crystalline rose of pure diamond pinned prominently by the Aesthete's collar bone
a bracelet of soothing twilight encircling Her left wrist
a whimsical gown of dawn-hued ribbons iridescing radiance at every angle simulating a luminescent
crystalline slippers infused with nacreous pearl encasing visible, dainty feet through its
a luminous silver ring adorned with flowers accentuating Her delicate first finger on the left hand.
cascade from the fulminating circlet ever-present atop Her brow. "We have been summoned with purpose,
have We not, Heart of the Crescendo?"
Smiling, the edges of Her eyes creasing with delight, Isune croons at Czixi, "Ah, My dear Welkin,
You could use a day of frolic. There is quite something special in trying out new things, dear."
Motes around the Lady Aesthete sparkle with Her unrestrained, iridescent amusement.
Czixi smiles wryly. "Now who is bringing up Your conquests?" she quips, before returning Her
attention to Xeii.
Xeii bows her head in agreement. "Indeed, Lady Welkin. Lady Aesthete." She turns to address those
gathered with a brighter smile than usual. "There were two contests I mentioned - costume and poetry.
With a quick murmur to Czixi and a teasing wink, Isune murmurs, "Perhaps You would like to know?"
She clears Her throat then turns to Xeii attentively with a charming smile.
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Mincel Mooneye's lips.
Tone deferential yet still holding a smile, Minister Xeii Shevat, the Perpetual Auspice says to
Czixi, "I shall assume You both will have had time to observe us..."
Mincel Mooneye stands up a little straighter, trying to look her best.
He is a feathered warbling trill demigod and is just above what could be considered average height
for a member of that race. A cap of soft brown feathers, dark enough to almost be black, rests atop
his angular face. His wings, usually a lighter brown, wrap around his somewhat scrawny from like a
cloak fashioned from the night sky itself. While barely perceptible at first, a multitude of colours
and shades have been woven through his wings - burnished golds and silvers for the most part,
alongside deep purples and soft magentas. In the lower feathers, these give way to bold oranges and
reds reminicent of dawn's early light as it pushes back the darkness for another day. He walks with
the truefavour of Czixi. He walks with the truefavour of Isune.
He is wearing:
a carved band of marble and gold
a teardrop pendulum of starlit quartz
stylish black boots of burnished leather
a sun-gold filigree mask
a pair of scented white silk gloves
a fitted, twilight-hued evening suit.
She is an ordinary human storm-born demigoddess and stands at 6ft in height. She has alabaster skin
with vivid emerald eyes, set with a violet iris and framed with long, black lashes. Her sharply
angled, well defined cheekbones exude a slight, peach blush, and a strong, aquiline nose leads to a
thick-set mouth stained a pale pink. She has a broad, solid frame which has toned up considerably
during her time spent hunting, and she holds herself tall. Her raven black hair as been finely
covered with ice white pigments, shot through with pale purple and ending it a sparkling, ethereal
effect- With wave upon wave of locks cascading down her back to end at her hips, braided at the
sides and elegantly pulled back from her face. Long arms rest lazily by her side but her tapered
fingers are constantly drumming against her thighs and emitting sparks of dazzling white lightning.
Muscled legs lead to sturdy feet. A thin layer of ice coats her skin in places to create an ethereal
effect, twining around her arms and neck, ending just beneath her jawbone. Pierced ears are wrapped
in silver chains, and a pair of sparkling, ivory wings sprout from her back, edged in ice. She walks
with the truefavour of Czixi. She walks with the truefavour of Isune.
She is wearing:
the Quintessential Mandala of Resplendent Harmony
sheer silk and lace gloves
a pair of delicate, clear crystal shoes
a snoefaasia orchid crown of boreal crystal
a snow-white, fur-trimmed ball gown
a white silk domino mask
a crystal-beaded stole of rose quartz and violet velvet.
He is a shaggy igasho demigod. standing just over 8 feet tall with lush shining silver fur stretched
over a dominant, well defined body. It seems to be sculpted from a living soft-grey marble with
corded sinew of muscle crisscrossing every visible portion of his frame. His chest, shoulders, and
back cut a swath wide enough to throw a room into shadows and brawny arms capable of easily
controlling anything they grab, hang loosely at his side. His torso rides upon powerful legs capable
of wading through any resistance met. Striking amethyst eyes look out from a handsome face and eyes
and mouth are creased by subtle lines from a frequent warm smile. A fine silver-grey stubble seems
ever present along his cheeks while a thick silky mane of dark pewter hair falls down to his
shoulders. He walks with the truefavour of Isune. He walks with the truefavour of Estarra. He walks
with the truefavour of Czixi.
He is wearing:
a full-sleeved shirt of soft white linen
a pair of long, steel-grey trousers
a birdlike mask
an empyreal stole fringed with dawn-cast flame.
"I would not unleash My Warden of Salvation," states Czixi with a glance towards Ruin and Aiya,
"upon such a gathering without oversight."
Twinkling motes of colour pirouette in dizzying patterns through glassy moonbeams, winking in and
out of sight with a dreamy transience.
A look of utter annoyance showing on her face, Ruin glowers darkly.
She is a nimble faeling and stands a meagre one foot six inches tall. Her lustrous black hair is as
long as she is tall, smooth and healthy looking. Small strands of gold and silver wire have been
braided into her hair, creating an intricate geometric pattern. A pair of elegant butterfly-esque
wings jut from her back, clothing carefully tailored for them. A large puff of silvery fabric has
been carefully attached over each of her two wings, making them appear as if they are fluffy storm
clouds. The faint gold of her wings is just visible through the fabric, looking like small lightning
crackles within the clouds. Her eyes are a vibrant green colour, lashes dark and short. Tattooed on
her back is an illustration of an elegant watercolour painting of the Grand Aerie Gardens. She walks
with the truefavour of Czixi.
She is wearing:
a twinkling, frosted blue velvet pack
a pair of black leather shoes with high heels
a delicate bracelet of interlaced metallic thread and cloud-filled crystals
a misty grey veil decorated with crystal daggers
a pale grey cloak of the northern winds
a feathered gown of sable satin.
It is now the 6th of Avechary, 494 years after the Coming of Estarra.
Maimah sucks thoughtfully on her teeth.
Vecennya smiles briefly, before looking down at the scintillating floor.
A simple pilgrim tugs its chin thoughtfully.
A light pink blush suffuses Tambador's cheeks as he drinks a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit
cider, leaving him ever-so-slightly flushed.
A statue of a weeping angel slips her arm through that of the white knight's, smiling serenely up at
Nicholo casually lifts a piece of cake up to his lips, watching the tense goings-on around him.
Glittering like diamonds against the glass-wrought walls, the night sky shimmers with shadow-cloaked
Flexing Her wings She slowly drifts around the room, Isune looks with an expression of idle
speculation at Tambador, you, Lief and Hecton. "Your entries were all artistic and bravely recited.
Even if one recitation was but another's work, the ability to perform it on his behalf was
nonetheless worthy of remark."
Maimah picks up a porcelain tea cup embellished with golden feathers.
She is a nimble faeling with antlers, her boyish figure twiggy and lithe. Olive-toned skin wears a
proud, aggressive smattering of freckles constellating across the soft planes of her face and
shoulders. Streaked by sunlight, reddish brown hair crowns her head in whimsy, cut androgynously
short and sideswept just above her thick brows. The grey of gathering clouds dominates her large
eyes, irises flecked with shards of onyx storm; these are found in a rounded countenance marked by a
turned up nose and pert lips the colour of peach blossoms. From her back springs a set of pellucid
wings, veined and delicately painted with shimmering pastels resembling a dragonfly's. Her ears are
small, close to her head and pointed at the slightly elongated tips, vaguely reminiscent of twin
leaves. A braided leather cord sits about her neck, close to the throat, and threaded to its very
centre are several mis-matched gems: a pair of opal beads, a sanguine ruby, a single fire opal, and
a glimmering pearl. She walks with the truefavour of Maylea.
She is wearing:
a clover-etched garnet brooch
a silver moonflower circlet
a small hard leather scabbard
an elegant sapphire brooch
a translucent crystal bindi
a variegated, glittery blue scarf
a mazarine pack broidered with iridescence
simple, elevated beech wood sandals
a lightweight kimono robe swimming with fanciful koi wrapping her twiggy body with artistic modesty.
Nelras takes a drink from a porcelain tea cup embellished with golden feathers.
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
Xeii's crystal body swells as it glows a deep royal purple.
In an effort to keep herself stiller, Lief clasps her hands tightly before her a lightweight kimono
robe swimming with fanciful koi.
Volucer picks his head up and looks around, then relaxes slowly again.
Naevari glances aside at Lief again briefly, the ghost of a smile flitting once more across his lips.
With a soft, intimate murmur, Isune nods to Xeii and Czixi and says, "But, of those who spoke and
the content provided, I do have a favourite." Raising an eyebrow at the Welkin a moment before a
charming and mischievous smile graces Her lips, "Perhaps a biased one."
Czixi nods Her head sharply amidst a flurry of sparks and mistmotes. "I have selected one also."
At Isune's statement Xeii's eyebrow rises a fraction of an inch before the other joins it, a flash
of bright colours passing by beneath her skin.
A tear-streaked dove in mourning tilts its head curiously.
A simple pilgrim tilts its head curiously.
Bowing, Minister Xeii Shevat, the Perpetual Auspice says, "When You are ready to announce..."
Nicholo tilts his head and listens intently.
Vecennya stills herself, listening intently.
Mincel Mooneye stands up a little straighter, trying to look her best.
"My choice..." Isune starts saying as She looks at all gathered, then to Czixi and back to Xeii. "...
is the poem Skylark Ascending by Facet Ushaara," She announces clearly.
"Oracular Lief," Czixi states, Her clipped voice carrying clearly through the ballroom.
Xeii gives up a round of applause.
Then Czixi cocks Her head again, eyes gleaming. "Interesting."
Vecennya claps politely, nodding.
Nelras smiles, before applauding both of the choices.
Nicholo glances askance.
Zyphora claps her hands together merrily.
Vivet nods solemnly.
Tambador claps his hands together merrily.
A statue of a weeping angel smiles wickedly as she claps her hands.
A simple pilgrim claps its hands together merrily.
Naevari's head whips around again so that his gaze is once more on Lief. His lips twitch upward,
becoming a smile so broad it wakens little dimples in his cheeks, but he says nothing. He even,
apparently, forgets to clap.
Xeii pauses, turning her eyes back on Czixi with a quizzical emerald glow.
Turning to Czixi with a raised eyebrow, Isune then shrugs, smiling disarmingly at the Welkin.
Lief blinks quickly, then, beaming, she does a little twirl in the air. "I really, really liked
everything I heard!"
(Bureau of Artistic Endeavours): Nelras says, "Do you think they both can win, or will we need a
"It would seem, Heart of the Crescendo, We have garnered for you a tie," Czixi continues, folding
Her arms back across Her chest. "One that must be resolved. Perhaps Our hosts shall do so."
Maimah claps her hands together merrily.
Xeii calls Nelras to where she and you stands, the corner of her lips twitching up into a grin.
Naevari turns his gaze back to the two Goddesses, still listening silently.
Nelras joins Xeii and you in discussing the outcome.
Isune glides over to Czixi and speaks softly, though loud enough for others to hear, "Dear Welkin,
have You seen such a gathering of costumes before? This choice shall surely be much harder."
(Bureau of Artistic Endeavours): Xeii says, "I would personally commend Lief's. Both are impeccably
written, but the theme is closer to what we intended originally."
(Bureau of Artistic Endeavours): You say, "I think perhaps that Lief's is more in line with what was
asked, and I think it was beautiful written and recited. Though not to discount the others, they too
were wonderufl in their own right, too."
"Once," Czixi replies, Her low voice still audible, "My Kalikai walked into the feasting hall
wearing -" She trails off, eyes growing distant. "Perhaps that is a story for another time. After
all, what You require Me to say is - yes, Isune, it most certainly shall."
(Bureau of Artistic Endeavours): Nelras says, "I can see where you are coming from, and would lean
towards Lief's for that reason. With that said, I...would not like to have to say that any of the
contributers 'lost' in any way."
Wings of phoenix fire flare up to encircle Remmiel in a sudden inferno of forked flames, strangely
leaving him unharmed as they extinguish with a sharp gasp of smoke.
(Bureau of Artistic Endeavours): Xeii says, "All four will be awarded for their participation."
Nicholo stands upright suddenly at the mention of costumes, wiping his fingers covered in cake
crumbs on his loincloth before grabbing his lyre. He wipes the corners of his lips as swiftly and
neatly as possible to look presentable.
Eyes widening at the intrigue, Isune grins like a girl, "Well now I shall need to entrap you in
gossip of this story another time."
Standing at her full height, Kendra regards her surroundings with contempt as two stunning wings of
platinum white unfurl behind her in a grand display. The image shimmers like a mirage before it
fades, the feathers dissipating in motes of flickering light.
Maimah shuffles over to stand slightly behind Remmiel and watches the room.
A shadow passes over the glass pane as a royal bird-of-paradise soars beyond the distant horizon,
sunlight glinting off his wings.
Xeii nods affirmatively before turning back to those gathered. "We have resolved the outcome - all
four are to be awarded, of course, for those willing to labour for art should have their just reward.
Nelras smiles faintly, nodding in agreement before turning back to the guests.
A wry smile spreads across a statue of a weeping angel's face.
Lief beams broadly.
A glimmer of a smile returning, Minister Xeii Shevat, the Perpetual Auspice says, "The tie is broken
in the favour of Oracular Lief's poem on Lord Zvoltz."
Acknowledging Xeii's point to be true, Vecennya nods her head gravely at her.
Czixi smirks.
Mincel Mooneye beams broadly.
Kendra's eyes sparkle with amusement.
A statue of a weeping angel subtly fists bumps the white knight.
Vivet Pavok, Avatar to the Shrouded Guide says to Lief, "Well done."
Again, Lief blinks, and she cannot constrain herself - her wings lift her up higher with her delight.
"I don't know what to say - it's really been a pleasure and an honour to participate in this!"
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Mincel Mooneye's lips.
Beaming, Naevari cranes his neck to follow Lief's upward flight.
Isune smiles at Xeii, Nelras and you then turns and congratulates Lief, "A worthy win. I admit
having trouble choosing between Mine own choice and your submission."
Motes around the Lady Aesthete sparkle with Her unrestrained, iridescent amusement.
Lief claps her hands together merrily.
Minister Xeii Shevat, the Perpetual Auspice says, "Our thanks to all who participated, and
especially for our ally, who took the time to ponder the Divine of another city and transpose it
into art."
"Our hosts have spoken, Isune," Czixi pronounces with a vague gesture. "My taste in poetry is
superior to Yours." Then She turns to Lief with little more than a subtle shifting of Her hovering
position. "Silent, precise promises," She recites, nodding once. "My Brother, summarised succinctly.
Despite herself, Lief's cheeks flush with colour. "I'm so glad to have captured Him," she confesses
to Czixi. "Thank You."
Czixi reaches Her loose hand and touches the tips of two fingers to the gemstone on Her forehead, a
strangely soft gesture amidst Her hard expression.
Volucer tilts his head back and turns his eyes to the sky for a brief moment.
With a wicked grin, Isune smiles at Czixi brightly, "And is this where I should say My tessen is
larger than Yours?" She chuckles softly to Herself.
A statue of a weeping angel snorts and laughs, before composing herself.
Vecennya giggles briefly before placing a hand over her mouth.
Yves, Nelras, Tambador, Xeii, Hecton, Nicholo, Zyphora, Vivet, Lief, Naevari, Isune, Czixi, Kendra,
Maimah, Vecennya, Anita.
He is a regal aslaran demigod and has long-cast bardic glamours giving him the appearance a graceful
elfen. But today, there are more elaborate glamours atop his regular guise. The most striking of
these illusions are the shifting colours that arc and extend behind him in the shape of large wings.
These wings of light are blindingly white at his shoulderblades before shimmering into a cloudy
cerulean as they rise. From there, the flickering lights curl down and darken into a scintillating
sapphire as they brush closer to Nicholo's heels. Despite their grandeur, the illusory wings only
serve to frame and underscore Nicholo's shorter stature of five feet and some six or seven inches.
And with his current garb, much of that short form is bare. His skin is a sun-kissed brown stretched
taut over a leanly muscular body earned from years of combat. Many pale, battle-earned scars that
mark and marr his entire body, plenty of which pool around his neck and gut. His normally dark hair
has been smeared with thick, pale bluetint that shimmers with a dusting of what could only be ground-
up sapphires. The dyed locks of hair are swept back behind his elfen ears to the nape of his neck
where it is twisted into neat little curls. His similarly dyed and dusted brows are complemented by
the electric shades of glistening red glamour that his half-lidded eyes are unable to conceal.
He is wearing:
a circlet of light
a graceful ivory half mask ornamented with diamonds
a vibrant collar of spun gold and prismatic crystal
a pristine white silk loincloth with a woven gold waistband
a celestial bracelet of white gold
a celestial bracelet of white gold
a golden anklet.
She is a feathered cloud trill auroral vernal demigoddess and of graceful, refined bearing, the
vainglorious tilt to her chin gentled only by an evocative softness of expression and beguiling
serenity of gesture. Ambrosial whispers of perfume linger in her wake, hailing from the fragrant
sprays of wind wisps and skyblooms that rest amidst her feathers in subtle, pale constellations of
floral lavenders and blues. Of willowy, feminine stature, her mien is gossamer and delicate as the
dawn's first breath of light, her complexion warmly gilt by the sun to a serene bronze-gold.
Harmonious, softly angular features render her countenance a naturally striking one, defined by dark-
lashed eyes of peregrine tilt, high-swept cheeks brushed with sun, and sensuous lips of dusky rose.
Limned with elegant strokes of caliginous kohl and glimmering gold, her eyes possess an ephemeral
iridescence of colour that remains enigmatic in shade, shifting betwixt tenebrous indigo and glacial
sapphire with the transitory touch of light. Crowning her head is a magnificent crest of burnished
rose-gold, lustred with nuances of cognac and champagne, cascading unfettered to her waist in a
remarkable wealth of long, curling plumes. Recollective of elaborate calligraphic flourishes as they
fan the air, her wings unfurl from between her shoulder blades, echoing the pearlescent hues of the
plumes upon her head; the feathers of her wings are edged in gold and bronze vermeil, coruscating
with captured light.
She is wearing:
an icy snow phoenix mask
a luminescent tiara of frozen feathers
a gown of opalescent gossamer and silvery wind wisps
silvered slippers of opalescent gossamer
a lustrous white velvet choker of snowy opal
a teardrop pendulum of starlit quartz
a wind wisp-wreathed pendant of auroral gold and indigo amethyst
an iris and magnolia wedding ring.
Czixi's eyes gleam, shifting from storm grey through to white, then illuminating with brilliant sky
Quietly, Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says, "If you would all excuse me, just for one moment."
With a flourish of his arm, Nelras bows deeply.
Click, click, go the heels of Aiya Ehc'zi as she strides west.
She is a burly tae'dae fluffball demigoddess. She tends to be looking around with slightly confused
eyes. Standing only about 4'9" her fur keeps her warm. Her ears are usually half lifted in curiosity.
Black fur covers her body, other than the large golden horseshoe shape that runs from collarbone to
collarbone. Her face fur is lighter in colour and her eyes a strange green.
She is wearing:
a thick, ursine-graven beryl bear ring
a tiara with a heart-shaped ruby
a thin ruby band
an open hand of abanoi pendant
an etched ruby ring
an etched beryl ring
an etched turquoise ring
an etched amethyst ring
a papyrus and silver ring scribed with dead dialects
a gold-flecked ring of fire
a raccoon-eared ruby ring
a clover-etched amethyst brooch
a rust-coloured sari set with ruby facets.
In a soothing motion, Isune leans in to whisper softly to Czixi, gesturing at the gathered guests.
Her words are too quiet to hear but the tone is that of smoothing feathers.
Saz arrives, following Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate.
Vecennya inclines her head politely to Saz.
Xeii inclines her head politely to Saz.
Czixi makes little of a reply other than than brief nods, Her darting glances from guest to guest
too swift to learn anything from.
A statue of a weeping angel curtseys gracefully before Saz.
A simple pilgrim straightens the rope on his robes slightly, before offering Saz a nod hello.
Lief flashes a warm smile at Saz in greetings. "Hello, Captain!"
Naevari turns to offer Saz a slow nod of greeting.
Saz bows half in greeting, lighting lifting the an asymmetrical mask of platinum pieces off his face,
"Greetings, apologies for showing up late." He adds as he straightens back up.
A tear-streaked dove in mourning inclines her head toward Saz in greeting.
Mulling over her words, a statue of a weeping angel says to Saz, "Better late than never, eh?"
Placing a hand gently upon Czixi's own hand, Isune nods with the decision made. Turning to those
gathered, She still speaks to the Welkin, "Shall I, then, My dear?"
Czixi nods Her head.
Nicholo closes his eyes and inhales deeply, absorbing the scent of his surroundings.
The Grand Aurora Ballroom.
Banks of clouds roil about here. At once a dream made manifest and reality made surreal, this
resplendent ballroom is suffused with the gentle golds and silvers of the aurora. The walls are
papered with gold-washed ivory, further decorated with long silk-brocade tapestries of intricate
make; composed of rich hues, far more vivid than stained-glass, the threads coalesce in aesthetic
illustrations of various avian creatures, their graceful, fluttering forms set against the majestic
backdrop of dawn's firmament. Gossamer halos of gold appear to envelop the air about every gentle
source of light, whether it is the chandelier above or the silvered sconces upon the walls. Large
cathedral-like windows around the circumference of this elegant chamber provide a breathtaking view
of the celestial night skies, filled with all the silver-blue stars of the constellations and
gracing the chamber with their empyrean, twinkling light. Beneath, the dancing floor is flawless
white marble, chased with glimmering gold; these aurulent lines waltz and spiral around one another
to create an elaborate filigree sun that encompasses the entire floor. Shimmering with dawn radiance,
a lightweaving of a prismatic feather points the way to the Grand Aurora Ballroom. Floating silently
in the air, a dawn-struck crystalline table is held up only by a thin wisp of fluffy cloud. There
are 24 porcelain tea cups embellished with golden feathers here. There are 3 palm sigils here. There
are 3 beehive kegs here. Looking at first like an oddly-coloured barrel, a keg of bloodstone rests
here. A dark amethyst keg rests here. There are 4 stained glass tea bottles of sun-blanched magnolia
here. Covered in bone armour, watching you warily, a silver-furred vixen sniffs the air. A classic
trill musician walks about briskly, harp in hand. A classic trill musician walks about briskly, lyre
in hand. Holding aloft a silver tray of desserts and refreshment in her gloved hands, Mincel Mooneye
quietly oversees her surroundings. Stood tall in an exquisite periwinkle gown, Ruin rocks here
restlessly, beautiful brown and gold wings folded behind her. An enormous falcon nervously talons
the ground, wings mantling. Airily sweeping her skirts about in a dreamy fashion, Cosette
Cloudwalker lingers here with a distracted smile. Face concealed behind a crystalline mask, Aiya
Ehc'zi stands here in a juxtaposition of cool poise and skittish scholarship. Lady Zyphora
Windwhisper, Quintessence of Refinement lingers here, the coolly pure scent of skyblooms and wind
wisps surrounding her form like mountain mist. She wields a delicate crystal staff in her right hand.
Vivet is here, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. She wields D'varsha's Eternal Wand of Transcendental
Force in her left hand. Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate stands here, surrounded in an aura of
ghostly, flickering wings. Emitting a fiery, dawn-cast radiance, a proud knight emblazoned with the
crest of the White Falcons keeps solemn guard here. Her hands covering her eyes, the statue of a
winged, crystal woman bows her head here, weeping. Isune, the Aesthete iridesces here central to
eddying motes of dawn-hued lustre. Xeii preens here, her crystal body glowing a deep royal purple.
She wields a baroque violin of antique silver and pearl inlay in her left hand and a golden whip of
the pious in her right. Saz Strongleaf looms here, projecting an aura of command. He wields a flame
maple mandolin in his left hand and a snow phoenix-crested shield of glacial hues in his right.
Skyborne Parvenu Yves is here. He wields a mathematician's jade fan in each hand. Spirit-Touched
Naevari is here. A humble pilgrim wearing simple robes and sandals actively meditates here, absently
toying with a rope belt. Oracular Lief Myeras-Silvermoon is here. She wields a golden whip of the
pious in her left hand and a white blossom shield in her right. Fluffy Sunbear Maimah, Proctor of
Justice is here. She wields a coral staff topped with a large pearl with both hands. Harvest Reaper,
Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon is here. Czixi, the Welkin hovers here, borne aloft on shifting currents of
air that envelop Her form. Defender of the Portals, Remmiel Strongleaf is here, shrouded. Nicholo,
the Fallen Nightshade is here. He wields an iridescent silver lyre in his left hand and a fan of
infinite stars in his right. Vecennya is here, pondering thoughtfully.
You see exits leading east, south, and west.
Naevari once more settles his attention upon the Goddesses. He shifts nervously, fidgeting with the
train of his tunic and glances about at the assembled faces.
Remmiel slips into a silver filigreed half mask.
Saz lifted his mask "lightly", of course. He turns his attention to the statue of a weeping angel
and nods as he affirms with a curt, "Indeed."
A statue of a weeping angel smiles wryly at Saz.
Vecennya watches the two Goddesses, listening just as intently.
Elexia's eyes widen as she realizes Who is in attendance, and she curtseys deeply before meekly
stepping to the back.
Nelras quickly adjusts his mask as he turns his attention to the two Divines.
Mincel Mooneye stands up a little straighter, trying to look her best.
Nicholo tries to stay calm, rolling his shoulders back as the irridescent wings behind him shuffle
about silently and formlessly.
With a wistful look on his face, Nicholo touches a vibrant collar of spun gold and prismatic crystal.
"Though there are many fine representations of Us amongst you," Isune begins, eyeing Czixi with a
smile then darting eyes around the guests, "We chose three who exemplified their various costumes,
embodying his or her Intended Divine to the fullest."
Xeii's body suddenly begins to shift through a variety of colours, first a cheerful ruby then a
gentle cerulean, before becoming a warm topaz before repeating.
In a low voice, Ruin says to Aiya Ehc'zi, "It's me. I'm the best Goddess."
Equally quietly, Aiya Ehc'zi says to Ruin, "I don't believe Lady Trillillial was known for gorging
Herself upon cake, Lady Warden."
Vecennya quickly shoves her hand into her mouth, turning away from the gathering quickly.
Ruin says to Aiya Ehc'zi, "Bet I dance better than Her though."
Remmiel grins mischievously at Vecennya.
A simple pilgrim chuckles lightly while overhearing Ruin and Aiya's exchange of wit.
Aiya Ehc'zi takes a deep breath as the crystal surface of her face softens and shifts in colour, a
muted glow appearing within.
A statue of a weeping angel smiles and dimples and she listens.
Vecennya removes her hand, breathing in and out slowly as she attempts to regain control.
A statue of a weeping angel smiles and dimples as she listens.
Twinkling motes of colour pirouette in dizzying patterns through glassy sunbeams, winking in and out
of sight with a dreamy transience.
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Mincel Mooneye's lips.
Nicholo keeps his fingertips brushing against a vibrant collar of spun gold and prismatic crystal,
eyes closing for a moment as he steels himself and awaits the Goddesses' judgment.
"Despite His appearance and potentially contentious time amongst you in an extended Dream, He was
represented well and uniquely among the entrants." Isune takes a breath and smiles, though She finds
the one She speaks of absent. "With a costume representing Sciomore, Marquis Shonjir Shevat rose
prominently as one of our three choices for his dedicated and creative outfit."
Spilling across the polished expanse of the marble floor, sprays of jewelled light evanesce and
coalesce with the slow passage of time.
Xeii appears to puff up slightly as her entire body glows a cheerful shade of citrine yellow.
Vecennya's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Tambador claps his hands together merrily.
Vivet nods her head sagely.
Elexia nods in apparent satisfaction, applauding.
Kendra's crystal body swells as it glows a deep royal purple.
Remmiel cheers wildly!
Nelras gives up a round of applause.
A tear-streaked dove in mourning brings her hands together in polite applause.
Czixi, Isune, Anita, Hecton, Maimah, Nicholo, Xeii, Elexia, Lief, Naevari, Vecennya, Yves.
(*) Currently, there are 12 Lusternians on this Plane and 45 on other Planes.
Lief claps her hands together energetically, applauding the departed contestant.
Standing at his full height, Tambador regards his surroundings with contempt as two stunning wings
of platinum white unfurl behind him in a grand display. The image shimmers like a mirage before it
fades, the feathers dissipating in motes of flickering light.
A simple pilgrim says, "A fine choice."
Nicholo claps his hands together merrily.
Maimah sucks thoughtfully on her teeth.
Apologetically, Isune says, "The next of our choices seems to also have excused himself from the
festivities. However, Vernal Ascendant Ejderha Strongleaf, deserves his place in our top three for
fully embodying his avian costume while here."
Tambador fluidly waves his arms about his body and you notice that with each pass pieces of misty-
purple phantom armour are revealed.
Remmiel walks over to stand near you, leaning down to whisper a quick question before glancing back
to the two Godesses with a small smile.
Remmiel tells you, "Who's poetry did I miss?"
Vecennya claps politely.
Again, Lief applauds the departed name with merry enthusiasm.
Like the pealing of so many bells, your voice rings to Defender of the Portals, Remmiel Strongleaf,
"Lief, Ushaara and Tambador, with Hecton telling a story."
Elexia cheers joyfully at the announcement. "Aye, it was lovely," she agrees enthusiastically.
Nelras nods his head in agreement as he offers a round of applause.
Maimah wiggles her ears happily and applauds.
A tear-streaked dove in mourning brings her hands together, smiling faintly as she claps.
Xeii nods, making a note of the winners.
Glancing quickly about again, Naevari applauds quickly as well.
A simple pilgrim says, "Another wonderful choice."
smiles serenely. "The final selection in our top three choice in costume is by one who not only wore
the visage of a bird, but every detail in her outfit exemplified and enhanced this image of mourning.
" The Lady Aesthete looks to Czixi with a nod, before turning to you with a bright smile, "Our own
hostess, Harmonist Anita, for her dove costume concludes Our choices."
"Woot!" Maimah shouts excitedly at you.
Maimah applauds you heartily.
Remmiel beams broadly at you.
The favour of Czixi has worn off.
Vecennya congratulates you with some wild clapping.
Czixi, the Welkin has bestowed Her divine truefavour upon you. It will last for 14 months.
Remmiel gives you a wild cheer!
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says to you, "Congratulations."
Elexia claps merrily for you, smiling broadly.
Xeii applauds you heartily.
Vivet gives up a round of applause.
Harvest Reaper, Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon smiles broadly and says, "Wonderful!"
Kendra's crystal body swells as it glows a deep royal purple.
Nelras applauds you heartily.
Nicholo congratulates you with some wild clapping.
Kendra congratulates you with some wild clapping.
A simple pilgrim says, "Congratulations, little bear."
Tambador congratulates you with some wild clapping.
Minister Xeii Shevat, the Perpetual Auspice smiles broadly and says to you, "Well planned and well
Professor Kendra Zayah, Winter's Drifting Slumber says to you, "Well done, Mother!"
Czixi twitches the fingers of Her right hand, causing the mists around Her to stir, several
fragments skittering across the ballroom floor around the present winners before evanescing into
Aiya Ehc'zi gives up a round of applause.
With amusement, Lady Zyphora Windwhisper, Quintessence of Refinement says to you, "Excellent taste
in couture costumes, I must say."
Zyphora claps her hands together merrily.
Naevari turns toward you and applauds once more, a faint smile curving his silent lips.
A shadow passes over the glass pane as a royal bird-of-paradise soars beyond the distant horizon,
sunlight glinting off his wings.
Lief flashes a beaming smile onto you, her hands clapping together. "You're beautiful!" she informs
you brightly, unabashed.
Xeii has transferred 5 credits to you.
Zyphora nods her head in agreement.
A tear-streaked dove in mourning dips her head and blushes, murmuring to both Lady Isune and Lady
Czixi, "Thank You both, Lady Aesthete, Lady Welkin. You honour us here with Your presence. I would
not be here without the Lady Quintessence's fine work of clothing, though." She offeres Zyphora a
gentle smile, nodding.
Remmiel bows respectfully to Czixi.
Remmiel bows respectfully to Isune.
Lief flits about happily.
A simple pilgrim says, "Appologies, but I must depart."
Lief flashes Hecton a joyous smile.
Elexia hugs Hecton compassionately.
Vivet Pavok, Avatar to the Shrouded Guide says, "Go well."
Vecennya inclines her head politely to Hecton.
Harvest Reaper, Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon smiles and says, "Go well, Uncle!"
Oracular Lief Myeras-Silvermoon says to Hecton, "It was wonderful seeing you again."
Hecton has left the area.
Nodding to all, Isune stands tall, Her words warm and grateful, "Thank you all for attending. It
pleases Me so well to see such joy and camaraderie. The Harmony between everyone shall be needed in
the days ahead."
Vecennya gently pulls the cotton covering her wings, putting it into her pack, letting her wings
flutter freely once more.
Millien arrives from the east.
Lief flashes Millien a joyous smile.
Elexia flashes Millien a joyous smile.
Vecennya inclines her head politely to Millien.
Millien blinks.
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says to Millien, "Hello."
Remmiel flashes Millien a joyous smile.
As peace fills your mind and calms your thoughts, you fold your hands before you and bow your head
for a moment of calm reflection.
Lief flits over to Millien, excitedly whispering, "Hello, Millien!"
Harvest Reaper, Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon smiles and says to Millien, "It is wonderful to see you!"
Psalmist Millien says, "..Hullo."
Naevari nods to Millien in greeting, still smiling a faint, silent smile from the periphery of the
Elexia rushes over and gently guides Millien into the room alongside Lief.
Gazing into the distance, Czixi narrows Her eyes. "Indeed," She agrees, venom dripping in Her voice.
"n'Rotri's machinations are an offense against the Great Tapestry. They must be stopped at any cost.
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says to Millien, "I trust that you are well this evening?"
Kendra tilts her head backwards and draws her arms up, delicately weaving threads of burning
illusion into the shape of an all-seeing eye, which she leaves floating darkly above her head.
Remmiel ponders Czixi thoughtfully, looking Her up and down.
Lief's smile slips with Czixi's words, and she pauses. Brow furrowing, she gives a quiet, purposeful
nod, and continues to follow Elexia and Millien.
Maimah perks her ears up gazing at the Ladies quietly.
With a flourish of his arm, Nicholo bows deeply.
Nicholo leaves to the south, emanating an aura of immense power.
Psalmist Millien says, "I think I am."
Millien blinks.
Xeii inclines her head towards the new arrival before glancing at the musicians, nodding ever so
Maimah mumbles incoherently.
Saz lowers his head in acceptance towards Isune, but his eyebrows raise suddenly after Czixi's words.
He murmurs "I think I've missed an important detail." to himself.
The conjoined harmonies of the harp and violin rise and fall in whispering tones with gentle slow
slopes of sound as the musicians maintain their melody.
Nelras takes a drink from a porcelain tea cup embellished with golden feathers.
A shadow passes over the glass pane as a royal bird-of-paradise soars beyond the distant horizon,
sunlight glinting off his wings.
Tambador hums a happy tune and smiles at Kendra.
The perception of time momentarily slows to a fraction as Atropos snips stray strands and frayed
threads upon the Tapestry of Fate, each cut bringing a distant scream. Time rushes forward as the
memory fades, yet you retain the knowledge that your fate in Lusternia is far from meeting its end.
Kendra beams broadly at Tambador.
Xeii's expression is grave, but her eyes are soft. "May this gathering bolster hopes for all, as its
intention was," she says.
Tambador beams broadly at Xeii.
Turning Her attention to the skies, Isune nods once to Czixi and bids a farewell to the group, "It
is likely time I turned My eyes elsewhere, My dears. Stand together, stand strong. There is a
strangeness to the air and winds. Heed the Welkin's words and remain alert."
Nelras smiles faintly at Xeii, before saying, "Once again, thank you all. I am glad to see that so
many of us have made it here."
A shadow passes over the glass pane as a royal bird-of-paradise soars beyond the distant horizon,
sunlight glinting off his wings.
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says to Isune, "And thank You, Lady Isune."
Maimah bows respectfully to Isune.
Kendra clasps her hands and squares her shoulders as she lifts her chin, "Together, in harmony, in
sequence- We shall preside." she firmly says.
Nelras bows respectfully to Isune.
Curtseying towards the hosts, Lady Zyphora Windwhisper, Quintessence of Refinement says, "Indeed,
thank you for hosting this lovely masked ball. It was an enjoyable time."
You curtsey gracefully before Isune.
Kendra curtseys gracefully before Isune.
Fluffy Sunbear Maimah, Proctor of Justice says to Isune, "I really like Your bird M'Lady."
Maimah shuffles her feet uneasily.
Saz nods his head at Zyphora, showing his acceptance.
Elexia nods solemnly, her smile dropping. She dips into a deep curtsey. "Thank you, Lady Isune," she
says. "We will remain vigilant."
Maimah blushes furiously.
With a flourish of his arm, Tambador bows deeply.
With a flourish of his arm, Saz bows deeply.
Remmiel smiles at Isune and offers a small bow, "Fair winds, Lady Isune."
You say to Isune, "Thank You, my Lady."
Vecennya while curtseying, "It was a pleasure to meet you, Lady Isune."
Zyphora curtseys gracefully before Isune.
Xeii curtseys gracefully before Isune.
Czixi glances at Xeii, Her expression blank save for the threads of silver that run through Her
otherwise pale grey eyes. "Perhaps it shall," She states, before clicking Her fingers in the
direction of Aiya and Ruin. A moment later, the three of them dissolve into nothing but licks of
mist that cascade out into nothingness.
The currents that envelop the Welkin stir to mist as She departs, Her form dissolving into nothing
but wisps of smoke that fall to caress the ground as they fade from existence.
Naevari hastens to offer Isune another awkward bow. "A pleasure, Lady Isune," he manages quickly.
Enfolding prismatic wings, Isune evanesces into gossamer ribbons of iridescent light resembling
colourful, soaring birds.
Spilling across the polished expanse of the marble floor, sprays of jewelled light evanesce and
coalesce with the slow passage of time.
Xeii gazes after the departing Divine with a wistful look before that same gaze turns to settle once
again on Nelras.
Maimah beams broadly.
Wistfully, Oracular Lief Myeras-Silvermoon says, "Such beauty here in each and every person."
Lief smiles warmly, to herself.
Eyes wide as she eats a fluffy meringue of tart white lemon, Kendra gazes about with an expression
of wordless wonderment, as though beholding the beauty of her surroundings for the first time.
Comprehension flashes across Vecennya's face.
Elexia's eyes suddenly widen, as if just remembering something. She searches a satchel for a moment,
before pulling out a small cookie and handing it to Lief.
Zyphora gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
Elexia gives a fluffy meringue of sunny honeycomb to Oracular Lief Myeras-Silvermoon.
Lief beams broadly at Elexia.
Following a gentle sip of a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit cider, Kendra's eyes slip shut in
a pleasant daze, seemingly unbothered by her surroundings.
Maimah runs circles around Elexia with outstretched arms, happily screaming, "Wheee!"
Harvest Reaper, Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon smiles and says to Lief, "Agreed, dear sister."
Caught in a sudden bout of whimsy, Elexia grabs Maimah's hands and twirls her about the room.
Millien ponders the situation.
Soon after Lief eats a fluffy meringue of sunny honeycomb, she titters quietly as her eyes light up
and she moves to politely stifle a sudden giddy laugh.
A light pink blush suffuses Vivet's cheeks as she drinks a decorative glass of spiced powderfruit
cider, leaving her ever-so-slightly flushed.
Maimah beams broadly at Elexia.
Harvest Reaper, Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon says to Maimah, "It is good to see you again! It's been too
Zyphora considers a fluffy meringue of rosewater whipped cream briefly before tasting it.
Elexia hugs Maimah compassionately.
A light pink blush suffuses Zyphora's cheeks as she eats a fluffy meringue of rosewater whipped
cream, leaving a dreamy smile on her lips and an ever-so-light rosy flush in the face.
Naevari offers Lief a brief, fleeting smile at her words.
Maimah snuggles up close to Elexia and leans comfortably on her.
Remmiel's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Xeii's eyes glint in silent response, and she offers Nelras a nod.
Remmiel hugs Tambador compassionately.
Remmiel gives Kendra a peck on the cheek.
Maimah shrugs helplessly at Elexia.
Vecennya nods her head emphatically.
Spilling across the polished expanse of the marble floor, sprays of jewelled light evanesce and
coalesce with the slow passage of time.
Eyes widening to rounded orbs, Oracular Lief Myeras-Silvermoon says to Elexia, "Oh, that was
*divine*. Thank you!"
Maimah brandishes a porcelain tea cup embellished with golden feathers menacingly.
Soon after Vecennya eats a fluffy meringue of sunny honeycomb, she titters quietly as her eyes light
up and she moves to politely stifle a sudden giddy laugh.
Kendra gives Remmiel a peck on the cheek.
Maimah grins mischievously at Elexia.
Remmiel flashes Kendra a joyous smile.
Eyes wide as she eats a fluffy meringue of tart white lemon, Vecennya gazes about with an expression
of wordless wonderment, as though beholding the beauty of her surroundings for the first time.
Elexia nods to Lief with a grin, her eyes sparkling. "Oh, yes, they are indescribable!"
Inclining his head politely to no one in particular, Spirit-Touched Naevari says, "Excuse me. I
enjoyed myself very much, but I should go."
Nelras glances down at his watch, and then towards the balcony, before addressing the guests. "Would
those of us who have purchased firecrackers care to join me on the balcony so that we might release
them all at once?"
Vivet waves goodbye at Naevari.
The musicians' music plays softly, the melody still wonderfully harmonious between harp and violin
but quiet as soft whispers.
Naevari leaves to the west.
With a flourish of her arm, Maimah bows deeply.
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says, "To Naevari of course. Thank you for coming."
Vivet Pavok, Avatar to the Shrouded Guide says, "Certainly."
Maimah hums a happy tune.
Kendra beckons to Tambador.
Tambador says to Kendra, "Anywhere."
Maimah shuffles over to Elexia and shyly takes her hand in her own.
Maimah snuggles up close to Elexia and leans comfortably on her.
A tear-streaked dove in mourning gazes around at all still gathered, "Thank you everyone for
attending our Midsummer Ball - please do linger if you can to enjoy the refreshments and cakes upon
the table. If you would like to follow Nelras, there will be firework- aha!"
Elexia gives Maimah a friendly squeeze.
Xeii leaves, following Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate.
Vecennya leaves to the west.
Zyphora takes composed strides to the south as the fragrance of wind wisps and skyblooms fades into
the air.
Vecennya leaves to the south.
Nelras tells you, "Will any more be joining us?"
You say, "Do move south for the fireworks!"
An open-air balcony trellised with sprawling rose vines.
Banks of clouds roil about here. Holding his phoenixlike head aloft, a sidiak bird manifested from
crashing whorls of colour floats proudly here. Emitting a fiery, dawn-cast radiance, a proud knight
emblazoned with the crest of the White Falcons keeps solemn guard here. Her hands covering her eyes,
the statue of a winged, crystal woman bows her head here, weeping. Minister Xeii Shevat, the
Perpetual Auspice lingers here, the coolly pure scent of skyblooms and wind wisps surrounding her
form like mountain mist. She wields a baroque violin of antique silver and pearl inlay in her left
hand and a golden whip of the pious in her right. Lady Zyphora Windwhisper, Quintessence of
Refinement lingers here, the coolly pure scent of skyblooms and wind wisps surrounding her form like
mountain mist. She wields a delicate crystal staff in her right hand. Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern
Legate stands here, surrounded in an aura of ghostly, flickering wings. Harvest Reaper, Elexia
Myeras-Silvermoon is here. Vecennya has a look of comprehension here. Skyborne Parvenu Yves is here.
He wields a mathematician's jade fan in each hand. Fluffy Sunbear Maimah, Proctor of Justice is here.
She wields a coral staff topped with a large pearl with both hands. Vivet Pavok, Avatar to the
Shrouded Guide with a Wakabi face is here, shrouded. She wields D'varsha's Eternal Wand of
Transcendental Force in her left hand.
You see a single exit leading north.
A murmur of distant, questioning voices precedes Saz as he enters from the north.
Lief arrives from the north.
You see the following people here:
Tambador, Xeii, Zyphora, Yves, Vivet, Remmiel, Saz, Nelras, Maimah, Lief, Elexia, Kendra, Vecennya,
Lief flits about happily.
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Nelras's lips.
Elexia hums a happy tune.
Across the heavens, the stars and moon challenge night's dark reign, revealing familiar
constellations that tell the tales of myth and legend.
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says, "We are just waiting for one more, I believe."
Maimah gazes up at the stars, ears wiggling slightly.
Elexia fiddles with the firecracker in her hands, examining it from every angle. "So small, yet so
impressive..." She murmurs in appreciation.
Vecennya hums a happy tune.
Remmiel grins mischievously at you.
Harvest Reaper, Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon says, "I do wonder how they are made."
You smile and say, "Everyone is present."
Remmiel hums a happy tune.
This avian firecracker has been whimsically crafted from sunset-hued paper into the likeness of an
exotic, bright bird-of-paradise. A blazing scarlet has been chosen for the bird's sleek body, its
luminous shade the exact orange-red tinge that the sun casts when dipping low over the horizon.
Cresting out from the firecracker's sides are magnificent feathers of burnished gold, gleaming like
beams of sunlight as the stiff paper wings extend to hold the firecracker upright and poised for
lift-off. The bird's lovely sabre-curved tail tapers into a series of streamer-like ribbons, which
tease gently from the firecracker's end in myriad shades of burnt orange, twilight blue, and dusky
violet. Given the fragile nature of the firecracker's appearance, it appears easily affected by the
slightest push or pull from a curious hand.
It has 180 months of usefulness left.
It weighs 5 ounce(s).
It has the following aliases: firecracker.
[ Firecrackers in colour! https://ada-young.appspot.com/pastebin/gy7YKYKU ]
Zyphora nods her head emphatically.
Lady Zyphora Windwhisper, Quintessence of Refinement says, "Let us."
Elexia gives a festive bird-of-paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper to Oracular Lief
Giving a festive bird-of-paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper a firm pull, Zyphora
releases the avian spirit within, letting her soar high above with carefree abandon.
Exploding in a shower of luminescent radiance, the avian spirit from within a festive bird-of-
paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper bursts into myriad motes of light to coalesce into
a dawn-hued vision.
Giving a festive bird-of-paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper a firm pull, Elexia
releases the avian spirit within, letting her soar high above with carefree abandon.
Shimmering in undulating waves of light, an aurora of brilliant hues gleams and glitters like
`:| | | |: || : ` : | |+|: | : :
` : |
.' ': || |: | ' ` || | : | |: : | . ` * . :.
`' || | ' | * ` : | |
* * ` | : : | . ` '
.` | | | : .:| ` | || | : |: | | ||
' . + ` | : .: . '| | :
. . ` *| || : ` | |
. . || |.: * | || : :
. . . * . . ` |||. + + '| ||| . ||`
* . +:`|! . |||| :.||`
* . ..!|* . | :`||+ |||`
+ : |||` .|
* + ' +
. .||` . ..|| | |: '` `| | |` +
. +++ || !|!: `
+ . . | . `|||.: .|| . . `
' * `|. . `:||| + ||' `
_ + `' `'|. `: *
`. `. .
Exploding in a shower of luminescent radiance, the avian spirit from within a festive bird-of-
paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper bursts into myriad motes of light to coalesce into
a dawn-hued vision.
Lief turns a festive bird-of-paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper over in her hand,
Giving a festive bird-of-paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper a firm pull, Nelras
releases the avian spirit within, letting her soar high above with carefree abandon.
"Oooooooooh!" Lief says, eyes wide with wonder.
Exploding in a shower of luminescent radiance, the avian spirit from within a festive bird-of-
paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper bursts into myriad motes of light to coalesce into
a dawn-hued vision.
Shimmering in undulating waves of light, an aurora of brilliant hues gleams and glitters like
`:| | | |: || : ` : | |+|: | : :
` : |
.' ': || |: | ' ` || | : | |: : | . ` * . :.
`' || | ' | * ` : | |
* * ` | : : | . ` '
.` | | | : .:| ` | || | : |: | | ||
' . + ` | : .: . '| | :
. . ` *| || : ` | |
. . || |.: * | || : :
. . . * . . ` |||. + + '| ||| . ||`
* . +:`|! . |||| :.||`
* . ..!|* . | :`||+ |||`
+ : |||` .|
* + ' +
. .||` . ..|| | |: '` `| | |` +
. +++ || !|!: `
+ . . | . `|||.: .|| . . `
' * `|. . `:||| + ||' `
_ + `' `'|. `: *
`. `. .
Giving a festive bird-of-paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper a decided push, Xeii
releases the avian spirit within, letting her soar high above with carefree abandon.
Remmiel blinks.
Soaring with elongated plumes stretching behind it, an aerial bird flies past a beauty of iridescent
_ _ __,
_ .`///,''
<(* ).`//,'`___.,*
', ,.'``'.___,;*
Exploding in a shower of luminescent radiance, the avian spirit from within a festive bird-of-
paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper bursts into myriad motes of light to coalesce into
a dawn-hued vision.
Defender of the Portals, Remmiel Strongleaf says, "Wow."
Giving a festive bird-of-paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper a firm pull, Lief
releases the avian spirit within, letting her soar high above with carefree abandon.
Giving a festive bird-of-paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper a firm pull, Vecennya
releases the avian spirit within, letting her soar high above with carefree abandon.
A brilliant sun rises into view, imbued with the radiance of dawn.
. | .
. . '
\ | /
. ' | . .
. \ ' / .
' . \ | / . '
` . .,+~'`^`'~+,. , '
. . . .._ __ ____ __ _ .' '. '_ __ ____ __ _ .. . .
Exploding in a shower of luminescent radiance, the avian spirit from within a festive bird-of-
paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper bursts into myriad motes of light to coalesce into
a dawn-hued vision.
Exploding in a shower of luminescent radiance, the avian spirit from within a festive bird-of-
paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper bursts into myriad motes of light to coalesce into
a dawn-hued vision.
Shimmering in undulating waves of light, an aurora of brilliant hues gleams and glitters like
`:| | | |: || : ` : | |+|: | : :
` : |
.' ': || |: | ' ` || | : | |: : | . ` * . :.
`' || | ' | * ` : | |
* * ` | : : | . ` '
.` | | | : .:| ` | || | : |: | | ||
' . + ` | : .: . '| | :
. . ` *| || : ` | |
. . || |.: * | || : :
. . . * . . ` |||. + + '| ||| . ||`
* . +:`|! . |||| :.||`
* . ..!|* . | :`||+ |||`
+ : |||` .|
* + ' +
. .||` . ..|| | |: '` `| | |` +
. +++ || !|!: `
+ . . | . `|||.: .|| . . `
' * `|. . `:||| + ||' `
_ + `' `'|. `: *
`. `. .
Bathed in dawn-hued radiance, a paradise birds soars overhead, every feather and pinion gleaming.
.-. `) | .-.
_.'`. .~./ \.~. .`'._
_.-'`.'-'.'.-: ;-.'.'-'.`'-._
`'`'`'`'` \ / `'`'`'`'`
. / ^^ \ .
,` ' / || \ ' `,
`.,; :: ",.`
. .
.` .' '. `.
`'` `'`
Giving a festive bird-of-paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper a firm pull, Tambador
releases the avian spirit within, letting her soar high above with carefree abandon.
Giving a festive bird-of-paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper a firm pull, Kendra
releases the avian spirit within, letting her soar high above with carefree abandon.
Exploding in a shower of luminescent radiance, the avian spirit from within a festive bird-of-
paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper bursts into myriad motes of light to coalesce into
a dawn-hued vision.
Exploding in a shower of luminescent radiance, the avian spirit from within a festive bird-of-
paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper bursts into myriad motes of light to coalesce into
a dawn-hued vision.
Shimmering in undulating waves of light, an aurora of brilliant hues gleams and glitters like
`:| | | |: || : ` : | |+|: | : :
` : |
.' ': || |: | ' ` || | : | |: : | . ` * . :.
`' || | ' | * ` : | |
* * ` | : : | . ` '
.` | | | : .:| ` | || | : |: | | ||
' . + ` | : .: . '| | :
. . ` *| || : ` | |
. . || |.: * | || : :
. . . * . . ` |||. + + '| ||| . ||`
* . +:`|! . |||| :.||`
* . ..!|* . | :`||+ |||`
+ : |||` .|
* + ' +
. .||` . ..|| | |: '` `| | |` +
. +++ || !|!: `
+ . . | . `|||.: .|| . . `
' * `|. . `:||| + ||' `
_ + `' `'|. `: *
`. `. .
Soaring with elongated plumes stretching behind it, an aerial bird flies past a beauty of iridescent
_ _ __,
_ .`///,''
<(* ).`//,'`___.,*
', ,.'``'.___,;*
Lief whistles appreciatively.
Giving a festive bird-of-paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper a firm pull, Vivet
releases the avian spirit within, letting her soar high above with carefree abandon.
Exploding in a shower of luminescent radiance, the avian spirit from within a festive bird-of-
paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper bursts into myriad motes of light to coalesce into
a dawn-hued vision.
Elexia gasps in delight, her hands coming to her lips as the display dazzles about the balcony.
A brilliant sun rises into view, imbued with the radiance of dawn.
. | .
. . '
\ | /
. ' | . .
. \ ' / .
' . \ | / . '
` . .,+~'`^`'~+,. , '
. . . .._ __ ____ __ _ .' '. '_ __ ____ __ _ .. . .
Remmiel beams broadly.
Giving a festive bird-of-paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper a firm pull, you release
the avian spirit within, letting her soar high above with carefree abandon.
Exploding in a shower of luminescent radiance, the avian spirit from within a festive bird-of-
paradise firecracker wrapped in sunset-hued paper bursts into myriad motes of light to coalesce into
a dawn-hued vision.
Bathed in dawn-hued radiance, a paradise birds soars overhead, every feather and pinion gleaming.
.-. `) | .-.
_.'`. .~./ \.~. .`'._
_.-'`.'-'.'.-: ;-.'.'-'.`'-._
`'`'`'`'` \ / `'`'`'`'`
. / ^^ \ .
,` ' / || \ ' `,
`.,; :: ",.`
. .
.` .' '. `.
`'` `'`
Saz blinks twice asphyxiated as words struggle to escape from his lips, "Most impressive."
Sparkling overhead, the constellations shine with startling clarity, crystal-clear against the
fathomless twilight.
Cygnine Composer Vecennya says, "Absolutely gorgeous, as before."
Tambador clenches his fist and chortles "Ooer!"
"Beautiful," Lief breathes.
Millien blinks.
Having released his firecracker early, Nelras stares up at the display of light and colour that
fills the sky.
Xeii stands beside Nelras, her own gentle glow adding to the fading light of the skies.
Maimah sucks thoughtfully on her teeth.
Kendra tilts her head back, smiling and dimpling beatifically, "Oh...M'love." she quietly murmurs.
Nelras carefully reaches over to take Xeii's hand.
Remmiel beams broadly at you.
Maimah gives Elexia a peck on the cheek.
Elexia gives Maimah a peck on the cheek.
Zyphora smiles faintly at the skies, her eyes reflecting flashes of fading dawn-hued colour.
Slipping behind Kendra Tambador wraps his arms around Kendra humming sweetly before saying "Indeed a
beautiful ending to a beautiful night".
Maimah wiggles her ears and bows, "Thank you for holding such a lovely do."
Cygnine Composer Vecennya says, "Such a lovely evening."
Harvest Reaper, Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon smiles and says, "It was simply wonderful."
Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says to Maimah, "Thank you for coming."
Softly, Minister Xeii Shevat, the Perpetual Auspice says, "Thank you all."
Smiling, Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate says, "And, indeed, thank you all."
Fluffy Sunbear Maimah, Proctor of Justice says, "Sorry I was late."
Maimah blushes at Nelras furiously.
Smiling softly, Defender of the Portals, Remmiel Strongleaf says to you, "Thank you."
Still gazing skyward, Oracular Lief Myeras-Silvermoon says, "Everything has been utterly enchanting.
Maimah gives you a peck on the cheek.
Acknowledging Lief's point to be true, Vecennya nods her head gravely at her.
Remmiel gives Maimah a peck on the cheek.
Remmiel gives Lief a peck on the cheek.
Bowing her head, Minister Xeii Shevat, the Perpetual Auspice says to Maimah, "No need to apologise
for it."
Harvest Reaper, Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon says to you, "Thank you so much for inviting us... It was
an honour."
Lief smiles softly at Remmiel.
Remmiel gives Vecennya a peck on the cheek.
Lief nods her head at Elexia, showing her acceptance.
Kendra balances on one foot as she awkwardly pulls off her a pair of delicate, clear crystal shoes,
"My bloody feet!" she curses Finally freeing her feet, she tosses the shoes over her shoulder.
Spreading her wings to their full span, she limbers up, stretching.
Remmiel beams broadly at Lief.
Kendra removes a pair of delicate, clear crystal shoes.
Xeii grins mischievously at Kendra.
Zyphora inclines her head to the others before saying, "Kindly pardon me," and gliding back into the
Elexia hides a grin behind her hand.
Zyphora takes composed strides to the north as the fragrance of wind wisps and skyblooms fades into
the air.
Maimah wanders back into the ballroom.
Maimah leaves to the north, emanating an aura of immense power.
Cygnine Composer Vecennya says, "That was quite delightful, but I think I must take a short rest."
Vecennya curtseys gracefully.
With a flourish of his arm, Yves bows deeply.
Yves leaves to the north.
Vivet nods her head emphatically.
Vecennya leaves to the north.
Xeii inclines her head politely to those around her.
Kendra removes a crystal-beaded stole of rose quartz and violet velvet.
The statue of a weeping angel suddenly shatters in a joyous burst of prismatic light, revealing the
figure of Kendra in its wake.
Xeii leaves, following Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate.
Harvest Reaper, Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon says, "Those costumes are so incredible..."
Softly, Oracular Lief Myeras-Silvermoon says, "I must meditate on all I've experienced here. Thank
you again, everyone."
Elexia shakes her head in amazement.
Elexia hugs Lief compassionately.
Lief gives Elexia a friendly squeeze.
Harvest Reaper, Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon says, "It was a pleasure to see you, Sister."
Lief hugs Millien compassionately.
Midnight shadows coalesce around a new day, and Mother Night embraces the land in utter darkness.
It is now the 7th of Avechary, 494 years after the Coming of Estarra.
Warmly, Oracular Lief Myeras-Silvermoon says to Elexia, "Absolutely. To share this with family, too,
has been wonderful."
Lief leaves to the north.
Saz Strongleaf says to you, "Thank you for preparing the costumes and masks for everyone."
With a flourish of his arm, Saz bows deeply.
Saz waves goodbye.
Saz leaves to the north, trailed by murmuring questions and the clearing of throats.
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
Harvest Reaper, Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon smiles and says, "Be well, everyone!"
Remmiel beams broadly.
Elexia curtseys gracefully.
Elexia gives Remmiel a peck on the cheek.
Remmiel gives Elexia a peck on the cheek.
Elexia gives you a peck on the cheek.
Remmiel flashes Elexia a joyous smile.
Elexia gives Millien a peck on the cheek.
Remmiel bows respectfully to Elexia.
Elexia leaves to the north.
Remmiel flashes you a joyous smile.
Banks of clouds roil about here. Shimmering with dawn radiance, a lightweaving of a prismatic
feather points the way to the Grand Aurora Ballroom. Floating silently in the air, a dawn-struck
crystalline table is held up only by a thin wisp of fluffy cloud. There are 24 porcelain tea cups
embellished with golden feathers here. There are 3 palm sigils here. There are 3 beehive kegs here.
Looking at first like an oddly-coloured barrel, a keg of bloodstone rests here. A dark amethyst keg
rests here. There are 4 stained glass tea bottles of sun-blanched magnolia here. An enormous falcon
nervously talons the ground, wings mantling. Airily sweeping her skirts about in a dreamy fashion,
Cosette Cloudwalker lingers here with a distracted smile. A classic trill musician walks about
briskly, harp in hand. A classic trill musician walks about briskly, lyre in hand. Holding aloft a
silver tray of desserts and refreshment in her gloved hands, Mincel Mooneye quietly oversees her
surroundings. Holding his phoenixlike head aloft, a sidiak bird manifested from crashing whorls of
colour floats proudly here. Lady Zyphora Windwhisper, Quintessence of Refinement lingers here, the
coolly pure scent of skyblooms and wind wisps surrounding her form like mountain mist. She wields a
delicate crystal staff in her right hand. Her hands covering her eyes, the statue of a winged,
crystal woman bows her head here, weeping. Emitting a fiery, dawn-cast radiance, a proud knight
emblazoned with the crest of the White Falcons keeps solemn guard here. Vivet Pavok, Avatar to the
Shrouded Guide with a Wakabi face is here, shrouded. She wields D'varsha's Eternal Wand of
Transcendental Force in her left hand. Nelras Shevat, Her Silvern Legate stands here, surrounded in
an aura of ghostly, flickering wings. Xeii gazes at Nelras, flushing a rosy quartz. She wields a
baroque violin of antique silver and pearl inlay in her left hand and a golden whip of the pious in
her right.
You see exits leading east, south, and west.
Lady Zyphora Windwhisper, Quintessence of Refinement smiles and says to Mincel Mooneye, "Thank you
for letting us know."
Tambador smiles impishly and says to Kendra, "I just thought you might like another lemon one."
Spilling across the polished expanse of the marble floor, sprays of jewelled light evanesce and
coalesce with the slow passage of time.
Professor Kendra Zayah, Winter's Drifting Slumber laughingly says to Tambador, "Oh, I do. Nothing
else matters than these little bundles of heaven."
You say, "I need to hide my gold now."
Remmiel flashes Kendra a joyous smile.
Zyphora gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
Vivet Pavok, Avatar to the Shrouded Guide says, "Transience, in many ways, imbues an extra touch to
enjoying them."
Eyes wide as she eats a fluffy meringue of tart white lemon, Xeii gazes about with an expression of
wordless wonderment, as though beholding the beauty of her surroundings for the first time.
Remmiel's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Mincel Mooneye exclaims to Vivet, "I could not agree more!"
Vivet hums a happy tune.
Professor Kendra Zayah, Winter's Drifting Slumber whispers to Mincel Mooneye, "Do you think I could
live with you, and you just keep me alive on these sublime meringues?"
"Oooooooooh!" Remmiel says, eyes wide with wonder.
Kendra looks at Mincel Mooneye hopefully.
Mincel Mooneye inclines her head politely at Kendra.
Defender of the Portals, Remmiel Strongleaf smiles impishly and says, "I got a honeycomb cookie."
Tambador chuckles long and heartily at Kendra.
(Hallifax): You say, "Citizens, I would like to personally thank each and every one of you who
attended our Midsummer Ball within the Lady Aesthete's realm - it was a truly magnificent time, and
I hope you all enjoyed it."
Glittering like diamonds against the glass-wrought walls, the night sky shimmers with shadow-cloaked
Mincel Mooneye says to Kendra, "Well, perhaps, but I am not a baker."
(Hallifax): Vivet says, "Thank you for being a most splendid hostess."
(Hallifax): Vecennya (from the Aetherways) says, "It was an incredibly beautiful and moving ball, I
am glad to have attended."
Professor Kendra Zayah, Winter's Drifting Slumber smiles impishly and says to Mincel Mooneye, "No
matter. I am happy to get them any way I can."
(Hallifax): Zyphora says, "Thank you as well. All of the festivities and refreshments were fantastic.
(Hallifax): Remmiel says, "Thank you for setting up such a lovely ball and contests, it was a
wonderful night."
*more buying of meringues and banter between remaining guest, and the leaving of several*
Volucer says, "Everyone left, can I take this bow off now??"
Volucer mutters discontentedly.
Volucer clasps a fish wrapped in paper in his talons and leisurely consumes every morsel.
Volucer bobs his head slightly.
Defender of the Portals, Remmiel Strongleaf smiles broadly and says to Volucer, "Does that help ease
the suffering at all?"
Begrudgingly, Volucer says, "A little."
Remmiel ponders the situation.
Remmiel holds a bag of meat scraps out to Volucer and smiles as he asks, "I only had one fish, I
have some meat if you like that as well though?"
Remmiel gives a bag of meat scraps the once-over, eyeing it suspiciously.
Defender of the Portals, Remmiel Strongleaf says, "Or maybe not. this is beastfeed."
Volucer says, "It is inferior but better than these cookies you all are eating."
Volucer clasps a bag of meat scraps in his talons and leisurely consumes every morsel.
Remmiel beams broadly at Volucer.
Volucer lays his ears back and relaxes, his eyes lidding halfway.
You remove 1 fish, bringing the total in the rift to 1628.
You give a fish wrapped in paper to Volucer.
Volucer clasps a fish wrapped in paper in his talons and leisurely consumes every morsel.
Remmiel beams broadly at you.
You smile and say to Volucer, "I shall leave some fish tea for you near the nest."
Defender of the Portals, Remmiel Strongleaf smiles and says to Volucer, "I could help take it off if
you would like assistance?"
Volucer exclaims, "Yes and Yes!"
Remmiel utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Banks of clouds drift through the sky outside these crystalline walls, veiling the naked windows in
a shroud of gossamer mist.
Remmiel walks over and bends down, untying the bow around Volucer's neck and lifting the mask off
his face, setting it on the ground before standing up and moving back over beside you, a small smile
curling his lips.
Volucer picks his head up and looks around, then relaxes slowly again.
Remmiel beams broadly at Volucer.
Volucer tilts his head curiously at Remmiel.
Defender of the Portals, Remmiel Strongleaf smiles broadly and says, "Much better, no?"
Remmiel looks at Volucer and comprehension flashes across his face.
Volucer gives Remmiel the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Volucer says, "MUCH better."
Volucer stares at the mask as it came off.
Volucer exclaims, "She made me a PIGEON?!"
You hide a grin behind your hand.
Remmiel utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Defender of the Portals, Remmiel Strongleaf smiles impishly and says, "You were a cute pigeon."
You say to Volucer, "Well..it was a masked ball!"
Defender of the Portals, Remmiel Strongleaf says, "Had a bow tie."
Remmiel nods his head in agreement.
Volucer says, "...CUTE??"
Spilling across the polished expanse of the marble floor, sprays of jewelled light evanesce and
coalesce with the slow passage of time.
Volucer stares implacably at Remmiel.
Remmiel nods his head at Volucer, showing his acceptance.
Volucer stares implacably at Remmiel.
Defender of the Portals, Remmiel Strongleaf says, "Quite so."
Volucer says, "Pigeons are not CUTE."
Volucer wrinkles his nose in distaste.
Defender of the Portals, Remmiel Strongleaf laughingly says, "No, but when you are dressed as one it
Volucer says, "NO. N.O. Never. Ever never."
Incandescent light casts shifting shadows on the space around a stellar sidiak bird with howling
wings of void-like emptiness, a radiant conglomeration of colour.
Defender of the Portals, Remmiel Strongleaf says, "Of course one look at your fierce talons would
quickly reassure everyone you are no simple pigeon."
Volucer shakes his head vigorously in disagreement.
Remmiel taps his nose knowingly at Volucer.
Volucer stares implacably at Remmiel.
The corners of Remmiel's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Defender of the Portals, Remmiel Strongleaf says, "I apologize for missing large portions of the
Volucer says to Remmiel, "You are a horrible person with no taste. Pigeons are idiotic vermin, to be
executed on sight or subjected to experiments... like... creating me an army."
"Hmph!" Volucer snorts.
You perk your ears up as an errant topic catches your interest.
Defender of the Portals, Remmiel Strongleaf says to Volucer, "I may be those, but...hmm...have you
tried using a mask to pretend to be a pigeon before? You could gain their loyalty and create an army
Remmiel tilts his head curiously at Volucer.
Volucer fluffs his feathers self-importantly.
Volucer opens his beak to object more then stops, leaving it hanging open a moment.
An idea dawning, Volucer exclaims, "... they are just dumb enough it might work!"
Remmiel nods his head sagely at Volucer.
Volucer lays his ears back and relaxes, his eyes lidding halfway.
You hide a grin behind your hand.
Defender of the Portals, Remmiel Strongleaf says, "It could be a viable army-creating tactic!"
Defender of the Portals, Remmiel Strongleaf says, "Keep that mask, just in case!"
Volucer grabs back the mask for a moment and stares at Remmiel. "This does not mean I like you."
Remmiel nods his head at Volucer, showing his acceptance.
Volucer fluffs his feathers self-importantly.
Defender of the Portals, Remmiel Strongleaf smiles and says to Volucer, "I understand."
Remmiel winks conspiratorially at Volucer.
Volucer stares implacably at Remmiel.
Volucer clasps a bag of fish heads in his talons and leisurely consumes every morsel.
You give a fish wrapped in paper to Volucer.
Volucer clasps a fish wrapped in paper in his talons and leisurely consumes every morsel.
Remmiel beams broadly at you.
Remmiel ponders Volucer thoughtfully, looking him up and down.
Volucer tilts his head curiously at Remmiel.
Volucer says, "Hmph. I've had enough parties. I'm going back to my perch. You all be quiet now."
Remmiel nods his head in agreement.
With a flourish of his arm, Remmiel bows deeply.
A jewel-tiered landing.
Banks of clouds roil about here. A well-constructed nest lies here. Scratched with several tallies
next to hastily written names, a large, long branch lies here. Holding his phoenixlike head aloft, a
sidiak bird manifested from crashing whorls of colour floats proudly here.
You see a single exit leading north.
"Heh heh heh" Remmiel chuckles.
You drop an onyx vial.
You drop a palm sigil.
Remmiel's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
"nest67593" a well-constructed nest
"branch236775" a claw-scratched branch of tallies
"sidiak198719" a stellar sidiak bird with howling wings of void-like emptiness
"falcon63793" Volucer
"vial58314" an onyx vial (filled with fish brew tea)
"palm sigil304082" a palm sigil
Number of objects: 6
You pat Volucer in a friendly manner.
Volucer stretches his neck languidly, lavishing the attention.
You say, "Your fish tea!"
Defender of the Portals, Remmiel Strongleaf says, "Thank you for attending, Volucer!"
And a big thanks to everyone who attended! You have no idea how much @Czixi and I had been looking forward to it! Then when we got there and saw the costumes, we were in love with the creativity, the turnout, the thoughtfulness put into every item people chose to wear. The ball was definitely a highlight of my day, thank you, awesome dancers, ball-goers, party planners, attendees and food connoisseurs.