Anyone want text gradients?

		local blue = math.min((b_step * step) + rgb1[3], 255)
			gradient[step + 1] = {red, green, blue}
	local colored_text = ""
	for pos, color in ipairs(gradient) do
		colored_text = colored_text .. "<" .. color[1] .. "," .. color[2] .. "," .. color[3] .. ">" .. string.sub(text, pos, pos)
	return colored_text
endfunction gradient(rgb1, rgb2, text)
	local clamp = function (num) return math.max(math.min(num, 255), 0) end
	local rgb1 = {clamp(rgb1[1]), clamp(rgb1[2]), clamp(rgb1[3])}
	local rgb2 = {clamp(rgb2[1]), clamp(rgb2[2]), clamp(rgb2[3])}
	local gradient = {rgb1}
	if #text == 1 then
		local rgb = {}
		for color = 1, 3 do rgb[color] = (rgb1[color] + rgb2[color]) / 2 end
		return "<" .. rgb[1] .. "," .. rgb[2] .. "," .. rgb[3] .. ">" .. text
	if #text == 2 then
		gradient[2] = rgb2
		local length = #text - 1
		local r_step = math.floor(((rgb2[1] - rgb1[1]) / length) + 0.5)
		local g_step = math.floor(((rgb2[2] - rgb1[2]) / length) + 0.5)
		local b_step = math.floor(((rgb2[3] - rgb1[3]) / length) + 0.5)
		for step = 1, length do
			local red = math.min((r_step * step) + rgb1[1], 255)
			local green = math.min((g_step * step) + rgb1[2], 255)

This expects to get two tables of numbers between 0-255 in {red, green, blue} format and the text you want formatted. It will return a string formatted for use with decho() in Mudlet. If you want it to just spit out the echo itself, change "return colored_text" to "decho(colored_text)". I hadn't seen this around and needed it for my system, so I threw it together at lunch, figured someone might find it neat.


  • How's it look like with a screenshot?
  • Found a bug with negative steps, fixed version:
    function gradient(rgb1, rgb2, text)
    local clamp = function (num) return math.max(math.min(num, 255), 0) end
    local rgb1 = {clamp(rgb1[1]), clamp(rgb1[2]), clamp(rgb1[3])}
    	local rgb2 = {clamp(rgb2[1]), clamp(rgb2[2]), clamp(rgb2[3])}
    	local gradient = {rgb1}
    	if #text == 1 then
    		local rgb = {}
    		for color = 1, 3 do rgb[color] = (rgb1[color] + rgb2[color]) / 2 end
    		return "<" .. rgb[1] .. "," .. rgb[2] .. "," .. rgb[3] .. ">" .. text
    	if #text == 2 then
    		gradient[2] = rgb2
    		local length = #text - 1
    		local r_step = ((rgb2[1] - rgb1[1]) / length) + 0.5
    		local g_step = ((rgb2[2] - rgb1[2]) / length) + 0.5
    		local b_step = ((rgb2[3] - rgb1[3]) / length) + 0.5
    		if r_step < 0 then r_step = math.ceil(r_step) else r_step = math.floor(r_step) end
    		if g_step < 0 then g_step = math.ceil(g_step) else g_step = math.floor(g_step) end
    		if b_step < 0 then b_step = math.ceil(b_step) else b_step = math.floor(b_step) end
    		for step = 1, length do
    			local red = clamp((r_step * step) + rgb1[1], 255)
    			local green = clamp((g_step * step) + rgb1[2], 255)
    			local blue = clamp((b_step * step) + rgb1[3], 255)
    			gradient[step + 1] = {red, green, blue}
    	local colored_text = ""
    	for pos, color in ipairs(gradient) do
    		colored_text = colored_text .. "<" .. color[1] .. "," .. color[2] .. "," .. color[3] .. ">" .. string.sub(text, pos, pos)
    	return colored_text

  • Hey @Sylphas

    Do you mind if I port and share your function for Nexus?

    Added a loop function so the gradient turns around.

  • UniUni
    edited December 2017
    Sorry meant to include the code
    <br><div>grd = (function() {
    </div><div>&nbsp;var gen = function(rgba1, rgba2, text, loop) {
    </div><div>&nbsp; var clamp = function(num) { return Math.max(Math.min(num, 255), 0) }
    </div><div>&nbsp; var rgba1 = [ clamp(rgba1[0]), clamp(rgba1[1]), clamp(rgba1[2]) ]
    </div><div>&nbsp; var rgba2 = [ clamp(rgba2[0]), clamp(rgba2[1]), clamp(rgba2[2]) ]
    </div><div>&nbsp; var gradn = [ rgba1 ]
    </div><div>&nbsp; if (text.length == 1) {
    </div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; var rgb = []
    </div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; for (var color=0; color<3; color++) { rgb[color] = ( rgba1[color] + rgba2[color] ) / 2 }
    </div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; return 'style="color:rgba('+rgb[0]+','+rgb[1]+','+rgb[2]+');"' }
    </div><div>&nbsp; if (text.length == 2) {
    </div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; gradn[1] = rgba2
    </div><div>&nbsp; } else {
    </div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; var len = text.length - 1
    </div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; if (loop) { len = Math.floor((len + 1) / 2) }
    </div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; var rs&nbsp; = Math.floor(((rgba2[0] - rgba1[0]) / len) + 0.5)
    </div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; var gs&nbsp; = Math.floor(((rgba2[1] - rgba1[1]) / len) + 0.5)
    </div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; var bs&nbsp; = Math.floor(((rgba2[2] - rgba1[2]) / len) + 0.5)
    </div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; for (var step=0; step<len; step++) {
    </div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;var red = Math.min((rs * step) + rgba1[0], 255)
    </div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;var gre = Math.min((gs * step) + rgba1[1], 255)
    </div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;var blu = Math.min((bs * step) + rgba1[2], 255)
    </div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;gradn[step] = [red,gre,blu]
    </div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; }
    </div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; gradn.push(rgba2)
    </div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; if (loop) {
    </div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; for (var i=(gradn.length-1); i>0; i--) {
    </div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;gradn.push( gradn[i] )&nbsp; &nbsp;
    </div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; }
    </div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; if (gradn.length > text.length) {
    </div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; gradn.slice(0, text.length)&nbsp; &nbsp;
    </div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; }
    </div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; }
    </div><div>&nbsp; }
    </div><div>&nbsp; return gradn
    </div><div>&nbsp;return {
    </div><div>&nbsp; gen : gen,&nbsp; &nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;}

    A bit verbose but works.
  • Uni said:
    Hey @Sylphas

    Do you mind if I port and share your function for Nexus?

    Added a loop function so the gradient turns around.

    Feel free! I'm always happy to see someone getting use out my stuff. :smile: One note, after looking over it a bit more: you're better off not rounding until you apply the steps, it really smooths things out for certain cases, because the math all works perfectly fine without it, so you only need integers when you're ready to actually feed in the RGB values you've come up with.
  • Update:
    • Split the code into cgradient() and dgradient(), to work with cecho() or decho().
    • Added the ability to generate the gradients as tables with cgradient_table() and dgradient_table(). This will output a table with integer keys corresponding to character number in the given string and values each being a table with the first index a three value table containing the RGB values and the second index the character itself, e.g. {{255, 255, 255}, "a"}.
    • cgradient() and dgradient() will each accept a string argument followed by any number of color nodes formatted as tables of the form {r, g, b}.
    Future plans:
    • cgradient() works surprisingly well in my tests so far, but if anyone spots a way to smooth it out more, please let me know. Currently it's simply running a test against Mudlet's built-in color_table to find the closest named color, but there are plenty of gaps in that set of colors. I'm considering simply inserting the calculated values into color_table on the fly and just using their hex value as the key or something, but that seems messy without a good way to clean up later, since we don't know when the gradient will actually be displayed.
    • I should probably implement memoization in the underlying _gradient() function, so that given the same length and color nodes it won't have to recalculate the gradient each time and can simply fetch the values it already has. I haven't noticed any processing issues with this so far, but given my eventual plans to integrate gradient color bars into my custom prompt, I figure any performance boost can't hurt.
    • I may fiddle with the point at which I sanity check the inputs. Right now feeding it something like {-300, 0, 0} gets you the same {0,0,0} black you'd expect from being clamped to the RGB color boundaries, but the gradient between {-300,0,0} and {255,255,255} is not the same as it would be if it started at {0,0,0}, because the numbers aren't clamped until after all the steps have been calculated. That is, using numbers beyond the 0-255 boundary shouldn't break anything, but it will "shape" the gradient differently. I'm honestly not sure if I consider that a bug or a feature at this point.

    This is a comparison between dgradient() and cgradient(), respectively, over three different gradients. The middle is simple {255,0,0}-{0,0,255} red to blue, but the first shows off the ability to feed in multiple nodes, being an input of seven nodes: {255,0,0}, {255,128,0}, {255,255,0}, {0,255,0}, {0,255,255}, {0,128,255}, {128,0,255}. The final pair is simply {50,50,50}, {0,255,0}, {50,50,50}.

    function _clamp(num1, num2, num3)
    	local smaller = math.min(num2, num3)
    	local larger = math.max(num2, num3)
    	local minimum = math.max(0, smaller)
    	local maximum = math.min(255, larger)
    	return math.min(maximum, math.max(minimum, num1))
    function _gradient(length, rgb1, rgb2)
    	assert(length > 0)
    	if length == 1 then
    		return {rgb1}
    	elseif length == 2 then
    		return {rgb1, rgb2}
    		local color_range = {}
    		local step = {}
    		for color = 1, 3 do step[color] = (rgb2[color] - rgb1[color]) / (length - 2) end
    		local gradient = {rgb1}
    		for iter = 1, length - 2 do
    			gradient[iter + 1] = {}
    			for color = 1, 3 do
    				gradient[iter + 1][color] = math.ceil(rgb1[color] + (iter * step[color]))
    		gradient[length] = rgb2
    		for index, color in ipairs(gradient) do
    			for iter = 1, 3 do gradient[index][iter] = _clamp(color[iter], rgb1[iter], rgb2[iter]) end
    		return gradient
    function _gradients(length, ...)
    	local arg = {...}
    	if #arg == 0 then
    		return {}
    	elseif #arg == 1 then
    		return arg[1]
    	elseif #arg == 2 then
    		return _gradient(length, arg[1], arg[2])
    		local quotient = math.floor(length / (#arg - 1))
    		local remainder = length % (#arg - 1)
    		local gradients = {}
    		for section = 1, #arg - 1 do
    			local length = quotient
    			if section <= remainder then length = length + 1 end
    			local gradient = _gradient(length, arg[section], arg[section + 1])
    			for _, rgb in ipairs(gradient) do
    				table.insert(gradients, rgb)
    		return gradients
    function color_name(rgb)
    	local least_distance = math.huge
    	local color_name = ""
    	for name, color in pairs(color_table) do
    		color_distance = math.sqrt((color[1] - rgb[1])^2 + (color[2] - rgb[2])^2 + (color[3] - rgb[3])^2)
    		if color_distance < least_distance then
    			least_distance = color_distance
    			color_name = name
    	return color_name
    function dgradient_table(text, ...)
    	local gradients = _gradients(#text, ...)
    	local dgradient = {}
    	for character = 1, #text do
    		table.insert(dgradient, {gradients[character], text:sub(character, character)})
    	return dgradient
    function dgradient(text, ...)
    	local gradients = _gradients(#text, ...)
    	local dgradient = ""
    	for character = 1, #text do
    		dgradient = dgradient .. "<" .. table.concat(gradients[character], ",") .. ">" .. text:sub(character, character)
    	return dgradient
    function cgradient_table(text, ...)
    	local gradients = _gradients(#text, ...)
    	local cgradient = {}
    	for character = 1, #text do
    		table.insert(cgradient, {color_name(gradients[character]), text:sub(character, character)})
    	return cgradient
    function cgradient(text, ...)
    	local gradients = _gradients(#text, ...)
    	local cgradient = ""
    	for character = 1, #text do
    		cgradient = cgradient .. "<" .. color_name(gradients[character]) .. ">" .. text:sub(character, character)
    	return cgradient
    The same code is attached as a text file if that's more convenient.

  • Looking at that last gradient in my screenshot, the grey to green, I'm thinking of making a function that takes a line of text and highlights a given substring with a "glow" effect, implemented by finding the string you want and centering a subtle gradient on it, something like the greyish white default text to bright white and back.
  • Sylphas: Thank you. 
  • for those like me that cannot wrap your head around how to use this properly

    decho(dgradient("sentence here", {50,50,50}, {0,255,0}, {50,50,50}))
  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    Can this be used to make fun highlights?
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
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