First off, thanks to Drocilla, Ianir, and Czixi for their parts in this or in the planning. Secondly, @Orventa did an astounding job coming up with the food, wedding clothes, and pretty much all the work needed to make a whimsical and amusing wedding. I can't believe you packed me into a shirt and trousers, with a scarf 
You follow Headmistress Orventa Trueflight, Dreamer's Architect in to the Hollow of Continuity.
Orventa curtseys gracefully before Captain Maple Merriwood.
The Hollow of Continuity.
Grown within an ancient and twisting tree, this chamber glows with a soft, preternatural light. The
wood within is as the bark without, a rich and earthy brown in hue, though softer to the touch so
shielded from the elements. Here and there the ridges and tendrils give way to pulsing veins of
amber, a soft luminescence rising and falling in an inexorable cadence played by the soft rise and
fall of the wind as it brushes through the leaves above, the soft chime of silvery metals tinkling
down even inside. Keeping time with the dramatic waxing and waning of light, many minutes passing
from peak to peak, a soft brush of air flushes through the Hollow, as though the tree itself were
drawing breath. Spaced sporadically about the walls of the Hollow are whorling knots coated in dried
amber sap, allowing faint glimpses of the outside world while filtering the brilliant sunlight into
a soft, dim glow. Resplendent in arboureal armaments, Captain Maple Merriwood stands here, gazing
out into the vast treetops of the Tree of Trees. Wreathed in an inferno of furious ebon flames, a
scintillating champagne wyvern unfurls vapourous wings of hissing steam here, bright eyes shining a
startling violet. Carried aloft upon brilliant wings of gossamer-fine glass, an iridescent clockwork
dragonfly hovers here. A radiant glass shadhahvar is here, gambolling amidst eldritch breezes.
Headmistress Orventa Trueflight, Dreamer's Architect is here.
You see a single exit leading out.
-bow maple
You bow respectfully to Captain Maple Merriwood.
Raising his hand in greeting, Captain Maple Merriwood says "Hello!"
Headmistress Orventa Trueflight, Dreamer's Architect says, "Hello Captain!"
Captain Maple Merriwood says, "Why hello miss! What brings you to the Tree of Trees?"
Headmistress Orventa Trueflight, Dreamer's Architect says, "I've long admired the beauty of your
village, and my fiance and I were hoping you might allow us to get married nearby?"
Headmistress Orventa Trueflight, Dreamer's Architect says, "We proposed in the hummingbird meadow..
and thought it would be the perfect spot..."
Orventa blushes furiously.
Shaddus nods in agreement, his eyes wandering the tree's hollow interior.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Captain Maple Merriwood laughs joyously.
Captain Maple Merriwood gives you the once-over, eyeing you suspiciously.
Captain Maple Merriwood says, "To him? Are you sure, miss? He seems like the kind to enjoy the roots
more than meadows."
You say, "More the loam beneath the tree, but yes."
Orventa smiles softly, "Well, meadows thrive along with strong roots and rich earth, both of which
he has aplenty.
You smile softly at Orventa.
Captain Maple Merriwood says, "Neither one of your are enemies to the Guardians of the Willow so it
would be our pleasure to officiate your union."
Orventa beams broadly.
You say to Captain Maple Merriwood, "We may have some guests, but I don't think they're enemies
Headmistress Orventa Trueflight, Dreamer's Architect says, "Oh that's wonderful to hear! We did have
one ah.. odd request."
You tilt your head back and look up at the sky.
Headmistress Orventa Trueflight, Dreamer's Architect says, "Would spirit Rikitosk be able to help
Captain Maple Merriwood says, "He is the most powerful spirit within Amberni so if you are to be
married here, it would only be the most suitable. I'm afraid I will have to translate for him
however, only the fae may understand his sylvan chittering."
Orventa nods her head enthusiastically.
You nod your head at Captain Maple Merriwood.
Laughing softly, Captain Maple Merriwood exclaims, "I cannot say that he has ever officiated a
wedding, however, or even understands the concept so we'll see how that goes!"
Headmistress Orventa Trueflight, Dreamer's Architect laughingly says, "That would do just fine."
Urging, Captain Maple Merriwood says, "Go along, we will meet you at the meadow."
Orventa nods her head emphatically.
You say, "Tell him it's some sort of spiritualist bonding ritual."
Orventa's eyes sparkle with amusement.
You look thoughtful and say, "We're sharing walnuts or something."
Captain Maple Merriwood nods his head emphatically.
Headmistress Orventa Trueflight, Dreamer's Architect says to you, "Shall we?"
You nod your head at Orventa.
Orventa inclines her head politely to Captain Maple Merriwood.
You say, "Lead on, dear heart."
His figure glistening with an emerald aura, a Sentinel of the Willow marches in from the out.
You tilt back your head and inhale deeply through your nose, the whiskers of a wolf's snout upon
your face twitching as you sense the faint traces of others in the surrounding area.
You make out the scent of Adal coming from a cacophony of hummingbirds.
You make out the scent of Arix coming from a cacophony of hummingbirds.
You make out the scent of Veldrin coming from a cacophony of hummingbirds.
You make out the scent of Orventa coming from a cacophony of hummingbirds.
You make out the scent of Lorina coming from a cacophony of hummingbirds.
You make out the scent of Ixion coming from a cacophony of hummingbirds.
You make out the scent of Vatul coming from a cacophony of hummingbirds.
You make out the scent of Kistan coming from a cacophony of hummingbirds.
You make out the scent of Shulamit coming from a cacophony of hummingbirds.
You make out the scent of Doman coming from a cacophony of hummingbirds.
You make out the scent of Rolsand coming from a cacophony of hummingbirds.
You make out the scent of Anita coming from a cacophony of hummingbirds.
You say, "Here we are."
A cacophony of hummingbirds.
A gale is in full force here, threatening to blow away anything not firmly rooted. Milky and roseate
, fluffy puffballs transform the landscape into an alien terrain despite the underlying branches and
leaves visible. These delicate, blushing florae reveal themselves as flowers by the zigging, zagging
and zipping of tiny hummingbirds flitting from one poof to the next. The culminating sound of dozens
of these miniature birds creates a cacophonous thrumming. Their subtle disturbance of the dainty
blooms fills the area with a pleasing redolence of nectar. Wreathed in an inferno of furious ebon
flames, a scintillating champagne wyvern unfurls vapourous wings of hissing steam here, bright eyes
shining a startling violet. Carried aloft upon brilliant wings of gossamer-fine glass, an iridescent
clockwork dragonfly hovers here. A radiant glass shadhahvar is here, gambolling amidst eldritch
breezes. Surveying her surroundings with a warm smile, a Morningsong Sister stands here. In the
shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. Emanating a soft, scintillating light, a
shimmering portal hovers in the air nearby. Archlich Adal d'Vanecu, Prelate of the Empowered is here.
Arix Carthan is here. Lady Lorina with an Angel face lingers nearby with a serene calm, flickering
motes of starlight playing along her form. Silvertongue Anita, Vates Arboreal stands here in a faint
breeze of rustling leaves and birdsong. Shulamit Lunarose waits here, skeins of resinous smoke
curling languidly about her figure in flickering, coppery tongues of light and shadow. Playing a
spirited song on a wooden pan flute, an alluring sileni frolics here. Clothed in starry robes of
Void-spun brocade, a Merchant of Thelem waits here. Headmistress Orventa Trueflight, Dreamer's
Architect is here. Carrion Eater Rolsand D'Cente is here. Concealed within a heavy scarlet cloak, a
shapeshifter flicks sparks of energy between her hands. Lady Nightingale Vatul d'Vanecu, of the
Danse Macabre lingers within velvety billows of indigo-lavender smoke that imbue the air with the
intoxicating fragrance of burgeoning dusk. Kistan n'Kylbar floats here, enchanting notes weaving
ceaselessly about his form.You see exits leading south, northwest, and through a shimmering portal.
Headmistress Orventa Trueflight, Dreamer's Architect says, "We're waiting on the officiants."
Swaying elegantly, a fair-haired nymph meanders in from the south.
Kistan n'Kylbar whispers to Adal, "There's nymphs."
You say, "Thank you all for coming. This wedding will be slightly different, and there's food
A Sentinel of the Willow enters carrying a small wooden table packed with white boxes.
You thank a Sentinel of the Willow profusely.
Humming softly as she goes, a fair-haired nymph meanders off to the northwest.
A Sentinel of the Willow sets the table down effortlessly and sets himself up next to it, guarding
the boxes with a patient expression.
Beautiful in its simplicity, the wooden table has been left unornamented and unpolished, allowing
for the beauty of its grain to show. A handful of white boxes has been piled upon it.
It weighs about 100 pounds.
A simple wooden table is holding:
"box227072" a small white box
30 items found.
It has the following aliases: table, banquet.
A Sentinel of the Willow sets down an ivory platter on top of the table next to the boxes.
You say to a Sentinel of the Willow, "You are too kind, thank you."
Adjusting his helmet, a Sentinel of the Willow exclaims, "You may each take a box if you like, to be
opened when the ceremony is completed!"
You urge your companions onwards.
You say, "No peeking!"
Orventa nods her head in agreement.
Arix takes a small white box from a simple wooden table.
Doman takes a small white box from a simple wooden table.
Shulamit takes a small white box from a simple wooden table.
Shulamit nods solemnly.
Lorina takes a small white box from a simple wooden table.
You look thoughtful and say, "I hear that if you peek, whatever's inside turns into Kethuru and eats
Anita squeaks in fright.
Shulamit gives a horrified gasp.
-put 50 platter on platter
An ivory platter of honeyed rum babas sprinkled with toasted hickory nuts will not fit what you're
putting into it.
-put 50 platter on platter here
You put 50 platters of powderfruit-flavoured dragees into an ivory porcelain platter.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
-put 50 platter on platter here
You put 50 platters of lamb croquettes latticed with bourbon sunroot mousseline into an ivory
porcelain platter.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
-put 50 platter on platter here
You put 31 heavy metal platters bearing skewers of salt grilled, wine basted ayu into an ivory
porcelain platter.
You have no more of that.
With a sure stride, Captain Maple Merriwood enters from the south.
Captain Maple Merriwood gives the world a smart salute.
Anita beams broadly at Captain Maple Merriwood.
You bow respectfully to Captain Maple Merriwood.
Captain Maple Merriwood exclaims, "Hello everyone! Friends of the bride and groom!"
Humming softly as she goes, a fair-haired nymph meanders off to the northwest.
Orventa curtseys gracefully before Captain Maple Merriwood.
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Vatul's lips.
Humming softly as she goes, a fair-haired nymph meanders off to the northwest.
Captain Maple Merriwood makes his way through the crowd, saluting this way and that regally. He
stops at the heart of the meadow, amidst the blooms, and gestures for Orventa and you to approach.
Arix Carthan says, "Wait, am I the oldest one here?"
Arix Carthan says, "Oh good."
A Sentinel of the Willow stands a bit closer to the boxes, making sure to keep them ever within his
line of sight.
Shaddus takes Orventa by the hand, stepping up towards Maple with a smile.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Humming softly as she goes, a fair-haired nymph meanders off to the south.
Chittering cheerfully to the trees, Rikitosk the Eager bounds in from the south.
Orventa inhales quietly, sparing a quick glance to you as they walk towards Captain Maple Merriwood.
A cacophony of hummingbirds.
A light cover of clouds hides the sky in a sheet of white. Milky and roseate, fluffy puffballs
transform the landscape into an alien terrain despite the underlying branches and leaves visible.
These delicate, blushing florae reveal themselves as flowers by the zigging, zagging and zipping of
tiny hummingbirds flitting from one poof to the next. The culminating sound of dozens of these
miniature birds creates a cacophonous thrumming. Their subtle disturbance of the dainty blooms fills
the area with a pleasing redolence of nectar. Wreathed in an inferno of furious ebon flames, a
scintillating champagne wyvern unfurls vapourous wings of hissing steam here, bright eyes shining a
startling violet. Carried aloft upon brilliant wings of gossamer-fine glass, an iridescent clockwork
dragonfly hovers here. A radiant glass shadhahvar is here, gambolling amidst eldritch breezes. In
the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. Proud and erect in his polished wooden armour,
a Sentinel of the Willow is here, keeping watching over his surroundings. A simple wooden table
stands off to the side. An ivory platter sits on the table. Resplendent in arboureal armaments,
Captain Maple Merriwood stands here, gazing out into the vast treetops of the Tree of Trees.
Vibrating with an infectious energy, Rikitosk the Eager is here. Archlich Adal d'Vanecu, Prelate of
the Empowered is here. Silvertongue Anita, Vates Arboreal stands here in a faint breeze of rustling
leaves and birdsong. Arix Carthan is here. Concealed within a heavy scarlet cloak, a shapeshifter
flicks sparks of energy between her hands. Carrion Eater Rolsand D'Cente is here. Lady Lorina with
an Angel face lingers nearby with a serene calm, flickering motes of starlight playing along her
form. Clothed in starry robes of Void-spun brocade, a Merchant of Thelem waits here. Shulamit
Lunarose waits here, skeins of resinous smoke curling languidly about her figure in flickering,
coppery tongues of light and shadow. Kistan n'Kylbar floats here, enchanting notes weaving
ceaselessly about his form. Headmistress Orventa Trueflight, Dreamer's Architect is here. Vatul is
here, smiling faintly. Playing a spirited song on a wooden pan flute, an alluring sileni frolics
You see exits leading south and northwest.
Rikitosk the Eager chitters amiably as he looks down on everyone gathered, clearly taller than
anyone else.
A massive squirrel composed of a vibrant emerald mist, Rikitosk the Eager fills his surroundings
with an infectious aura of life, cheer, and positive energy. Standing taller than most men,
nonetheless squirrels, this spirit is often hunched forward, eagerly shoving this or that at his
mouth with an attempt to discern its nature. Inedible things scatter the ground about the indelible
Rikitosk, while those items he has deemed as 'food' are either rapidly consumed or stuffed into one
of many piles for future munching. Paler shades of yellow-green paint the great squirrel's belly and
chest, a bright contrast to the rich tones of his back and face. The only parts of Rikitosk that
appear entirely solid are his curious, pitch black eyes, constantly roving across his surroundings
for whatever might pique a gargantuan spirit squirrel's interest, and the long, curved horn of ivory
that rises from his forehead.
Rikitosk the Eager has an air of extreme strength.
He weighs about 428 pounds.
You cannot see what Rikitosk the Eager is holding.
It has the following aliases: rikitosk, squirrel.
A fae of no small beauty, Captain Maple Merriwood stands nearly the height of a human, rare amongst
even fae knights. Long golden hair kissed with tones of autumnal tints cascades down his back and
shoulders, kept out of his face only by the silver band about his crown that denotes his rank within
the Guardians of the Willow. His armour, broad and thick things grown whole by the fae and uniquely
fitting him, bear countless whorls and knots of age and signs of growth still. His skin is warm and
tanned, almost emerald in hue, bearing its own signs of ages old warfare and survival. The slender-
boned knight goes barefoot, often wriggling his toes unconsciously into the blankets of moss and
grass that grow across the thicker boughs of the great Tree of Trees.
Captain Maple Merriwood has an air of extreme strength.
He weighs about 184 pounds.
He has a moderate resistance to cutting damage.
He has a moderate resistance to blunt damage.
He has a moderate resistance to magic damage.
He has a moderate weakness to fire damage.
He has a moderate resistance to cold damage.
He has a slight weakness to electrical damage.
He has a moderate resistance to poison damage.
He has a moderate resistance to psychic damage.
He has a moderate weakness to excorable damage.
He has a moderate resistance to divinus damage.
He is loyal to the Village of Willows.
You cannot see what Captain Maple Merriwood is holding.
It has the following aliases: maple, captain, merriwood, fae.
Glorious rays of morning light burst forth from Father Sun's crown as it peeks over the world's edge
, announcing a bright and shining new dawn.
Rikitosk the Eager bounds across the meadow, his ethereal form scarcely disturbing the flowers.
Rikitosk the Eager positions himself behind Captain Maple and gathers his paws at his chest.
Doman pats Turilira, the radiant glass shadhahvar in a friendly manner.
Arix peers speculatively down at Rikitosk.
Captain Maple Merriwood exclaims, "Welcome everyone! Please be... uhh, seated or stand as you like.
The spirit of squirrel will be officiating and I will be translating!"
Turilira, the radiant glass shadhahvar beams broadly at Doman.
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
Arix sits himself down.
Doman blinks.
Shulamit sits herself down.
In a swift, fluid motion, Shulamit springs up from her hands to land crouched on her feet.
Shulamit coughs softly.
Derrial, the grand lyrebird trots in with head high, butting Doman gently with his head.
Kistan sits himself down.
Rikitosk the Eager inhales deeply and chitters out an incoherent string of sounds.
Translating solemnly, Captain Maple Merriwood says, "We have gathered here today to hide an aco-."
You stare blankly into space.
Captain Maple Merriwood glances askance to the massive squirrel and leans backwards to whisper
something to the ethereal creature.
Rikitosk the Eager chitters discontentedly, paws raised high to portray something round.
Captain Maple Merriwood shakes his head while explaining something in a scarcely audible whisper. He
points to Orventa and then you and then makes rounding gestures with his hands.
Rikitosk the Eager's black eyes gaze intently at you and he chitters back to Captain Maple with
circural gestures again.
Vatul clasps her hands before her, her twilit pupils fixed between the squirrel and the Captain not
only with fascination but with silent amusement.
Captain Maple Merriwood nods eagerly and turns back to those gathered again, his handsome face
adopting a solemn look again.
Rikitosk the Eager chitters amiably, paws gesturing to Orventa and you.
Translating solemnly, Captain Maple Merriwood says, "We have gathered here today to celebrate and
bless the union of Orventa Trueflight and Shaddus D'Cente."
Rikitosk the Eager chitters amiably, paws gesturing to Orventa and you.
Maintaining a visible composure his voice lacks, Captain Maple Merriwood says, "It is our hope that
it will be as strong and eternal as the bonds that b- bind a well-stocked acorn nest and its owner,
as bountiful and reliable as the... the..."
Rikitosk the Eager chitters amiably again.
Looks away from those gathered and to his feet, Captain Maple Merriwood says, "Autumn harvest that
allows one to last through a harsh winter."
The cacophony of hummingbirds thrills joyously all around you, flitting amidst the roseate blooms.
Shaddus glances amusedly at Orventa out of the corner of his eye.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Vatul tells you, "//I AM DYING."
Rikitosk the Eager paws at Orventa and you while chittering happily.
Rubbing his neck, Captain Maple Merriwood says, "May you respect each other by never forgetting
where you have stored away the other half of you, your beloved source of sustenance in this
unforgivable world."
Rikitosk the Eager nods vigorously with a serious expression on its ethereal face. It then folds its
paws on top of each other, eyes closed, still nodding.
Orventa's lips quirk into a grin as she nods, beaming at you.
Warm rays of light filter from on high through the boughs, illuminating the proceeding with golden
Speaking for himself now, Captain Maple Merriwood says, "At the heart of the world you have come
together to officiate your bonds of matrimony, I can only hope the union will be as harmonious as
nature - fierce where necessary, benevolent when required, forgiving as needed."
Smiling joyously, Captain Maple Merriwood says, "What will you vow to each other?"
Shaddus turns to Orventa, nodding as if urging her on.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Orventa nods her head at you.
You say to Orventa, "Life is full of change, and of growth. Yet, my love for you is as firm as the
roots of the Mountains, and as unyielding as the granite upon which the First World is built."
Leaning forward, you gently press a kiss to Orventa's brow.
Orventa smiles softly.
Ixion tells you, "//a rocky metaphor, right to the core."
Rikitosk the Eager chitters contently and makes a round gesture with his paws.
You tell Kalas Ixion, the Devouring Blade, "// may people marble at my wit."
Rikitosk the Eager's roving eyes spot the food gathered up high on the table.
Humming softly as she goes, a fair-haired nymph meanders off to the northwest.
Headmistress Orventa Trueflight, Dreamer's Architect says to you, "And my love for you is as eternal
as Time itself, as my heart sings, like the sands and the crystals of my homeland, my dearest."
You smile softly at Orventa.
Captain Maple Merriwood claps his hands together merrily.
Captain Maple Merriwood exclaims, "Exchange your wedding rings!"
Rikitosk the Eager moves slightly to the side, every tiny step closer to the table.
You display an eroded geode band for all in the room to see.
Encircling the finger in a comfortable grip, misty opaque quartz has
been fashioned into the semblance of a band. Crumbling to fall away from
the crystal, a fissure cracks across the otherwise smooth surface of the
ring, exposing the true nature of the otherwise simple adornment. Caught
within, the glitter of hundreds of minuscule gems sparkle, multifaceted
cores in shifting shades of vibrant wine reds and syrupy honey golds. A
geode nestled in its core, the slightest tilt of the hand draws
attention to this piece, its hazy nature fooling only those who know not
what lies within.
It weighs 2 ounce(s).
It bears the distinctive mark of Unchained Prelate Shaddus D'Cente, of the Broken Teeth.
It has been stamped with the seal of Dustwrought Hummingbird.
It has the following aliases: ring, band.
You give an eroded geode band to Headmistress Orventa Trueflight, Dreamer's Architect.
Orventa proudly shows off a rugged, diamond-fissured wedding band:
A jagged fissure breaks through the centre of this ruggedly hammered
tungsten ring, winding uninterrupted about the length of the band as it
encircles the finger. Multitudes of perfect, harmonically attuned,
invert-set diamonds sparkle with a mysterious brilliance within the dark
crevice, their subtly menacing points shimmering with each pulse beat of
the wearer. Smoothly polished skysilver graces the inner contour of the
otherwise rough ring, allowing for comfort and ease of wear.
Orventa's hand slips into her pocket and withdraws a darkly gleaming ring. Turning to you, As a
symbol of our love and the acceptance of you into our family, I offer you my name and my heart and
this ring."
Orventa gives a rugged, diamond-fissured wedding band to you.
You slip into a rugged, diamond-fissured wedding band.
You have emoted: Shaddus smiles softly again at Orventa before turning back to Captain Maple.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Rikitosk the Eager makes a grand gesture while chittering proudly.
A knot forms at the centre of your chest, not painful but it fills you with palpable tension. As you
ease into it, probing about the change, you recognise it as something else entirely. It is where the
awareness of your spouse resides, always close and tangible.
Smiling, Captain Maple Merriwood exclaims, "Then in the name of Rikitosk and my own as the Captain
of the Guardians of the Willow, I pronounce you husband and wife!"
Orventa beams broadly.
You beam broadly.
Captain Maple Merriwood opens the white box in his hands and casts a handful of phoenix feathers
into the air!
Vatul opens a small white box.
Vatul casts a handful of vibrant phoenix feathers into the air in celebration.
Anita releases a swirling stream of sparkling essence into the air above her.
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
| POOF! |
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
Arix opens a small white box.
Arix casts a handful of vibrant phoenix feathers into the air in celebration.
Lorina opens a small white box.
Lorina casts a handful of vibrant phoenix feathers into the air in celebration.
Kistan cheers wildly!
Anita opens a small white box.
Anita casts a handful of vibrant phoenix feathers into the air in celebration.
Arix stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
Shulamit opens a small white box.
Shulamit casts a handful of vibrant phoenix feathers into the air in celebration.
Arix snaps his fingers, releasing sparkling motes of coloured light.
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
| POOF! |
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
You lean into Orventa and kiss her long and tenderly.
Doman opens a small white box.
Doman casts a handful of vibrant phoenix feathers into the air in celebration.
Arix snaps his fingers, releasing sparkling motes of coloured light.
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
| POOF! |
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
Shulamit claps her hands together merrily.
Arix snaps his fingers, releasing sparkling motes of coloured light.
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
| POOF! |
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
Orventa blushes furiously.
Ixion opens a small white box.
Ixion casts a handful of vibrant phoenix feathers into the air in celebration.
Phoenix feathers blot out the view of the branches overhead, their dazzling, vibrant hues a
colourful, constantly changing tapestry.
Anita beams broadly.
Ixion closes a small white box.
Ixion opens a small white box.
Orventa leans into you and kisses you long and tenderly.
Air flushes through the meadow as through the Tree of Trees itself were drawing breath, the breeze
casting the feathers into the air anew to dance carelessly amidst amber-tinted rays of light.
The feathers cascade downwards upon somnolent currents of air, falling in a brilliant rain about
Shaddus and Orventa and gathering at their feet.
Captain Maple Merriwood gives up a round of applause.
A faint flicker of storm grey appears and vanishes from within the surrounding flora, leaving a
flurry of motes in their wake - half made of mist, the other half fulminating sparks.
Anita gives a little honey cake to you.
Vatul gives up a round of applause.
You thank Anita profusely.
Captain Maple Merriwood exclaims, "Congratulations!"
Orventa thanks Anita profusely.
You say, "Thank you all for coming, and thank you, Captain Maple."
Vatul begins to wield a bag of salt in her left hand.
Headmistress Orventa Trueflight, Dreamer's Architect says to Captain Maple Merriwood, "Thank you
both so very much."
You bow respectfully to Rikitosk the Eager.
Orventa curtseys gracefully before Rikitosk the Eager.
Anita closes a small white box.
Anita opens a small white box.
Anita snaps her fingers.
Doman bows respectfully to Rikitosk the Eager.
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
Rikitosk the Eager tip toes over to the table, his subterfuge fooling no one due to his immense
height. He bends over the plate and stuffs his face with delicacy after delicacy, far as his cheeks
Doman shifts his eyes suspiciously from side to side.
You say, "Now, there's food on the platter."
Doman flashes Rikitosk the Eager a joyous smile.
Vatul emits a throaty laugh, the sound a susurration of an oil-touched breeze that rings high and
free as carillon bells.
You say, "Once people eat some of it, I can fit these cakes onto it."
Chittering cheerfully to the trees, Rikitosk the Eager bounds off to the south in pursuit of
something far more interesting than anything here.
-----And That's It!---
She is a nimble faeling changeling. She carries herself with an honest grace. Her cirrus-fine mane
of sable, studded with fantastically hued crystals, has been pulled up into an intricately braided
crest. It is reminiscently avian yet elegant in style, and fans out proudly, flowing richly down the
path of her spine to the roots of her wings. She possesses a high smooth forehead, and high,
straight moth-wing eyebrows just dark enough to give her a clear, determined look. She appears to be
of a lightly-freckled olive complexion, and has a nose that is both narrow and delicate though large
enough to be in proportion to the other magnetic features of her face. Velvet wings like glass
tarpaulins tent behind her, covered with an exquisitely fine tracery of gilt veining. Flashing hints
of ultramarine fading into gamboge-tipped crimson embrace her quicksilver eyespots- their paned
scales catching and reflecting any light within the area. She is wearing the Quintessential Mandala
of Resplendent Harmony, a vine-woven rope of Hoaracean prayer beads, aubergine dreams threaded in an
amber chain, glittering turquoise hummingbird beads amidst a tizzy of copper chains, a divergent
hair pin of blooming crystals, a viridian-banded pin, a ring of the sword-pierced skull, a diamond
studded pin, a sensual body chain of wispy platinum, a vibrant cloisonne handflower graced with a
captivating cameo, a serpentine reliquary amulet, a dreamy, gossamer wedding gown swept with a
jubilation of otherworldly flora, a pair of fine suede sandals graced with crystalline bellflowers,
a snowy opal earring of prismatic hues through her left ear, a snowy opal earring of prismatic hues
through her right ear and an eroded geode band. She walks with the truefavour of Czixi.
He is a fiendish master viscanti masqued demigod and stands at perhaps two metres in height. Olivine
skin covers his form, almost the hue of swamp mud. Shaddus carries himself with a graceful air,
almost austere; crimson hair laced with silver sweeps up around a pair of sanguine horns jutting
from his forehead. An aquiline nose and dark eyes give him a noble appearance, in a slight contrast
with his roundish chin. Manicured nails extend from long and uncalloused hands, giving him the
appearance of a scholar or priest. Despite his kempt appearance, he stares about himself with a
predatorial appearance as if weighing and measuring those who dare stand nearby. He is wearing
spurred, legion boots of sleek stygian leather, an insignia of the Prelate of Broken Teeth, rusted
prayer beads of the Machine, 10 geomantic brooches of rough stone, thick, bushy mutton chops, a
wolf's snout, a rusted circlet of broken teeth, a lurid pocket watch of damascene bone, a formal
tail coat faced in midnight velvet, an elegant pair of ebon silk trousers, a precisely knotted,
silken scarf of rust-tinged corbeau and a rugged, diamond-fissured wedding band. He walks with the
truefavour of Estarra. He walks with the truefavour of Czixi.
Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
Wedding Attire
Shaddus' engagement present to Orv:
a divergent hair pin of blooming crystals
His attire
an eerie, smog grey, silk vest of skeletal flora
The clean, neat lines of this smog grey, brocaded silk waistcoat create
an elegant pair of ebon silk trousers
a precisely knotted, silken scarf of rust-tinged corbeau
I'm a consent-based roleplayer! Kindly ask first, and I will return the favour. Open to developing tinyplots.
Atlantis is my client of choice! (Guide)