This is a hard one, I wondered what you would finish with. I'm sure for everyone, particularly music lovers, that we see parts of ourselves in so many different songs. So I tried to pick one as honest and complete as I could! And since this thread single handedly made me pull out my R.E.M. collection, which I had to wipe the dust off of (thank you, I didn't realized how much I missed listening to them) I'll finish with one of their last songs that more than fits the bill.
This is a hard one, I wondered what you would finish with. I'm sure for everyone, particularly music lovers, that we see parts of ourselves in so many different songs. So I tried to pick one as honest and complete as I could! And since this thread single handedly made me pull out my R.E.M. collection, which I had to wipe the dust off of (thank you, I didn't realized how much I missed listening to them) I'll finish with one of their last songs that more than fits the bill.
"Supernatural Superserious"
Great thread, thank you for managing it Kerith!
Thank you, @Cazanto, I really appreciate that. Just to be clear, I didn't come up with this. I tweaked a couple but I'm not creative enough for things like this. One of the djs at my local radio station was doing it on Facebook and I figured it might be something folks here would enjoy.
Never thought about it before now, but I suppose this does a bit. I'm resilient, and when I want to do something (Career wise), I'll break down walls to get my slightly 'Stuff you' attitude, if someone tries to stop me. I'm also a little bit wicked...
Moon Priestess Ridien says, "The blood of an animal, however, can also be a tool. Consider fetishes -
- efficient, powerful tools created by ecologists. It is exactly as Kendra says -- a tool of bones
and blood that has been magnified, changed, enchanted. Made into a tool."
Tonight amidst the mountaintops
And endless starless night
Singing how the wind was lost
Before an earthly flight
My Mum used to play this all the time, and I absolutely loved it. Still do. Sad song, though.
Thanks to everyone who has participated. It's interesting to see all the different answers.
"Supernatural Superserious"
Great thread, thank you for managing it Kerith!
Totally not Ess.
Probably Kistan but that only has one s
Never thought about it before now, but I suppose this does a bit. I'm resilient, and when I want to do something (Career wise), I'll break down walls to get my slightly 'Stuff you' attitude, if someone tries to stop me. I'm also a little bit wicked...