Hi everybody,
We'll be doing a livestream on June 24, 2017 at 5-5:30PM PST (Midnight GMT, at the weave turn - Sorry for those of you in Europe!). It will be a bit of a crossed development update/Q&A thing.
Due to the nature of the new format, we may be able to bring multiple individuals in the Havens who aren't physically there onto the stream with us, so the list of participants will potentially be updating throughout the week!
If you have any questions you want answered or topics you want discussed, go ahead and leave a comment on this post! I'll be posting a more formal list of other stuff we'll be discussing along with the Q&A later next week as well.
Sat, 2017-06-24 1700-1730 PST
Sun, 2017-06-25 0000-0030 GMT
Participants (Potentially incomplete): Estarra, Ianir, Maylea, Hoaracle
Details/Schedule: TBD
Ianir the Anomaly
Forum Avatar drawn by our lovely Isune.
Last time we saw Estarra, she was about to leak the new monk weapons but.... Accidently got cut off. Yeah, we'll go with "accidently"
Now that the new guilds are in place, why exactly did we drop the faction idea?
Do you plan on introducing a new version of topguilds?
How many hats can Charune actually wear?
What's the next big project on your list?
Greathunts: can we have some soon?
- These are factions as designed, we just used the name 'guilds' because we couldn't use 'factions' and coming up with a new name was not really in the cards right then.
- No.
Are we maybe hopefully pretty please looking at the other two orgs getting monks before the end of the year?
Are the couple of affs that are still on old cures gonna get phased out soon? (could swear I read there's still a mending aff out there)
What is Estarra/Admin's rough vision for each class? I mean this in PK relevant terms. I feel like at the outset Warrior/Guardian/Mage was pretty well defined, but I'm especially curious about where monks/bards are supposed to fit in, in a general role.
Of course, I just mean in broad strokes, what sort of role should each class play within the 'vision'.
Edit: To narrow it down a bit more, I mean this specifically in groups, not so much in regards to 1v1
I hope I can stay up for the livestream! Looking forward to it, even though it will be in hot contention with much needed sleep.
So, I'm not even going to bother trying to schedule out the stream. That sounds like frustration and tears waiting to happen. However, going to go ahead and state that I will be doing a "State of Development" thing either near the beginning or near the end (probably) covering a few topics, including: Server-Side Curing, a few features in the works (including one for guilds I'm really excited about), stuff going on in the realm of envoys (including "WTF happened to our April Reports" and Project: Identity), and possibly my plans for July if I can get Estarra to sign off on them tomorrow.
I'm not sure if anybody else has any plans, I've actually been terribly lax on prepping this (I'm only setting up OBS now for it as I type this), so there'll probably end up being a lot of surprise stuff.
Just a reminder since I've already been asked, Twitch does save streams so they can be watched on-demand. It will probably be up about a couple hours after the stream itself (depending on how long it takes for them to process it), and we will post a link as soon as it's up.
We are still looking for more questions, by the way. If you have any for any of us, ask them here beforehand. Trying to read questions in chat is painful and we won't have anybody here with a second laptop to watch it, so we're going to be relying on both mine and Estarra's terrible vision to really see them, and while I actually have glasses this time so that may be less of an issue, I reserve the right to bitch and moan if I do have to do that!
What if, we could have a crazy pocket limbo dimension hub where characters from other IREs could meet each other?
I don't know what we'd do there, since combat doesn't seem like it could be a thing, but it's crossed my mind. Like we as players do get attached to our 'home' games for a reason, but I thought it could be interesting and could foster more players trying out other games if they haven't already. (Maybe unlikely, but who knows?)
Maybe have a Divine dance/ lipsync battle, Idk. (Ours would win hands down, obvs)
I'm a consent-based roleplayer! Kindly ask first, and I will return the favour. Open to developing tinyplots.
Atlantis is my client of choice! (Guide)
I'm a consent-based roleplayer! Kindly ask first, and I will return the favour. Open to developing tinyplots.
Atlantis is my client of choice! (Guide)
But in reality, @Portius is responsible for all the guild path layouts in particular. Kudos to him.
Maybe one day audio will be a thing I participate in... maybe. Big maybe.