Very Vanilla Mafia - The Game Thread [Town Victory]



  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    Okay, escaped my workload. LET US SEE THE BLOODBATH.

    1) Re: @Shaddus. So, holy crap, I considered him being a role in my PM that hasn't been revealed yet, but I did wonder for a hot minute if I was being cozied up to by a consigliere! Shaddus played super weirdly, in retrospect. He was really fluff-posting a lot, and then randomly backed me up out of nowhere as innocent, and I was like "either he has a weirdly specific role sheet, is the investigator, or he's mafia trying to get me to be buddy buddy with him." Now I know. Curse you and your false friendship, Adler!

    2) Silvanus's aggression is so hard to read because you can't tell if he's mafia or town, since like @Fyler said, that's just how he plays in general. Not too shocked he was serial killer, but somehow delighted he was a farting rainbow unicorn who died to the mafia godfather AFTER POISONING HIM WITH RAINBOW FARTS THE PREVIOUS NIGHT. This is just golden storytelling, A+++ @Vivet

    3) This also means Eldanien died of delayed rainbow farts via Tier 2, then. Well played, Silvanus! Lethal farts indeed.

    4) So Dys was the mafia target, by process of elimination. (Anyone suffer poisoned farts, btw?)

    5) Was pretty wrong about Ayano's alignment being bad-guy instead of good-guy. RIP, @Dys. :(

    6) @Fyler was telling the truth about poison being in this game.

    7) @Lehki was likely telling the truth about having an identical block to the one @Othero had, as Ayano is verified as an identical blocker.

    8) We have one mafia left, it seems, meaning we had a 3 person mafia of @Shaddus, @Phoebus, and <Unknown>. Hm, hm, hm. Want to reread the thread with this in mind.

    I'll come back to why I suspect Lehki in a bit. Want to first see everyone else's reactions to tonight.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • I am not wholly convinced we have one mafia left but would be glad if we did for that would make this a whole lot less risky.

    I watched Arix die last night from poison.

    Imagine my surprise when Arix wandered down the stairs this morning for breakfast.

    So until I am convinced otherwise:

    Vote: Arix

    That seems so violent for first thing in the morning
  • I was the target of something that made me invisible during the night
  • Three Tolls for Marcel the Mime.
    Three Tolls for the Carbunkle.
    Three Tolls for Alder the Elfen Ranger.
    Three Tolls for Mr. Toots, the Rainbow Unicorn.
    Three Tolls for Ayano, the rogue ninja.

    Holy crap that's a lot of dead people! :(

    It's going to take me a bit to figure this all out.

    @Othero I am Brutus the half-orc. Why do you ask?
  • Also, I am leaving right now for a flight to London. So won't be able to participate much more for quite a few hours.  Nothing happened to me last night, but I'm a half-orc and people are racist. That should help us narrow down the suspects.
  • Kistan said:
    I am not wholly convinced we have one mafia left but would be glad if we did for that would make this a whole lot less risky.

    I watched Arix die last night from poison.

    Imagine my surprise when Arix wandered down the stairs this morning for breakfast.

    So until I am convinced otherwise:

    Vote: Arix

    That seems so violent for first thing in the morning
    How could there be four targets from the farts?
  • Vote: Nobody

    Which of these scenarios is more likely:

    1. Shaddus neutralised Arix for the night, stole his identity and I saw Shaddus die from poison - Shaddus did see the rainbow fart

    2. Arix died and was replaced and Arix now is Shaddus?

    Maybe Yomoigu could confirm who turned up?
  • I assume the invisibility is some sort of protection, I am unsure of how Kistan could have seen me die of poison. Some sort of illusion combo?
  • Kistan said:
    Vote: Nobody

    Which of these scenarios is more likely:

    1. Shaddus neutralised Arix for the night, stole his identity and I saw Shaddus die from poison - Shaddus did see the rainbow fart

    2. Arix died and was replaced and Arix now is Shaddus?

    Maybe Yomoigu could confirm who turned up?
    Can you explain better how you saw this? Was it part of your power?
  • I was having a look about checking everyone was tucked up safe in bed.

    I heard a noise from Arix's room, had a peep, when I saw Arix chatting to someone over the balcony before collapsing back on her bed.

    Black phlegm bubbling from her mouth. Dead. As dead as dead can be.

    And yes, it was part of my power. I mean I like to say part of my power. Its my only power really.
  • The invisibility thing, from the flavor, was basicly as I was getting ready to sleep I noticed I was turning invisible, but it was apparently not permanent as it had worn off when I awoke
  • My impression was that some of my magic herbs had gone funky and so I decided to sleep it off, which apparently worked
  • also it was gradual, rather than 'oh btw you're suddenly invisible'
  • Can you do something herby and Arixy so we know it is you?

  • Sure, tell me you win with GAH and its Allies
  • Have I not done that yet? That seems like an oversight.

    I win with GAH and its Allies
  • You are going about this wrong. Arix pretty much has to be town with his power. At this point Kistan needs to put in the work to better convince us. 

    Kistan, can you explain your full power and who you watched the previous nights?
  • I thought my actions had shown my honesty.

    Maybe you could check the one where I saw you die?
  • Maybe I got hit with a tier 2 earlier and you're seeing the future, I dunno
  • Kistan said:

    I win with GAH and its Allies
  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    Arix said:
    Kistan said:

    I win with GAH and its Allies
    Skeptically peering at Kistan with narrowed eyes, Arix plucks another delicate sachet from her pockets and loads the contents into her pipe. It takes a few moments to form a thick grey plume of smoke around her head as she refocuses her gaze on Kistan with piercing intent. Soon, the grey brights up into a healthy green hue.

  • So yeah,  at this point it has to be Lehki or Sylandra.
  • And now that I'm off the train I can show my math.

    Arix - Lie detector, most likely town due to power.
    Kalikai - confirmed town by Arix.
    Weiwae - Brutus, the half-orc. I know Brutus is town from my role.
    Othero - I'm a lover with Celina. We know there is only 1 mafia left so it would make no sense for us to claim a partnership if we were anything but town.
    Celina - Lover with Othero.
    Kistan - Confirmed by Arix.
  • We also lucked out, because two of the people I was thinking of checking that volunteered a check phrase but whom I ended up not using my power on (Silvanus and Shaddus) would have given us very bad results
  • Othero said:
    You are going about this wrong. Arix pretty much has to be town with his power. At this point Kistan needs to put in the work to better convince us. 

    Kistan, can you explain your full power and who you watched the previous nights?

    I was worried that Arix had been replaced after I saw them die which is why I wanted Arix to do something Arixy.

    I have already said who I watched but to recap:

    1st night - Sylandra - happily slept
    2nd night - Phoebus - who appeared to sleep happily - but it turned out could not be watched
    3rd night - Arix - who spoke to someone then got all murdered. Then came down for breakfast

  • Well

    I'm tempted to vote for Sylandra based on Shaddus confirmation. He knew he was immune from investigations and lie detectors, so him making broad statements would be validated upon a 'successful' investigation/lie detection test. On the other hand, him validating someone he knew to be non-scum would go even further in the long run and put that person on his side if they were really town. I don't think the scum was ready for what happened last night, so he could then validate scum later and it would be more believable. Would Shaddus commit to the long game like that? I don't know.

    I missed why we're suddenly trusting Othero/Fyler combo, so some more enlightenment would be good. I'm not willing to write someone off because they simply say 'I'm town and so is so and so'

    That said, I'm okay with lynching either Sylandra or Lehki. I lean towards Sylandra if I'm being honest just because of the confirmation by Shaddus previously.

    I had assumed that whoever sent mice at me night 0 and nightingales at Sylandra night 1 was a investigative type.  (animals etc) I don't see Shaddus having any investigative powers, but he does know GAH really well. He was playing it one of two ways. Knowing he was immune from investigations and lie detectors, he could make blanket confirmations and know that in the case he was checked (and confirming people may have caused us to check him) it would turn out pro-town, and thus anyone he confirmed would then be pro-town too. He could have taken it one step farther and started with a townie to further the ruse but the blindside rainbow farts from Silvanus ruined those plans. Was he playing the long game? I'm not entirely sure.

    At this point, I will Vote: Sylandra and if she turns out to be town, then we can focus on Lehki. 
  • Othero said:

    Othero - I'm a lover with Celina. We know there is only 1 mafia left so it would make no sense for us to claim a partnership if we were anything but town.
    Celina - Lover with Othero.

    Lovers never had secrets?
  • We only have one non-town person left. Celina can confirm we are both lovers and town. Why would we claim as a pair if we were anything but town? The last mafia member is out on their own. And if I had any suspicion about Celina being a mafia lover I wouldn't of said anything.
  • Kistan said:
    Othero said:

    Othero - I'm a lover with Celina. We know there is only 1 mafia left so it would make no sense for us to claim a partnership if we were anything but town.
    Celina - Lover with Othero.

    Lovers never had secrets?
    He posted while I was still typing my post up, I thought it may be something like that, but I wanted to be sure.

  • You can also argue that we have more then one non-town member left but that means we need to toss out everything Arix has confirmed for us and would most likely mean Arix himself is scum.
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