The Elder Wars Mafia! Morgfyre and Malmydia Win! (Lavinya/Ushaara)



  • I'm game. Investigate away.


    Vote: Shaddus
    Known Aliases: Celina/Cyndarin/Fire Jesus/The Night/That Bitch who griefed us
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    Hahaha what. Let's defend Shaddus on the off-chance he might be Triumvirate and might be part of a hypothetical Triumvirate-specific Mason group which might include Xeii?

    That's flimsy at best. My vote stands for now.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • Well, he is posting like Jadice (I think), or at least hinting at it with all the logic flavor text. But that's hardly any sort of evidence.

    I mean, look:


    I'm posting like Gorgulu. I'm not actually Gorgulu.
    Known Aliases: Celina/Cyndarin/Fire Jesus/The Night/That Bitch who griefed us
  • Sylandra said:
    Hahaha what. Let's defend Shaddus on the off-chance he might be Triumvirate and might be part of a hypothetical Triumvirate-specific Mason group which might include Xeii?

    That's flimsy at best. My vote stands for now.
    No, let's stop putting pressure on Shaddus, and wait for a response from Xiell.

    Please don't misrepresent what I said.

    A 33% chance of being town isn't a defence, but I do think it's a reason to hold off a train until we hear from Xiell.
  • Because it's mafia. Why would you infer something you don't know to be fact when you've already been given a fact? Again, the Town win condition is that the Soulless need to die. That means the Soulless are the mafia. I 100% believe that the Traitors are also in the game. But when someone votes for you they're saying "I think you're mafia" and if you're town or mafia you -know- the mafia in this game is the Soulless. So the obvious reaction is to go "No, I'm not soulless" and not to say "No, I'm not traitor". Why would you make an assumption when you have a fact that can go in that place. That's the question I want Xeii to answer and I've said that a few times. 
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    Weiwae said:
    No, let's stop putting pressure on Shaddus, and wait for a response from Xiell.

    Please don't misrepresent what I said.

    A 33% chance of being town isn't a defence, but I do think it's a reason to hold off a train until we hear from Xiell.
    I think it'd be a miracle to find seven more people for this train. We're more like a caboose. A very noisy, rusty, in-need-of-oiling caboose.
  • Fyler said:
    Well, he is posting like Jadice (I think), or at least hinting at it with all the logic flavor text. But that's hardly any sort of evidence.

    I mean, look:


    I'm posting like Gorgulu. I'm not actually Gorgulu.
    I'm posting like Othero. Whoops, role claimed.
  • I'm also on the "let's see what Xeii has to say for herself" train.
  • Fyler said:
    Well, he is posting like Jadice (I think), or at least hinting at it with all the logic flavor text. But that's hardly any sort of evidence.

    I mean, look:


    I'm posting like Gorgulu. I'm not actually Gorgulu.
    It's not evidence, but it does explain the odd behaviour. I would not be surprised if the Triumvirate are their own mason survival third party group or cult. Anything is possible.  But the wagon was bothering me when there is a non-traitor explanation for the behaviour and our main goal is to root out soulless, not traitors (for now).
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    Weiwae said:
    No, let's stop putting pressure on Shaddus, and wait for a response from Xiell.

    Please don't misrepresent what I said.

    A 33% chance of being town isn't a defence, but I do think it's a reason to hold off a train until we hear from Xiell.
    It just seemed such a far fetched example constructed entirely from whole cloth. I couldn't help but point that out, but if you feel I misrepresented you, I'm open to hearing an explanation.

    I've said this before and I'll say it again: vote trains as big as this take forever to build. Don't panic, we aren't even halfway to a Shaddus lynch. We don't even have an executioner to fear at this point.

    Unvoting just makes completing a train later on even harder, imo. Especially if it's one I'm still willing to stand behind, and expect to stand behind late-day.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • Weiwae said:
    It's not evidence, but it does explain the odd behaviour. I would not be surprised if the Triumvirate are their own mason survival third party group or cult. Anything is possible.  But the wagon was bothering me when there is a non-traitor explanation for the behaviour and our main goal is to root out soulless, not traitors (for now).
    Well I'm all for hearing from Xeii, but I would also point out this is hardly a bandwagon against Shaddus. He's been prompted to explain specific things he has posted and has not done so, rather he's deflected repeatedly. When pressed, he just went into vague "I'm important," Jadice flavor posting mode which isn't particularly helpful as a defense. 
    Known Aliases: Celina/Cyndarin/Fire Jesus/The Night/That Bitch who griefed us
  • PortiusPortius Likes big books, cannot lie
    I would also like to hear a Xeii rebuttal before making a decision. I do want to register that I'm fairly open to either a Xeii lynch or a Shaddus lynch based on current statements, though. I'm just generally inclined to takes things slowly and let thoughts fully gestate. Not sure which one I prefer.
    Any sufficiently advanced pun is indistinguishable from comedy.
  • Shaddus said:
    I am an Elder Goddess, and I am disinterested in being fingered in any way. I am in no way attached to this Xeii, but I do not see a mistake, nor a problem with what Xeii has posted. If none of you wish to approach this with a logical frame of mind, we will be devoured by the Soulless post-haste.
    @Sylandra This sounded like Shaddus trying to imitate Jadice to me. And then the rest kinda "clicked".  If Shaddus is Jadice, or atleast wants us to think he is Jadice, what exactly is he trying to tell us?  Ah, they are anti-traitor but "good guys". So they have traitor specific information and may or may not have soulless specific info.
  • This certainly exploded quickly. Xeii's comment is curious and I think we need an explanation, but Shaddus' reaction honestly raised the bigger eyebrow for me. 
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    Weiwae said:
    @Sylandra This sounded like Shaddus trying to imitate Jadice to me. And then the rest kinda "clicked".  If Shaddus is Jadice, or atleast wants us to think he is Jadice, what exactly is he trying to tell us?  Ah, they are anti-traitor but "good guys". So they have traitor specific information and may or may not have soulless specific info.
    I still don't think this connection is enough, sorry. Even if Shaddus is Jadice I have no reason to believe he knows any more than any other non-Traitor Elder God about the role of the Traitors in this game. But if he does, please, feel free to share with the class.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    My stance is as follows:

    I do not know if Xeii is town, or soulless, or other. I do not believe her assumption that the game has traitors is a good enough reason to suspect her. I myself assumed that our foes were traitors, with soulless in an sk or other third party role. If such a thing is enough to condemn another, we are in a sad state of affairs.

    @Othero has accused me of deflecting. This was unintentional, feel free to direct a question towards me again.
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • FOS Shaddus - What is your win condition?
  • I think we should also note that we shouldn't assume traditional traitor v soulless v elder roles will play out as we expect. By that I mean we can't assume the good guys in Lusternia's elder wars will be the good guys in this game. That seems really easy, and distinctly not Silvanus-esque style game design.
    Known Aliases: Celina/Cyndarin/Fire Jesus/The Night/That Bitch who griefed us
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    Shaddus said:
    My stance is as follows:

    I do not know if Xeii is town, or soulless, or other. I do not believe her assumption that the game has traitors is a good enough reason to suspect her. I myself assumed that our foes were traitors, with soulless in an sk or other third party role. If such a thing is enough to condemn another, we are in a sad state of affairs.

    @Othero has accused me of deflecting. This was unintentional, feel free to direct a question towards me again.
    Sadly I cannot find an appropriate police car siren gif. But if there was one, it would be here.
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    Xeii said:
    Scum guys had better get a mask to show off after lynch.
    More than the use of the word Traitor, this was what stood out to me as suspect with Xeii. Masks fit Fain et al., not the Soulless.

    It's very early for a crazy theory, but if I was to guess at a third party faction...

    Based on Xeii's "pledge to keep comrades safe at all costs," and hunch that she's Krokano/Tauro, my guess is that it's a Second Circle group, angry at the rest of us for voting against using the elixir to defeat the Soulless, rather than it straight up being the members of the canon Traitors.
  • Ushaara said:

    Based on Xeii's "pledge to keep comrades safe at all costs," and hunch that she's Krokano/Tauro, my guess is that it's a Second Circle group, angry at the rest of us for voting against using the elixir to defeat the Soulless, rather than it straight up being the members of the canon Traitors.
    I have good reason to believe you are wrong.
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    I usually am! :)
  • @Shaddus I feel like you're still missing the point but that's not going to change your reply. It's not that saying traitors should get Xeii lynched. But it is a weird thing to say and I want to know why. That's all I've said about it. Anything about this being a condemnation of Xeii or a sad state of affairs is you filling the hole that is there. No one else has said that it is any of that.

  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    I would be willing to bet that Shaddus is not town.
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    Weiwae said:
    FOS Shaddus - What is your win condition?
    I win with the Town when all of the Soulless are defeated.

    Note that while the win condition doesn't mention traitors, we cannot rule them out at this time.
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    I....didn't actually read that until weiwae asked for it. Mea culpa.
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    Shaddus said:
    My stance is as follows:

    I do not know if Xeii is town, or soulless, or other. I do not believe her assumption that the game has traitors is a good enough reason to suspect her. I myself assumed that our foes were traitors, with soulless in an sk or other third party role. If such a thing is enough to condemn another, we are in a sad state of affairs.

    @Othero has accused me of deflecting. This was unintentional, feel free to direct a question towards me again.

    Shaddus said:
    I win with the Town when all of the Soulless are defeated.

    Note that while the win condition doesn't mention traitors, we cannot rule them out at this time.
    Why would you suggest that the foes are traitors with the Soulless in an SK/third party role if what your win condition says is "You win with the Town when all of the Soulless are defeated"?
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    Because I skimmed my role, saw I was town, and assumed the traitors were the enemy.
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    Shaddus said:
    I....didn't actually read that until weiwae asked for it. Mea culpa.
    If this is really the case...

    ... I cannot facepalm hard enough. I need more hands.
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