Lol, alright. I suppose. I thought I was providing a defense of myself in response to you telling the town to lynch me. At no point did I mention you in the context of being involved in Ushaara's death. You seem defensive.
Known Aliases: Celina/Cyndarin/Fire Jesus/The Night/That Bitch who griefed us
Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
A Pokemon Battle has begun!
Trainer Shaddus shouts, "Go, Slowking! I choose you! Use SWAGGER!" Slowking raises his head with majestic gravitas, pulsing with a magnetic charisma that fills all viewers with a sense of his own importance. Shaddus's vote now counts as two for the dayphase!
Othero clings to his little announcer radio as the players close in on him. "Lehki's a naive cop!" he insists. "I can prove it! Just give me one more night!"
Fyler, sneering, says, "See? Look at him groveling. Actually, he was the guilty one all along! Not me. You're welcome."
"I knew you'd betray me!" Ushaara declares. "And you all say my theories are crazy. Not so crazy now, are they?!"
"FACTS!" Lavinya screams, waving her arms wildly. "HE IS ELIZABETH!!"
"We find Ourselves in agreement," Shaddus says solemnly. "Let Us end this."
And with a flourish of His most radiant hand, Shaddus the Exalted zaps Othero, leaving him as nothing more than charred remains and ash.
Othero was... Cecil, from the Night Vale Mafia! [As made famous by Ieptix.]
You are the voice of Night Vale, and bring the latest news and happenings up for your listeners to be informed. Your partner, Carlos, first came to Night Vale several years ago, seeking to study the most scientifically interesting community in the U.S. In your time there, you and Cecil have fallen in love and developed a strong, lasting relationship together. However, recent events caused by the invading Lust-hernians(sp?) have led to a mysterious portal dropping you and your beloved Carlos into yet another strange arena of mafia intrigue. You will require one another to survive this.
You win with the Town.
Your abilities are:
Radio Host: Every nightphase you can write a broadcast for Night Vale, wherever they are listening. It will be shared anonymously by the moderator via radio on the opening dayphase post. [Announcer]
OTP: You spend every night with your partner, Carlos, preparing your radio show for the morning together. [Mason]
But the closer you examine the body, a strange change in his behavior seems to have manifested in the wake of @Ushaara's death...
An attached note seems to explain the abnormal aspects of his corpse:
"Betrayal is just someone telling you how important you are." That was how you intended to begin this day's broadcast. Alas, you didn't know how true that would be. For who is more important than Carlos?
Oh, Carlos. They... killed Carlos. Whoever "they" are. Sweet, sweet Carlos, with his perfect hair and teeth. How?! Is there no secret police in this wretched place, to prevent such crimes against a scientist? A scientist, who should always... always... be fine? You choke back a sob. Somewhere in another universe you felt this pain, you somehow know, but you never thought it feel it again so vividly. This multiverse was meant to be kinder. Somehow, it is crueler.
You are always alone, but here, you are alone in the newest sense of the word. You scan those around you in the dayphase, all shocked and stunned into silence. Who among them could have committed this crime?! They are all your enemy now. They all let this happen. Well, you'll let a lot of terrible things happen to them, now won't you?
You no longer win with town. You are now aSerial Killer, able to kill a player every night. You win when you are the last mafia player alive.
*NOTE*: You retain your Announcer ability and may kill and announce at the same time. Your alignment will still be read as Town by investigators."
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
@Silvanus was: The Oneiroi, from the Lusternia Forums Administration! Erm. Oh. Hello there? Let's be candid. You are sick and tired of all these mafia threads. They are long, uninteresting, and inevitably turn into some kind of argument with flags you have to look through. Frankly, it is a waste of your time. A large waste of your time. You have taken it upon yourself to remove this forum bloat before it continues to eat up all your leisure hours. This has led to you making some odd allies, but in war, the enemy of your enemy is your friend. Even when it puts you in contact with a bunch of strange mafia fiends.
You win with the Meta Mafia.
Your abilities are: Bannerhammer: It's time to lay down the law. Every night, you send a WARNING to a player instructing them that their conduct is unappreciated by the administration. When the time is right, you will BAN everyone whose warnings levels have been raised. [Arsonist Power]
Nightwatch: Nothing happens on these forums without your say so. You cannot be nightkilled. It's officially denied.
Your secret dossier tells you that you may make the following safe-claim: Cirno, from the Touhou Mafia. (Proposed Fake Posting Restriction: responding "Eye'm the strongest and the smartest!" to any insult you receive.)
@Lavinya was: Princess Claude, from the Reign Mafia! [As made famous by Tekora] Your Highness, you are famous for many a mafia one-liner. How we recall your bravery in the defeat of the siege of France by Elizabethan England! You were so close to overcoming your foe. So, so close... And yet your death signaled the end of Fronce as we knew it. Not so this time! Certainly not. Your father may have killed you last go-round, but this time, you are here to find the FACTS!!!11!!
You win with the Town.
Your abilities are: SHHH, ELIZABETH!: This daypower allows you to tell someone to "SHHHHHHH, ELIZABETH!" taking away their ability to vote for the dayphase. To accomplish this, just type that exact quote in bold during the dayphase. Shh, indeed! [1-time Voteblock]
THE FACTS!: This daypower allows you to declare you know the FACTS! The cold hard FACTS!!!! If you declare this in bold during the dayphase, your vote will be so empowered by your factual evidence that it will be worth two votes for the day! [1-time Mayor]
Your posting restrictions* demand you do ONE of the following at least once per dayphase: Unbridled Confidence: Declare 100% confidence in your post's logic and reasoning. No doubt whatsoever.
I'M NOT YELLING!: Use caps lock to get across your point. Loudly.
Everyone is Elizabeth: Refer to another player as Elizabeth.
**If you do not do this, your vote will not count for the dayphase.** --------------------
Xenthos! What are you doing here? And yet, when aren't you here, refreshing the latest mafia thread? You're always lurking on those mafia games, just itching to join in. Well, friend, this is it. This is your time to shine. This is the game you finally get to show everyone else all your sweet mafia moves! Go get 'em.
You are a third party Lurker, aka Survivor. You win if you're alive when the game ends, regardless of mafia or town victory.
Your abilities are: Constructive Criticism: You've watched a lot of games, and you've discovered that not everyone plays this game well. It's just a fact! Several players really would benefit from your feedback, but not everyone takes it all that well. Once per nightphase, you may offer your advice, ergo knocking down someone's self esteem, and incidentally the vote count required to lynch them. [Mockery Power - Lowers the amount of votes required to lynch someone by 1!]
Your posting restrictions* demand you do ONE of the following at least once per dayphase: Pedantic Player: You must quote a post and nitpick a player's faulty logic! Being right is important. More important, though, is being correct. This can be done in response to someone who has made an accusation at you, or someone who you feel is just making strange assumptions; either way, put on your pedant hat and go to town! (You're encouraged to have fun with this.)
Spellcheck: Quote a post and respond just to correct typos or spelling errors. It's for their own good.
**If you do not do this, your vote will not count for the dayphase.**
Technically you were the mod of Poke-Mafia! But we all felt like we really got to know you during that whole experience, Alec. And what you love, more than anything, is to share Pokemon with the world. Even on a train of death and destruction! Truly, your devotion to Pokemon is unfailing, and leads us to seriously question your judgment in inviting murderers on your Poke-journeys. But never mind that. You're back from Alola and ready for some mafia fun!
You win with Town. Because you're such a good guy protagonist!
Your abilities are: Plot-Armour: Being more or less a self-proclaimed Gary Stu, it is difficult to kill you. Well. Not as difficult as last time, anyway. Your psychic bodyguard demanded a raise after that traumatic experience last time, and frankly, Champion gigs don't pay what they used to! [1-time kill immunity]
Poke-Fanatic: Gosh, you love Pokemon so much! So, so much! In fact, you love Pokemon so much you had a whole bunch of them stored in your PC, just waiting to be shared with the world. Every night, you can give one lucky player a Pokemon from your PC! Choose carefully, though, because each player can only get one Pokemon from you. Unfortunately, you're not sure what they do, and your Shaymin wouldn't let you keep one for yourself... but gosh, aren't they just the cutest? [Inventor Power]
**Inventor Note: You will receive the Pokemon list in your PC, effective immediately, on Night 1. To reiterate: You will not know what they do, but you must give one to a player every night, and you cannot give one player more than one Pokemon. Each Pokemon will have a one-shot power.**
@Shaddus was: Eventru, the Crown of the Exalted, from...Lusternia, Age of Ascension?
Wait, are you reading this right?
But indeed, you are! For it has come to your attention that there was a Gods and Monsters mafia game on these forums, and you were rudely absent from its list of participants. How dare they?! When you are certainly the wisest, most benign among the gods. Never mind that you are no longer Eventru, but Valtreth! Your legacy ought to live on regardless! This is truly an outrage of staggering proportions, and there's no help for it: You must show them the Light and win this mafia game. Perhaps a bit literally.
You win with the Town. Because only you can save them from their own poor judgment, obviously.
Your abilities are:
Light of the Exalted: Every night you may blind a player of your choice with your brilliance as you emerge in the Basin of Life. Truly, it is a sight so magnificent (and lengthy) that it will shock and awe any who witness it into inaction! [Roleblocker]
Fireproof: You are an Elder God! You cannot be targeted by an arsonist in the night. [Arson-proof]
Your posting restrictions* demand you do at least ONE of the following per dayphase:
And One More Thing: You must write at least one massive post in the style of the Exalted Himself. The language can simply be overblown, or you can have lots to say! This is a bit subjective, but you are encouraged to be playful with this.
Royal We: We think this explains itself: refer to yourself in the royal We at least once! Because We believe you've earned the honor.
**If you do not do this, your vote will not count for the dayphase.**
@Portius was: William Shakespeare, from the Shakespearean Mafia Game! [As made famous by history.] Willy Shakes, you're coming back for an encore. Last time we did a mafia game with you, you didn't even star! How unfair is that? All your characters got center stage, but your words were the only thing that you produced for it. You weren't even the mod! You're due for some prime mafia time. All the world's a stage, and you're going to stand front and center.
You win with the Town.
Your abilities are: Mightier than the Sword: As a writer, you can bend things to whatever will you prefer. You can even defend someone from an unsightly end! Every night, you have the ability to rewrite someone's ending. [Doctor Power]
Deus Ex Machina: You can revive one player during the dayphase from death. To do so, type, "Out of the jaws of death, I commend thee, <name>!" in bold. This will be a public action during the dayphase. [1-time Reviver]
Your posting restrictions* demand you do at least ONE of the following per dayphase: Quote Thyself: Sneak a Shakespearean quote into at least into one post during the dayphase. It can be one sentence, or several, or a whole monologue. Up to you how subtle you want to be!
Methinks thou art trying too hard: Write in Shakespearean dialect for at least one post, replacing words like "you" with "thou" etc. You also can't go wrong with "Methinks." Iambic pentameter for bonus points.
**If you do not do this, your vote will not count for the dayphase.**
You're honestly not a bad person, Oppenheimer. You tried to stop the Russians from bombing everything. You also tried to stop the Americans from bombing everything. Alas, alas, Klaus Fuchs destroyed everything. Oppenheimer, woe is you. But this is a chance to set the record straight! We believe in you, Oppenheimer. Mostly.
You win with the Town (because this time they aren't all out to bomb things).
Your abilities are: Administrator: Under your watchful eye this mafia game, no one will do anything untoward! No bombs this time, please. You're looking over everyone's files and checking them twice! [Investigator Power]
Your posting restrictions* demand you do the following at least ONCE per dayphase: Conspiracy Theorist: Frankly, Oppenheimer, last game you had a lot of wild theories about what could be going on in Los Alamos! You can't stop yourself from making a ridiculous and highly improbable conspiracy theory once per dayphase. You can immediately choose to discard your conspiracy theory, but you must make it, and you must never admit to your exact posting restriction (though you can hedge).
**If you do not do this, your vote will not count for the dayphase.**
Ratatos...Pollu...What? No, wait. You are Ratatoskollux, from the Chimaera, Gods & Monsters, and Touhou games! [As made famous by Kiradawea's lab of chimaera manufacturing.]
So what even are you?? Chimaera? Squirrel God? Monster? Whatever. In summary, Ratatoskr and Pollux's eternal feud was never-ending, and in an attempt to nerf both parties, they were fusion-ha'd into a single individual: Ratatoskollux! It's hardly unprecedented, okay? We have Elostian, and Valtreth... look, just go with it. You are a fuzzy monster of wit and panache whose powers have been downgraded. But that's okay. You're still adorable.
You win with the Town.
Your abilities are: Curious Creature: So what if you can't run around ruining everyone's lives? You can still run around! Every night you can choose someone to chase after, tracking their whereabouts that night. [Tracker]
I'm Stumped!: If you are killed, you return as a Stump, able to talk during the dayphase even though you can't vote. [Stump Power]
@Xeii was: Sheriff Ssaliss, the Selfishly Self-Jailing Chimaera Wonder, from the Chimaera and Night Vale mafia games! [As made famous by, of course, Ssaliss]
You're a mafia pro, and every time you get the role of jailer, you know the best way to handle it: by jailing yourself. Do you care that this puts other people at risk? Nope. Should you care? Probably a little more than you do. Hey, you're trying to look out for everyone else. In your own way. The point is, you've been playing very well despite jailing yourself when you get the chance! Should you be sorry for that? No. That would be silly.
Even so, you win with the Town. You know what you're doing! You swear!
Your abilities are: The Selfish Jailer:You function as a normal jailer, mostly. Except that every odd numbered night, without fail, you jail yourself. (Note: This can be roleblocked, even when jailing yourself.) [Jailer Power]
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
OMG this was so great to log in to at home. I totally would have voted Fyler and it's great to see I was so wrong. And OMG Slowking had Swagger! Swagger! Just the perfect move to go along with an Eventru!
This game might have ended up heavily slanted in town's favour, but wow, what a rush and what a ride.
Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
Great clever game, Sylandra! Scum seemed to have some pretty bad breaks in the start, that snowballed the game out of their control.
Yep. Silvanus getting caught right away was bad, losing the consigliere the next night was terrible luck, then when Othero used his global dayblock with Ampharos the lynch train veered from Kira to Fyler to Tremula, who might have otherwise been able to throw some shade/daypowers but could not! And then bus driver... is just extremely difficult for a lone scum to drift by on.
Even without pokémon, town might have had a bit of an edge though. Single use resurrect is pretty strong - it didn't even prevent protecting on the subsequent night! Should have had some cooldown effect on all abilities imo.
rip, Gardevoir kind of ruined things for me. I was hoping to push that Lehki was a naive cop and open up some chaos. Otherwise I knew the numbers game from Gardevoir was going to get me killed.
WELCOME TO ALEC'S PC! YOU MAY WITHDRAW ONE OF THE FOLLOWING POKEMON EACH NIGHT: -Magikarp -Cyndaquil -Ampharos -Haunter -Gardevoir -Swablu -Jigglypuff -Slowking -Chansey -Pikachu -Noctowl -Skitty
You shudder with barely contained delight as you consider which Pokemon to hand to whom. Gotta catch 'em all!
(IMPORTANT NOTE: If you forget to send in a night action and the 48 hour time limit expires, I will use a randomizer to determine which Pokemon to give to which player.)
Oh, fun choices. I especially like that Noctowl is a legit choice this go around! A shame Ileein isn't in the game...
That said, I have an obvious and necessary choice to make.
Go, Cyndaquil! I choose you! Use Befriend on Fyler/Celina/Cyndarin/Fire-Jesus/That-Bitch-Who-Griefed-Us!
((PS, if you quote that in the receive'd pokémon PM, I will lol))
XD I was so pleased when Celina joined up, ahaha, I wondered if someone would do that.
You receive Cyndaquil promptly from your PC and request to transfer it to Fyler/Celina/Cyndarin/Whoever so that they may start their Pokemon journey. Gosh, what fun! What could possibly go wrong when sharing the joy of Pokemon?!
*When this action takes effect, Cyndaquil will officially leave your PC.*
(If you want, actually, we can let each Pokemon have a tiny slip of paper where you write an anonymous 'Howdy, trainer! Welcome to your Pokemon journey! I've chosen this companion for you for X reason" just for giggles. Otherwise I'll improvise.)
I was mostly just being silly with taking all the names from Celina's signature - handle it however you like! Having a little note sounds cute, though. Instead of including X reason (because I can't think of one in the context of this game) it could just be something like "Remember, Cyndaquil likes jalapenos".
Adorable and very Alec. I will include the jalapenos bit for certain.
You watch as Cyndaquil successfully transfers into their new owner's possession, leaving only the following Pokemon in your PC: -Magikarp -Ampharos -Haunter -Gardevoir -Swablu -Jigglypuff -Slowking -Chansey -Pikachu -Noctowl -Skitty
Otherwise, your night passes without incident.
Okay. After much deliberation and careful, methodical analysis of the options (lol), I have arrived at my decision!
Go, Skitty! I choose you! Use Befriend on Portius!
Additionally, Write on Note: "Howdy, trainer! Welcome to your Pokemon journey! If you ever run into issues with Skitty becoming too absorbed in chasing her tail, keep in mind that the scent of smoked salmon will snap her out of it and make you the center of attention."
You watch as Skitty successfully transfers into their new owner's possession, leaving only the following Pokemon in your PC:
Otherwise, your night passes without incident.
We can't let Othero be lonely now! I wasn't sure what pokémon I'd send initially, but then when I considered that Carlos was "made famous by Ileein"...
Go, Ampharos! I choose you! Use Befriend on Othero! Write on Note: "Howdy, trainer! Welcome to your Pokemon journey! Ampharos loves to dance to music with a solid beat, it really lights up his tail! Hopefully he can light-en your woes, too!"
You withdraw Ampharos from your PC and request to transfer him to Othero before night ends. What a shiny Pokemon to brighten up Othero's sad days! You feel excellent about this decision. *When this action takes effect, Ampharos will officially leave your PC.*
Aha. Poor Cyndaquil! But at least you're not a total orphan - I was worried about that.
Speaking of worried... Go, Gardevoir! I choose you! Use Befriend on Ushaara! Write on Note: "Howdy, trainer! Welcome to your Pokemon journey! Gardevoir is a fabulous singer and can be sure to lift your mood in your time of need. He loves singing in the rain best!"
Ooh, Gardevoir! Exotic choice.
You withdraw Gardevoir from your PC and request to transfer him to Ushaara before night ends. Gardevoir's loyalty would make a superb match for the loyal and faithful Ushaara! What a happy match of Pokemon and trainer they'd make, you think. *When this action takes effect, Gardevoir will officially leave your PC.*
You watch as Gardevoir successfully transfers into their new owner's possession, leaving only the following Pokemon in your PC: -Magikarp -Haunter -Swablu -Jigglypuff -Slowking -Chansey -Pikachu -Noctowl -Cyndaquil
As you recline to rest and relax for the rest of the night, however, a shadow bursts through your door! Nefarious in appearance, with a weapon in hand, you know instantly what their intention is.
This intruder is here to kill you.
You scramble back against the wall, breathing heavily, and scream as loud as you can, "SYLANDRA! SYLANDRA, SAVE ME!"
All at once, the room fills with an ominous thrum of psychic energy, and a curiously-bedecked woman who seems to be Sylandra dives into the premises with a Honedge in hand. Yes, quite literally, she is wielding a Honedge as one might a sword, swiping it through the air.
"I'm not paid enough for this!" she screams as she fends off your attacker in a series of ripostes and lunges.
"This is cheating!" the intruder shouts. "The mod can't step in to protect you!"
"This isn't cheating!" Sylandra thunders back. "THIS IS META MAFIA!"
You hide behind your Shaymin as the battle plays out, even though you can guess as well as anyone who might win in a battle of mod versus player. And indeed, in the end, your bodyguard fends off your attacker into the final shadows of night, turning to you with a tired, exhausted expression.
"Never. Again," she states, throwing the Honedge on the ground. "I'm done playing psychic. No more."
And with that, day breaks.
You have survived the night, exhausting your one and only immunity!
Togepi has been transferred to Alec's PC.
Omg it's in my PC! Is it going to go all Missingno. and glitch everything up?! Aaaaaahh.
I am on break at work and am using this time to crunch this through on my phone, because we all know this is super important and must be done!
Go, Slowking! I choose you! Use Befriend on Shaddus!
Write on Note: "Howdy, trainer! Welcome to your Pokemon journey! Slowking adores swimming and sunbathing at the beach, and can get totally absorbed in watching the sun set. Sometimes he even watches until the sun rises again!"
You watch as Slowking successfully transfers into their new owner's possession, leaving only the following Pokemon in your PC: ...
And yeah, that was pretty much all of it. So now I have a very important question for @Sylandra - what did all the other pokémon do? We got to know!
By request of @Vivet, I give you my itty-bitty-Skitty-kitty's power:
Attract: You may ask Skitty to cuddle up to a player of your choice during the dayphase, preventing them from voting against you or taking any hostile action against you that dayphase! [1-Time Target-Limited Voteblock/Dayblock]
To use this power, simply say, "Go, Skitty! Use Attract on <player>!"
Any sufficiently advanced pun is indistinguishable from comedy.
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
edited February 2017
Somehow I am the only person I know whose social life cranks up the moment it's night time. Two phones kept me away, sorry folks (One actually tried to call while I was on the other and I'm going to answer it the moment after I post this list).
THE MASTER-LIST OF ACTIONS: Night 1: Tremula: Kill Othero Vivet: Give Cyndaquil to Fyler Lavinya: Nothing Breandryn: Bus Fyler and Tremula Ssaliss: Investigate Ushaara Silvanus: Prep Lehki Shaddus: Block Fyler Kendra/Portius: Doctor Shaddus Ellowyn: Nothing Dylara/Kiradawea/Xeii: jail self Luce: Track Lehki Othero: Nothing Ushaara: Watch Lehki Lehki: Investigate Ushaara Fyler: Nothing
Day 2: Lynch None
Night 2:
Tremula: nothing Vivet: give skitty to portius Lavinya: nothing Breandryn: bus silvanus and fyler Ssaliss: Investigate Shaddus Silvanus: Kill ushaara Shaddus: block othero Kendra/Portius: doctor vivet Ellowyn: kill ssaliss Dylara/Kiradawea/Xeii: jail tremula Luce: track lavinya Othero: announce Ushaara: Watch vivet Lehki: Investigate Kiradawea Fyler: mock shaddus
[Ushaara and Ssaliss die]
[Othero becomes 3rd party SK]
Day 3: Lynch Silvanus
Night 3: Tremula: Kill Ellowyn Vivet: give ampharos to othero Lavinya: nothing Breandryn: bus tremula and vivet Shaddus: block lavinya Kendra/Portius: doctor luce Ellowyn: nothing Dylara/Kiradawea/Xeii: jail self Luce: track shaddus Othero: kill luce & announce Lehki: investigate shaddus Fyler: nothing
[Ellowyn dies]
Day 4: Lynch Tremula
[Cyndaquil goes to Vivet's PC]
Night 4: Vivet: give gardevoir to ushaara Lavinya: nothing Breandryn: bus xeii and lehki Shaddus: block breandryn Kendra/Portius: doctor lehki Dylara/Kiradawea/Xeii: jail lavinya Luce: track fyler Othero: kill vivet & announce Ushaara: watch portius Lehki: investigate lavinya Fyler: nothing
Day 5: Lynch Breandryn
[Togepi goes to Vivet's PC]
Night 5: Vivet: give slowking to shaddus Lavinya: nothing Shaddus: block fyler Kendra/Portius: doctor lehki Dylara/Kiradawea/Xeii: jail self Luce: track othero Othero: announce Ushaara: watch portius Lehki: investigate lavinya Fyler: nothing
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
Assuming we ever actually talked. It's just be a long string of drag queen GIFs.
Known Aliases: Celina/Cyndarin/Fire Jesus/The Night/That Bitch who griefed us
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
TEH POKEMANZ, REVEALED! -Magikarp - [evolves 2nd night in inventory into Gyarados - 1x daykill] -Cyndaquil - [1-time governor, can be used on self] -Ampharos - [1-time global dayblock] -Haunter - [1-time mockery power, knocks someone down to one vote less needed] -Gardevoir - [reveals total non-townies on board] -Swablu - [1-time dayjail, can be used on self] -Jigglypuff - [1-time roleblock] -Slowking - [1-time Mayor] -Chansey - [1-time doctor] -Pikachu - [1-time redirector] -Noctowl - [1-time self-watch that reports number of people who visited you, but not who] -Skitty - [1-time prevent someone from voting against you/taking hostile action against you the dayphase] -Togepi - [Randomized - RNGsus decides what ability it has!]
Final Thoughts Re: Setup: The Good: -People seemed to enjoy the post restrictions, instead of get annoyed by them. Woo! -The Pokemon added in a sense of randomization that gave a fun element of chance, which I liked. -Mafia wasn't overpowered as I feared (lol more on that below) -The SK switch over + janitor combo made for an intriguing final few days. -Bus driver can, at its best, do a good job of mixing things up. -Having a self-jailing jailor makes every other night have one more opportunity for a kill to succeed. -Excellent Xynthin bluff potential existed for the Xenthos survivor role. -Having no set flavor for the mafia allowed more guesswork to take place than has been usual in my past few games. -Managed to replace every single person who quit the game. \o/ -Despite a few bumps in the road, I think everyone really did have fun and had a good sense of humor about everything game-wise. Which I think a game like this really requires, since it pokes a lot of fun at people. -@Xenthos finally won mafia!
The Bad: -I intentionally gave the mafia a crapton of killing powers to help kill a lot. As you can see, I built the game with that premise in mind, and... lol, things went differently than planned. -I should have made Fyler's mockery power private, instead of announcing it during the dayphase. I've done it that other way in the past and people tend to catch on to what it means, but it's still better to be vague than explicit in these things. -I messed up royally re: the cocoa flavor for Kiradawea. I should not have put that there; I frankly forgot about Shaddus's bluff and just enjoyed the image of Kira chilling in her spaceship for the night. Obviously I should have paid more attention there. -At times, I gave someone a "no incident occurred" message to remind myself they hadn't taken any action. Once I realized that was reading as inconsistent, I stopped doing that. I should have been uniform regarding that from the start. -Gave the town a revive power to make up for axing the 16th town in my first version of the game. Agree with @Vivet on this: should have put a cooldown there for the doc to balance that, or just not included it at all. -It occurred to me belatedly that I basically gave the tracker and the watcher each ways to have an extra moment to share their information re: stump and announcer. I definitely didn't notice how potent that combo could be, and I would not do that again.
The Unlucky: -Day 2 not having a lynch because everyone thought Kendra would be modvigged and she wasn't -The Suicide Bomber being vigged Night 2 -Executioner never got to execute due to slow early lynch trains -3 players quitting (!!!), which slowed the game down a bit -Silvanus being caught by watcher. (Maybe arsonist prep should be invis in the future? Can't decide if that's too bastard-y) -Tremula being a daypower wrecking ball but being lynched the one turn that a dayblock could possibly be in effect -Gardevoir being used right around when Othero needs to be stealthiest -Mason combo just not working as planned due to blocker/killing mishaps
Well that's it! I hope you guys had fun. I definitely enjoyed all your posts, and shout-out to @Lehki, @Lavinya, @Shaddus, and @Fyler for making me laugh uncontrollably with how they played to their post restrictions. Seriously, re-read a few of the early dayphases - they're amazing.
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat. We could have stopped Fyler from winning too, and that would have been sweet. Othero would have gone down next turn.
Also wtf you guys wasted so many night powers on me. 99% of the time in mafia I have been town with no night powers/active powers and STILL no one believes me. Hotdamn. Look how right I was!!! Fyler might not have been mafia but she also wasn't town. I am not crazy. HMPHHMPH.
(I had way too much fun play acting as Tekora, I only had to do one trope per day but I couldn't resist doing it frequently because most hilarious role ever.)
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
-Silvanus being caught by watcher. (Maybe arsonist prep should be invis in the future? Can't decide if that's too bastard-y)
I absolutely loved my role too, and enjoyed everyone's restrictions. Delighted that SHH ELIZABETH was a thing. However, this bit right here... I don't know. I would advise against a total ninja-arsonist, unless you were figuring that into the equation elsewhere and weakening scum otherwise so they really hinge on their arsonist. And of course, if you do that, chances are some rando trigger happy vig will just be lucky enough to whack them night one. Mafia had a lot of bad luck/happenstance this go.
I think I had some pretty incredible luck with picking my pokémon and people using them accordingly. Gardevoir was a massive hinging point, Ampharos totally screwed up Trem, and I'm not so sure if Othero would have been lynched if not for Slowking.
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
edited February 2017
Hmm, yeah. Was wondering mainly whether or not the prep should be noticed by the target. Kira hid that last game and I was sort of annoyed by it as a player because I like knowing if I'm about to go boom (and indeed, I went boom!), but I also think the prep awareness really did Silvanus in once he was caught in Lehki's corner. 100% agree though that a watcher should catch an arsonist acting on someone.
And yes, the Poke-luck was very strong this game! @Vivet, you have excellent mafia intuition as usual. While Tremula was technically able to escape any lynch with her Cyndaquil, Othero's Ampharos made quick work of that loophole. Tbh, I doubt that Trem could have used it on Silvanus without incriminating herself either.
Fyler could have really used that Cyndaquil, though. Survivor able to escape one lynch = OP.
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
Oh, that's a good point too. If a watcher can still catch them but the marked person doesn't otherwise notice, that can work out too - generally, if no deaths are going on people are probable to suspect an arsonist (or a fireproof person might raise the alarm). I think it's more fair to have masked marking when the arsonist is SK rather than a mafia member, who can mark -while- an ally kills the same night. An unlucky town could be ended very swiftly by that.
The mafia definitely had a lot of bad luck, but some of their bad luck was self made. Breandryn's bus driving back to the mafia probably wasn't the best move, would have been better served just causing chaos in the town. It definitely gave me some credibility towards the end that the people I were bussed with kept dropping dead and were mafia.
Known Aliases: Celina/Cyndarin/Fire Jesus/The Night/That Bitch who griefed us
May Japhiel have mercy on Us if We are wrong.
Trainer Shaddus shouts, "Go, Slowking! I choose you! Use SWAGGER!"
Slowking raises his head with majestic gravitas, pulsing with a magnetic charisma that fills all viewers with a sense of his own importance. Shaddus's vote now counts as two for the dayphase!
Fyler: Othero, Lavinya, Ushaara (4)
Othero: Fyler, Luce, Lehki, Portius, Shaddus (6)
Othero clings to his little announcer radio as the players close in on him. "Lehki's a naive cop!" he insists. "I can prove it! Just give me one more night!"
Fyler, sneering, says, "See? Look at him groveling. Actually, he was the guilty one all along! Not me. You're welcome."
"I knew you'd betray me!" Ushaara declares. "And you all say my theories are crazy. Not so crazy now, are they?!"
"FACTS!" Lavinya screams, waving her arms wildly. "HE IS ELIZABETH!!"
"We find Ourselves in agreement," Shaddus says solemnly. "Let Us end this."
And with a flourish of His most radiant hand, Shaddus the Exalted zaps Othero, leaving him as nothing more than charred remains and ash.
Othero was...
Cecil, from the Night Vale Mafia! [As made famous by Ieptix.]
You are the voice of Night Vale, and bring the latest news and happenings up for your listeners to be informed. Your partner, Carlos, first came to Night Vale several years ago, seeking to study the most scientifically interesting community in the U.S. In your time there, you and Cecil have fallen in love and developed a strong, lasting relationship together. However, recent events caused by the invading Lust-hernians(sp?) have led to a mysterious portal dropping you and your beloved Carlos into yet another strange arena of mafia intrigue. You will require one another to survive this.
You win with the Town.
OTP: You spend every night with your partner, Carlos, preparing your radio show for the morning together. [Mason]
But the closer you examine the body, a strange change in his behavior seems to have manifested in the wake of @Ushaara's death...
An attached note seems to explain the abnormal aspects of his corpse:
"Betrayal is just someone telling you how important you are." That was how you intended to begin this day's broadcast. Alas, you didn't know how true that would be. For who is more important than Carlos?
Oh, Carlos. They... killed Carlos. Whoever "they" are. Sweet, sweet Carlos, with his perfect hair and teeth. How?! Is there no secret police in this wretched place, to prevent such crimes against a scientist? A scientist, who should always... always... be fine? You choke back a sob. Somewhere in another universe you felt this pain, you somehow know, but you never thought it feel it again so vividly. This multiverse was meant to be kinder. Somehow, it is crueler.
You are always alone, but here, you are alone in the newest sense of the word. You scan those around you in the dayphase, all shocked and stunned into silence. Who among them could have committed this crime?! They are all your enemy now. They all let this happen. Well, you'll let a lot of terrible things happen to them, now won't you?
You no longer win with town. You are now a Serial Killer, able to kill a player every night. You win when you are the last mafia player alive.
*NOTE*: You retain your Announcer ability and may kill and announce at the same time. Your alignment will still be read as Town by investigators."
Xenthos Wins! Town also Wins!
@Silvanus was:
The Oneiroi, from the Lusternia Forums Administration! Erm. Oh. Hello there?
Let's be candid. You are sick and tired of all these mafia threads. They are long, uninteresting, and inevitably turn into some kind of argument with flags you have to look through. Frankly, it is a waste of your time. A large waste of your time. You have taken it upon yourself to remove this forum bloat before it continues to eat up all your leisure hours. This has led to you making some odd allies, but in war, the enemy of your enemy is your friend. Even when it puts you in contact with a bunch of strange mafia fiends.
You win with the Meta Mafia.
Your abilities are:
Bannerhammer: It's time to lay down the law. Every night, you send a WARNING to a player instructing them that their conduct is unappreciated by the administration. When the time is right, you will BAN everyone whose warnings levels have been raised. [Arsonist Power]
Nightwatch: Nothing happens on these forums without your say so. You cannot be nightkilled. It's officially denied.
Your secret dossier tells you that you may make the following safe-claim:
Cirno, from the Touhou Mafia. (Proposed Fake Posting Restriction: responding "Eye'm the strongest and the smartest!" to any insult you receive.)
@Lavinya was:
Princess Claude, from the Reign Mafia! [As made famous by Tekora]
Your Highness, you are famous for many a mafia one-liner. How we recall your bravery in the defeat of the siege of France by Elizabethan England! You were so close to overcoming your foe. So, so close... And yet your death signaled the end of Fronce as we knew it. Not so this time! Certainly not. Your father may have killed you last go-round, but this time, you are here to find the FACTS!!!11!!
You win with the Town.
Your abilities are:
SHHH, ELIZABETH!: This daypower allows you to tell someone to "SHHHHHHH, ELIZABETH!" taking away their ability to vote for the dayphase. To accomplish this, just type that exact quote in bold during the dayphase. Shh, indeed! [1-time Voteblock]
THE FACTS!: This daypower allows you to declare you know the FACTS! The cold hard FACTS!!!! If you declare this in bold during the dayphase, your vote will be so empowered by your factual evidence that it will be worth two votes for the day! [1-time Mayor]
Your posting restrictions* demand you do ONE of the following at least once per dayphase:
Unbridled Confidence: Declare 100% confidence in your post's logic and reasoning. No doubt whatsoever.
I'M NOT YELLING!: Use caps lock to get across your point. Loudly.
Everyone is Elizabeth: Refer to another player as Elizabeth.
**If you do not do this, your vote will not count for the dayphase.**
@Fyler was:
Xenthos, from...the Lusternian Forums? Um?
Xenthos! What are you doing here? And yet, when aren't you here, refreshing the latest mafia thread? You're always lurking on those mafia games, just itching to join in. Well, friend, this is it. This is your time to shine. This is the game you finally get to show everyone else all your sweet mafia moves! Go get 'em.
You are a third party Lurker, aka Survivor. You win if you're alive when the game ends, regardless of mafia or town victory.
Your abilities are:
Constructive Criticism: You've watched a lot of games, and you've discovered that not everyone plays this game well. It's just a fact! Several players really would benefit from your feedback, but not everyone takes it all that well. Once per nightphase, you may offer your advice, ergo knocking down someone's self esteem, and incidentally the vote count required to lynch them. [Mockery Power - Lowers the amount of votes required to lynch someone by 1!]
Your posting restrictions* demand you do ONE of the following at least once per dayphase:
Pedantic Player: You must quote a post and nitpick a player's faulty logic! Being right is important. More important, though, is being correct. This can be done in response to someone who has made an accusation at you, or someone who you feel is just making strange assumptions; either way, put on your pedant hat and go to town! (You're encouraged to have fun with this.)
Spellcheck: Quote a post and respond just to correct typos or spelling errors. It's for their own good.
**If you do not do this, your vote will not count for the dayphase.**
-----------------@Vivet was:
Champion Alec, from the Poke-Mafia Game. [As made famous by Tremula.]
Technically you were the mod of Poke-Mafia! But we all felt like we really got to know you during that whole experience, Alec. And what you love, more than anything, is to share Pokemon with the world. Even on a train of death and destruction! Truly, your devotion to Pokemon is unfailing, and leads us to seriously question your judgment in inviting murderers on your Poke-journeys. But never mind that. You're back from Alola and ready for some mafia fun!
You win with Town. Because you're such a good guy protagonist!
Your abilities are:
Plot-Armour: Being more or less a self-proclaimed Gary Stu, it is difficult to kill you. Well. Not as difficult as last time, anyway. Your psychic bodyguard demanded a raise after that traumatic experience last time, and frankly, Champion gigs don't pay what they used to! [1-time kill immunity]
Poke-Fanatic: Gosh, you love Pokemon so much! So, so much! In fact, you love Pokemon so much you had a whole bunch of them stored in your PC, just waiting to be shared with the world. Every night, you can give one lucky player a Pokemon from your PC! Choose carefully, though, because each player can only get one Pokemon from you. Unfortunately, you're not sure what they do, and your Shaymin wouldn't let you keep one for yourself... but gosh, aren't they just the cutest? [Inventor Power]
**Inventor Note: You will receive the Pokemon list in your PC, effective immediately, on Night 1. To reiterate: You will not know what they do, but you must give one to a player every night, and you cannot give one player more than one Pokemon. Each Pokemon will have a one-shot power.**
@Shaddus was:
Eventru, the Crown of the Exalted, from...Lusternia, Age of Ascension?
@Portius was:
William Shakespeare, from the Shakespearean Mafia Game! [As made famous by history.]
Willy Shakes, you're coming back for an encore. Last time we did a mafia game with you, you didn't even star! How unfair is that? All your characters got center stage, but your words were the only thing that you produced for it. You weren't even the mod! You're due for some prime mafia time. All the world's a stage, and you're going to stand front and center.
You win with the Town.
Your abilities are:
Mightier than the Sword: As a writer, you can bend things to whatever will you prefer. You can even defend someone from an unsightly end! Every night, you have the ability to rewrite someone's ending. [Doctor Power]
Deus Ex Machina: You can revive one player during the dayphase from death. To do so, type, "Out of the jaws of death, I commend thee, <name>!" in bold. This will be a public action during the dayphase. [1-time Reviver]
Your posting restrictions* demand you do at least ONE of the following per dayphase:
Quote Thyself: Sneak a Shakespearean quote into at least into one post during the dayphase. It can be one sentence, or several, or a whole monologue. Up to you how subtle you want to be!
Methinks thou art trying too hard: Write in Shakespearean dialect for at least one post, replacing words like "you" with "thou" etc. You also can't go wrong with "Methinks." Iambic pentameter for bonus points.
**If you do not do this, your vote will not count for the dayphase.**
@Lehki was:
Oppenheimer, from the Los Alamos Mafia! [As made famous by Ushaara.]
You're honestly not a bad person, Oppenheimer. You tried to stop the Russians from bombing everything. You also tried to stop the Americans from bombing everything. Alas, alas, Klaus Fuchs destroyed everything. Oppenheimer, woe is you. But this is a chance to set the record straight! We believe in you, Oppenheimer. Mostly.
You win with the Town (because this time they aren't all out to bomb things).
Your abilities are:
Administrator: Under your watchful eye this mafia game, no one will do anything untoward! No bombs this time, please. You're looking over everyone's files and checking them twice! [Investigator Power]
Your posting restrictions* demand you do the following at least ONCE per dayphase:
Conspiracy Theorist: Frankly, Oppenheimer, last game you had a lot of wild theories about what could be going on in Los Alamos! You can't stop yourself from making a ridiculous and highly improbable conspiracy theory once per dayphase. You can immediately choose to discard your conspiracy theory, but you must make it, and you must never admit to your exact posting restriction (though you can hedge).
**If you do not do this, your vote will not count for the dayphase.**
@Luce was:
Ratatos...Pollu...What? No, wait. You are Ratatoskollux, from the Chimaera, Gods & Monsters, and Touhou games! [As made famous by Kiradawea's lab of chimaera manufacturing.]

So what even are you?? Chimaera? Squirrel God? Monster? Whatever. In summary, Ratatoskr and Pollux's eternal feud was never-ending, and in an attempt to nerf both parties, they were fusion-ha'd into a single individual: Ratatoskollux! It's hardly unprecedented, okay? We have Elostian, and Valtreth... look, just go with it. You are a fuzzy monster of wit and panache whose powers have been downgraded. But that's okay. You're still adorable.
You win with the Town.
Your abilities are:
Curious Creature: So what if you can't run around ruining everyone's lives? You can still run around! Every night you can choose someone to chase after, tracking their whereabouts that night. [Tracker]
I'm Stumped!: If you are killed, you return as a Stump, able to talk during the dayphase even though you can't vote. [Stump Power]
@Xeii was:

Sheriff Ssaliss, the Selfishly Self-Jailing Chimaera Wonder, from the Chimaera and Night Vale mafia games! [As made famous by, of course, Ssaliss]
You're a mafia pro, and every time you get the role of jailer, you know the best way to handle it: by jailing yourself. Do you care that this puts other people at risk? Nope. Should you care? Probably a little more than you do. Hey, you're trying to look out for everyone else. In your own way. The point is, you've been playing very well despite jailing yourself when you get the chance! Should you be sorry for that? No. That would be silly.
Even so, you win with the Town. You know what you're doing! You swear!
Your abilities are:
The Selfish Jailer: You function as a normal jailer, mostly. Except that every odd numbered night, without fail, you jail yourself. (Note: This can be roleblocked, even when jailing yourself.) [Jailer Power]
Night actions will be posted soon!
OMG this was so great to log in to at home. I totally would have voted Fyler and it's great to see I was so wrong. And OMG Slowking had Swagger! Swagger! Just the perfect move to go along with an Eventru!
This game might have ended up heavily slanted in town's favour, but wow, what a rush and what a ride.
I'll get around to organising my PMs shortly.
Great clever game, Sylandra! Scum seemed to have some pretty bad breaks in the start, that snowballed the game out of their control.
That says mafia. I'm just confused sorry!
Even without pokémon, town might have had a bit of an edge though. Single use resurrect is pretty strong - it didn't even prevent protecting on the subsequent night! Should have had some cooldown effect on all abilities imo.
You shudder with barely contained delight as you consider which Pokemon to hand to whom. Gotta catch 'em all!
(IMPORTANT NOTE: If you forget to send in a night action and the 48 hour time limit expires, I will use a randomizer to determine which Pokemon to give to which player.)
Oh, fun choices. I especially like that Noctowl is a legit choice this go around! A shame Ileein isn't in the game...
That said, I have an obvious and necessary choice to make.
Go, Cyndaquil! I choose you! Use Befriend on Fyler/Celina/Cyndarin/Fire-Jesus/That-Bitch-Who-Griefed-Us!
((PS, if you quote that in the receive'd pokémon PM, I will lol))
XD I was so pleased when Celina joined up, ahaha, I wondered if someone would do that.
You receive Cyndaquil promptly from your PC and request to transfer it to Fyler/Celina/Cyndarin/Whoever so that they may start their Pokemon journey. Gosh, what fun! What could possibly go wrong when sharing the joy of Pokemon?!
*When this action takes effect, Cyndaquil will officially leave your PC.*
(If you want, actually, we can let each Pokemon have a tiny slip of paper where you write an anonymous 'Howdy, trainer! Welcome to your Pokemon journey! I've chosen this companion for you for X reason" just for giggles. Otherwise I'll improvise.)
I was mostly just being silly with taking all the names from Celina's signature - handle it however you like! Having a little note sounds cute, though. Instead of including X reason (because I can't think of one in the context of this game) it could just be something like "Remember, Cyndaquil likes jalapenos".
Adorable and very Alec. I will include the jalapenos bit for certain.
You watch as Cyndaquil successfully transfers into their new owner's possession, leaving only the following Pokemon in your PC:
Otherwise, your night passes without incident.
Okay. After much deliberation and careful, methodical analysis of the options (lol), I have arrived at my decision!
Go, Skitty! I choose you! Use Befriend on Portius!
Additionally, Write on Note: "Howdy, trainer! Welcome to your Pokemon journey! If you ever run into issues with Skitty becoming too absorbed in chasing her tail, keep in mind that the scent of smoked salmon will snap her out of it and make you the center of attention."
You watch as Skitty successfully transfers into their new owner's possession, leaving only the following Pokemon in your PC:
Otherwise, your night passes without incident.
We can't let Othero be lonely now! I wasn't sure what pokémon I'd send initially, but then when I considered that Carlos was "made famous by Ileein"...
Go, Ampharos! I choose you! Use Befriend on Othero!
Write on Note: "Howdy, trainer! Welcome to your Pokemon journey! Ampharos loves to dance to music with a solid beat, it really lights up his tail! Hopefully he can light-en your woes, too!"
You withdraw Ampharos from your PC and request to transfer him to Othero before night ends. What a shiny Pokemon to brighten up Othero's sad days! You feel excellent about this decision.
*When this action takes effect, Ampharos will officially leave your PC.*
Aha. Poor Cyndaquil! But at least you're not a total orphan - I was worried about that.
Speaking of worried...
Go, Gardevoir! I choose you! Use Befriend on Ushaara!
Write on Note: "Howdy, trainer! Welcome to your Pokemon journey! Gardevoir is a fabulous singer and can be sure to lift your mood in your time of need. He loves singing in the rain best!"
Ooh, Gardevoir! Exotic choice.
You withdraw Gardevoir from your PC and request to transfer him to Ushaara before night ends. Gardevoir's loyalty would make a superb match for the loyal and faithful Ushaara! What a happy match of Pokemon and trainer they'd make, you think.
*When this action takes effect, Gardevoir will officially leave your PC.*
You watch as Gardevoir successfully transfers into their new owner's possession, leaving only the following Pokemon in your PC:
As you recline to rest and relax for the rest of the night, however, a shadow bursts through your door! Nefarious in appearance, with a weapon in hand, you know instantly what their intention is.
This intruder is here to kill you.
You scramble back against the wall, breathing heavily, and scream as loud as you can, "SYLANDRA! SYLANDRA, SAVE ME!"
All at once, the room fills with an ominous thrum of psychic energy, and a curiously-bedecked woman who seems to be Sylandra dives into the premises with a Honedge in hand. Yes, quite literally, she is wielding a Honedge as one might a sword, swiping it through the air.
"I'm not paid enough for this!" she screams as she fends off your attacker in a series of ripostes and lunges.
"This is cheating!" the intruder shouts. "The mod can't step in to protect you!"
"This isn't cheating!" Sylandra thunders back. "THIS IS META MAFIA!"
You hide behind your Shaymin as the battle plays out, even though you can guess as well as anyone who might win in a battle of mod versus player. And indeed, in the end, your bodyguard fends off your attacker into the final shadows of night, turning to you with a tired, exhausted expression.
"Never. Again," she states, throwing the Honedge on the ground. "I'm done playing psychic. No more."
And with that, day breaks.
You have survived the night, exhausting your one and only immunity!
Togepi has been transferred to Alec's PC.
Omg it's in my PC! Is it going to go all Missingno. and glitch everything up?! Aaaaaahh.
I am on break at work and am using this time to crunch this through on my phone, because we all know this is super important and must be done!
Go, Slowking! I choose you! Use Befriend on Shaddus!
Write on Note: "Howdy, trainer! Welcome to your Pokemon journey! Slowking adores swimming and sunbathing at the beach, and can get totally absorbed in watching the sun set. Sometimes he even watches until the sun rises again!"
You watch as Slowking successfully transfers into their new owner's possession, leaving only the following Pokemon in your PC: ...
And yeah, that was pretty much all of it. So now I have a very important question for @Sylandra - what did all the other pokémon do? We got to know!
Survivor is normally terrible to play as you spend must of your time doing nothing and hoping to not die, but I thoroughly enjoyed this game.
The characters were hilarious. Well done @Sylandra
Attract: You may ask Skitty to cuddle up to a player of your choice during the dayphase, preventing them from voting against you or taking any hostile action against you that dayphase! [1-Time Target-Limited Voteblock/Dayblock]
To use this power, simply say, "Go, Skitty! Use Attract on <player>!"
Night 1:
Tremula: Kill Othero
Vivet: Give Cyndaquil to Fyler
Lavinya: Nothing
Breandryn: Bus Fyler and Tremula
Ssaliss: Investigate Ushaara
Silvanus: Prep Lehki
Shaddus: Block Fyler
Kendra/Portius: Doctor Shaddus
Ellowyn: Nothing
Dylara/Kiradawea/Xeii: jail self
Luce: Track Lehki
Othero: Nothing
Ushaara: Watch Lehki
Lehki: Investigate Ushaara
Fyler: Nothing
Day 2:
Lynch None
Night 2:
Vivet: give skitty to portius
Lavinya: nothing
Breandryn: bus silvanus and fyler
Ssaliss: Investigate Shaddus
Silvanus: Kill ushaara
Shaddus: block othero
Kendra/Portius: doctor vivet
Ellowyn: kill ssaliss
Dylara/Kiradawea/Xeii: jail tremula
Luce: track lavinya
Othero: announce
Ushaara: Watch vivet
Lehki: Investigate Kiradawea
Fyler: mock shaddus
[Ushaara and Ssaliss die]
[Othero becomes 3rd party SK]
Day 3:
Lynch Silvanus
Night 3:
Tremula: Kill Ellowyn
Vivet: give ampharos to othero
Lavinya: nothing
Breandryn: bus tremula and vivet
Shaddus: block lavinya
Kendra/Portius: doctor luce
Ellowyn: nothing
Dylara/Kiradawea/Xeii: jail self
Luce: track shaddus
Othero: kill luce & announce
Lehki: investigate shaddus
Fyler: nothing
[Ellowyn dies]
Day 4:
Lynch Tremula
[Cyndaquil goes to Vivet's PC]
Night 4:
Vivet: give gardevoir to ushaara
Lavinya: nothing
Breandryn: bus xeii and lehki
Shaddus: block breandryn
Kendra/Portius: doctor lehki
Dylara/Kiradawea/Xeii: jail lavinya
Luce: track fyler
Othero: kill vivet & announce
Ushaara: watch portius
Lehki: investigate lavinya
Fyler: nothing
Day 5:
Lynch Breandryn
[Togepi goes to Vivet's PC]
Night 5:
Vivet: give slowking to shaddus
Lavinya: nothing
Shaddus: block fyler
Kendra/Portius: doctor lehki
Dylara/Kiradawea/Xeii: jail self
Luce: track othero
Othero: announce
Ushaara: watch portius
Lehki: investigate lavinya
Fyler: nothing
Day 6:
Lynch Othero
I just had the misfortune of being targeted by EVERYONE the entire game.
Man, between the Tamora and Xynthin bluffs, no one is ever going to believe me in mafia games again. The price of victory!
Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
Assuming we ever actually talked. It's just be a long string of drag queen GIFs.
-Magikarp - [evolves 2nd night in inventory into Gyarados - 1x daykill]
-Cyndaquil - [1-time governor, can be used on self]
-Ampharos - [1-time global dayblock]
-Haunter - [1-time mockery power, knocks someone down to one vote less needed]
-Gardevoir - [reveals total non-townies on board]
-Swablu - [1-time dayjail, can be used on self]
-Jigglypuff - [1-time roleblock]
-Slowking - [1-time Mayor]
-Chansey - [1-time doctor]
-Pikachu - [1-time redirector]
-Noctowl - [1-time self-watch that reports number of people who visited you, but not who]
-Skitty - [1-time prevent someone from voting against you/taking hostile action against you the dayphase]
-Togepi - [Randomized - RNGsus decides what ability it has!]
Final Thoughts Re: Setup:
The Good:
-People seemed to enjoy the post restrictions, instead of get annoyed by them. Woo!
-The Pokemon added in a sense of randomization that gave a fun element of chance, which I liked.
-Mafia wasn't overpowered as I feared (lol more on that below)
-The SK switch over + janitor combo made for an intriguing final few days.
-Bus driver can, at its best, do a good job of mixing things up.
-Having a self-jailing jailor makes every other night have one more opportunity for a kill to succeed.
-Excellent Xynthin bluff potential existed for the Xenthos survivor role.
-Having no set flavor for the mafia allowed more guesswork to take place than has been usual in my past few games.
-Managed to replace every single person who quit the game. \o/
-Despite a few bumps in the road, I think everyone really did have fun and had a good sense of humor about everything game-wise. Which I think a game like this really requires, since it pokes a lot of fun at people.
-@Xenthos finally won mafia!
The Bad:
-I intentionally gave the mafia a crapton of killing powers to help kill a lot. As you can see, I built the game with that premise in mind, and... lol, things went differently than planned.
-I should have made Fyler's mockery power private, instead of announcing it during the dayphase. I've done it that other way in the past and people tend to catch on to what it means, but it's still better to be vague than explicit in these things.
-I messed up royally re: the cocoa flavor for Kiradawea. I should not have put that there; I frankly forgot about Shaddus's bluff and just enjoyed the image of Kira chilling in her spaceship for the night. Obviously I should have paid more attention there.
-At times, I gave someone a "no incident occurred" message to remind myself they hadn't taken any action. Once I realized that was reading as inconsistent, I stopped doing that. I should have been uniform regarding that from the start.
-Gave the town a revive power to make up for axing the 16th town in my first version of the game. Agree with @Vivet on this: should have put a cooldown there for the doc to balance that, or just not included it at all.
-It occurred to me belatedly that I basically gave the tracker and the watcher each ways to have an extra moment to share their information re: stump and announcer. I definitely didn't notice how potent that combo could be, and I would not do that again.
The Unlucky:
-Day 2 not having a lynch because everyone thought Kendra would be modvigged and she wasn't
-The Suicide Bomber being vigged Night 2
-Executioner never got to execute due to slow early lynch trains
-3 players quitting (!!!), which slowed the game down a bit
-Silvanus being caught by watcher. (Maybe arsonist prep should be invis in the future? Can't decide if that's too bastard-y)
-Tremula being a daypower wrecking ball but being lynched the one turn that a dayblock could possibly be in effect
-Gardevoir being used right around when Othero needs to be stealthiest
-Mason combo just not working as planned due to blocker/killing mishaps
Well that's it! I hope you guys had fun. I definitely enjoyed all your posts, and shout-out to @Lehki, @Lavinya, @Shaddus, and @Fyler for making me laugh uncontrollably with how they played to their post restrictions. Seriously, re-read a few of the early dayphases - they're amazing.
Also wtf you guys wasted so many night powers on me. 99% of the time in mafia I have been town with no night powers/active powers and STILL no one believes me. Hotdamn. Look how right I was!!! Fyler might not have been mafia but she also wasn't town. I am not crazy. HMPHHMPH.
(I had way too much fun play acting as Tekora, I only had to do one trope per day but I couldn't resist doing it frequently because most hilarious role ever.)
@Lavinya you also thought I was killing people. Actually, you were not just crazy. You were incorrect. /Xenthos
I think I had some pretty incredible luck with picking my pokémon and people using them accordingly. Gardevoir was a massive hinging point, Ampharos totally screwed up Trem, and I'm not so sure if Othero would have been lynched if not for Slowking.
And yes, the Poke-luck was very strong this game! @Vivet, you have excellent mafia intuition as usual.
Fyler could have really used that Cyndaquil, though. Survivor able to escape one lynch = OP.
Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."