I came up with some guild-specific Astrology skills. Each synergises with Astrology rays in some way. This is more for fun than a serious proposal, and numbers aren't carefully considered, etc, etc.
New temporary ageing skill, changes target's nativity.
Chance to do special moon ray after using an astro ray.
Special moon ray does a random mental affliction, smart afflictor, hits after other rays.
Chance scales depending on moon phase.
New moon - 0%
Crescent - 10%
Quarter - 25%
Gibbous - 50%
Full moon - 100%
Astro rays do a small amount of insanity per papaxi curse on the target.
New investment, the next Constellation or Stellium used on the target costs 1 less power and is .5s faster. Lasts 1 minute or until used.
Each ray used on a target powers up the Companion, making the next attack drain 125 health and mana per ray, up to 5.
If the SD holds target's shadow, after every 5th ray, squeeze the shadow for no extra balance cost.
If the SD doesn't hold the target's shadow, after every 5th ray, do 500 bleeding.