the Expedition - a Pokémon Mafia game. (GAME OVER. SYLANDRA WINS. TOWN WINS.)



  • Lehki said:
    PS. The rules made it clear you could evolve any pokemon with a stone. Not cannon, but neither is intimidate as an active skill that lowers special attack power/stops an attack outright. So there appear to be a lot of wildcards that aren't true to the games.
    I don't think it made clear that ANY pokemon can evolve with a stone. The post said evolution can occur through stones, and that we can get stones at events. 
    Oh you're right. I went back and reread it. It does specify stone types, which may indicate only the usual stones/evolutions. 

    Well anyways, intimidate working like that still isn't how it actually works, so things are still confusing. 

    I can tell you my pokemon's power doesn't work the way it works in the games. 
  • Every single Pokemon that has EVOLVE in their ability description should be able to use an evolution stone.
  • PhoebusPhoebus tu fui, ego eris. Circumstances

    Sylandra said:
    I honestly don't care who you guys want to vote for, Rolsand or Kilee. Even Krackenor. I picked my side, more people should be putting their vote with their mouth is. We have lots of information on the table. Start making it clear what you want to do with it, and if your train gets traction, more people might hop on it.

    You have to be willing to risk something to win this game. All this guilting about which choice is the wrong choice is leading to a bunch of indecision. 14 votes is a lot to build up. We have 3 days I know, but that's not always as long as you think.
    Fine. You're right. I've been waiting for more info on too many things before committing to actually voting, and it's clear we're just shooting ourselves in the foot trying to find any reason to trust Rolsand now, so we don't have to feel bad about lynching him, or something. He's still got a mysterious allegiance and a frightening power, so... Vote: Rolsand. Sorry we ended up coming back to you anyway, man. But we do have to make a decision, and you still look like the best choice.
  • Rolsand said:
    Every single Pokemon that has EVOLVE in their ability description should be able to use an evolution stone.
    Well no, that's not how it works. Tremula has also clarified evolution will work the same way it does in the game.
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    As Sylandra said, I've staked out my position and reasoning, but I'll just say that I feel like Rolsand has done enough to earn himself another nightphase.

    He's provided information, has more information to give in future, has proven that he's at least partially telling the truth and shown he is willing to go along with group decisions.
  • And just to get this murder train moving:

    vote: Rolsand

    Dibs on the sandshrew
  • Hrm what do you mean?
  • Yeah I'm sure a lot of abilities have been altered to fit Mafia better. Like Magnitude. In game its a single target attack with a variable strength. Here, it's a AoE stun that hit's a variable number of random targets.  So we should probably be looking at the theme of abilities more than the actual game mechanics.

    Which, again, makes me feel like we don't have both Earthquake and Magnitude in this, but I'm done pushing that for now. Let's grill somebody else.
  • Oh I see.
  • Wait, what happens to the sandshrew when he dies? It is up for grabs by anyone?

    I'd prefer the mafia not have that. 
  • Wait, what happens to the sandshrew when he dies? It is up for grabs by anyone?

    I'd prefer the mafia not have that. 
    Eager beaver.
  • TremulaTremula Banished Quasiroyal
    edited July 2016
    The Champion sits on the sand still, slightly stunned at the proceedings and mouth moving slowly as if attempting to work something out in his head. He finally stands, glancing at the CCL: Expedition and letting his gaze follow through to the horizon before moving to join with the group. "I suppose someone has to be held responsible for everyone getting hurt..." he says, though it's obvious his heart isn't in it.

    Vote Count:

    Nobody: 2 (Kilee, Lehki)
    Kilee: 3 (Ushaara, Rolsand, Ssaliss)
    Rolsand: 8 (Makaela, Othero, Krackenor, Sylandra, Cen, Synkarin, Iosion, Phoebus)

    With 27 trainers alive, it's 14 to lynch.

    (if any information is wrong, please make note and it will be fixed. 34 pages.)
                          * * * WRACK AND ROLL AND DEATH AND PAIN * * *
                                         * * * LET'S FEEL THE FEAR OF DEATH AGAIN * * *
              * * * WE'LL KILL AND SLAUGHTER, EAT THE SLAIN * * *

    Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
  • unvote

    per my post above.
  • If we damage out the Sandshrew, it's just gone from the game. If we kill Rolsand though, it can be up for grabs later on, though we're not entirely clear on the details of how that works yet, except that it's "first come first serve"
  • @CyndarinAscends the Champion takes it to his cabin until (read: if) an event procs that would allow someone to get it.
    OH cruel Fate, when wilt thou weary be?
    When satisfied with tormenting me?
    What have I e'er designed, but thou hast crost?
    All that I wished to gain by thee, I've lost:
    From my first infancy, thy spite thou'st shown
    and from my cradle, I've thy malice known...
  • TremulaTremula Banished Quasiroyal

    per my post above.
                          * * * WRACK AND ROLL AND DEATH AND PAIN * * *
                                         * * * LET'S FEEL THE FEAR OF DEATH AGAIN * * *
              * * * WE'LL KILL AND SLAUGHTER, EAT THE SLAIN * * *

    Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
  • One of you guys out of 26 Will get my sandshrew.
  • Well I don't wanna get lynched I guess so I'll vote:Kilee
  • @Rolsand incorrect, it's entirely possible that won't happen. No definitives.
    OH cruel Fate, when wilt thou weary be?
    When satisfied with tormenting me?
    What have I e'er designed, but thou hast crost?
    All that I wished to gain by thee, I've lost:
    From my first infancy, thy spite thou'st shown
    and from my cradle, I've thy malice known...
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    Also, if there's more than one person with Shadow Sneak about and that ability works like I think in stealing from the Champion's Car, we won't know who might steal it tonight before a trading event happens.

  • Well magnitude is not something I want to see in the hands of mafia, and I don't think intimidate comes with unlimited use to keep that kind of ability in check sooooo I'm going to hard pass on lynching Rolsand. 

    New meta. Now you have to consider mafia getting their hands on super powers.
  • One of you guys will get it at the event.
  • We won't know for sure but everybody will suspect Kilee and probably lynch her if that happens.
  • PhoebusPhoebus tu fui, ego eris. Circumstances
    Wait, what happens to the sandshrew when he dies? It is up for grabs by anyone?

    I'd prefer the mafia not have that. 
    We don't know how it works yet, and I assume we won't know for sure until we actually have some Pokemon up for grabs. There's suspicion that Kilee's sneaky ability lets her steal a Pokemon from the car of discards, so if Kilee ends up with a Sandshrew, hey! We'll know what her power does. I'm assuming there's at least a couple people out there that can identify someone's Pokemon, since we've heard of a scanner and someone playing with another person's Pokemon. So it won't be impossible to check that one out in that situation.

    And what makes you think no one else will kill him to try to get Sandshrew if we don't lynch him? What if someone has the ability to kill someone and steal their Pokemon in the process? At least if we lynch, we know where it's going for now, and it might put the ability out of commission for a little bit if there's no way to get access to those Pokemon besides one of the Events that were mentioned.
  • Phoebus said:
    Wait, what happens to the sandshrew when he dies? It is up for grabs by anyone?

    I'd prefer the mafia not have that. 
    We don't know how it works yet, and I assume we won't know for sure until we actually have some Pokemon up for grabs. There's suspicion that Kilee's sneaky ability lets her steal a Pokemon from the car of discards, so if Kilee ends up with a Sandshrew, hey! We'll know what her power does. I'm assuming there's at least a couple people out there that can identify someone's Pokemon, since we've heard of a scanner and someone playing with another person's Pokemon. So it won't be impossible to check that one out in that situation.

    And what makes you think no one else will kill him to try to get Sandshrew if we don't lynch him? What if someone has the ability to kill someone and steal their Pokemon in the process? At least if we lynch, we know where it's going for now, and it might put the ability out of commission for a little bit if there's no way to get access to those Pokemon besides one of the Events that were mentioned.
    If Kilee can steal pokemkns why won't you lynch her instead?
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    We don't know for sure how that works. The alternative is 100% guaranteeing that Sandshrew goes into Rolsand's hands, a self proclaimed 3rd party.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • Okay new plan. I'll attack Rolsand's sandshrew tonight since I have a typing advantage so I'll win. I think it best we just remove magnitude from play. 
  • PhoebusPhoebus tu fui, ego eris. Circumstances

    Rolsand said:
    Phoebus said:
    Wait, what happens to the sandshrew when he dies? It is up for grabs by anyone?

    I'd prefer the mafia not have that. 
    We don't know how it works yet, and I assume we won't know for sure until we actually have some Pokemon up for grabs. There's suspicion that Kilee's sneaky ability lets her steal a Pokemon from the car of discards, so if Kilee ends up with a Sandshrew, hey! We'll know what her power does. I'm assuming there's at least a couple people out there that can identify someone's Pokemon, since we've heard of a scanner and someone playing with another person's Pokemon. So it won't be impossible to check that one out in that situation.

    And what makes you think no one else will kill him to try to get Sandshrew if we don't lynch him? What if someone has the ability to kill someone and steal their Pokemon in the process? At least if we lynch, we know where it's going for now, and it might put the ability out of commission for a little bit if there's no way to get access to those Pokemon besides one of the Events that were mentioned.
    If Kilee can steal pokemkns why won't you lynch her instead?
    Because that's still entirely speculation. You told us you're third party, and we know you have Magnitude.
  • Honestly, at this point I'm more suspicious of Kilee than I am of Rolsand, and since it seems everything is coming to a head...

    Vote: Kilee
  • Okay my third party power isn't even that deadly; I have to initiate it if I want to win.And what happens if Kilee does steal my Pokemon or even other ones without you guys knowing?
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