I mean, outside than just quoting what I got I dunno how I can make it
any more clear. It looks like aeon to me and you're just going to trust
me on that. I said aeoned as opposed to sapped for a reason.
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
Well, you have the benefit of a PM to look at. The rest of us just heard that you were blocked from using your ability, and that the block read like aeon in Lusternia.
Do you think you were simply roleblocked? Or do you think you were jailed, ie, completely removed from play for the night?
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
Ahhhh okay, now I understand what you mean. It read as a roleblock to me until you described it in those posts above. Very interesting. Let us know next dayphase is your action you took last night takes effect the coming night.
(As an aside, we're being nitpicky because miscommunications can be misleading for town. Like, I'll bring up the Reign game again (sorry to keep harping on that one!). On Day 2 of that game, Tekora thought she'd been jailed, when she'd been actually roleblocked the night before. So the town's jailer, Silvanus, knew he hadn't jailed Tekora and became very suspicious of her claims, and that suspicion mounted the more certain she acted about it. That suspicion lasted all game and distracted town from mafia at various points. So knowing specifics can help avoid sticky situations.)
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
Unrelated, trying to figure out why Ileein and Synkarin were targeted. Synkarin didn't post much, but I suspect he got offed for being known as a mafia veteran more than for any information he's posted here.
Ileein's a more interesting choice to me. He's only recently got back into mafia, and it's unusual to off newcomers; there's sort of an unspoken agreement to let new people have awhile to play before being offed. I suspect he got killed for being more familiar with the Nightvale flavour than most of us; the only other thing he contributed was a bit about policy lynching, which I don't think is enough to make anyone nervous. He's also just a clever dude in general.
It's probably not important, but just thinking aloud here.
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
(I don't know, I just copied the rules from the last few games. >.> Going purely by the wording of the rule, flavour text is fine to share, but if possible someone who's run forum mafia should give input on this before I give a definite y/n.)
(I don't know, I just copied the rules from the last few games. >.> Going purely by the wording of the rule, flavour text is fine to share, but if possible someone who's run forum mafia should give input on this before I give a definite y/n.)
(Generally frowned upon in my experience because part of mafia is bluffing, and if you cp from a PM, it's easier to verify if someone is bluffing or truthing. I remember Kira got mad when Tremula copied pretty closely from her investigation PM in the chimaera game. I'd steer clear to be safe.)
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
(Idk lol.)
Wait a minute I just made a tiny connection. We said hatchet-killer (Leann?) is likely town and vigilante, but there's a large discrepancy here besides Silvanus's one-time kill.
If Ileein's killer is pro-town, why did they choose to off, of all people, a player who has a substantial knowledge of Welcome to Nightvale? Trying to off, say, me would make more sense, because I'm at least a role that could feasibly be argued as anti-town due to lore reasons. But I wasn't targeted. Ileein was.
I'm leaning more towards serial killer as a theory now, or potentially second faction, because silencing someone who would help demystify the set-up does not read to me as a pro-town action. It seems decisively anti-town. Thoughts?
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
I'm still trying to keep an open mind and not pigeon-holing the presumptive Leann too much. If she is a vigilante, and honestly thought that Ileein was scum, then offing him would definitely be the right move to make. A scum that's extremely knowledgable about Nightvale could potentially lead us in merry circles by enlargening small, likely insignificant, things and diminishing important things.
I'm definitely not saying that Leann is a vigilante though. Nor am I saying she's an SK. Nor am I saying she's town, or scum, or a follower of <insert minor faction here>. I'm just pointing out how it's possible that she's a vigilante behaving as she did.
Ahh, yeah. That makes a lot of sense. I didn't know Ileein was such a renowned NV buff, but if that's common knowledge, then you're right and it's almost certainly a scum-killing. I was actually thinking at the beginning of the night phase that if I were vig I would've offed the Glow Cloud; it does seem like an obvious choice.
Hatchets actually return quite a few results in the wiki. Let me see if I can find any other likely suspects other than Leann, but her page says she's killed people for being bloggers even when they weren't and gotten away with it, so...
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
Sure. It just strikes me as a really bizarre choice for a townie to make. Still possible it was a shot in the dark of course, but I think Ileein would be a higher priority target for anti-town people, especially since we now know he was a townie.
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
Blahh, Ssaliss makes some reasonable points too. I think I need to calm down and stop trying to win the game on day 2. >_>
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
Ack my post was in response to @Ssaliss not @Cen! Sorry, delayed posting.
This is all just theory-crafting anyway, obviously nothing is completely 100% guaranteed. I just notice Ileein was one of the few people on the first day to admit to being a Nightvale buff.
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
Vigs on these forums. I swear. There's a reason I made the vig lose their power in the monsters game.
Also, regarding quoting PMs, I think you should not be allowed to because it makes it more difficult for scum to bluff. And scum should have the option to as an example, fake-claim that they were aeoned, without being caught out because they don't know the exact flavour of being aeoned.
Anyway, compiling a little list of what we know.
Synkarin was killed by three puncture wounds to the neck Ileein was killed by an overdose of axe to the chest Falmiis has a night action, and was delayed from taking his night action (claim) Sylandra is the glow cloud (almost certainly confirmed by power of animal powder day 1. Also. Very evil. Trufax ) ) Axe killer may by Leann Hart. Hater of all things Blogger. (Suggested by Cen) Puncture wounds killer is ??? Silvanus has one shot viggings (claim)
With Silvanus having a one-shot vig, and no one having claimed responsibility for either death, we may wonder if both deaths were done by scum. Sylandra raises a good point about why kill Ileein. Ileein did not do anything particularly outstanding last dayphase, and Syl is right in that we have a gentleman agreement to not go for newcomers early on.
Either way, I doubt that it's Sylandra (unless someone can tell me if the Glow Cloud has a secret hatchet storage) or Falmiis. I'm also inclined to believe Silvanus claim of a single vig for now.
Which gives me a hunch that it might've been Rolsand getting vig again. I've seen him get vig before. It's not pretty.
Alternatively, we're looking at double scum killing. Which isn't unreasonable for the reasons Sylandra laid out (targetting the one familiar with Night Vale, not killing the Glow Cloud when they've proven to be suspect and shown a town-unfriendly power).
Alternatively, we may have a busdriver who switched Ileein with Sylandra.
The more I think about it, the more I feel that unless Rolsand is the vig (he's the only one I could see do something like this), Ileein's killer is not pro-town.
That's all I can think off for now. I'll be taking another look at posts once the paracet kicks in.
Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
I would be shocked to find if Ileein's killer was a vig, only because this was a huge issue in the last game and you would have to be pretty insane to vig kill again night one. So I'm leaning towards an SK type of role.
I've listened to two podcasts so far, and I need to listen to more because I don't know of any evil characters in the show - if I did hopefully it would be easier to identify scum.
Wow. I feel like singling out any one player as a vig on day 2 is a really tall order. Like, crazy bold. I mean really, there are 14 of us and Rolsand gets picked out? Kira is either extremely free with the loosest of suspicions, has obtained some information about Rolsand (perhaps a watcher power?) and is being careful not to make herself too much of a target, or is casting suspicions against Rolsand to lay the groundwork for later executioner-type shenanigans. Or I'm reading into it too much, I dunno.
Beyond that, the bus driver idea is a good one to consider and keep in mind.
Also, it turns out all those other hatchet hits were just references on other pages to Leann Hart. So... yeah. Pretty sure we've got her role in this game.
I'll give a summary of where my head is at to begin this dayphase:
@Sylandra is likely town - The 'It's now Night-time' power is strong, but essentially like a Governor power that can prevent a lynching. That poor, poor intern though, haha. Totally thought you had randomly killed someone.
@Cen is likely town - Volunteering the Leanne/hatchet connection is bad move, when you could otherwise lie low and hope people miss the clue in an unfamiliar theme. (Unless it's a spectacularly good deflection onto a third party killer, and Cen -is- mafia. Though that's a low weight scenario for me.)
Not sure what to make of the delaying action power on @Falmiis. First time I've seen a game with it. It seems like a 'trickster' type power though, similar to how Bus-drivers can cause mayhem. And hopefully, no bus-drivers are in play... Anyone have any theories as to what/who would have such a delaying power?
I'm now less sure on the initial working theory of StrexCorp being the mafia. Didn't find anything on their wiki page about connections with killings/puncture wounds, or whatever. Though their mention on Leann's page makes me think they may have been mentioned on her role sheet? Since @Ssaliss mentioned StrexCorp early on in the game, and the recent attempt to hedge on Leann's alignment, @Ssaliss is triggering my shady radar though. So straight out, are you Leann?
I'm still a bit confused on the Cecil thing.. Ileein's power reveal suggests that if tracked, his -target- would be revealed as Cecil? But is Ieptix not Cecil? :-?
I don't want to distract from the current line of inquiry directed to @Ssaliss, but I have an idea for our delayed role-blocker.
Time traveling/manipulation/weirdness is a pretty common theme in WTNV. But I've got a hunch that Larry Leroy is among us. He's a good guy, is supposedly aligned with the Angels (an example of which is now dead), and is said to have stolen a time machine from the Museum of Forbidden Technologies. http://nightvale.wikia.com/wiki/Larry_Leroy
I just feel like because we had an Angel, and because Larry shows up in quite a few episodes, he's a distinct possibility. Maybe part of his role was like... knowing who the Angel was (useless now because the Angel is dead)? And then he can also use the stolen machine to mess up peoples' time.
Just thinking aloud at this point. Sorry for all the posts, but if I get dead with no guarantee of a medium-type role, I want to contribute as much as possible.
I'm still a bit confused on the Cecil thing.. Ileein's power reveal suggests that if tracked, his -target- would be revealed as Cecil? But is Ieptix not Cecil? :-?
Basically, if Ileein was tracked while delivering a message to Cecil, the tracker would see that Cecil was the target of Ileein's night action. So action = deliver message, target = Cecil.
It's a really useful power. Being able to anonymously send information to the rest of the players without outing yourself could be so useful.
But yes. Ieptix is Cecil. So in the introductions to the day phases, Ieptix would have been able to include Ileein's night-phase message to the rest of us without revealing Ileein as the messenger.
The way I understand Ileein's role is that Ileein has two powers, but can only do one thing during the night.
He can either investigate someone. In which case the tracker would see Ileein visiting whomever he investigated.
Or they can spend their night action sending a tweet to Cecil. In this case, the tracker would see them visiting whomever plays Cecil. If this is Ieptix (not entirely sure why people think this, but ok), then that probably means that the tweet would be read out loud by Ieptix during the start of day post and the tracker would get the response "Ileein visited Cecil".
If Cecil is instead another player, then the tracker would see Ileein visiting this other player.
Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
I've told you what I got and if you don't understand how aeon works you have to trust me on it. It looks like a delayed roleblock.
I'm definitely not saying that Leann is a vigilante though. Nor am I saying she's an SK. Nor am I saying she's town, or scum, or a follower of <insert minor faction here>. I'm just pointing out how it's possible that she's a vigilante behaving as she did.
Hatchets actually return quite a few results in the wiki. Let me see if I can find any other likely suspects other than Leann, but her page says she's killed people for being bloggers even when they weren't and gotten away with it, so...
Also, regarding quoting PMs, I think you should not be allowed to because it makes it more difficult for scum to bluff. And scum should have the option to as an example, fake-claim that they were aeoned, without being caught out because they don't know the exact flavour of being aeoned.
Anyway, compiling a little list of what we know.
Synkarin was killed by three puncture wounds to the neck
Ileein was killed by an overdose of axe to the chest
Falmiis has a night action, and was delayed from taking his night action (claim)
Sylandra is the glow cloud (almost certainly confirmed by power of animal powder day 1. Also. Very evil. Trufax
Axe killer may by Leann Hart. Hater of all things Blogger. (Suggested by Cen)
Puncture wounds killer is ???
Silvanus has one shot viggings (claim)
With Silvanus having a one-shot vig, and no one having claimed responsibility for either death, we may wonder if both deaths were done by scum. Sylandra raises a good point about why kill Ileein. Ileein did not do anything particularly outstanding last dayphase, and Syl is right in that we have a gentleman agreement to not go for newcomers early on.
Either way, I doubt that it's Sylandra (unless someone can tell me if the Glow Cloud has a secret hatchet storage) or Falmiis. I'm also inclined to believe Silvanus claim of a single vig for now.
Which gives me a hunch that it might've been Rolsand getting vig again. I've seen him get vig before. It's not pretty.
Alternatively, we're looking at double scum killing. Which isn't unreasonable for the reasons Sylandra laid out (targetting the one familiar with Night Vale, not killing the Glow Cloud when they've proven to be suspect and shown a town-unfriendly power).
Alternatively, we may have a busdriver who switched Ileein with Sylandra.
The more I think about it, the more I feel that unless Rolsand is the vig (he's the only one I could see do something like this), Ileein's killer is not pro-town.
That's all I can think off for now. I'll be taking another look at posts once the paracet kicks in.
Beyond that, the bus driver idea is a good one to consider and keep in mind.
Also, it turns out all those other hatchet hits were just references on other pages to Leann Hart. So... yeah. Pretty sure we've got her role in this game.
I'll give a summary of where my head is at to begin this dayphase:
@Sylandra is likely town - The 'It's now Night-time' power is strong, but essentially like a Governor power that can prevent a lynching. That poor, poor intern though, haha. Totally thought you had randomly killed someone.
@Cen is likely town - Volunteering the Leanne/hatchet connection is bad move, when you could otherwise lie low and hope people miss the clue in an unfamiliar theme. (Unless it's a spectacularly good deflection onto a third party killer, and Cen -is- mafia. Though that's a low weight scenario for me.)
Not sure what to make of the delaying action power on @Falmiis. First time I've seen a game with it. It seems like a 'trickster' type power though, similar to how Bus-drivers can cause mayhem. And hopefully, no bus-drivers are in play... Anyone have any theories as to what/who would have such a delaying power?
Taking @Silvanus at his word - town vig.
I'm now less sure on the initial working theory of StrexCorp being the mafia. Didn't find anything on their wiki page about connections with killings/puncture wounds, or whatever. Though their mention on Leann's page makes me think they may have been mentioned on her role sheet? Since @Ssaliss mentioned StrexCorp early on in the game, and the recent attempt to hedge on Leann's alignment, @Ssaliss is triggering my shady radar though. So straight out, are you Leann?
Time traveling/manipulation/weirdness is a pretty common theme in WTNV. But I've got a hunch that Larry Leroy is among us. He's a good guy, is supposedly aligned with the Angels (an example of which is now dead), and is said to have stolen a time machine from the Museum of Forbidden Technologies. http://nightvale.wikia.com/wiki/Larry_Leroy
I just feel like because we had an Angel, and because Larry shows up in quite a few episodes, he's a distinct possibility. Maybe part of his role was like... knowing who the Angel was (useless now because the Angel is dead)? And then he can also use the stolen machine to mess up peoples' time.
Just thinking aloud at this point. Sorry for all the posts, but if I get dead with no guarantee of a medium-type role, I want to contribute as much as possible.
It's a really useful power. Being able to anonymously send information to the rest of the players without outing yourself could be so useful.
He can either investigate someone. In which case the tracker would see Ileein visiting whomever he investigated.
Or they can spend their night action sending a tweet to Cecil. In this case, the tracker would see them visiting whomever plays Cecil. If this is Ieptix (not entirely sure why people think this, but ok), then that probably means that the tweet would be read out loud by Ieptix during the start of day post and the tracker would get the response "Ileein visited Cecil".
If Cecil is instead another player, then the tracker would see Ileein visiting this other player.