Sadly this previous marriage will be the second marriage of mine that failed due to inactivity

I'm looking for a spouse primarily, for Majanishi. In a nutshell, he's a slightly wacko Serenguard who started in that guild and hasn't ever left. He's extremely devoted to the guild and to the Serenwilde, though he likes visiting Magnagora and Hallifax quite a lot. If I weren't so set in my ways I would move him to Hallifax (for legitimate reasons) but also because Phoebus mentioned that Hallifax needed more single eligible straight bachelors. I don't think I could bear leaving the Serenwilde even to help bolster the ranks of the Sentinels, whom I understand are understaffed. So while I'm totally open to Hallifaxian love interests, I can't guarantee in anyway that Maja will switch to your city, or to Mag. Prospective spouse must be okay with this.
Here's his description, for inquiring minds:
He is an ordinary human and stands nearly seven feet tall, heavily muscled and strongly built. His skin has a bright pale sheen, reflecting the light easily. He has dark blue, enchanting eyes, flecked with white speckles. He has long, wild black hair, tamed by a tie that causes the hair to explode behind him, wide, large and intimidating. He bears a hand crafted mark of the three warrior spirits, a wolverine's head below his neck, a jaguar eye on his left shoulder and a majestic eagle on his right shoulder. His left calf has a representation of silver antlers and his right calf displays a red moon. A pair of straight purple stripes are painted across his forehead, just above the brow. A straight black stripe is painted on his right cheek. His face is painted with rays of sunshine and red stripes.
The stripes are honours from the Serenguard. Basically he's a really buff, really tall, very masculine human who likes to bash things with his hammer(s). I do want this next marriage to be one of substance. The previous marriage was entered into pretty much only to help bolster a family to Great House. The marriage before that was childless and lasted a short while. SO I'm kind of hoping for someone who's more serious about actually roleplaying a marriage and raising a family. I'm not interested in going wacko roleplay like "oh you're impregnated. Change your description to show you're pregnant and we'll wait 9 in game months before we adopt a child!" Screw that noise!
As campy and cheesy as it sounds, I want someone I can build an aetherplex with! And a family there!
Anyway, that's my proposal for spouse.
Siblings and children will help bolster the new family name I'd like to create. Anyone in Serenwilde, Hallifax, or Magnagora is free to apply!!
"He was well fed, and on his way to being slightly intoxicated--which contributed to his sense of wellbeing. And, most important, he was among friends. There can't be much more to life than this, he thought." -Pug's thoughts on his first Ale (via Raymond Feist)
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