Alright, I'll respond then @Fyler. I have a melding special report request in my inbox. I realise it's a problem, and it's not one that's going to be fixed overnight. I have more pressing concerns at the moment, but it will be gotten to when I get down to it, 90% chance some time this year. I'd rather make sure it gets fixed properly though with as much data and testing I can manage to muster. At this point, I think making knee-jerk decisions to make an entire class more appealing is just going to make it worse.
I think that's a great response, and I think a fair one. Melding is a complex problem. My only commentary at this point is that fixing meldbombs should probably be a report some envoy picks up now rather than waiting.
Known Aliases: Celina/Cyndarin/Fire Jesus/The Night/That Bitch who griefed us
If you mean buffing meldbombs then I disagree. Mages don't need to be group wipers, they could be given other incentives instead that don't have such a huge impact on the group PvP meta (where they already shine the brightest).
Rave: I am really glad that there are a good few newbies around Serenwilde right now, and interaction at the Moonhart Mother earlier was really nice and made my day. Also teaching @Zekken about shopkeeping was hilarious. Note to self: don't give candy as an example of something to price, it gets eaten.
If you mean buffing meldbombs then I disagree. Mages don't need to be group wipers, they could be given other incentives instead that don't have such a huge impact on the group PvP meta (where they already shine the brightest).
I wanted to change them entirely! But I wasn't creative enough to come up with 6 different effects for all the guilds to replace meldbombs with.
Known Aliases: Celina/Cyndarin/Fire Jesus/The Night/That Bitch who griefed us
Raves for the Crumkindivia quest. I've been wanting to explore there for a while, but never found my way, until I inadvertently did so today. K went for the usual rebellious choice, "Viva La Revolution!" The gingerbread men made me chuckle.
All in all Crumkindivia
Moon Priestess Ridien says, "The blood of an animal, however, can also be a tool. Consider fetishes -
- efficient, powerful tools created by ecologists. It is exactly as Kendra says -- a tool of bones
and blood that has been magnified, changed, enchanted. Made into a tool."
@Rancoura thank you so much for being so nice and patient, I'm totally lost as to what I am doing without ghelps to look at but your gentle nudging is really nice. Your mob is also cool too, I thought I was being stalked by someone because of it's ambient.
@Rancoura thank you so much for being so nice and patient, I'm totally lost as to what I am doing without ghelps to look at but your gentle nudging is really nice. Your mob is also cool too, I thought I was being stalked by someone because of it's ambient.
To sort of clarify what I was inferring ICly, read, read, read! Lots of books in the main Glomdoring library with a lot of our lore (especially in the Annex). Also, continue RP'ing and interacting with people, your writing is beautiful. CHELPS too will give you more lore and also things to do (like commodity and power quests). We'll have new factions to play with soon, don't worry!
Tonight amidst the mountaintops And endless starless night Singing how the wind was lost Before an earthly flight
@Rancoura thank you so much for being so nice and patient, I'm totally lost as to what I am doing without ghelps to look at but your gentle nudging is really nice. Your mob is also cool too, I thought I was being stalked by someone because of it's ambient.
To sort of clarify what I was inferring ICly, read, read, read! Lots of books in the main Glomdoring library with a lot of our lore (especially in the Annex). Also, continue RP'ing and interacting with people, your writing is beautiful. CHELPS too will give you more lore and also things to do (like commodity and power quests). We'll have new factions to play with soon, don't worry!
When it was emotes you were spitting out three (high quality ones) in the time it took me to do one!
One day my creativity will be able to match your output (I hope) but gah it's great and it's unravelling very well in my in game diary I'm so excited for factions, and for Ranc to pick one so Sumi can follow her teacher
Rave for @Thax following up on my suggestions as well as the new order ranks.
Also for @Nefara, because you're awesome. I wish we both had more time to be active and rp together. I think we'd get into some shenanigans.
Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
@Rancoura thank you so much for being so nice and patient, I'm totally lost as to what I am doing without ghelps to look at but your gentle nudging is really nice. Your mob is also cool too, I thought I was being stalked by someone because of it's ambient.
Oh her pet thingy is awesomesauce. I can never remember it's name though.
Seriously though, thank you @Hoaracle, @Lisaera, and to our ephs (Yay #TeamSeren), @Drocilla, @Isune, and @Czixi for moral support and being amazing rubber ducks, the entire Havens in general, and most of all to the entirety of Serenwilde for sticking through that entire thing with us and being generally awesome.
I'm going to go pass out now.
EDIT: Also, for a bit of behind the scenes, that entire last sequence with Delosidir, literally everything went wrong that could. More details in an upcoming godblog!
EveriineWise Old Swordsbird / BrontaurIndianapolis, IN, USA
It was a fitting end . And the amount of work that went into it was evident.
Everiine is a man, and is very manly. This MAN before you is so manly you might as well just gender bend right now, cause he's the manliest man that you ever did see. His manly shape has spurned many women and girlyer men to boughs of fainting. He stands before you in a manly manerific typical man-like outfit which is covered in his manly motto: "I am a man!"
Daraius said: You gotta risk it for the biscuit.
Pony power all the way, yo. The more Brontaurs the better.
Seriously though, thank you @Hoaracle, @Lisaera, and to our ephs (Yay #TeamSeren), @Drocilla, @Isune, and @Czixi for moral support and being amazing rubber ducks, the entire Havens in general, and most of all to the entirety of Serenwilde for sticking through that entire thing with us and being generally awesome.
I'm going to go pass out now.
It's was soo good, like... no words. So happy right now
EDIT: Also, for a bit of behind the scenes, that entire last sequence with Delosidir, literally everything went wrong that could. More details in an upcoming godblog!
So curious!
(clan): Falmiis says, "Aramelise, verb, 1. adorn with many flowers."
Raves, raves, raves for the Magnagoran event. @Drocilla@Thax@YouKnowWho all did an amazing job of putting this together, and I can't adequately explain in words how much this event meant to me in terms of timing and content. It gave me tingles in the same way that watching the first episode of GoT gave me tingles after having read the book. Just this intense feeling of anticipation and greatness. I was definitely vocal in the discord channel and probably made way too many 'Whaaat? Are they gonna? WHAAAAAAT?' sort of responses. It really was fantastic. I'm *so* looking forward to the follow-on as factions are officially put together and we rebuild the city.
An extra special thanks to the many Mags who put effort into this event and made it all go forward so flawlessly. I couldn't be happier with the Org and those within it than I am now. You guys make the game worth playing, you really do. Truly, well done all.
(Magnagora): Thax says, "My truest favour to the soldier that brings me the weave of Neos."
A massive rave for @Isune for controlling Professor Nann Baruwski. I did not expect talking to Nann to work and then she started talking back to me. Even more of a rave for doing so when you had just woken up.
Added NPC name, no problem with spoilers now that the logs are up.
Came a bit late to the domoth but was super fun, we were fighting four to eight there at the start, just managed to stall you guys long enough for us to steal it back and get reinforcements. That was amazing fun Was like 10 seconds left on
Top performance from @Xenthos for claiming and keeping that last few second tick off.
Also @Enadonella we wouldn't have stalled them long enough if you didn't encourage the suicide* run at the end there.
Yeah, can't mirror the above comments enough. Best bit of fun I've personally had in ages. Mass raves for those on our side who stuck at it. You know who you are. Congrats to the other side. I pre-empted something like this and honestly, greatpentagrammed before you'd even arrived, heh.
I haven't had a chance to clean up logs yet, but I want to send out a giant, shadowy, everlasting rave to @Viravain and every other @Admin and @Ephemeral who are orchestrating these Glomdoring events. Last night was tragic, and I'm a little heartbroken to say the least (goodbye to 10 years, my first MUD guild, and however many years as GL and GA previously)... but I'm excited to help build our new factions into something amazing.
I send my eternal love throughout the ages, Shadowdancers. The Coven of Night will always live in memory.
I'm a little heartbroken to know the SD's will no longer exist. Like, I know this change is for the best interest of the game but the SD's (and maybe we all think this about our guilds) had a unique place in Lusternia that survived the ups and downs. It endured a variety of leadership styles and retained a core identity. It was the only guild I was ever apart of that was capable of forcining elected leaders to put guild identity before personal identity. The SD identity was so concrete that it drew me to leadership , rather than shit leadership drawing me to it to pyros. SD's had an identity that literally endured a RL decade. It was unique in Lusternia as far as I could tell, and being Queen of the Night was, to date, my favorite role ever
and shit, you were a fabulous queen
Known Aliases: Celina/Cyndarin/Fire Jesus/The Night/That Bitch who griefed us
Want to say thanks to Isune, Czixi and any other gods/ephemerals who have helped with the Hallifax faction events. The constant updates about when events will happen are definitely appreciated as well so we don't have to be anxious about when/if things would happen.
A wonderful job by whoever was behind the Goon Squad release. I really hope I did not stress you out with my vocal resistance to the raiding. I think the brashness and consquences-be-damned push perfectly captures what is intended with the guild and the friction inside the city over such sorts of bold external actions is a nice new facet to the city's culture.
Rave: I am really glad that there are a good few newbies around Serenwilde right now, and interaction at the Moonhart Mother earlier was really nice and made my day.
Also teaching @Zekken about shopkeeping was hilarious. Note to self: don't give candy as an example of something to price, it gets eaten.
K went for the usual rebellious choice, "Viva La Revolution!" The gingerbread men made me chuckle.
All in all
Tonight amidst the mountaintops
And endless starless night
Singing how the wind was lost
Before an earthly flight
When it was emotes you were spitting out three (high quality ones) in the time it took me to do one!
One day my creativity will be able to match your output (I hope) but gah it's great and it's unravelling very well in my in game diary
Also for @Nefara, because you're awesome. I wish we both had more time to be active and rp together. I think we'd get into some shenanigans.
@Hoaracle @Lisaera @Charune @AnyOtherGodmin That was a great great great finale! It had the feeling of the final fight from Harry Potter and I freaking loved it!
Raves to all the Serens also! We did it! WOO!
Seriously though, thank you @Hoaracle, @Lisaera, and to our ephs (Yay #TeamSeren), @Drocilla, @Isune, and @Czixi for moral support and being amazing rubber ducks, the entire Havens in general, and most of all to the entirety of Serenwilde for sticking through that entire thing with us and being generally awesome.
I'm going to go pass out now.
EDIT: Also, for a bit of behind the scenes, that entire last sequence with Delosidir, literally everything went wrong that could. More details in an upcoming godblog!
An extra special thanks to the many Mags who put effort into this event and made it all go forward so flawlessly. I couldn't be happier with the Org and those within it than I am now. You guys make the game worth playing, you really do. Truly, well done all.
Added NPC name, no problem with spoilers now that the logs are up.
Came a bit late to the domoth but was super fun, we were fighting four to eight there at the start, just managed to stall you guys long enough for us to steal it back and get reinforcements. That was amazing fun
Top performance from @Xenthos for claiming and keeping that last few second tick off.
Also @Enadonella we wouldn't have stalled them long enough if you didn't encourage the suicide* run at the end there.
*not so suicide run.
Also raves to 12 hour class flex.
When do we all get to know?
Overall, well played everyone.
Discord: Pharanyx#4357
Yaaay, race is back in the intro!
and shit, you were a fabulous queen