Html5 keypad

Hello all. Just returned from another hiatus, glad to be back! I generally don't do too much in the way of heavy PKing (at all or at all well) so usually I will play on the web client. Anything I really need to code I can do there. One thing I noticed is that my keypad movement buttons don't seem to work. I tried to re-map them but it just changed it so that any time I push any 1 key, it tries to send me southwest, even the non-numpad 1. Is this my keyboard messing up or something more nefarious? Thanks!


  • Do you have the numpad reflex package?

  • Yep, and it looks like it is set up correctly, it just isn't getting the right bits. When I use mudlet and make a similar keybinding, the key it links to is something like 'numpad + 1' or something, while in the web client it is just 1.
  • Huh. Can you take a screenshot for me? I'll compare it with mine.

  • Alright, so I've never used keybindings before, but I'm trying to recreate the problem myself. Do you have numlock on?

  • I was wondering if that might be the problem. I've tried it with both and it comes out the same. If I try it in Mudlet, it works, but it also comes out the same, with or without numlock. So I'm actually guessing that might be it. I think my next step is to find another keyboard with a numpad and see if that one works. Thanks for the help so far!
  • Piccarda said:
    I was wondering if that might be the problem. I've tried it with both and it comes out the same. If I try it in Mudlet, it works, but it also comes out the same, with or without numlock. So I'm actually guessing that might be it. I think my next step is to find another keyboard with a numpad and see if that one works. Thanks for the help so far!
    Let me know how it goes!

  • Update: still busted. New keyboard, same problem. It is the same on all IRE games; the standard number pad movement package does nothing, if i try and redo the keybinding it jus makes it so all instances of the number do it. I've cobbled together a makeshift system to toggle it on and off but its still kind of annoying. Anyone with some clues?
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