Regardless of whether or not it is issued, I think it's a discussion worth having / making known to those who are part of things. When it comes to events, it's better to be inclusive than exclusive. The more people you "reward" for participation (even as little reward as an honours line) the more happy those people are with how things went. Conversely, if you reward some people (by Sidd's count, 5 people total in the entire game, though that may not be accurate) and exclude the majority, you leave the rest of them with a very different impression of how things went than (I assume) you wanted to.Drocilla said:@Xenthos, you have been told already by @Darvellan to issue and see what happens. Just because it happened that way does not mean that we intended it that way. We do miss things in the grand scheme of things, it sucks but it happens.From a mechanical point of view, it was not possible to prepare this in such a way as to have varying shades of involvement rewarded/acknowledged by the quest system just for the release. What would have been enough? Too many variables. Nor was it possible during the event to gather names of people "contributing enough" and adding those to a live reward list because, even though a few of us were present (and some Europe based and staying up to ungodly hours), everyone had a job and we were scurrying back and forth breathlessly enough as it was. Some were smashing down the highways, some were quadruple checking restoration prep (both code and manual stuff was needed), some were overseeing the puzzle, some were possessing mobs, some were on foam duty making sure it kept respawning, etc.Also, not a comment at you @Xenthos but re: events in general, I'd like to reiterate that as many admin as are active (I'm sure you can do a head count), not all will always have the time or available to be online. We'll do our best to be around but sometimes life happens and this is pre-Christmas time. As a team we put actual months into preparing this on top of regular day to day running of the game (which eats much enough time). Then during the week we had probably the most free-form event ever, so what did happen during that time was all designed and coded on the fly (and trust me something as simple as sea of despair to crystal sea took quite a few hours, not to mention blowing up Hallifax). Last year's end of year event was ran by a truly skeletal team but we did the best that we could. Similarly, we did the best we could this year and people have really gone above and beyond.A blog post about this is probably in order!
One person missed one due to bouncing off shields. Others missed one due to the first one being killed when they were still locked out by dreamfoam collection.
However, we've already been told that that part was not in error; the error was that it was still requiring so many dream foams (which they did fix, thankfully!
My suggestion / comment, for the future at least, is that during an event that kind of requirement be relaxed and just need the person to have hit at least one, instead of all of them. Relax the trigger requirement, and then inform the players later (via an announce post) that going forward it will require the full clear. That way players can plan for how to deal with it, instead of trying to guess what the mechanics are during the chaos-crazy that is trying to work through an event.
It seems reasonable to me, at least.
Seems that what you should do in these event things is to just do everything possible.
I have a disagreement with the quest design / mechanic. That in no way indicates that I have any disregard or distaste for the people I am having the conversation with; the administrative staff is full of people who I feel are remarkably creative and invest a great deal of their time and energy into helping us, the players, enjoy ourselves and have a good time.
Edit: Edited a sentence for clarity.