Gero Messes with Sady's Head

edited December 2015 in Event Scrolls
So. Gero and Sady used to be a couple (not really, but it just seemed fun to play up the crazy ex vibe stuff!)

Sadhyra: elf mode
She is a graceful elfen demigoddess and is slight and slender, her figure gently curved. Tangled ebony hair falls about 
her face, pulled back behind a pair of distinctly elfen ears. Her features themselves are graceful, with wide sapphire 
eyes, a pert nose, and full ruby lips giving her an attractive, ingenue appearance.

No description. He lazy.

Voice pained, you say to Gero, "Do not make us kill you as soon as we save you..."

You stare implacably at Gero.
A cow chews some cud and looks at you blankly.

Gero n'Lochli says to you, "I understand all those eyes, it's a bit hard to keep track."

You have emoted: Sadhyra only stares harder at Gero

Gero n'Lochli says to Yarith, "I'll trade hearts with you."

You growl menacingly at Gero.

Yarith stares at a rancid, booger green heart-shaped candy with a slight frown upon his features.

[Lots of banter]

Brightly, you say to Gero, "We'll slaughter them all later."

You portal to The Wyrden Hive. (portal)
Cavernous hive entry.
You see a single exit leading up.

You grunt noncommitally.

You say, " do you stand being you?"

She is a graceful elfen demigoddess and is slight and slender, her figure gently curved. Tangled ebony hair falls about 
her face, pulled back behind a pair of distinctly elfen ears. Her features themselves are graceful, with wide sapphire 
eyes, a pert nose, and full ruby lips giving her an attractive, ingenue appearance. She is wearing a rustic ring of 
blossoms, a shadow-warped pair of olfactory sensilla antennae, 3 rings of aromatic herbs, 2 wrapping lyrebird rings, an 
opal ring of black roses, a twisted circlet of gloam-wreathed carapace branches, a dragonfly mosaic ring and dark robes 
of leather and silk.

Grinning, Gero n'Lochli says, "I imagine with pleasure at each second."

Gero checks his watch.

Gero n'Lochli says, "Five in the evening, such a pleasure to be at this time."

You have emoted: Sadhyra grunts, head shaking. She's changed, you notice - instead of the horrid and terrifying bug-like
creature, she's adopted an illusion of an elfen maid.

Ex me:
She is a graceful elfen demigoddess and is slight and slender, her figure gently curved. Tangled ebony hair falls about 
her face, pulled back behind a pair of distinctly elfen ears. Her features themselves are graceful, with wide sapphire 
eyes, a pert nose, and full ruby lips giving her an attractive, ingenue appearance.

Simply, bitterly, you say, "I'm not paying you for pleasure-."

You have emoted: Sadhyra's gaze suddenly snaps back towards you, eyes narrowing in clear, calculating thought.

A fuzzy spider drops in from above on a silken string.

A fuzzy spider's eyes bug out of its head at you in wonder.

A fuzzy spider says to you, "I may have wandered off a while ago."

A fuzzy spider shoots out of the room on a silken string.

Gero n'Lochli yells, "If I'm in the throne room, does that make me the new queen??"


Throne room in the hive's heart.
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. As if hollowed from the living core of the ship itself,
this chamber appears to be almost grown, rather than shaped, the walls curving in disconcerting bends, distorting 
perception and focusing attention to the raised dais in the heart of the room. Clearly the command center for the hive, 
a small flight of stairs covered with elaborate carvings, all intricately depicting the submission of lesser races, 
leads to a broad platform, cupped to support an immense throne. A smaller rise mirrors this across the chamber, hosting 
the ship's command chair, while about, the walls bulge in distending arcs, every surface shrouded with faceted jade. 
Shot through with veins of glittering emerald, skitters of light across the jewels create a heady and dizzying sense 
that the room itself is pulsating, breathing, pumping life into the rest of the hive. Crackling with energy, the command
chair rises up from the floor.
You see exits leading up and down.

You slap Gero on the cheek.
A cow chews some cud and looks at you blankly.

You say, "...only way to find you."

You say, "I track the cows."

You smirk.

Amused, Gero n'Lochli asks, "So many eyes and you can't find me?"

You have emoted: Sadhyra snorts, head shaking. She's changed, you notice - instead of the horrid and terrifying bug-like
creature, she's adopted an illusion of an elfen maid.

Simply, bitterly, you say, "I'm not paying you for pleasure-."

You say, "Or wit."

You say, "I've a task."

Gero n'Lochli says, "There goes most of my good qualities."

You say, "I'm sure I'll find you useful."

You beam broadly.

Gero gives you the once-over, eyeing you suspiciously.

Gero n'Lochli says, "Useful is a /very/ broad term."

You have emoted: Sadhyra suddenly squats down, crumpling up very close to you. "I need to know how to be like YOU," she 
confides, voice quiet.

Still a whisper, you say, "Just....normal. Human."

Scoffing, Gero n'Lochli says, "I would hardly say I'm normal."

Eyes wide, you say to Gero, "Can you help?"

You have emoted: Sadhyra's true form shines forth beneath the false elfen illusion, monstrous and insectile.

Gero n'Lochli deftly seems to disengage himself from you.

Gero n'Lochli asks, "Be like me, or be me?"

Gero n'Lochli says, "Lock me in here and suddenly there's a new Gero, who hisses a lot."

You have emoted: Sadhyra sinks back, gaze falling. Her shoulders lift in a shrug. She says nothing for a long span, 
before she finally whispers, "...Be human. Be accepted."

You have emoted: Sadhyra's head shakes. "I won't lock you in," she offers as concession.

"Pah" Gero says to you as he waves you away.

You stare implacably at Gero.

Gero n'Lochli says, "You don't want to melt yourself to fit their mold."

You have emoted: Sadhyra faintly agrees, "....We do not..."

Gero n'Lochli says, "You've already seem to have yourself well in hand, demanding things from stranges, arguing with 

Curious, Gero n'Lochli says, "Why do you feel the need to be, human."

You have emoted: Sadhyra chuckles, retorting, "Is a Xandrin a thing to be feared? He talked very much."

Gero n'Lochli asks, "Feared?"

Gero n'Lochli says, "No."

You have emoted: Sadhyra's surge of high spirits recedes, as she admits, "...Human, though - that is most everyone."

Faintly, you say, "To be human, is to fit in."

Looking at your like you're crazy, Gero n'Lochli asks, "Where do you get these silly ideas?"

Gero n'Lochli asks, "Does the previous queen have coloring books with happy humans in them?"

Gero n'Lochli says, "You think all humans fit in, our edge as clear cut as a puzzle."

Gero n'Lochli says, "Pah, we mash together the best we can. We're jagged, covered in splinters, discolored, and broken."

You have emoted: Sadhyra eyes you warily, remaining silent. She says nothing, merely observing - although you notice 
that the fringes of the illusion are fraying, falling away to ethereal tatters.

You have emoted: Sadhyra wheels up close to you - beside her drift the remnants of her illusions, her elfen visage cast 
aside in tattered rents. Before you, now, is simply a Kephera, powerful and strong and angry. She says nothing. She lets
out a low, long hiss.

Voice choked and barely human, you say, "...more."

Forced, you say, "Tell more. Of...humans."

Gero taps his finger to lips, thoughtful.

Gero n'Lochli says, "Well..."

Gero n'Lochli says, "Juxtapose."

You have emoted: Sadhyra exhales slowly, approaching even closer. It's softer, now, less threatening, and her barbs and 
spikes are hidden away. Her attention is fixed utterly on you.

Gero n'Lochli says, "We're a confusing a lot."

Simply, you say, "Why?"

To himself, Gero n'Lochli says, "Maybe balance would be better."

Gero n'Lochli says, "Anything you can find of a human, there is an opposite."

Gero n'Lochli says, "Be it physical."

You have emoted: Sadhyra's head tilts. "Balance?" she echoes. "Opposite?

Gero n'Lochli says, "Dark skin, light skin."

Gero n'Lochli says, "Short tall."

Gero n'Lochli says, "Mental."

Gero n'Lochli says, "Philosophical."

Gero n'Lochli says, "You'll find a polar opposite."

You have emoted: Sadhyra's eyes flicker. "Diversity in the hive," she suggests.

Gero shakes his head.

Gero n'Lochli says, "Diversity could be having several different colours carapaces."

You have emoted: Sadhyra nods faintly. "What are you speaking of, then?" she demands.

Flustered, Gero n'Lochli says, "Human! Pay attention."

Gero n'Lochli says, "Not quite so easy to describe how to be something when there is no set rules."

Gero n'Lochli says, "Nor when you've never had to consider your existance in such a forced perspective."

You have emoted: Sadhyra seems frustrated by your half-explanation so far. She slumps back, crumpling into the throne - 
the illusion surrounding her, the calm, quiet, elfen image...falters with the sudden movement. As she shifts and turns, 
you glimpse hints of the true figure beneath the facade...and it is terrifying, all carapace and armor and claws.

Gero passes his hands over his face and changes from an ordinary human to a compound-eyed undead royal kephera demigod 
changeling before your eyes.

Quietly, almost sullenly, you say, "I'm not going to kill you, if that's what you were worried about."

Cooing, Gero n'Lochli says, "Aww."

You have emoted: Sadhyra's head lifts - and her gaze freezes, eyes fixing on your own Kepheran form. She blinks, faceted
eyes whirring once, twice, thrice in astonishment, before she manages to whisper, "..Why?"

Gero n'Lochli asks, "Why is it that you think I would be frightened of you in the slightest?"

Gero n'Lochli asks, "Your appearance?"

Gero n'Lochli asks, "Have you seen Lord Gorgulu?"

You have emoted: Sadhyra jerks her head in a faint negation.

Gero n'Lochli says, "He is hunger incarnate, mouths every where, teeth like knifes and no discerable intelligence."

Gero n'Lochli asks, "Your anger?"

Simply, you say, "We could love a god like that."

Gero n'Lochli says, "Lord Ashtorath's rage burns like the blind fury of seven suns."

Gero n'Lochli asks, "Your need to hide?"

You have emoted: Sadhyra's gaze fixes on you, shoulders hunching nervously. She anxiously eyes you.

Gero n'Lochli says, "Lord Baalphegar, if that is even his real name has never been seen. Only a voice that whispers in 
your mind."

Voice hoarse, quiet, uncertain, you say, "....tell me more?"

Laughing harshly, Gero n'Lochli says, "Your petty desire to make others do as you command? Lord Luciphage, controls the 
whole of our comsic plane. He usurped the crown and even now sit on the throne of the beast. Those who follow him can 
dominated others to their will."

Lines of power flare up along Gero's body, connected by shimmering points of light. For a brief moment, his body becomes
a canvas displaying the constellations of Lusternia before the light flickers and fades away.

Eying the display, you say, "Was that him? Making you a toy?"

Gero's face flashes with fury for a brief moment.

Gero n'Lochli asks, "Toy?"

Gero n'Lochli says, "I am no toy."

You have emoted: Sadhyra frowns, edging closer. Her hands clench, revealing the involuntary claw flex beneath her 
glamour. Her tongue flicks out, wetting her lips. Silence reigns for a long span before - "Tell me more," she finally 

Biting off each word, Gero n'Lochli says, "I am not here to bring amusement for others."

The air around Gero grows thick with palpable violence, cloying, thick.

You have emoted: Sadhyra exhales sharply, stepping even closer. "We do not ask for amusement," she hisses, voice 
sibilant. "We ask for truth."

Gero leans in, his eyes ignoring your illusionary mask and instead meeting your many faceted eyes directly. He utters a single
word that echos in the quiet "No."

Softly, Gero n'Lochli says, "Truth is never spoken. Only it's echo is. Truth is only ever learned on one's own."

You have emoted: Sadhyra echoes your refusal - "No?" the word rings in disbelief. "NO?!" Her illusions shred away, the 
tatters dissipating into mist. "NO?!" she demands.

With a sharp inhale, you say, "How shall we find truth, then?"

Gero exhales slowly, allowing a long fluid breath to creep from his lungs.

The tension in the air vanishes, leaving the chamber seeming almost too small for what it held only moments before.

You have emoted: Sadhyra exhales slowly, her own tension pulling away as the chamber quiets. Her eyes close. She says 
nothing, for a long span, before she reaches towards you, fingers almost claw-like.

In a whisper, you say to Gero, "I want to worship him too."

Gero places his mouth next to your ear, his breath is warm against exoskeleton he murmurs so softly you almost miss his 
words "I reject you."

Gero n'Lochli whispers to you, "I've worshipped no god in all my days, I will not be such an object."

You have emoted: Sadhyra is silent, absolutely silent, for a span, a day, a week. Everything is ash.

You have emoted:Finally,  Sadhyra's exhale turns into a laugh, which melts down into a scream. "You DICK," she howls, claws 
twisting about in earnest. "YOU ARE EVIL!"

Gero n'Lochli whispers to you, "I will not be your fulcrum, I shall not bear the sum of you. I will give you no quarter 
from the chaos of weave, shealtering you from it with beautiful lies."

Hissing and scowling with rage, you say to Gero, "Get....OUT."

Gero's mouth moves, but no sounds can be heard.

You have emoted: Sadhyra suddenly leaps towards you, illusion completely shredded away into tatters - instead she is all
claws and violence and rage.

Barely human, you say, "GET. OUT."

Gero turns on his heels gliding from the chamber without another word.
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