Hosted by the Oneroi, whose fiendishly difficult questions managed to stump all of us at one point or another. Whew! However, they did generously give partial credit on certain questions as well. Thank you for hosting the quiz, Oneiroi!
(1) NEW QUESTION: "Of what profession is Apprentice Asaami, whose skills can lure the attention of the legendary fire wyverns?
Point value: 0
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Fire Spinner"[/spoiler]
(2) NEW QUESTION: "What classification of Dynodeon hatched a plan to break into the Night Market?"
Point value: 1
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Replicant"
Contestant Answer
---------- ------
Nyxx: Robotic dynodeon
Portius: Silver
Irillia: Silver
Vivet: Silver
Arcanis: Zvoltzed[/spoiler]
(3) NEW QUESTION: "What valley, home to trill and tae'dae, was uncovered by a rush of energy from the Elemental Planes?"
Point value: 1
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Irshaw Heights", "Irshaw"[/spoiler]
(4) NEW QUESTION: "Dream-crazed and ranting, what was the full name of the geomancer who discovered the gulagoyles with the assistance of Arcanis De'Unnero?"
Point value: 2
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Rasebal i'Xiia"
Contestant Answer
---------- ------
Entrias: Tainty McGuffin
Azus: Xaldrin
Ixion: Rasabel
Portius: Rasebal i'Xiaa[/spoiler]
(5) NEW QUESTION: "What type of anthropomorphic animal is Weeky Peedia?"
Point value: 1
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Badger"
Contestant Answer
---------- ------
Tau: Fox
Entrias: Furrikin
Daebach: Bear
Nyxx: Squirrel
Azus: Skunk
Ixion: Tigressssssss
Davos: Furrikin
Portius: Raccoon
Irillia: Raccoon
Delsea: Furrikin
Lleuke: Furrikin
Ayisdra: Squirrel
Telperion: Furrikin
Arcanis: Furrikin
Tredian: Fae[/spoiler]
(6) NEW QUESTION: "Which Imperial monarch taught Ladantine VII the secret art of dreamweaving?"
Point value: 3
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Sinenth III", "Sinenth"[/spoiler]
(7) NEW QUESTION: "What was the name of the matriarch of the Taurian Mercenaries and auxiliary member of the Dark Council during the Taint Wars?"
Point value: 5
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Meldoonia Sher"
Contestant Answer
---------- ------
Azus: Tanks McMoo
Ixion: Oneiroi's hawt pink panties
Lleuke: Mrs. Bullhorn
Vivet: Sheila[/spoiler]
(8) NEW QUESTION: "Known as the Plane of Betrayers and Murderers by Mysrai, what was the true name of the plane that was swallowed by the Plane of Ikara?"
Point value: 2
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Moraevi"[/spoiler]
(9) NEW QUESTION: "Akin to what substance does Avechna, the Avenger's body appear?"
Point value: 1
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Ebon stone", "Obsidian"[/spoiler]
(10) NEW QUESTION: "What is the full name of the leader of the Keepers of Dreams, who was the first of them to seek the help of adventurers in the Basin of Life?"
Point value: 2
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Ladae Mistskimmer"[/spoiler]
(11) NEW QUESTION: "According to legend, what substance was used to construct the Spire of Glomborolum from which D'varsh arose?"
Point value: 4
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Polished black coral", "Black coral", "Coral"
Contestant Answer
---------- ------
Tekora: Diamond
Entrias: Pearl
Nyxx: Kryptonite!
Ixion: Ear wax, lots of it
Davos: Marble
Irillia: Pearl[/spoiler]
(12) NEW QUESTION: "To which two Soulless Gods was Vestera, the Dreamweaver especially vulnerable?"
Point value: 2
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Kethuru and Zenos"[/spoiler]
(13) NEW QUESTION: "What instrument did Manteekan construct to siphon essence from the slumbering Hoaracle?"
Point value: 1
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "The Eisenglass Needle", "Eisenglass Needle", "Eisenglass"[/spoiler]
(14) NEW QUESTION: "TWO ANSWER QUESTION: Which fae became essential for freeing the Nightmare from His Wyrd-bound, icy prison? As a gift for releasing Him, Manteekan transformed these fae into something
else, what were they?"
Point value: 2
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Squonks and squonkabonks"[/spoiler]
(15) NEW QUESTION: "Who fought the Void-mad form of Hiureth, Seeker of Tales alongside the Bloom of Serenity?"
Point value: 3
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Isune and Darvellan"[/spoiler]
(16) NEW QUESTION: "By what title does the Soulless God Illith call Herself?"
Point value: 5
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Empress of Emptiness"[/spoiler]
(17) NEW QUESTION: "Who was known as the "Soul of the Nation"?"
Point value: 3
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Jilai Clarramore"[/spoiler]
(18) NEW QUESTION: "How many times has a Triumvirate of Elder Gods been called in recorded history?"
Point value: 5
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "6", "Six"[/spoiler]
(19) NEW QUESTION: "How many Elder Gods were assigned to Orlachmar's formation, Orlachmar's Beast?"
Point value: 4
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "250"[/spoiler]
(20) NEW QUESTION: "What creatures did Viravain turn bats into when She first remade Glomdoring in modern times?"
Point value: 6
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Bluebirds"[/spoiler]
(21) NEW QUESTION: "What Magnagoran 'guild' has made their base of command in the Feyranti Estate?"
Point value: 2
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Cogs in the Smog"[/spoiler]
(22) NEW QUESTION: "According to history, what was the breakdown of the passing motion put forward by Minister Ke'kix Oolin to the Dwarven Kingdom of 25% of all of Angkrag's harvested gems?"
Point value: 5
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "5 yeas, 1 nay and 3 abstentions"
Contestant Answer
---------- ------
Tekora: Denied
Nyxx: 1 to 4
Davos: Mining rights
Portius: Not even Hallifaxians pay attention to that kind of paperwork.
Vivet: 6 support, 1 oppose
Arcanis: Ah Gemstone[/spoiler]
(23) NEW QUESTION: "What is the first line of the Song of Opening that paved way to the Grotto of the Tidal Lords?"
Point value: 6
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Allindale glormaru gle salli shosho lamu!"
Contestant Answer
---------- ------
Nyxx: Waves crashing over me
Azus: Splish splash splosh!
Davos: I seek to open the unknown
Portius: Incoherent humming because they forgot the lyrics
Lleuke: Behold, yonder Watery Grotto!
Ayisdra: CLash the waves to an open path
Vivet: Lulalulalo
Arcanis: Rhysus
Tredian: Greetings friends[/spoiler]
(24) NEW QUESTION: "From what tribes do Riva and Rebo come from according to the legends of the Cursed Child?"
Point value: 4
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Tribes of the Snow Waste", "Snow Waste", "Snow Wastes"[/spoiler]
(25) NEW QUESTION: "On what date did the Fates proclaim the omnious phrase, "You will find that which you seek," to the Cosmic Hope Committee? (Day, Month, and Year"
Point value: 6
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "8th of Methril in the 543rd Year of the Imperial Empire"[/spoiler]
(26) NEW QUESTION: "In her diary, Cimtri, the Oracle of the Earthburner, names four spirits among a host of many. Who are these four spirits"
Point value: 6
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Ca Papa Yara, White Blossom, Bone Vine, Dirty Pia"[/spoiler]
(27) NEW QUESTION: "What are the ancient names of the three forests of the Basin of Life during the time of the Elder Wars?"
Poiunt value: 6
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Serynwodenhillirim, Glorianalefehlora, Ackeleheliorna"[/spoiler]
(28) NEW QUESTION: "What colour vest do the fae goats wear in Daeiv ma'Mornhai?"
Point value: 8
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Purple"[/spoiler]
The Oneiroi, Administrators of Fate say in unison, "In first place, we have Arcanis who will be rewarded 300 credits. In second place, we have Lleuke who will be rewarded 150 credits. And a tie for third place, we have Tekora and Portius, both of which will be rewarded 50 credits!"
Final scores:
Contestant Points
-------------- ------
#1 Arcanis 34
#2 Lleuke 23
#3 Tekora 18
#4 Portius 18
#5 Vivet 14
#6 Azus 13
#7 Entrias 8
#8 Ixion 4
#9 Nyxx 3
#10 Irillia 3
#11 Davos 2
#12 Telperion 1
#13 Ayisdra 1
#14 Tau 0
#15 Tredian 0
#16 Rivius 0
#17 Delsea 0
#18 Daebach 0
#19 Enadonella 0
#20 Bleuu 0
#21 Mistral 0
Edit: Ack! Apparently, spoiler tags and linebreaks just don't mix. Oh, well, enjoy the funny answers anyway, despite the messy formatting.
Ivanko isnt even that cruel!
Down with "On what date..." questions! Imperial calendar is horrible! *pitchfork
I would've still answered 6-1-2 though.
Also, since it doesn't show in the list of answers, were they cruel enough to demand the Glomborolum spire be made out of Black Coral, or was Coral a sufficiently accurate answer?
And do you still have all the answers, since a few of these quiz questions lack the answer.
I'm surprised no one got Irshaw Heights or Weeky being a badgerkin though.
Loads of people got Irshaw. Most of the answers quotes are missing the people who got it right. I think right answers get cleared from the list when the answer is announced, so hard to quote.
I wrote it as Irkshaw. I did a Slay.
Rasebal never called or messaged ever again. I moved on is all