Awdwyn's First Vision Quest for the Jaguar

EveriineEveriine Wise Old Swordsbird / BrontaurIndianapolis, IN, USA
I was really proud of Awdwyn in this! I am also thankful for the ability to now separate this room out and eliminate the exits, ensuring that there are no interruptions. It makes things go much more smoothly!


@Awdwyn puts down here gear and joins Everiine in the circle.

Grasses beside Moon River.
It is quite mild. This small area of grass leads from the Alabaster Road down to the banks of the Moon River. The road to the south is a line of white stone, threading beneath the tall trees that crowd around it. Moon River to the northwest, however, is a wide expanse of water, a massive river that cuts a path through the trees and forces them apart. Gravel lines the banks as they slope down to meet the river's edge. Two concentric circles of stones are set out in the grasses here. A mature hornbeam tree stands proudly here. Reaching up as high as the eye can see looms the awesome presence of a living totem. Serenguard Awdwyn, Keep of Everiine is here.
There are no obvious exits.

Everiine crouches down in the center of the circles and gathers up some old, dry branches. Striking a piece of flint, and after much trial and error, he soon has a mighty blaze burning.

Everiine folds his wings to his back and picks up the dry packet. "When we enter the realm of the Jaguar, you will need to focus on my voice," he says to you. "Do not lose it--it will be your guide."

Serenguard Awdwyn, Keep of Everiine says, "Aye high chief."

Awdwyn goes to sit close to the fire.

You ask Awdwyn, "You will be looking for a creature known for its ability to adapt. Do you understand?"

Serenguard Awdwyn, Keep of Everiine says, "Aye I understand."

Everiine nods his head, then tosses the packet into the fire. The paper bursts into flames almost immediately, and the herbs inside crackle in the flames. A thick, heavy smoke billows from the fire, obscuring your sight.

Awdwyn sits quietly as the smoke obscures her vision letting her ears twitch just a couple of times.

As the smoke wraps around you, the sounds of the forest die away--or, at least, they change into something unfamiliar. The billowing cloud is whisked away on a stiff breeze, revealing a forest of old, mighty trees warped with age under a starry, moonless sky. The trees are ancient, on the brink of death, yet exuding a heavy presence, a wisdom of ages past. "Awdwyn, can you hear me?" the voice of Everiine sounds.

Awdwyn glances around her as the smoke clears. "Aye I can hear you High Chief.

From somewhere behind the range of your sight, you ask, "What do you see?"

Serenguard Awdwyn, Keep of Everiine says, "It is a extremely old forest it looks as if the trees are very tired and I can see the stars but no moon."

Awdwyn gets to her feet looking around her curiously.

From above, the sound of flapping wings rushes past, and suddenly, Everiine stands behind you, blinking and looking around, as if he didn't expect to appear. "I can only imagine the stories this place could tell..." he says softly, then takes up a position next to you. "Somewhere, there should be an animal--we will need to find it."

Awdwyn nods as she fluffs up her fur as if to keep warm as she looks around the trees carefully.

Everiine casts his eyes about the area and flutters his wings, wrapping them around his shoulders.'

Awdwyn walks a short distance away from the fire looking high and low for any sign of another animal in the area.

Everiine lays a hand on a nearby tree, closing his eyes for just a moment, as if straining to make out its history. But, unable to hear anything, he resumes his search.

Awdwyn looks around untilshe spots something moving in the shadow of a tree.

Serenguard Awdwyn, Keep of Everiine says, "I think I see something by that tree it looks like a hare of some type."

Everiine hears the sound and turns quickly, but silently, crouching low to make out the shape of the creature. Sure enough, slowly, a snowshoe hare emerges emerges from the shadows. Its brown fur is speckled with flecks of grey, and the stars shine brightly in its eyes. "You are strangers here," is whispers, barely able to be heard, and it comes no closer.

Awdwyn crouches low as she responds aye that we are my name is awdwyn i was searching for an animal that is skilled at adapting.

The hare takes a step back, watching you with fear and trepidation. Clearly a cautious animal, it flicks its ears and retreats further into the shadow. "You've found one. Did my Master send you?" it asks, a mix of awe and dread in its tiny whisper. "You've come with one of His Own," it adds, glancing at Everiine.

Awdwyn smiles toward Everiine before answering. "Aye he is my guide. I hope one day to meet your master. I would bet your fur helps you blend in rather well here among the shadows."

Awdwyn stays perfectly still as she watches the shadows where the hare retreated.

Everiine looks on the hare with pity and nods his head. The hare, in response, pokes its head back out, though its ears flatten on its head. "Yes, yes it does," it whispers to you. "It helps me hide... the less I'm seen, the longer I get to live..." When it turns its eyes to you, and the stars reflect back from them, it's obvious that the hare is old--very old, and very tired. "Do you think that makes me weak, and a coward?" it asks.

Awdwyn shakes her head as she replies, "No I don't think it means you are weak or a coward. I think it makes you clever and wise to know that sometimes it is better not to charge in foolishly and you know how to use your surroundings to your advantage. Tell me, do you think you could tell me a little more about being able to adapt?"

Hearing your reply, the hare creeps forward out of the shadows, limping up to you and resting against your foot. "You're very nice to say that..." it whispers, looking up at you. "Being able to adapt is the first and most important rule of survival. If you can't adapt, anything you don't expect will kill you." While speaking, the hare slowly changes color to a near-white; however, the grey flecks remain, the tips of its ears don't entirely change, leaving it not-quite white. Again, it looks briefly at Everiine before turning its ears out, listening to something approach in the distance.

Awdwyn smiles down at the hare. "So to be able to adapt means to be able to be ready for the unexpected to happen and be able to change plans in the face of that rather than always sticking with a rigid way of thinking?"

The hare turns to Everiine . "She is smart, I think," it whispers, slowly changing back to its original brown; though now, its back remains white. It seems that, in its old age, the hare is losing its ability to adapt its camouflage as well as it used to. It lifts its head from your foot and limps back toward the shadows. It turns to look at you both, flicking its ears sadly. "You'll do well in the cycle of the hunt," it whispers.

Awdwyn dips her head in a respectful nod as she replies, "Thank you hare for what you have taught me. I shall not forget your lesson" before glancing back at Everiine with a smile.

Everiine wipes a tear from his eye, then flutters his wings and folds them again. "We should go, little one," he says as the sound of footfalls approaching rouses him to action. With a last glance at the shadows to which the hare retreated, he says, "We do not wish to be here too long."

Awdwyn nods as she glances toward where the hare disappeared one last time then straightens up and walks back over to Everiine.

Everiine ushers you away and further into the woods, quickly making your way winding through the trees. A deep fog creeps along the ground, rising around your ankles, then your knees, until it envelopes your whole body. A whooping cry, the cry of the hunt, echoes from behind you, but quickly fades into the fog as it dissipates like smoke of a dead fire, the last wisps rising from the charred logs in the center of the circles of stones. You have returned.

Awdwyn blinks for a moment before looking at Everiine with a smile on her face.

With sadness in his voice, you ask, "What did you learn, little one?"

Serenguard Awdwyn, Keep of Everiine says, "I learned that sometimes adapting means that you need to have a mind that is flexible and not have the sort of outlook that every situation will fit the same pattern always. That sometimes it is good to think of something different to be able to face something you dont expect is coming."

Everiine nods his head and settles his wings to his back. "Did you learn anything else?" he asks.

Serenguard Awdwyn, Keep of Everiine says, "If you bring the same way of thinking to every situation sometimes things go differently and a disaster happens because you couldnt leave room for the chance that that could happen."

Everiine closes his eyes for a moment, then opens them again. "It sounds like you learned well the lessons of the snowhare. Do you think that you succeeded in your quest?" he asks.

Serenguard Awdwyn, Keep of Everiine says, "I also learned that just because avoid an unnecessary fight you arent ready for it doesnt necessarily follow that you are a coward it just means you are wise enough to pick your battles."

Awdwyn's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.

Serenguard Awdwyn, Keep of Everiine says, "I do that hare was small but he was a wise old creature."

Everiine stands and folds his wings to his back, offering you a hand.

Awdwyn takes the hand and rises to her feet.

Pounding his fist across his chest in a tribal salute, you say, "Then I declare you to be Jaguar's Cub. You have taken the first steps along the Path of the Hunter, little one."

Shifting her attention to you, Awdwyn powerfully slams a fist against her own chest in a tribal display of respect.

Awdwyn's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.

Awdwyn glances for a moment toward the remains of the fire before saying "I hope the hare was able to make it to safety."

Everiine says nothing in response, his wings drooping, and he makes his way to the edge of the circles to retrieve his belongings.

Awdwyn quietly walking over to her own gear she slips back on her armour and her pack.
Everiine is a man, and is very manly. This MAN before you is so manly you might as well just gender bend right now, cause he's the manliest man that you ever did see. His manly shape has spurned many women and girlyer men to boughs of fainting. He stands before you in a manly manerific typical man-like outfit which is covered in his manly motto: "I am a man!"

Daraius said: You gotta risk it for the biscuit.

Pony power all the way, yo. The more Brontaurs the better.
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