Tweets VII: Tweet Child of Mine



  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    Talan said:
    The Blood House of Ysav'rai is liable to descend into obscurity without involving itself more in the
    goings on of the Basin of Life. The House must overcome recent dishonours equivalent to 350% of its
    standard threshold before it can begin to foster good relations again.

    Lol. Okay, it's on.

    *pom poms*
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • Luce said:
    So, apparently MKO not only has off-grid intros, their intros (plural) are race and (to a lesser extent) class based. AND you don't set your age until after the intro is over (age works different over there though, each race has a range of 'acceptable' ages to start as based on the source material). I feel slightly slighted.
    Admittedly, I was a little pissed off and sadly unsurprised that people were abusing Aeonics and the <16 age folks. What was an excellent roleplay opportunity and something that distanced Lusternia from the rest of IRE by allowing folks to start as a teenager rather than at 18 and older has been squandered because of a few nasty folks.

    To be truthful, I'd have no objections to expanding Aeonics aging to a wider range beyond 20 years of age. I think it's neat roleplay personally. Granted, I guess I can't complain. Glomdoring gets a ritual that turns all of us 18 again.
  • Nienla said:Granted, I guess I can't complain. Glomdoring gets a ritual that turns all of us 18 again.
    Oh, yeah. I forgot it did that.

    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    Partially because no one else cares about big manses, anyone who does already has their own giant manse and can't merge yours with theirs. 
  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    Rivius said:
    Vivet said:
    I'm definitely enjoying the Urlach Gauntlet. It's gotten some good use already.
     I forgot to ask, is there a special message when teleporting?
    Sadly, no.
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    Enyalida said:
    Partially because no one else cares about big manses, anyone who does already has their own giant manse and can't merge yours with theirs. 

    99% sure @Arimisia merged a manse/ship something with another one.

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • EritheylEritheyl ** Trigger Warning **
    Oh, I thought she was joking about that. My assumption was they sold off all of the rooms and tacked more onto their own ship.
    Crumkane, Lord of Epicurean Delights says, "WAS IT INDEED ON FIRE, ERITHEYL."


    With a deep reverb, Contemptible Sutekh says, "CEASE YOUR INFERNAL ENERGY, ERITHEYL."
  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    Nienla said:
    Luce said:
    So, apparently MKO not only has off-grid intros, their intros (plural) are race and (to a lesser extent) class based. AND you don't set your age until after the intro is over (age works different over there though, each race has a range of 'acceptable' ages to start as based on the source material). I feel slightly slighted.
    Admittedly, I was a little pissed off and sadly unsurprised that people were abusing Aeonics and the <16 age folks. What was an excellent roleplay opportunity and something that distanced Lusternia from the rest of IRE by allowing folks to start as a teenager rather than at 18 and older has been squandered because of a few nasty folks.

    To be truthful, I'd have no objections to expanding Aeonics aging to a wider range beyond 20 years of age. I think it's neat roleplay personally. Granted, I guess I can't complain. Glomdoring gets a ritual that turns all of us 18 again.
    Actually, my elf's starting age over there is 5 years under the cultural age of majority, currently. Granted, for them that is 100 years and physical maturity happens at about half that (which is their minimum allowable age), so it's the equivalent of her being 17 and some change, but...
  • Yes, MKO had rather lovely Intros. The troll intro (pun unintended) was perhaps my favorite.

    Sadly they have little else..
  • Aside from the ability to gain actually comparable (to bashing) experience from RPing well with people, (at the discretion of the other players, but it's still not negligible amounts).

    Gathering/Fishing that grants experience along the way, and also credits for every skill rank. Another thing to do which can pass time, since comms are always nice to have.

    A very versatile, and fluid combat system that highly encourages defensive and offensive play simultaneously, rather than just relying on a system to keep you alive. (I know this isn't fully the case here, but it's definitely less prevalent in MKO)

    Enough lore to easily rival all other IRE games, but that goes without saying given that it's based on a real book series. With more being added basically every month (or every other month)

    Plus having by far the lowest spending requirement, when it comes to buying credits to get places in game, due to how their combat system works.

    What they're largely lacking, is the playerbase to make things constantly fun, their admin team is pretty cool as well... But sure, they don't have much else... Not that Lusternia isn't good and fun, but to say they don't have much is pretty ignorant.
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    Hi, I see that you're new to the forums!
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    What MKO really lacks is documentation. They've got a series of items like our curios, but no ingame explanation of what they do. You literally have to ask someone else that had the same heirloom what it does.
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    I played MKO during its release so my experience is no longer remotely relevant. 

    Back then it was a chore to kill anything. I was level 60 and still having a hell of a time ice daggering freaking deer to death that I had been hunting since level 20. I gave up after a while because committing chipmunk genocide got a little old. 
  • edited January 2016
    Shaddus said:
    What MKO really lacks is documentation. They've got a series of items like our curios, but no ingame explanation of what they do. You literally have to ask someone else that had the same heirloom what it does.
    Yes, I hate this so much. Most of them are slightly? obvious, since you either wear, rub or touch them to get them to do what they do. They have a number of things like the demigod power for instance, that changes what others see when you enter/exit a room, or do QL... But yeah, documentation would be great, I think they've been working on that.

    Celina said:
    Back then it was a chore to kill anything. I was level 60 and still having a hell of a time ice daggering freaking deer to death that I had been hunting since level 20. I gave up after a while because committing chipmunk genocide got a little old. 
    It can still be annoying at times, without single/dual trans (but that's easy and cheap these days :P). There's no real damage reduction things in the game for the most part, which means you tend to have to pay more attention to hunting, and just makes having a system all the more better, since even bashing is pretty reflexively done, with absorbs/heals etc.

    RE Lusternia: I want to make dramaturgy work, but I have no clue how. I'm told Caco are probably the worst bard guild to have it on, but it's fun to create things, so I don't wanna give it up and go Tarot. Hated Tarot in both Achaea and Aetolia... :(
  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    I miss tarot :(

  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    Erorani said:
    Shaddus said:
    What MKO really lacks is documentation. They've got a series of items like our curios, but no ingame explanation of what they do. You literally have to ask someone else that had the same heirloom what it does.
    Yes, I hate this so much. Most of them are slightly? obvious, since you either wear, rub or touch them to get them to do what they do. They have a number of things like the demigod power for instance, that changes what others see when you enter/exit a room, or do QL... But yeah, documentation would be great, I think they've been working on that.

    Celina said:
    Back then it was a chore to kill anything. I was level 60 and still having a hell of a time ice daggering freaking deer to death that I had been hunting since level 20. I gave up after a while because committing chipmunk genocide got a little old. 
    It can still be annoying at times, without single/dual trans (but that's easy and cheap these days :P). There's no real damage reduction things in the game for the most part, which means you tend to have to pay more attention to hunting, and just makes having a system all the more better, since even bashing is pretty reflexively done, with absorbs/heals etc.

    RE Lusternia: I want to make dramaturgy work, but I have no clue how. I'm told Caco are probably the worst bard guild to have it on, but it's fun to create things, so I don't wanna give it up and go Tarot. Hated Tarot in both Achaea and Aetolia... :(
    Dramaturgy only works with aeon, otherwise it's pretty useless. As a cacophony you have masked affliction spam with no related endgame.
  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    Designs in post-rejection limbo. :(
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
  • edited January 2016
    Celina said:
    Dramaturgy only works with aeon, otherwise it's pretty useless. As a cacophony you have masked affliction spam with no related endgame.
    Don't say things like that  :((
  • edited January 2016
    Nienla said:
    Luce said:
    So, apparently MKO not only has off-grid intros, their intros (plural) are race and (to a lesser extent) class based. AND you don't set your age until after the intro is over (age works different over there though, each race has a range of 'acceptable' ages to start as based on the source material). I feel slightly slighted.
    Admittedly, I was a little pissed off and sadly unsurprised that people were abusing Aeonics and the <16 age folks. What was an excellent roleplay opportunity and something that distanced Lusternia from the rest of IRE by allowing folks to start as a teenager rather than at 18 and older has been squandered because of a few nasty folks.

    To be truthful, I'd have no objections to expanding Aeonics aging to a wider range beyond 20 years of age. I think it's neat roleplay personally. Granted, I guess I can't complain. Glomdoring gets a ritual that turns all of us 18 again.

    Pfffft, I used it to make Arix EVEN OLDER

  • Erorani said:
    Aside from the ability to gain actually comparable (to bashing) experience from RPing well with people, (at the discretion of the other players, but it's still not negligible amounts).

    Gathering/Fishing that grants experience along the way, and also credits for every skill rank. Another thing to do which can pass time, since comms are always nice to have.

    A very versatile, and fluid combat system that highly encourages defensive and offensive play simultaneously, rather than just relying on a system to keep you alive. (I know this isn't fully the case here, but it's definitely less prevalent in MKO)

    Enough lore to easily rival all other IRE games, but that goes without saying given that it's based on a real book series. With more being added basically every month (or every other month)

    Plus having by far the lowest spending requirement, when it comes to buying credits to get places in game, due to how their combat system works.

    What they're largely lacking, is the playerbase to make things constantly fun, their admin team is pretty cool as well... But sure, they don't have much else... Not that Lusternia isn't good and fun, but to say they don't have much is pretty ignorant.

    MKO has a few pretty fun mechanics in it, dont get me wrong, but as it's pre-producer once said he "had to build it from nothing". Upon release, there were -so- many things lacking in it that it was painful, and that really drove off a lot of players inspired to try it. From last time I tried it, which was many months ago, it was still trying to add some basics to the game. I recall it was several months after the game was released before a way to cure simple afflictions was even given (focus something or what not).

    I personally enjoyed the fact that players dont lose experience from PK deaths there (however this also introduced reasons for constant griefing..), as well as the fact people dont have to be walking pharmacies with 50 herbs and liquid types for curatives, but rather depended on a few skills to cure. I also did rather enjoy the concepts of fishing and mining. I admit I abhorred when they made it a near requirement to have a mount to travel around areas, else your endurance will drop like a lead pipe.

    However, in the end, they are still trying to build things up. I'm not certain where they are at now, last I saw they had introduced their own version of a vengeance system to accommodate the constant random kills. It is a nice game, but with the heavy lack of players, and IRE already being pretty thinned out, and them being so new and still needing so much to build on, not sure where it will go.
  • So, final ascension will be at 3am for me.

    Well, I didn't need sleep anyway, yep.

  • I feel like if nearly half of the denizens inside organizations are not allowed to be killed because they're part of collegium quests, you might as well just make them immortal if you're going to give them that kind of immunity. It's one thing to attack denizens inside the collegium itself, it's another to kill a nexus keeper because one organization has poor guard structure.
  • Nienla said:
    I feel like if nearly half of the denizens inside organizations are not allowed to be killed because they're part of collegium quests, you might as well just make them immortal if you're going to give them that kind of immunity. It's one thing to attack denizens inside the collegium itself, it's another to kill a nexus keeper because one organization has poor guard structure.

    a nexus keeper died? lol, who?
  • edited January 2016
    Arcanis said:
    Nienla said:
    I feel like if nearly half of the denizens inside organizations are not allowed to be killed because they're part of collegium quests, you might as well just make them immortal if you're going to give them that kind of immunity. It's one thing to attack denizens inside the collegium itself, it's another to kill a nexus keeper because one organization has poor guard structure.

    a nexus keeper died? lol, who?
    I killed Meleris because I exploited the fact that Celest's guard structure is pretty bad and they had no guards at the Pool. I don't envy Celest's layout because it's very easy to get past their guards and not very easy to fix without some investment on their end. However, not having guards at your nexus is a bit odd. If I was a Shadowdancer or something, I could've jumped someone at the Pool with zero issue. Since I was a Druid, I just melded it but they had a water elemental there which made saplocking Tridemon immensely difficult. I just killed Meleris and went home before someone arrived to summon guards. I left a split second before Taevyn actually did.

    Edit: However, I'd like to add this: Your prime organization territory is not and should not be a sanctuary immune to conflict. It should be very difficult to cause damage there, but not impossible. I think it's a very large slippery slope to make the named denizens, such as those in Celest, immune because they might be involved with collegium quests. The glassmaker, for example, is a very valid target if Magnagora or anyone else opposed to Celest at the time killed all the Supernals and was actively trying to make the Star fall. However, if the glassmaker is now rendered immune to conflict because they're involved with collegiums, that gives an organization an advantage.
  • edited January 2016
    I don't think it does at all. Name the denizen in Glomdoring who is equivalent to the glassmaker. 
    Or Gaudiguch or Magnagora.

    Edit: I suppose he's more or less equal to Kunthin or whoever hammers the spikes.
    (I'm the mom of Hallifax btw, so if you are in Hallifax please call me mom.)

    == Professional Girl Gamer == 
    Yes I play games
    Yes I'm a girl
    get over it
  • Kunthin in Magnagora, yes. Before you played Yarith, going after those folks was a legitimate tactic in order to delay the Necromantate/Star from getting powered up. Same with going after Abeytu in Serenwilde if we were going after Hart to have Crow kill him so there could be no moonglory fruit. It's always been a legitimate tactic, but since we're saying that they now have immunity, there's really no way to interfere with these quests in order to pursue an agenda. Your prime territory is not supposed to be invincible.
  • edited January 2016
    Edit: Nevermind. Don't care. Can't English anyway.
    (I'm the mom of Hallifax btw, so if you are in Hallifax please call me mom.)

    == Professional Girl Gamer == 
    Yes I play games
    Yes I'm a girl
    get over it
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    Alright, bullshit on the field. Red flag on the play.

    You only kill a nexus guardian to be a dick, not because it's conflict of any sort, and you certainly don't do it because it's difficult.
  • edited January 2016
    Celina said:
    Alright, bullshit on the field. Red flag on the play.

    You only kill a nexus guardian to be a dick, not because it's conflict of any sort, and you certainly don't do it because it's difficult.
    Sure. Not disagreeing with that. Never said I did, actually. I admit that I killed Meleris because he was there and unguarded, so I took advantage of that fact. What I'm disagreeing with is the fact that other denizens, because they contribute to collegium quests, are now immune to any sort of conflict because they're a part of collegium quests. That's where I kind of draw a red line. That means the glassblower, Kunthar, and even Rowena (who, by the way, was killed by Seren), who is part of a collegium quest, supposedly has immunity and she's a part of the quest to kill Hart or a legitimate way of denying a member of Glomdoring to pursue the fingerblade quest. My point is, it's a slippery slope with any of those.

    Edit: Anyway. Said my two cents. This is getting off-topic. Going back to Tweets mode.
This discussion has been closed.