Tweets VII: Tweet Child of Mine



  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    I tried to pastebin it last night, but the site froze and I didn't try again. It was literally Kelly hits me 3 times, Kreon hits me once (for half wounds due to Kelly) and dead. 

    Like I said, maybe it's something with kephera demi+ armour not working right. I feel like warrior food. 
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    I three-hit Arcanis during the Death challenge, while frozen (slowed balance). He had probably sipped at least once instead of applying due to being hit by NPCs, but four is definitely plausible if the first two are power hits.
  • This still doesn't take into account that he was likely parrying head 100%. I just refuse to believe nothing has changed in regards to parrying. Color me stubborn.
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    This is why I want to see logs, I want to see if it's curing issues etc. (like Arcanis sipping instead of applying).

    I mean, Kelly/Rivius probably have arties, at least lvl 2 (Kelly probably has 3's). I don't know about Mnemosyne, but I haven't had the same 4 shot kill experience with warriors that others have. I think something else is up (maybe Celina's keph armour thing). 

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    edited October 2015
    Two of those three hits were power hits, so it was all down to RNG on the last hit only. I will say that long ago, way before these changes, I three hit Silvanus (twice I believe). This was because he insisted on high cutting robes, though, and as a cavalier I use blunt for the kill condition. So even then it was possible!

    I've always been able to three-hit middling combatants both before and after with Cavalier though, depending on RNG (smite down has to roll head, and has to roll the crit aff-- middling combatants tend to not have much combat so did not have to worry about that part of the RNG). Stance / parry has never been 100%, there has always been a chance to get through it.

    The chance to get through it is just higher now for people who were used to more than 16 dexterity (apparently). That is the main "change".
  • edited October 2015
    Replace this double post with this nice gif

  • Celina said:
    I tried to pastebin it last night, but the site froze and I didn't try again. It was literally Kelly hits me 3 times, Kreon hits me once (for half wounds due to Kelly) and dead. 

    Like I said, maybe it's something with kephera demi+ armour not working right. I feel like warrior food. 
    Glory be to Hastebin
  • KaimanahiKaimanahi The One True Queen
    When we were hitting Ixion and Lothringen it was distinctly tough to build wounds, even with sinking power attacks in, and I haven't really noticed anything else extremely out of the ordinary in PK of late. Are you wearing any other armour, @Celina? I think you'd be able to test and figure out if it is the kephera thing; I can help if you can't grab someone.
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    I'm not. Just a coat and cloak for proofs. I'll do some testing when I get home and maybe ask @Ieptix to double check Kephera to see what their armor stats are supposed to be, and that they are working as intended. 
  • Xenthos said:
    I three-hit Arcanis during the Death challenge, while frozen (slowed balance). He had probably sipped at least once instead of applying due to being hit by NPCs, but four is definitely plausible if the first two are power hits.

    Not to dismiss this, but I was trying to focus on Leolamins during that, and thus was trying to spam walk out of the room to get to him, and kept getting knocked down/off-balance by cavalier beast. I was pretty much a sitting duck in that.
  • Hyrtakos said:
    This still doesn't take into account that he was likely parrying head 100%. I just refuse to believe nothing has changed in regards to parrying. Color me stubborn.
    Everyone uses beast spit mantakaya to negate stance/parry, too. Assault, assault, beast spit + hack down, win. Sometimes.
  • There's just no easy way to say, in character, 'I want you to do this side of this quest for me.' I would do it, but rp. Hmph.
    "Chairwoman," Princess Setisoki states, holding up a hand in a gesture for her to stop and returning the cup. "That would be quite inappropriate. One of the males will serve me."
  • AeldraAeldra , using cake powered flight
    @Kethaera Is there not? Can't you not say something like "Hey, I've heard rumors that so and so would be serving us well if we would get their little problem out of the way. Mind, could you turn your attention that, as I'm currently occupied?" or something with a similar meaning?
    Avatar / Picture done by the lovely Gurashi.
  • edited October 2015
    Aeldra said:
    @Kethaera Is there not? Can't you not say something like "Hey, I've heard rumors that so and so would be serving us well if we would get their little problem out of the way. Mind, could you turn your attention that, as I'm currently occupied?" or something with a similar meaning?

    I think she means asking Seren to do their side of a quest? I might be wrong, as I just gave  Avurekhos the Chuchip's Sickle so he could raise the Veil( I needed it up so I could lower it) without really asking him to do anything. He coudl have just let it stay down, but Seren RP demands it be up, AFAIK. 
    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • Aeldra said:
    @Kethaera Is there not? Can't you not say something like "Hey, I've heard rumors that so and so would be serving us well if we would get their little problem out of the way. Mind, could you turn your attention that, as I'm currently occupied?" or something with a similar meaning?
    Not really, @Aeldra. Even encouraging someone to do the quest would be kinda... odd, and I literally made an entire post suggesting that no one should(at least from Glomdoring). Mechanically, though, it doesn't harm anything, it's purely an rp thing. @Tylwyth has the right idea behind it.

    But from an ooc perspective, I want someone to do it so I can do the other side again. For research. :(
    "Chairwoman," Princess Setisoki states, holding up a hand in a gesture for her to stop and returning the cup. "That would be quite inappropriate. One of the males will serve me."
  • Kethaera said:
    Aeldra said:
    @Kethaera Is there not? Can't you not say something like "Hey, I've heard rumors that so and so would be serving us well if we would get their little problem out of the way. Mind, could you turn your attention that, as I'm currently occupied?" or something with a similar meaning?
    Not really, @Aeldra. Even encouraging someone to do the quest would be kinda... odd, and I literally made an entire post suggesting that no one should(at least from Glomdoring). Mechanically, though, it doesn't harm anything, it's purely an rp thing. @Tylwyth has the right idea behind it.

    But from an ooc perspective, I want someone to do it so I can do the other side again. For research. :(

    Also, if you want someone to do something you have to explain it in a better way than "I kind of have this memory, but it's not my memory of a disembodied voice talking to a God that I think was this God, but the God didn't respond and I didn't actually SEE anyone talking to the God and I don't remember when/where it was."

    Because I don't get "Hey, can you do this quest?" out of that.

    I see nothing wrong with asking someone point blank ICly to go on a quest with you, or to perform a task to help someone.

    "Want to go on a quest together?"

    "Sure! Where?"

    "Oh, <insert place here>.  There's a gentleman here that always needs some kind of help, let's go do that!"

    "You are so much bigger than you think you are," She says, fervently. "You are a beacon of hope that shines through the world with every step you take. You are My beacon, Gabriella, and you shine even into the darkest of nightmares."
    The air sparkles with silver motes of light as a silken voice says, "You will see growth and strength where others will see weakness. You will walk with Us as a paragon of Serenwilde's power, for you have already walked this path before."
  • AeldraAeldra , using cake powered flight
    @Gabriella I didn't really mean it that vague, I rather meant it like: "hey, I came by Lanikai earlier to see how the Sea Battle went and she was all Jibbering about Marilinth and how raising her to cleanse the sea of despair would really help us all. Got me thinking, mayb e you could help me achieve that?"

    @Kethaera I didn't realize you were talking to make someone do something on an opposing faction,... well. My idea kind of only works if the person in question has any reason / good will towards assisting you.
    Avatar / Picture done by the lovely Gurashi.
  • @Aeldra I was talking to @Kethaera with that comment, not you, silly!
    "You are so much bigger than you think you are," She says, fervently. "You are a beacon of hope that shines through the world with every step you take. You are My beacon, Gabriella, and you shine even into the darkest of nightmares."
    The air sparkles with silver motes of light as a silken voice says, "You will see growth and strength where others will see weakness. You will walk with Us as a paragon of Serenwilde's power, for you have already walked this path before."
  • edited October 2015
    Gabriella said:
    Kethaera said:
    Aeldra said:
    @Kethaera Is there not? Can't you not say something like "Hey, I've heard rumors that so and so would be serving us well if we would get their little problem out of the way. Mind, could you turn your attention that, as I'm currently occupied?" or something with a similar meaning?
    Not really, @Aeldra. Even encouraging someone to do the quest would be kinda... odd, and I literally made an entire post suggesting that no one should(at least from Glomdoring). Mechanically, though, it doesn't harm anything, it's purely an rp thing. @Tylwyth has the right idea behind it.

    But from an ooc perspective, I want someone to do it so I can do the other side again. For research. :(

    Also, if you want someone to do something you have to explain it in a better way than "I kind of have this memory, but it's not my memory of a disembodied voice talking to a God that I think was this God, but the God didn't respond and I didn't actually SEE anyone talking to the God and I don't remember when/where it was."

    Because I don't get "Hey, can you do this quest?" out of that.

    I see nothing wrong with asking someone point blank ICly to go on a quest with you, or to perform a task to help someone.

    "Want to go on a quest together?"

    "Sure! Where?"

    "Oh, <insert place here>.  There's a gentleman here that always needs some kind of help, let's go do that!"

    But I don't want you to do the quest! I mean, I do, but not. Also, why'd you have to fixate about what I said about the memory and hearing the voice, huh, @Gabriella? If I remembered what the voice had said(ie, I wrote it down somewhere), I'd have told you... as it is, I have no idea if the same thing happens on the other side(though probably similar).

    I think we were both just tired. All I was trying to do was, "I'm not saying I want you to do this quest, just that it's RIGHT HERE, in this area I showed you, just ask this guy, and you could do it if you wanted, and it's probably important to your god and all... but no, I won't help."
    "Chairwoman," Princess Setisoki states, holding up a hand in a gesture for her to stop and returning the cup. "That would be quite inappropriate. One of the males will serve me."
  • Kethaera said:
    Gabriella said:
    Kethaera said:
    Aeldra said:
    @Kethaera Is there not? Can't you not say something like "Hey, I've heard rumors that so and so would be serving us well if we would get their little problem out of the way. Mind, could you turn your attention that, as I'm currently occupied?" or something with a similar meaning?
    Not really, @Aeldra. Even encouraging someone to do the quest would be kinda... odd, and I literally made an entire post suggesting that no one should(at least from Glomdoring). Mechanically, though, it doesn't harm anything, it's purely an rp thing. @Tylwyth has the right idea behind it.

    But from an ooc perspective, I want someone to do it so I can do the other side again. For research. :(

    Also, if you want someone to do something you have to explain it in a better way than "I kind of have this memory, but it's not my memory of a disembodied voice talking to a God that I think was this God, but the God didn't respond and I didn't actually SEE anyone talking to the God and I don't remember when/where it was."

    Because I don't get "Hey, can you do this quest?" out of that.

    I see nothing wrong with asking someone point blank ICly to go on a quest with you, or to perform a task to help someone.

    "Want to go on a quest together?"

    "Sure! Where?"

    "Oh, <insert place here>.  There's a gentleman here that always needs some kind of help, let's go do that!"

    But I don't want you to do the quest! I mean, I do, but not. Also, why'd you have to fixate about what I said about the memory and hearing the voice, huh, @Gabriella? If I remembered what the voice had said(ie, I wrote it down somewhere), I'd have told you... as it is, I have no idea if the same thing happens on the other side(though probably similar).

    I think we were both just tired. All I was trying to do was, "I'm not saying I want you to do this quest, just that it's RIGHT HERE, in this area I showed you, just ask this guy, and you could do it if you wanted, and it's probably important to your god and all... but no, I won't help."
    I was fixating on that because you led with that and it confused me. D:
    But I was also super tired, yes.  And I'm home sickish today too, so that doesn't help.
    "You are so much bigger than you think you are," She says, fervently. "You are a beacon of hope that shines through the world with every step you take. You are My beacon, Gabriella, and you shine even into the darkest of nightmares."
    The air sparkles with silver motes of light as a silken voice says, "You will see growth and strength where others will see weakness. You will walk with Us as a paragon of Serenwilde's power, for you have already walked this path before."
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    Yay for cleansing, OOC talks with Gabriella.
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • Yay for clarifying talks.
    "You are so much bigger than you think you are," She says, fervently. "You are a beacon of hope that shines through the world with every step you take. You are My beacon, Gabriella, and you shine even into the darkest of nightmares."
    The air sparkles with silver motes of light as a silken voice says, "You will see growth and strength where others will see weakness. You will walk with Us as a paragon of Serenwilde's power, for you have already walked this path before."
  • Urghak the miller does not like enemies of Magnagora. I now have to beg people to gather my baking necessities. Throw off the chains of oppression, orcs! Be wild and free and under the control of anyone but Magnagora or Serenwilde, and I will show a bored and hungry dracnari the glories of your slave-gathered wheat!

    I also finally dared to count up my designs on Stratas. 92 spread across Artisan, Tailoring, Bookbinding, Tailoring, and Cooking, and not counting the ones still under review, or that I'm still working on. I'll break 100 once I clear my current design backlog. And this doesn't count those on my other character! Clearly I like this aspect of the game quite a bit.
    The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure pure reasoning, and inhibit clarity. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog!
  • Y'know, you can go get village amnesty from Grang. Probably shouldn't spend too terribly much on it, though.
    I'm Lucidian. If I don't get pedantic every so often, I might explode.
  • Psh. I don't pay for amnesty. Influencing for it is far more worth it. Also, I'm not enemied to Acknor. I'm enemied to Magnagora, who currently controls the village. Would I even be able to request amnesty from Grang? It'd be easier than getting amnesty from @Thalkros, if possible.
    The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure pure reasoning, and inhibit clarity. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog!
  • edited October 2015
    Moving it to the correct place.
  • Hey, I found a 3D version of Wyrdenwood


  • Chirbo said:
    Hey, I found a 3D version of Wyrdenwood


  • Radiation = Wyrd
  • Stratas said:
    Psh. I don't pay for amnesty. Influencing for it is far more worth it. Also, I'm not enemied to Acknor. I'm enemied to Magnagora, who currently controls the village. Would I even be able to request amnesty from Grang? It'd be easier than getting amnesty from @Thalkros, if possible.

    I mean....I'll do almost anything for cake or @Lavinya's neckflesh to molest. Whatever you feel comfortable making a trade with.
This discussion has been closed.