Why the envoy system is bad

SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
@Arcanis said it's bad, and he wanted me to start a new thread for him

Here's your chance buddy.

Everiine said:
"'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
-Synkarin's Lament.


  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    It's bad because I can't read all the reports when I want without bugging an envoy.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    That is not really "bad" though. More "inconvenient".
  • ShuyinShuyin The pug life chose me.
    The system isn't bad, we just have bad envoys.
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    @Tarkenton - you should be able to read all the finalized reports at the moment, to which your envoy can still comment on until they are submitted.

    I'm expecting a really long post from @Arcanis any time now, he's taken an hour and half writing it.

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    Sorry, forgot my /s. I assumed that would be taken tongue in cheek. Honestly, I like the envoy system. I kind of wish guild envoys could assign junior envoys that can eavesdrop on the envoy channel and just see the reports. That'd solve stuff I care about.
  • Synkarin said:

    Tarkenton - you should be able to read all the finalized reports at the moment, to which your envoy can still comment on until they are submitted.

    I'm expecting a really long post from Arcanis any time now, he's taken an hour and half writing it.
    Why do people keep assuming I lurk on the forums 24/7... I just came back now to see this thread even made, and im currently replying from my phone. By the original post though, this doesnt even seem like a thread dedicated to addressing a problem, but rather more like some continued gag sadly.

    However i will gladly address and point out the flaw of the current envoy system and why the other 4 IRE games have opted for a more open, universal and democratic system im place. Perhaps tomorrow afternoon my time.
  • Synkarin said:

    Tarkenton - you should be able to read all the finalized reports at the moment, to which your envoy can still comment on until they are submitted.

    I'm expecting a really long post from Arcanis any time now, he's taken an hour and half writing it.
    Why do people keep assuming I lurk on the forums 24/7... I just came back now to see this thread even made, and im currently replying from my phone. By the original post though, this doesnt even seem like a thread dedicated to addressing a problem, but rather more like some continued gag sadly.

    However i will gladly address and point out the flaw of the current envoy system and why the other 4 IRE games have opted for a more open, universal and democratic system im place. Perhaps tomorrow afternoon my time.
  • Oh boy here it comes :)

  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    Brace  yourselves for "the envoy system is bad because I'm not an envoy."
  • ShuyinShuyin The pug life chose me.
    The envoy system is bad because I'm not king envoy
  • I mostly just don't like the inconvenience of not being able to read reports that are on the list but pending. And that's only really when I see an skill/ability I have (currently or flexed) being envoyed mostly and I'm feeling curious about what's being discussed as well as too lazy to chase an envoy to find out.
  • I've been an envoy more than once and in more than one org, and while not attacking the system, I will say it lends itself to biases shared by multiple envoys who find themselves like-minded in where they would like to see the game go in regards to benefiting themselves.
  • I'm not an envoy, so I probably don't belong in this thread, and after this I won't be commenting, only observing.

    I just wanted to ask something of the people who weigh in on why the system is/isn't bad. If it's not breaking forum/game rules, would it be possible for the use of some form of evidence to back up your opinion? I'm certainly not saying that someone like @Hyrtakos (Sorry for using you but your comment is right above mine) should be calling out people, but an example of a time people biased the system for their own benefit, even without name naming would be useful for someone who's got little/no insight into it to decide which way they feel about it.

    That's all. Please be nice to one another. Remember, we all have an enjoyment of Lusternia in common!
    With an exasperated sigh, you say, "One moment please, I'm threatening a muffin in a box!"
  • Iari said:
    I'm not an envoy, so I probably don't belong in this thread, and after this I won't be commenting, only observing.

    I just wanted to ask something of the people who weigh in on why the system is/isn't bad. If it's not breaking forum/game rules, would it be possible for the use of some form of evidence to back up your opinion? I'm certainly not saying that someone like @Hyrtakos (Sorry for using you but your comment is right above mine) should be calling out people, but an example of a time people biased the system for their own benefit, even without name naming would be useful for someone who's got little/no insight into it to decide which way they feel about it.

    That's all. Please be nice to one another. Remember, we all have an enjoyment of Lusternia in common!

    I was one of the first I don't know..... 30 envoys? (not the first of my guild and wasn't good at it when I was put in the position) Granted, I haven't been around recently, but I would say up until few years ago I had been involved within it, so let's just agree on "general knowledge" of the envoy system. Not "attacking" anybody in particular, and if it has changed dramatically I will retract my statement.

  • It absolutely wasn't my intention to accuse you of attacking anyone, @Hyrtakos. I'm sorry if that's what it seemed like.

    I was just using you as an example to make a general request of people who weigh in on this thread one way or the other because you had provided an insight/opinion, and your comment was literally right above mine as I was making my comment.

    With an exasperated sigh, you say, "One moment please, I'm threatening a muffin in a box!"
  • SiamSiam Whispered Voice
    The good thing about the envoy system is that I generally get a fresh perspective on things after hearing/reading another Envoy's input. The only real inconvenience is that you can't read the reports before they are finalized, unless you're an envoy yourself. Whenever I encountered that problem, I just asked one of envoys to pastebin the report for me.
    Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"


  • ShuyinShuyin The pug life chose me.
    edited September 2015
    Since Hyrtakos mentioned it, I keep a record of envoy hilariousness over the years. Envoys never really change, from the beginning all the way to now.

    Here's one of my favorites from this year:

    Report #1340
    Skillset: Minstrelry           Skill: Various
       Guild: Minstrels           Status: Completed Apr 2015

    ^^^Gaudiguch ego instakill report

    ---[Maligorn on 4/28 @ 05:43 writes]:
    A New Argument Appears: Report 1116. I can't advocate a bardegokill with Dreamweaving now focused on 
    ego killing as well. - (read: Gaudiguch)

    Report #1313
    Skillset: Aeromancy            Skill: Northwind/DysbaricPressure/Miasma
       Guild: Aeromancers         Status: Completed Feb 2015

    Problem: With the overhaul, I believe cloudcoils are slated to go the way of ectoplasm, and that 
    leaves aeromancy without a kill method in the primary skillset unlike every other mage/druid guild. 

    ^Aeromancy mana instakill report

    Player Comments:
    ---[Maligorn on 1/15 @ 18:29 writes]:
    Hallifax has had a lot of random mana pressure that has had no outlet (besides DW Eternalsleep 
    (lol)). - (similar situation, DW included even!)

  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    edited September 2015
    Shuyin said:
    Since Hyrtakos mentioned it, I keep a record of envoy hilariousness over the years. Envoys never really change, from the beginning all the way to now.

    Here's one of my favorites from this year:

    Report #1340
    Skillset: Minstrelry           Skill: Various
       Guild: Minstrels           Status: Completed Apr 2015

    ^^^Gaudiguch ego instakill report

    ---[Maligorn on 4/28 @ 05:43 writes]:
    A New Argument Appears: Report 1116. I can't advocate a bardegokill with Dreamweaving now focused on 
    ego killing as well. - (read: Gaudiguch)

    Report #1313
    Skillset: Aeromancy            Skill: Northwind/DysbaricPressure/Miasma
       Guild: Aeromancers         Status: Completed Feb 2015

    Problem: With the overhaul, I believe cloudcoils are slated to go the way of ectoplasm, and that 
    leaves aeromancy without a kill method in the primary skillset unlike every other mage/druid guild. 

    ^Aeromancy mana instakill report

    Player Comments:
    ---[Maligorn on 1/15 @ 18:29 writes]:
    Hallifax has had a lot of random mana pressure that has had no outlet (besides DW Eternalsleep 
    (lol)). - (similar situation, DW included even!)

    Uh, these statements are not contradictory. The first is talking about (recent) changes that give DW ego pressure to use with the bard instakill, not eternalsleep. The second is talking about old dreamweaving that had mana pressure (theoretically) and the lack of a mana kill (at the time) for Hallifax. 

    Both of these statements are true. Hallifax had a lot of mana pressure without an instakill to make use of that, besides eternalsleep - which IS laughable. Gaudiguch now has a 'bardegokill' that costs less and isn't as tremendously restricted as eternalsleep and dreamweaving is now focused around pressuring ego (which is mostly useless for mostly everyone). Now that hallifax has a mage-native mana kill, the latter comment is no longer applicable, that's what happens when things change.
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    Lol, come on Enya. That is plainly a contradictory argument. 

    Argument 1: You don't need another insta because you have dreamweaving.

    Argument 2: We need another insta because all we have is dreamweaving.
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    It's not, and my post explains why! It turned out to not be very much of a problem, because the bard ego drains are (I hear) rather low, so stacking may not be a huge issue. It's too bad that DW offers so much less to most organizations now, that have a harder time using ego draining to their advantage. 
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    edited September 2015
    I always love Lerad's posts.
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • MaligornMaligorn Windborne
    edited September 2015
    Shuyin said:
    Since Hyrtakos mentioned it, I keep a record of envoy hilariousness over the years. Envoys never really change, from the beginning all the way to now.

    Here's one of my favorites from this year:

    Report #1340
    Skillset: Minstrelry           Skill: Various
       Guild: Minstrels           Status: Completed Apr 2015

    ^^^Gaudiguch ego instakill report

    ---[Maligorn on 4/28 @ 05:43 writes]:
    A New Argument Appears: Report 1116. I can't advocate a bardegokill with Dreamweaving now focused on 
    ego killing as well. - (read: Gaudiguch)

    Report #1313
    Skillset: Aeromancy            Skill: Northwind/DysbaricPressure/Miasma
       Guild: Aeromancers         Status: Completed Feb 2015

    Problem: With the overhaul, I believe cloudcoils are slated to go the way of ectoplasm, and that 
    leaves aeromancy without a kill method in the primary skillset unlike every other mage/druid guild. 

    ^Aeromancy mana instakill report

    Player Comments:
    ---[Maligorn on 1/15 @ 18:29 writes]:
    Hallifax has had a lot of random mana pressure that has had no outlet (besides DW Eternalsleep 
    (lol)). - (similar situation, DW included even!)

    These are also without context -- my biggest issue with the Minstrelry report was that it had no penalty for failure, e.g. it still does something substantial when it fails to instakill. This is unlike -most- instakills in the game. But I mean, laugh it up if you want.

    EDIT: Also, give the aeromancy manakill report a rest already. I know for a fact that @Shuyin supported it, or at least thought it was okay. I guess you can call it a failure of the envoy system because most of the whinier envoys weren't around to contest it?

  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    It is. Regardless of the level of drains, etc etc, the argument as it was presented requires Gaudiguch to be accountable for how skillsets on the organizational level interact, but attempts to relieve Hallifax of that responsibility. 
  • MaligornMaligorn Windborne
    edited September 2015
    If you really want an envoy faux pas, you should quote the Celestine shackles report. Moreover, I feel like my comment was as open as I could possibly make it -- this is what's going to happen if a manakill for Hallifax goes in: it's going to rock socks because of the amount of mana drain we have on tap but without outlet.

    EDIT: Whereas the Minstrelry + Dreamweaving report appears (whether rightly or wrongly) like a concerted effort to get Gaudiguch into the egokill business. But like, I'm not an envoy anymore, why am I arguing this!

  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    As presented by @Shuyin, sure. Except that Maligorn's comment goes on to mention (in the very next line) the organizational tie ins a mana kill in that skillset would have. But keep the hate boners strong!
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    edited September 2015
    Hate boners? I don't have the energy to hate anyone over a game, much less silly envoy reports. Lol@IRL alliances.
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