...and I really would like to know what options I still have available to me in terms of systems.
I tried Mudlet and we didn't agree on a lot of things, so really at this point, MUSH is my only option. But as far as I can tell, development of systems and plugins for MUSH seems pretty much dead.
Is there anyone out there still using MUSH with something homebrewed, or perhaps you kept it updated with all the changes going on. If so, please let me know! I'll pay you if you share!
The three systems I knew of for MUSH are definitely dead, though
I don't know 100%, but I assume since I still see @Rivius around now and again.
So, for that reason, I'm going to state my intention to sponsor a bounty of 100 credits to individuals who decide to release new public builds of a MUSHclient system. This is not a first come, first served basis and will be provided to the coder of each system developed, because again, choice is a good thing. However, said systems must be of decent quality, as per my own standards, as I'm the one fronting the bounty.
Hopefully this will help revive MUSH as a viable option for aspiring/returning combatants. I know a lot of old players that recently returned and they may very well be in the same boat I was in, so let's make this happen.
I'm not a fan of it anyway, it causes too many UV deaths to adorath knots.
ColourNote("green","black","%1","limegreen","black","h","green","black",",%2","limegreen","black","m","green","black",",%3","limegreen","black","e","green","black",",%4","limegreen","black","p-","limegreen","black","(","cyan","black","%7@scroll_bal@sparkle_bal","limegreen","black",") ","red","black","Sol","cyan","black",":","red","black","(","darkred","black","@bash_toggle","red","black",")","limegreen","black","Atk:","red","black","(","darkred","black","@attack","red","black",")","limegreen","black","X:","red","black","(","darkred","black","@target","red","black",")")
if "%7" == "Bexp"
then Send("firstaid")