EDIT2: Oh, I see what you meant. No, I didn't mean that successful designers get a free pass on getting reviewed, but rather that they get installled as additional mortal reviewers.
As it stands, you need to 1) submit two samples, and 2) pass an interview to start as a reviewer. Then on top of that, you need to actually review consistently until your efforts have a worthwhile impact. An impact that requires diligence and (as always) consistency to maintain. I could see, maybe...prolific designers being spared of the sample submission...but other than that, the rest has its place and works just swell enough.
I can't imagine someone just stepping into the role because they had some designs accepted. Your own designs vs. the designs of other people whose stylings, preferences, vocabulary and a bunch of other things may differ...it can get to be like apples and oranges. Also, even as the most celebrated designer, you aren't clued in on the nuances and little half-rules that are littered about the system. You learn these things as you work, I don't feel the process should be rushed for anyone.
People just need to apply pls, this cannot be stressed enough.
Crumkane, Lord of Epicurean Delights says, "WAS IT INDEED ON FIRE, ERITHEYL."
With a deep reverb, Contemptible Sutekh says, "CEASE YOUR INFERNAL ENERGY, ERITHEYL."
I would make a good editor (I think), but I'm a bad from-scratch writer - I over critique my own work before the draft is done. I cannot become a mortal reviewer under the current system . I would do it for zero credits if allowed, and if there wasn't pressure to constantly churn out reviews. If I could just pick it up on a day when I'm feeling like doing it, basically.
Honestly, I'd just like to see all the little half rules, comms rules, substitutions and the like actually spelled out in some help file(s). Things like iron standing in for any metal not explicitly a comm, etc would be nice to actually have accessible to people who want to design. Tbh, design, clan and cartel help files could all use a good going over/rewriting. Once, obviously, code things/important projects are knocked out.
Recently I had an experience where I needed to get some Fire/Frost potions and neither Gaudi/Mag/Aethershops had any in stock until I managed to convince Sedanas (a Glom at the time) to give me half of his.
Was it frustrating? Yes. But That's the price you pay for your org making certain strategic decisions when it comes to having an alliance with only one other city or being enemied to every other organization. Those kinds of decisions should have consequences, including having a lack of access to certain tradeskills.
Doesn't Ssaliss sell to everyone? I thought he did. There's really no reason to be denied of combat supplies, much as it makes sense RPly, and a lot of people understand that. I would have a shop for combat supplies for everyone in the plex if I had any inclination to run a shop.
Yes Ssaliss does, but I couldn't just waltz through Glomdoring to check the shops there. Think things are back in stock again, but my point remains that the current setup allows for interesting trade agreements to be made between organizations.
A) Because of Glom laws, I can't sell to Glom enemies, yeah (makes sense ICly, but I wish I could sell to everyone). I haven't had much time lately anyway, so I've barely had time to restock my shops, so I don't even know if I have any fire potion left anywhere at the moment.
I have always considered some skills should be classified as mini-skills with half lesson costs, simply because they are not 'combat requirement' but rather a necessity for living. For example, I feel the Arts skill shouldnt cost so many lessons, especially since it is half aesthetics and the other half is needed items, like vials and inks.
Additionally, some other skills which in my opinion should be mini skills are:
Planar: Since most of its skills are used to try and enhance traveling around the game
Beastmastery: Beastmastery, while has combat capabilities, should be perceived as enhancements and a secondary value to combat, as we already have enough to focus on.
Dramatics: We already have the influencing skill which is the main focus for the arts of Influencing. Dramatics is simply boosts and additions and should be seen more as a secondary skill.
I can't imagine someone just stepping into the role because they had some designs accepted. Your own designs vs. the designs of other people whose stylings, preferences, vocabulary and a bunch of other things may differ...it can get to be like apples and oranges. Also, even as the most celebrated designer, you aren't clued in on the nuances and little half-rules that are littered about the system. You learn these things as you work, I don't feel the process should be rushed for anyone.
People just need to apply pls, this cannot be stressed enough.
Additionally, some other skills which in my opinion should be mini skills are:
Planar: Since most of its skills are used to try and enhance traveling around the game
Beastmastery: Beastmastery, while has combat capabilities, should be perceived as enhancements and a secondary value to combat, as we already have enough to focus on.
Dramatics: We already have the influencing skill which is the main focus for the arts of Influencing. Dramatics is simply boosts and additions and should be seen more as a secondary skill.