Backstory: A request was made to move a Serenguard's hunting companion from a location, or something would be done about it. A hunting companion only obeys its own Tracker, however. Eurytus, Ev, and Ev's own hunting compaion, Mairim, set out to do the impossible.
Thank you to whoever took the time to make this happen on the spur of the moment!

Accepting the wisdom of the statement, you say to Eurytus, Master of the Hunt, "Indeed, you speak
truly. I shall return to my thinking, and hope that the Shofangi do not slay the timberwolf waiting
at the Altar of Brother Bull."
Making a face, Eurytus, Master of the Hunt says, "They plan to kill a timberwolf?"
You say to Eurytus, Master of the Hunt, "A threat was made, though I believe they have backed down.
One of the high-ranking Shofangi felt the timberwolf's presence was offensive, categorizing the bond
as 'litter' that needed to be removed. I have tried to convince the timberwolf to leave the Altar,
but that is where his bond-brother left him, and that is where he seems to intend to stay."
Eurytus, Master of the Hunt creases his brow in a frown.
Eurytus, Master of the Hunt begins to follow you.
Eurytus, Master of the Hunt says, "Let's go see this wolf."
Looking surprised, Everiine nods sets out down the hall.
<travel spam>
A damp, dark underground cave.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. The smoothed walls of
this rocky cave are slick with moisture, the air heavy with mist. The sound of dripping water echoes
about the cave as water runs off the walls into the pool below in a steady, soothing rhythm. The
cavern is narrow, low-roofed, and very dim, with faint light filtering down through a series of tiny
holes in the rough, rocky ceiling. Elaborate cave paintings are just visible covering the walls,
tracing the shapes of bulls in earthy shades of red, yellow and brown. Some of the images are deeply
engraved into the stone, carefully worked with apparent significance. Hackles risen, a fierce
timberwolf prowls about here. A white granite altar bearing an effigy of Bull stands here.
You see a single exit leading south.
<the timberwolf>
With a broad chest and large paws, a fierce timberwolf is sleekly muscled and covered in thick gray
and brown fur, separated horizontally across the middle of its body. Luminous golden eyes carefully
survey its surroundings, ears constantly twitching to aid it in its search for prey. Spread paws are
perfect for balancing its weight, and only a soft padding accompanies its movement, enabling it to
stalk prey stealthily. Its jaws are clearly powerful, with razor-sharp canine teeth ready to
puncture enemies and tear flesh mercilessly.
A fierce timberwolf is not one to be trifled with.
He weighs about 100 pounds.
He is loyal to Serenguard Tav, Keep of Hecton.
You cannot see what a fierce timberwolf is holding.
It has the following aliases: timberwolf, wolf, timber.
You bow respectfully to a fierce timberwolf.
A fierce timberwolf lifts his head up, observing your entrance with Eurytus in tow, before lowering
his head again.
Kneeling, you say to a fierce timberwolf, "Hail, favoured brother."
With short strides, the centaur moves toward the timberwolf. In a whisper, Eurytus, Master of the
Hunt says, "Who has bonded with this wolf, brother?"
Holding out his hand to the bond, you say to Eurytus, Master of the Hunt, "Serenguard Tav. It has
been decades since he woke."
At the reference to Tav's name, a fierce timberwolf's ears perk and he raises his head again.
Raising his palm to the wolf, Eurytus, Master of the Hunt says, "Shh, shh. Your bond is not here,
friend. He has not been here for a long time."
A fierce timberwolf snorts, or at least, snorts as well as a canine can.
You ask a fierce timberwolf, "Mairim, can you help us here?"
Tilts his head toward you, a fierce timberwolf his golden eyes focuses as if trying to understand
what you requested. Not before long, the wolf slowly pads over toward the other. However, Tav's bond
only snarls in return.
You say to a fierce timberwolf, "Slowly, Mairim... slowly."
A fierce timberwolf eases at your request, his body tensing, almost freezing in place. Tav's bond
continues to snarl, baring his teeth at Mairim's presence. Master Eurytus continues to shush, his
gruff voice resounding through the cave like lapping waves.
To the snarling wolf, Eurytus, Master of the Hunt says, "Be still, Tav's bond. We just wish to take
you someplace better, safer."
A fierce timberwolf snaps his attention to the Master of the Hunt, growling low.
Everiine turns one palm upward, showing the snarling wolf the scar on his hand.
"See, favoured brother--your bond and I are kin. We bear the same scar, and the same blood. We are
not here to harm you," he says, speaking to the wolf with reverence.
A fierce timberwolf's eyes shift to you, bouncing between Mairim, Eurytus, and you within seconds of
each other before settling. The threatening growl still remains in his jaws; his eyes narrow as you
show off your scar.
Eurytus, Master of the Hunt remains standing there, his hand in a defensive gesture, allowing you to
engage with the wolf on your own accord.
Mairim, a fierce timberwolf, pads one step closer, then lays down in front of the
growling wolf with his head on the ground. Everiine traces the scar tissue on his palm slowly. "You
are a proud bond-brother. You deserve the respect of all our kin, and our people. Even Mairim, my
bond-brother, recognizes your honour," he says.
A fierce timberwolf's throat vibrates as the growling remains, though he no longer bares his teeth.
Softly, Eurytus, Master of the Hunt says, "Seems you are getting to him, brother."
After a quick nod to the centaur, Everiine turns his attention back to the
timberwolf. Closing his eyes, he tilts his head toward Mairim, as if listening. "We know your pain,"
he says. "For we, too, have waited long for those who do not wake. Our brothers and sisters with
whom we hunted, Serenguard and timberwolf alike. We remember our kin, who fought at our side. We
remember our pack, who hunted with us. They are gone."
A fierce timberwolf eyes you suspiciously, letting out a gentle whine as you speak. At your side,
Eurytus nods approvingly, encouraging you to keep going.
Mairim, a fierce timberwolf, stares at his pack-brother with unblinking eyes,
exhaling with longing. Crouching and stepping closer, Everiine continues: "Iasmos. Elmund. Klia and
Kiarlea. Rabeth. Kolm." He then turns to Mairim, and with a tear in his eye, lists: "Windis. Hwerro."
Those last cause him to wipe his cheek, and Mairim whines. "But the Serenguard are strong. We are
one blood, and blood takes care of blood. You are not alone, honoured bond-brother. Your brothers
and sisters will take care of you, as you take care of your duty."
A fierce timberwolf raises his head, affording a glance to Mairim, Eurytus, and finally to you. He
whines a second time; his snout twitching.
Eurytus, Master of the Hunt says nothing, watching as the tests of blood-bond stand firm.
Bringing his scarred hand closer, you say to a fierce timberwolf, "I do not wish my brother, pack-
mate of my bond, to be alone. We are stronger together than we are alone. We will wait for Tav
A fierce timberwolf's ears perk again as you say Tav's name, his whines more apparent and louder now
as they fill the cave. Slowly, slowly, the wolf rises to his paws, padding toward Mairim who greets
him with his own raising of his head.
Everiine stays crouched and lets the two timberwolves acquaint. Mairim, for his
part, licks his pack-brother's muzzle, but doesn't rise to his feet.
Eurytus, Master of the Hunt stares as the two wolves greet once another. Tav's bond licks Mairim's
face in kind, pressing his muzzle underneath Mairim's as if urging him to rise. With a squint of his
golden eyes, your bond looks at you as if wondering what to do next.
Everiine gives Mairim a nod, and the timberwolf rises to his paws. After another
lick, he steps next to his pack-brother and stands side-by-side with him.
A fierce timberwolf presses his body against Mairim's, playful behavior to be sure. Your bond acts
in kind, brushing up against the other wolf. They begin to circle each other.
A soft smile crosses Everiine's face, and he stands, folding his wings behind his
You say to a fierce timberwolf, "Mairim, we will lead him to the Lodge. There, he will be fed, and
treated, and shown every honour accorded to our bond-brothers."
A fierce timberwolf nods his head, understanding you completely. With a final push against Tav's
bond, Mairim strides toward you; the other wolf following suit.
Eurytus, Master of the Hunt begins to follow you.
A fierce timberwolf begins to follow you.
A fierce timberwolf nods and falls into line behind you.
Clapping a hand on your shoulder, Eurytus, Master of the Hunt, says, "You did well, brother."
<travel spam>
Chambers of the High Chief.
These chambers are a bustle of activity, assistants to the Lodge Keepers coming and going
continously, busy with the running of the Lodge and guild as a whole. A large horseshoe-shaped table
sits in the centre of this room, laid about with scrolls and parchment of various sizes, cleared
away in places to allow the Lodge Keepers and the High Chief to work. Many High Chiefs of the
Serenguard Lodge have left their mark here, and there is a heavy air of tradition, from the
antiquated decorations to the heavy main table itself, clearly ancient and much used. It is clear
that this room is the centre of the operations of the High Chief, and that those operations keep the
entire guild, and all that it does, working properly. There are 2 ivy-wreathed wooden chairs here. A
broad desk sits here, engraved with ornate scrollwork and images of nature. A sigil in the shape of
a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground.
You see a single exit leading south (open door).
A fierce timberwolf pads into the chambers with you, Mairim at his side. With a quirk of his head,
he assesses his new surroundings.
Everiine calls an assistant to the Lodge Keepers over. "Our brother has kept a long
vigil. See to it that he is fed a fresh kill, and if he bears any wounds, see that they are tended,"
he orders.
A fierce timberwolf stares as the assistant draws near, snarling softly at him. Whatever sign of
distress it may be, Tav's bond nonetheless allows himself to be taken elsewhere.
With a low growl, a fierce timberwolf pads out to the south.
Everiine nods as the timberwolf leaves. "You should check on him after he has been
tended," he says to his own hunting companion. "He is our charge now."
A fierce timberwolf's golden eyes turn to face you, lowering his head in kind.