Lack of Raves V: Stark Ravin' Glad



  • edited December 2014
    I feel the love <3 :x 
  • TremulaTremula Banished Quasiroyal
    Shoutout to @Milune and @Cauthorn for helping to cheer Tremula up without even realising they were doing it! Double shoutout to Milune for being an awesome person to be around. <33333333
                          * * * WRACK AND ROLL AND DEATH AND PAIN * * *
                                         * * * LET'S FEEL THE FEAR OF DEATH AGAIN * * *
              * * * WE'LL KILL AND SLAUGHTER, EAT THE SLAIN * * *

    Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
  • RiviusRivius Your resident wolf puppy
    First time I've been in a fight like that in months. Was actually pretty fun. Kudos to @Azula and @Placeus for being really great survivors.
  • Ixion said:
    Productive day!

    #128 He has sided with the Paladins of Old in their Crusade against the Scorpion Cult.
    #129 He completed the lost experiments of Xischonai Xeeth.

    Edit: Oops.. another
    #130 He has restored the lost souls of the Mornhai Sanctuary.

    Thanks for your patience.... you know who you are!! <3
    Please admin I just want one at the moment.  Can someone please look at the aetherepic.  I'd love to finish it!! (bug 8080 if that helps ;) )


    06/30/2014 19:37 Silvanus channels the power of the Megalith of Doom for you, stripping you of your Vernal Ascendant status.......bastard!!

  • Happy New Year!
  • @kelly for having the last dingbats I needed to buy the travel balloon
  • edited December 2014

    You pay 700 dingbats and receive a miniature balloon.
    Pinky Puddlegum exclaims, "I was saving a miniature balloon for my dear old auntie! Well, it's yours now!"

    balloon47136: a miniature balloon                           12     700db
    Hmm. Ok, Pinky.

    And for those wanting the balloon lines:

    Edit: Oh, forgot the room line for the balloon: 'A magnificent balloon floats over the ground here.'

    Edit: more lines I forgot-
    A miniature balloon spins rapidly in a circle, growing larger and larger to an enormous size.  (this is both first and third drop)

    A magnificent, floating balloon quivers and sways, then suddenly shrinks to a tiny size in the palm of your hand. (first person push)
    A magnificent, floating balloon quivers and sways, then suddenly shrinks to a tiny size in the palm. (third person push)

    Also, because I just now thought of it being nice to know - while I'm not sure how quick pathways or using a rift is to compare, the balloon takes about 30secs to travel to the location.
  • You beckon to a plush doll of Chuchip, Guardian of the Wildes.
    A plush doll of Chuchip, Guardian of the Wildes rises up into the air before you, its toyishly
    spectral features suddenly coming to life with a sombre bow of his head.
    A plush doll of Chuchip, Guardian of the Wildes says, "I have seen lives wink out of existence far
    quicker than they are born. That life is so callously mistreated by the cities is but one of their
    many affronts."
    A plush doll of Chuchip, Guardian of the Wildes frowns a thin, unpleasant look, nearly scowling.
    (Same thing)-

    Just got him from a solstice pressie.
  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    You examine a spine of putrefaction curio piece of the Toxic Spine Curio Set carefully, before 
    carefully touching it to a partial toxic spine curio piece of the Toxic Spine Curio Set. A brief 
    flash of light reveals that the two pieces have joined together, finally completing the Toxic Spine 
    of the Bloodless.

    K, now the administration just needs to stop making new curios so I can be done (haha, right). Woo.

  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    Vivet said:
    You examine a spine of putrefaction curio piece of the Toxic Spine Curio Set carefully, before 
    carefully touching it to a partial toxic spine curio piece of the Toxic Spine Curio Set. A brief 
    flash of light reveals that the two pieces have joined together, finally completing the Toxic Spine 
    of the Bloodless.

    K, now the administration just needs to stop making new curios so I can be done (haha, right). Woo.

    You examine a middle bottom sphere curio piece of the Crystal Comet Curio Set 
    carefully, before carefully touching it to a partial crystal comet curio piece 
    of the Crystal Comet Curio Set. A brief flash of light reveals that the two 
    pieces have joined together, finally completing a crystalline comet.

    Thanks @Vivet! Also, thanks for giving me pretty much everything else I need. You're bawssome. <3
  • Forged from black iron, this decorative vial is crafted to look like the Portal of Fate. The body of
    the vial is an oval, polished to a bright ebony sheen that sparkles in any light. Twisting around
    the Portal of Fate are ropes of pure gold shaped
    like flickering flames. Within the depths of the Portal, brilliant diamond dust shimmers like
    starlight, a testament to the impenetrable and unknowable paths of fate. Three iron sisters hover
    around the Portal of Fate, beckoning the observer to meet
    their destiny within.

    It's never too late to be thankful, or even stark raving glad!
  • NeosNeos The Subtle Griefer
    Yay, final revolt influence and a Preserve. Good start to the year.
    Love gaming? Love gaming stuff? Sign up for Lootcrate and get awesome gaming items. Accompanying video.


    Celina said:
    You can't really same the same, can you?
    Zvoltz said:
    "The Panthron"
  • Neos said:
    Yay, final revolt influence and a Preserve. Good start to the year.
    You're a bastard.. and congrats! Yeah, I like it when I nail the final denizen too.  Good luck, and see you next revolt :)
  • Raves for @Xeria for taking me exploring and finding new teas! :D

  • edited January 2015
    All the bullshit drama aside. Game is great! :D Much fun thank you all again!

  • edited January 2015
    Crumkane said:
    Happy New Year! May your year be full of all the sweets you could ever wish for!

    I hope I may have a .... "Crum-my" year full of sweet things :x

    But Milune that pun doesn't make sense!

    Shut up, let me have a good new years

  • RiviusRivius Your resident wolf puppy
    You examine a west map piece curio piece of the Treasure Map Curio Set carefully, before carefully touching it to a partial treasure map curio piece of the Treasure Map Curio Set. A brief flash of light reveals that the two pieces have joined together, finally completing the Treasure Map of the Basin of Life.

    Thanks to @Tandrin, @Altrea and @Vivet for helping me finish this one.
  • After some lucky solstice crates and saving over the months, I came out with a Doctoral Tam and an assortment of new artifacts. Starting to look like a good new year! Woo.

  • Stoked the snow in GTA 5 has now gone!
  • Silvanus said:
    That's why I'm secretly the Devil.
    It's no secret.
  • Raves @Lisaera for the really awesome ritual. I feel bad I complained about thing. But Cadwyn is a dwarf, and dwarves must always complain!

    But really, it was great! I loved it!
  • Leolamins said:
    Ixion said:
    Productive day!

    #128 He has sided with the Paladins of Old in their Crusade against the Scorpion Cult.
    #129 He completed the lost experiments of Xischonai Xeeth.

    Edit: Oops.. another
    #130 He has restored the lost souls of the Mornhai Sanctuary.

    Thanks for your patience.... you know who you are!! <3
    Please admin I just want one at the moment.  Can someone please look at the aetherepic.  I'd love to finish it!! (bug 8080 if that helps ;) )
    #131 He aided Slegi Vleemgol in her desperate attempt to escape a grisly death.
  • You have been appointed Magistrate of the Grand Province of Magnagora. A chorus of cheers erupts among the citizenry, who hope that you will lead them into a new age of prosperity.
    Ur'Marshal Marcella n'Lochli, Loremaster of the Tower has just replaced Steel Warlord Silvanus d'Murani as Magistrate of Magnagora.
  • Fun events are fun, and swans are pretty cool. Today, the Symphonium got an awesome guild pet.
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
  • PortiusPortius Likes big books, cannot lie
    And yet, I still don't know what happened to that confounded penguin. I was so hopeful that I might finally know, even over a year later.
    Any sufficiently advanced pun is indistinguishable from comedy.
  • edited January 2015
    A rave for @Palici, for being brave enough to:

    1) Not only be a merian Gaudiguchian, but a merian Pyromancer.

    2) Enter into a discussion regarding the nature of perception and reality with an Illuminatus.

    Bravo, sir.
    With an exasperated sigh, you say, "One moment please, I'm threatening a muffin in a box!"
This discussion has been closed.