Hey. This is my first real post on the forum and I'm wanting to ask some questions and do some real talk about the rationale behind continuing to play Lusternia. I really want to but at the same time I'm not so sure I should. I've been playing for a bit more than a week but this isn't my first time around the block. Way back in high school I played Achaea but generally had no idea what I was doing, some of the things I saw there turned me off, I'm not really interested in going back. Lusternia came maybe in 2012 and I liked it a lot more, but I fell away from it. Don't remember why, probably the promise of lots of money spent. That was when the monthly subscription was just getting started and I don't think we had the 1000 lesson packages (great idea by the way!).
Anyway, now I'm back and I'm not sure I should stay back. On one hand I love the ninjakari, I love the atmosphere, I love the style, I love the weapon, I even love the weird technique names. But it seems barren most of the time I'm on. I've only seen two people follow me in. One stayed maybe a half hour and one told me upfront he probably wouldn't be coming back, voicing pretty much the same concerns I've been having.
When I look around hte city in general I kind of feel like a 16 year old at the VFW hall. Everyone's much older and more powerful than me, more than a few names I recognize from the last time I played Lusternia which doesn't give me much hope for my chances of securing any kind of notable position once I'm higher level. I feel like I'm the young boy (the only young boy, which is the real trouble) in a very old boy's club, and there's few to no people around my level to interact with.
What I'm getting at is that, while I really like Lusternia and would love to continue playing, the state of the game at least from my perspective seems pretty moribund. Considering the kind of prices I can expect to pay to do well (I'm very interested in PvP) I'm not sure it's worth continuing. I could play Carrion Fields, which is also very low population but is also free. It's also permadeath so impermable aristocracies are never a problem.
I could switch guilds, maybe even cities, but I'm not sure where to go. Warrior appeals to me but I've heard it's cost-intensive to get into with runes and such and like I said, the cost of staying in a game that often feels decrepit makes me very shy of moving forward. That was part of the appeal of ninjakari originally, we really only need our primary to kill people and with the new payment options it wasn't hard to get to a point where I could start practicing combat (not that I've had a chance, since, you know, nobody's around). Also it kind of seems like everyone in warrior goes pureblade and pokes people in the legs (heheh, ninjakari complaining about people going for the legs) and I haven't done enough research into how viable the other options are. I'm an axe guy myself but I could be persuaded to do longswords.
I could switch games, but the only one I know anything about is Achaea and I don't want to go back to Achaea.
I guess what I'm looking for with this thread is some input from people who've been around for a long time. Some real talk input about what I can realistically expect to get out of a game in the state lusternia's in versus the prices I'd be paying to stay in. Along with suggestions about what to do with my guild situation. I'd like to stay with Ninjakari but I'm not averse to switching guilds if I feel like I'm not going to get anywhere with them. Nekotai seem cool but I've heard bad things (Speaking of said bad things, how did the crotamine change affect final sting?).
If I do change guilds, I want to make sure I'm going into a lively one and on the grander scale I want to make sure it's worth my time and money to continue with Lusternia. Geomancers and nihilists seem always jam-packed but I dunno if I actually want to join them.
tl;dr: Guild is mostly empty, I'm one of maybe two or three people I see around my level within my city, almost everyone I meet is demigod, it seems like everything worth doing is out of my league, I don't know if spending my time and money on trying to get to that league is worth it right now and I'm looking for input from people who are at that league and have a realistic idea of the state of the game and can talk about that with me while I consider my options.
I will second the whole 'don't be daunted by the demigods' deal. There are a lot of demigods in Magnagora and some old hands, but also a lot of them tend to be younger. Your own guildmaster was extremely young taking the position. Your champion only holds the position out of necessity, because no one else has been able to step up and take it over. You may not have people of your age/ability around you all the time, but they do come through, and us older players will happily still rp with you. You can look to join a divine order and find other avenues of advancement and recognition not tied to your guild, there is always a struggle to keep active city ministers, you can join a family and have the feeling of belonging even if they are all older and stronger than you - and in all these places, people will actually want to help you out and see you get stronger too.
Ninjakara has been one of the quieter guilds for a while now, but it's actually been on the rise of late. If it's not what you were expecting or you'd rather something else, by all means do what will make you enjoy the game the most! But remember that population ebbs and flows across the guilds and orgs constantly. Glomdoring was all but empty all round until recently. Hallifax has times of emptiness, and then it bursts to overflowing. One week will see an influx of novices into Gaudiguch, another will see them all roll into Serenwilde. My point is, really, that moving guilds does not guarantee you will still find a large population. There are precious few guilds that are consistently large. Precious, precious few.
Something to also consider is that even if your guild is sleepy, your organization is less so. Make some time and socialize with the people outside of your guild, too. That socialization is the primary appeal of the game to most people, the interaction with others to make it a more rich and enjoyable world.
As well, I can assure you that new people are more than able to get into positions of leadership, but there is a caveat; as with anything else, it depends a great deal on personality. Not everyone is "cut out" to be a good leader-- there are those who treat it as essentially a single-player game where they are entitled to anything and everything they want, without considering that there are other people out there they are working with / against at the same time for (generally) a common purpose.
Keep that in mind, try to work with people in your org more than against them, and you'll do just fine on that path too! Just take your time and don't "rush" for it, you want a firm foundational grasp on your guild & org's roleplay before you launch yourself into a position where you're expected to know it all.
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
If you're considering politics then an understaffed guild or org is likely to have more opportunities.
The main thing I wanted to convey is this: Be really careful about chasing the population. Play what you enjoy, do what you like to do. But org-jumping looking for more people is just as likely to result in some other organization's population soaring. You can leave one org and next month its population triples. Also for RP, consider joining an active order. There are several newly returned deities who seem to be lavishing attention on players. This is me echoing that depending on the guild overly for RP may be more disapointing than not.
But perhaps why that is less important here than in Achaea is that there are really a lot of possible positions.
My suggestion on the thing to avoid. Unless people are pushing you to take an major office try to avoid it for a few months. The younger character who challenges for GM or CL raises all sorts of suspicions and people are more likely then to vote against you for your age.
Get your bearings, read the newsboards, read the Lusternia histories, ask questions. Then start offering to help people. If you're doing much of the job on a daily basis, people will respect that and be far more likely to support and encourage you. If you look at guilds they have undersec, protectors, secretary and security positions. Taking one or more of those shows your willingness to help, but also to some suggests you are willing to put in some effort before going for higher office.
You'll even find that orders tend to have more available positions. They do have more advancement ranks (assuming achaea only still has the seven).
I've been sitting around the last two days or so wondering if I should bother trying to play again.. and the most I've seen is maybe three other people in Gaudiguch online. In all of Lusternia a meagre 40+. I remember when there were 100+ regularely.
Is this normal these days? Does stuff even still go on, or is it more a single-player experience these days?
(sorry for hijack)
Gaudiguch has been admittedly fairly dead for a bit. I'm generally on for about 20 minutes a few times a day unless somebody prods me, and even then I only see a few of the usuals and the occasional novice. I see most people around late afternoon PDT (GMT-7), admittedly. Fairly sure a good amount of the game is in a post-Ascension lull, which usually picks up around May and June. Not exactly the best thing, but it happens, and it generally tends to hit combatant-heavy cities/communes harder than non-combatant-heavy ones in my experience.
Everything goes in ebbs and flows in Lusternia. After Ascension, the game goes dead for a few months, then gets a huge resurgence that slowly ramps up to the next Ascension over about 8 months and the cycle repeats. As well, people (understandably) often hate playing on the 'losing' side, and Serelestifax has a higher population right now which attracts combatants, and the number difference attracts non-combatant RPers. This changes... pretty frequently, and Gaudi being a high-combatant-population city at the moment mixed with all those other factors just puts us in a population lull, which should really be lasting maybe another month or two at most.
Honestly, though, a lot of it is just timing. You seem to be around at ~2am PDT based on your newspost, which is a pretty dead time for Gaudiguch (fairly high American population), wheras Magnagora and Serenwilde (who have fairly high Australian/NZ/etc. populations IIRC) will have more people on about that time. There's actually fairly little that can be done about that, since short of a mass exodus, people do like playing where there's a lot of people in their own time zone and will generally flock there.
My best advice is twofold, depending on how you stick it out. If you stay in Gaudi, feel free to initiate stuff with people. Expecting people to start things with you generally leads to nothing getting done. If you're not sure about Gaudi because of time zones/population/whatever, nobody will blame you whatsoever and we generally don't enemy people for leaving, even to enemy orgs, unless they do some really stupid stuff when leaving (and we really don't enemy novices unless they attack us explicitly anyway), so do what's more fun for you in the long run. I recommend, before leaving if you decide to, talking to some people from orgs you're considering and trying to make some friends before making a final decision. You might find you consider Mag awesome and Seren a bunch of stuck up twig-fiddlers, or you might find that you love Seren but find Mag to be abhorrent taint huffers, or you might find that Hallifax has some really cool people who aren't totally stuck up in any way possible (yeah right).
It kind of sucks, and I'll be the first to admit it. If I'm around, feel free to hit me up for some RP or whatever (though I am admittedly scarce because of work and life right now). But in the long run, do what's fun for you.
What I -will- say is that the Templars, your guild, are a bit slow right now. Altrea and Maekarn are probably the most active there. Both are pretty helpful, with Altrea being more so. You can also message me ingame as Subotai (GM of the Gaudiguch Bards, the Minstrels), because I have odd hours for an American, and I can help you in any way I can.
The place seems a lot more alive now.
I'm admittedly around less than I used to be, since, I'm logging in to get experience and logging out before my buffs burn out.
But Gaudi usually has a few people wandering about just bug ct. But if you see me around I'll usually stop what I'm doing if someone needs help
Just poke me!
The Inner Sea. I take commissions doe.