So yeah... can we please have your rank preserved when you become a guild leader?
Effectively it would be like any other position in the guild, you would have your guild rank in score and the position would be added to that giving you the privileges associated with that position. The title could override your guild rank on gwho (or maybe just have it as your position) but honours would still reflect your actual rank.
In exchange for no instant max guild rank, the serving guild leaders would receive an automatic guildfavour every year with double the strength of a regular leader guild favour. Because the idea behind this is that they should still rise in the ranks and fall in them if necessary, guild leaders who break the rules and the like should be punishable just like anyone else, those who engage with their "tasks" (or whatever) and the like should also rise.
And yes, I'm aware that this could mean that someone might become guild leader and then lose the ability to vote or perhaps they won't have the ability to speak on gts. This could be worked around, but I also... don't care that much, if someone becomes a guild leader and messes up badly enough that they get disfavoured to rank 2 then they should lose their ability to vote(to be honest though, this plain just shouldn't happen ever), or if they haven't earned the privileges associated with rank then they shouldn't be handed them.
I suppose for perspective, last time I was Keeper in the Hartstone I checked the Annals to see the spread of guild members at each rank... Effectively it was all guild rank 19 and then a spread between ranks 1-5. There were a few exceptions but Astrasia is the only person I can think of who has hit double-digits in guild ranks without being a guild leader. It also kinda ruined the idea of adding some rewards tied to rank because... well everyone could just run for guild leader and get all of them instantly.

This has mostly been brought up by me going through my old drive of ideas for the Hartstone as well as other discussions recently. But it'd just be a nice thing tbh.
I personally wish it were easier to reach higher ranks in guilds, but the number of favours needed once you hit about rank 7 starts to get crazy. All of the guilds have that spread - ex-leaders and then almost everyone else between 1 and 5. I think that is more a flaw of the guild favour system.
My suggestion would be this - instead of guild favours, allow leaders to appoint people to ranks, like in orders. If you're worried about nepotism or someone being instantly appointed to GR19, have a process of only being able to gain 1 rank at a time, or have it require a second confirmation by another leader (like ministry appointments). To control it even more, have secretaries only able to appoint ranks up to 5 (or 3), and only leaders beyond that.
I admit I've always found it a bit distasteful that people can skip a lot of hard work by gaining a position, then sit forever at GR19. I wouldn't be upset if people returned to their former guild rank. Maybe winning can grant a rank in itself (like it works in cities when you gain a position). I know I was one of the few people who was actually GR8 I'm quite sure when I first became GA in the Nihilists, and it is traditionally a guild where people worked to attain rank thanks to an inner hierarchy.
But no, please no to being able to knock a guild leader off GTS or similar. If they're that bad, destroy them politically and replace them.
One reason this came up is from a discussion about people who become leaders, go inactive, get replaced within a few months, and now they're rank 19.
As opposed to your rank being a reflection of service and all that stuff.
Edit: could actually be a bug no one has come across in the time since release
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
I'd like to see guild ranks pared down, or made a lot easier for ranks to be reached without a bajillion favours, eg rank appointing like in orders over guild favours.
I don't like the idea of guild leaders being punished with a loss of rank/powers/perks (like GTS) while in power. If they are bad enough to warrant disfavouring they probably warrant being contested.
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.