Active orgs

So I'm thinking about playing again, just checking to see what orgs are typically active and the state of the playerbase. I have an illuminati and a few other alts from previous attempts at sticking around so trying to figure out which I should play at this point as far as combat / activity.


  • Considering it's a semi-3v3 at this point, you can really go with any org. Fights rarely break out over anything other than domoths/villages/etc. though... Also, activity really depends on when you're around, I think. I see it go from being Mag-dominated to Celest-dominated over the course of my day. The only org that's generally low on numbers is Glomdoring (and Hallifax, to an extent). It feels like Celest, Serenwilde, Mag and Gaudi are more or less equally active.
  • PortiusPortius Likes big books, cannot lie
    One caveat on what Ssaliss said. Hallifax is probably the most active culture org, if you're one of the handful of people who is into library and stage things.
    Any sufficiently advanced pun is indistinguishable from comedy.
  • I've tried mag recentlyish, but didn't enjoy being a nihilist. Gaudi I've always enjoyed and I've thought about New Celest and Serenwilde but have personally never played in either.
  • @Portius @ssaliss One more quick question, how is bashing between the classes currently? I found Nihilist pretty painful to do initially.
  • None of the classes are heads-and-shoulders above others, especially not at earlier levels.

    One-handed warriors get the most out of crits.

    Celest/Seren/Hallifax has access to divinus damage for bashing, which quite a few mobs are weak toward.

    Glom/Mag get access to poison damage, which Kephera are weak to, and Keph is one of the best mid-tier bashing area (because there's so many of them).

    You'll notice that the effects from the above are negligible until you're at a high enough level to crit consistently (and have DamageShift). Tankiness is probably a more important factor, and for that, race matters more than class at the early levels as well. In short: don't worry too much, until you hit 80-90, everyone's at roughly the same place where bashing is concerned.

  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    Nihilist bashing is pretty terrible until you get demonweb, it's true. As a viscanti you can become very tanky at least.

  • I've always found Monks to be the best bashers in the low-mid level ranges, because of tattoo armour. Load them up with DMP tattoos (which give double effect) and you'll have an armour value of (I think) 62/62. That, coupled with 20 DMP to various damage sources makes for a relatively tanky experience, especially when you add in guildskills etc.
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