Simple questions?



  • @Xenthos you're making my mouth water. ;) I've been lusting after Hartstone/Wildewood for a while now, but spending the equivalent of up to 50cr each time I flex OR 2900cr (for tam + skills) just wasn't what I wanted. If it gets in any way more affordable I'll be bouncing up and down in joy! :heart:
  • Anybody got numbers on what Philosopher's Stone does? (yes, thanks in advance for all the Harry Potter jokes, but I really would love a real answer as well ;) )
  • Versalean said:
    Anybody got numbers on what Philosopher's Stone does? (yes, thanks in advance for all the Harry Potter jokes, but I really would love a real answer as well ;) )
    20% on HME sips.
    Forum Avatar drawn by our lovely Isune.
  • Can you use it to make the Elixar VItae?
    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    Which tradeskills have abilities that will still work even after you switch to a different one?

    For example, I remember you used to be able to keep your languages if you skillflexed out of bookbinding. I also heard roseglasses will work even if you switch to another trade.

    Are these still right? Are there other trades and abilities that work like this as well?
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    I would be up for spending my lessons/credits and probably buying the no brainier packages if the costs for actually using those lessons was less. 
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    I don't wholly understand how skillflexing works. It says you're limited to 50 lessons per day, but if you had the cord, it says the lessons aren't used. So what's going on here? I don't understand. :(
  • edited April 2017
    The chord makes skill flex use the lessons but your still capped at using that many sort of ghost lessons.

    So like without the chord you switch a skill  and it costs you 50 lessons boom easy to understand. And you can only spend 50 an hour. So can only kind of switch out one full skill an hour.

    With the chord you switch a skill and it costs nothing. So you dont use anything and it seems like nothing happens. But your capped at using "50" lessons per hours and it counts to that so its like you've used 50 ghost lessons.

    So you skill flex once and then try and skill flex again and it'll go "nope cant do that you've already spent 50 lessons this hour" even though you've not actually physically spent any lessons.  And you can only spend 50 an hour. So can only kind of switch out one full skill an hour even though it doesnt actually cost any lessons.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    edited April 2017
    That is why I upgraded to the tam, as I now effectively have no skillflex caps (to explicitly state what Veyils had buried in the text, this resets every hour).  So you are restricted by time instead of by time AND lessons.
  • MaligornMaligorn Windborne
    I may be pulling this out of the thin air that is my memory, but I swear there used to be a syntax that converted real world date and time into a Lusternian date. Does anyone know it, or if it exists?

  • RancouraRancoura the Last Nightwreathed Queen Canada
    DATE something. The specific format is in HELP DATE.

    Tonight amidst the mountaintops
    And endless starless night
    Singing how the wind was lost
    Before an earthly flight

  • Phoebus said:
    Selenity said:
    Which tradeskills have abilities that will still work even after you switch to a different one?

    For example, I remember you used to be able to keep your languages if you skillflexed out of bookbinding. I also heard roseglasses will work even if you switch to another trade.

    Are these still right? Are there other trades and abilities that work like this as well?
    I don't have an exhaustive list, but here's what I do know: yes, you get to still speak the languages when you flex off bookbinding. You can also still read from your magictome when flexed off bookbinding, but you won't be able to charge it through taking damage (I just attach a regulator to mine, so this barely matters.) For tailoring, you can still wear your splendors when the trade is inactive, but they'll only have normal robes armor values. For the most part, stuff is disabled unless you have the trade active. I appreciate that languages are an exception to this rule.
    The prized mark for artisan furniture stays so it'll never decay, just can't port to it.
  • Phoebus said:
    I don't have an exhaustive list, but here's what I do know: yes, you get to still speak the languages when you flex off bookbinding. You can also still read from your magictome when flexed off bookbinding, but you won't be able to charge it through taking damage (I just attach a regulator to mine, so this barely matters.) 
    I just want to point out that the value of magictome isn't in the free charges. Whenever a charge is obtained, you have an extra 1/5 damage resist to that type. That's what makes magictome great.
  • Breandryn said:
    Phoebus said:
    I don't have an exhaustive list, but here's what I do know: yes, you get to still speak the languages when you flex off bookbinding. You can also still read from your magictome when flexed off bookbinding, but you won't be able to charge it through taking damage (I just attach a regulator to mine, so this barely matters.) 
    I just want to point out that the value of magictome isn't in the free charges. Whenever a charge is obtained, you have an extra 1/5 damage resist to that type. That's what makes magictome great.

    Is that active even when you switch out the skill to something else?
  • Breandryn said:
    Phoebus said:
    I don't have an exhaustive list, but here's what I do know: yes, you get to still speak the languages when you flex off bookbinding. You can also still read from your magictome when flexed off bookbinding, but you won't be able to charge it through taking damage (I just attach a regulator to mine, so this barely matters.) 
    I just want to point out that the value of magictome isn't in the free charges. Whenever a charge is obtained, you have an extra 1/5 damage resist to that type. That's what makes magictome great.
    I wanted to know this for a while...if you get hit with that damage, but you have 50 charges already, do you still get the reduction?
  • edited April 2017
    Yes. Originally no, but they changed that long long agoooo.

    Edit: IIRC the damage absorb only works if you have the skillset active though. Otherwise the tome just acts like 4 scrolls combined. (Needs to be recharged etc.) I might be mixed up on that one though. I haven't been a bookbinder in forever.
    Take great care of yourselves and each other.
  • Ah, thank you! I have been switching to bookbinder to hunt, but wasn't sure if there is a point since I have a regulator on my tome. Good to know that there is.
  • edited April 2017
    Veyils said:
    Breandryn said:
    Phoebus said:
    I don't have an exhaustive list, but here's what I do know: yes, you get to still speak the languages when you flex off bookbinding. You can also still read from your magictome when flexed off bookbinding, but you won't be able to charge it through taking damage (I just attach a regulator to mine, so this barely matters.) 
    I just want to point out that the value of magictome isn't in the free charges. Whenever a charge is obtained, you have an extra 1/5 damage resist to that type. That's what makes magictome great.

    Is that active even when you switch out the skill to something else?
    It is not, that's why I wanted to clarify. Magictome's value is its resists, which are only active as a bookbinder.
  • PhoebusPhoebus tu fui, ego eris. Circumstances
    Oh right, I thought there was another part to it. I barely remember what an active Magictome does, because I'm rarely a bookbinder. It's my second least-used trade, behind only poor, unloved artisan, my only skill I know that isn't Transcendent.
  • I use bookbinding daily, but that's because I just love giving people origami. >_>
  • I suppose I'm failing somewhat at the moment, but perhaps someone can help me here. <3

    I can't get mudlet to actually save my room marks, I have to redo them each time I start mudlet. The 'room mark' alias also has a bunch of code inside and I don't entirely understand which part is just syntax validation and which part I'd need to steal if I want to trigger it from an alias.

    So short question: If I wanted to create room marks through an alias, which parts of that code would I need? (for example: 'room mark 1337 nexus'?)
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Breandryn said:
    Veyils said:
    Breandryn said:
    Phoebus said:
    I don't have an exhaustive list, but here's what I do know: yes, you get to still speak the languages when you flex off bookbinding. You can also still read from your magictome when flexed off bookbinding, but you won't be able to charge it through taking damage (I just attach a regulator to mine, so this barely matters.) 
    I just want to point out that the value of magictome isn't in the free charges. Whenever a charge is obtained, you have an extra 1/5 damage resist to that type. That's what makes magictome great.

    Is that active even when you switch out the skill to something else?
    It is not, that's why I wanted to clarify. Magictome's value is its resists, which are only active as a bookbinder.
    I'm maxed on resists most of the time, so that isn't its value to me.  I just like having a single object that acts as all four scrolls that I can attach a single regulator to.
  • Im having a bit of trouble with the Mucklemarsh quests. Im supposed to bring three finks to the mother by influencing them in different ways as far as I can figure out.

    I greet the finks and some give this response:

    You greet a youthful fink with a sincere smile.
    A youthful fink takes a precautionary three steps away from you.
    A youthful fink says, "H..hello.."

    I empower them and they follow me.

    So thats great. I always seem to get two of them.

    The issue is getting the third one.

    They always give these two responses:
    You greet a youthful fink with a sincere smile.
    A youthful fink looks sharply behind him, checking to see that you are not addressing someone else.

    You greet a youthful fink with a sincere smile.
    A youthful fink shrinks from you but manages to stutter a greeting.

    I've tried empowering them and weakening them and both cause the fink to run away and vanish. Am I doing the wrong sort of influcing or?
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    Tylwyth said:
    Can you use it to make the Elixar VItae?
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    Kerith said:
    Hi! Is there a place to find Lusternia's policies on what is and isn't allowed in designing items?

    This would be really useful in general, but right now I'm wondering about "loan words" (words that started in another language but have become common usage within English). For example, for the gown I'm designing, I want to use the word decolletage. I know some other games have rules about loan words like that. One of them forbids the use of words that would normally have accent marks (décolletage), since accent marks don't show up in the MUD. (Shh, nobody mention protégé!)

    I can all but promise you that it will be acceptable to use the word so long as you use it correctly. The only real issue I've ever had with "borrowed" words in designs is when they're commonly used as the name of the area they're from or have strong ties to that area (Swiss cheese, things like that). 
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • PhoebusPhoebus tu fui, ego eris. Circumstances
    Shaddus said:
    Tylwyth said:
    Can you use it to make the Elixar VItae?
    I think he was trying to make a joke about a philosopher's stone and making an elixir of eternal life.
  • Xenthos said:
    Breandryn said:
    Veyils said:
    Breandryn said:
    Phoebus said:
    I don't have an exhaustive list, but here's what I do know: yes, you get to still speak the languages when you flex off bookbinding. You can also still read from your magictome when flexed off bookbinding, but you won't be able to charge it through taking damage (I just attach a regulator to mine, so this barely matters.) 
    I just want to point out that the value of magictome isn't in the free charges. Whenever a charge is obtained, you have an extra 1/5 damage resist to that type. That's what makes magictome great.

    Is that active even when you switch out the skill to something else?
    It is not, that's why I wanted to clarify. Magictome's value is its resists, which are only active as a bookbinder.
    I'm maxed on resists most of the time, so that isn't its value to me.  I just like having a single object that acts as all four scrolls that I can attach a single regulator to.
    I am 99% sure that magic tome resists are outside the 13/13 system
  • Veyils said:
    I had the same problem when I did it. I didn't take notes while doing this quest, but I think you should look into a third type of influencing, noting that those kids don't look like they have much to give you and they're scared enough already. 
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Tirah said:
    Xenthos said:
    Breandryn said:
    Veyils said:
    Breandryn said:
    Phoebus said:
    I don't have an exhaustive list, but here's what I do know: yes, you get to still speak the languages when you flex off bookbinding. You can also still read from your magictome when flexed off bookbinding, but you won't be able to charge it through taking damage (I just attach a regulator to mine, so this barely matters.) 
    I just want to point out that the value of magictome isn't in the free charges. Whenever a charge
    is obtained, you have an extra 1/5 damage resist to that type. That's what makes magictome great.

    Is that active even when you switch out the skill to something else?
    It is not, that's why I wanted to clarify. Magictome's value is its resists, which are only active as a bookbinder.
    I'm maxed on resists most of the time, so that isn't its value to me.  I just like having a single object that acts as all four scrolls that I can attach a single regulator to.
    I am 99% sure that magic tome resists are outside the 13/13 system
    ***********************[ Bodyscan - Resistances Brief ]************************
    Topic          Modifier 
    Universal      6
    Blunt          11
    Cutting        11
    Magical        12
    Fire           12
    Cold           12
    Poison         12
    Asphyxiation   11
    Electricity    11
    Psychic        12
    Excorable      12
    Divinus        12

    12420h, 11410m, 9390e, 10p, 26660en, 26660w mBelrxk<>-manifest destruction at xenthos

    You use 200 of your divine essence.
    Xenthos shapes liquid globes of power from the air and hurls them at you. You scream in agony as they splash across your skin and it blackens and burns away.
    Your magic tome warms as it absorbs damage.
    11005h, 11410m, 9390e, 10p, 26660en, 26660w mBelrk<>-

    = 1415 damage

    12420h, 11410m, 9390e, 10p, 26660en, 26660w mBelrxk<>-manifest destruction at xenthos

    After forgetting bookbinding:
    You use 200 of your divine essence.
    Xenthos shapes liquid globes of power from the air and hurls them at you. You scream in agony as they splash across your skin and it blackens and burns away.
    11005h, 11410m, 9390e, 10p, 26660en, 26660w mBelrk<>-

    = 1415 damage

    Moving to a different room (losing trueground, but kept Wyrd so I have the same damage enhancement buff):
    ***********************[ Bodyscan - Resistances Brief ]************************
    Topic          Modifier 
    Universal      4
    Blunt          9
    Cutting        9
    Magical        12
    Fire           10
    Cold           11
    Poison         11
    Asphyxiation   9
    Electricity    9
    Psychic        10
    Excorable      10
    Divinus        10

    12420h, 11410m, 9390e, 10p, 26660en, 26660w mBelrxk<>-manifest destruction at xenthos

    You use 200 of your divine essence.
    Xenthos shapes liquid globes of power from the air and hurls them at you. You scream in agony as they splash across your skin and it blackens and burns away.
    10897h, 11410m, 9390e, 10p, 26660en, 26660w mBelrk<>-

    = 1523 damage.

    Testing indicates that it is inside the DMP system, and since I remember assigning a DMP value to it when we converted over and Roark was working with me I feel pretty safe in saying that it is, in fact, within the system.

    It just doesn't show up on bodyscan for some reason.
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