I think as long as it's not blatantly OOC and doesn't break lore, creativity is fine for backgrounds. I've had a range over the years across various games, and few have been the standard background. I've had...a fantasy adventure story, a conversation with a flaming pie, a biography by the city librarian, a collection of salacious gossip, a series of annotated family portraits, a dossier as if for a spy, a series of report cards leading to expulsion from a magical academy....
Take this with a grain of salt, though. I'm the type of player who will post a pie chart as their election post, so if you want to be taken seriously, my advice may not apply.
RP-wise and for coordinating, how does time work in Lusternia? I know that a month is ~1 irl day and that 1 day is one irl hour, but IG, do you just say: "I will be available two days hence." for two hours, or some other method?
RP-wise and for coordinating, how does time work in Lusternia? I know that a month is ~1 irl day and that 1 day is one irl hour, but IG, do you just say: "I will be available two days hence." for two hours, or some other method?
A month is 25 days. With a day being roughly one RL hour, that means a month is 25 hours (give or take a couple minutes because it is not exact). So if you want to be more exact, your "I will be available two days hence" is perfect.
For months, "around this time next month" is pretty close to "tomorrow at this time," but because it's a 25-hour system vs. our RL 24-hour system the more months there are, the worse the translation gets. So for scheduling multiple months in the future people usually use the DATE command to find the rough day-of-the-month a specific date-time will be and use that (or they schedule for "x days before/after the weave" since the weave is always the same time, midnight GMT).
After attaching them, can tailoring curios (bows) be removed from clothing items? Does this have any consequences?
Same question for jewellery curios.
Also, I wonder about the spelling norms for the word jewelry/jewellery. I think the British spelling is the latter, and my understanding is that we usually default to British spellings. Should I be typo-ing things when I see it with one "L"?
After attaching them, can tailoring curios (bows) be removed from clothing items? Does this have any consequences?
Same question for jewellery curios.
Also, I wonder about the spelling norms for the word jewelry/jewellery. I think the British spelling is the latter, and my understanding is that we usually default to British spellings. Should I be typo-ing things when I see it with one "L"?
Jewellery vs Jewelry is a tough call since even the skillset and ABs can't agree on spellings for syntax.
I'm a consent-based roleplayer! Kindly ask first, and I will return the favour. Open to developing tinyplots. Atlantis is my client of choice! (Guide)
Jewellery vs Jewelry is a tough call since even the skillset and ABs can't agree on spellings for syntax.
Ha, our most popular bug/typo. If you see it spelled Jewelry in the ABs, please ABBUG it. As for the skillset, if there's any inconsistencies in syntax, please BUG it - Iosai made a massive migration from Jewelry a while back, but it might still be broken in places.
@Mrak you can remove the curios no problem, removing the bows affects prestige on the item, removing the jewels removes the extra charges (pretty sure on the last haven't looked in a while) the powers still work regardless in regard to the bows.
Jewellery vs Jewelry is a tough call since even the skillset and ABs can't agree on spellings for syntax.
Ha, our most popular bug/typo. If you see it spelled Jewelry in the ABs, please ABBUG it. As for the skillset, if there's any inconsistencies in syntax, please BUG it - Iosai made a massive migration from Jewelry a while back, but it might still be broken in places.
I'm new to harvesting herbs: what's the number of herbs that you should harvest down to in a room? Or, what's polite to harvest down to.
I generally do 6. The exact amount isn't really locked-in, but you do need to leave a certain minimum because a room that has been mage-terrained can actually lose an herb at midnight instead of growing (so harvesting too much can end up with the room's herb supply dying out the same as if you strip-harvested).
Glomdoring's "official rule for outside harvesters" is 10 and unofficial guidelines for Glomdoring harvesters is also 10, picked I think just because it is a nice-looking number more than for any real reason.
1) Can I wear both a tailored cloak and "an Elemental Cloak" (ashop 766)?
2) Are nature discs supposed to hit souls? I think that they currently do, but this is my recollection from the last wildnodes where I died many times, so everything is a bit hazy.
3) Are there "rules" for following written somewhere? I think the following things are true: someone won't follow you into an area they're enemied to, and someone won't follow you off plane (out of the area?) if you've declared them. Is there any way the follower can turn these restrictions off?
1) Can I wear both a tailored cloak and "an Elemental Cloak" (ashop 766)?
1) Yes, as it is an artifact, it isn't considered clothing in the fact that it doesn't take up a clothing slot. (As a related fact, it also doesn't currently count as clothing, so you can't put the damage runes on it if that was a thing you wanted)
For example, buying 5 costs 75 credits, rather than 125?
Edit: (The help file implies something like that but I want to make sure)
"Once again we must emphasize that this system is to be used _only_ for writing in-role history of your character. "
Anyone have any examples of great or well-written backgrounds and/or histories?
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
Take this with a grain of salt, though. I'm the type of player who will post a pie chart as their election post, so if you want to be taken seriously, my advice may not apply.
I know that a month is ~1 irl day and that 1 day is one irl hour, but IG, do you just say: "I will be available two days hence." for two hours, or some other method?
For months, "around this time next month" is pretty close to "tomorrow at this time," but because it's a 25-hour system vs. our RL 24-hour system the more months there are, the worse the translation gets. So for scheduling multiple months in the future people usually use the DATE command to find the rough day-of-the-month a specific date-time will be and use that (or they schedule for "x days before/after the weave" since the weave is always the same time, midnight GMT).
Thus, "two days before the weave" = 2200 GMT.
Same question for jewellery curios.
Also, I wonder about the spelling norms for the word jewelry/jewellery. I think the British spelling is the latter, and my understanding is that we usually default to British spellings. Should I be typo-ing things when I see it with one "L"?
I'm a consent-based roleplayer! Kindly ask first, and I will return the favour. Open to developing tinyplots.
Atlantis is my client of choice! (Guide)
Don't hate me. >.>
Also, I know cooks can make purity dust wafer things, is steam in herbs or something else?
Glomdoring's "official rule for outside harvesters" is 10 and unofficial guidelines for Glomdoring harvesters is also 10, picked I think just because it is a nice-looking number more than for any real reason.
1) Can I wear both a tailored cloak and "an Elemental Cloak" (ashop 766)?
2) Are nature discs supposed to hit souls? I think that they currently do, but this is my recollection from the last wildnodes where I died many times, so everything is a bit hazy.
3) Are there "rules" for following written somewhere? I think the following things are true: someone won't follow you into an area they're enemied to, and someone won't follow you off plane (out of the area?) if you've declared them. Is there any way the follower can turn these restrictions off?
4) Can kikikoru be used on custom beasts?