Tweets VI: The Tweetsixteenth



  • ElanorwenElanorwen The White Falconess
    Leolamins said:
    Elanorwen said:
    I honestly don't get what the deal is with people going to fight in domoths dying. It's like the claim that someone who went into a domoth to challenge an enemy team (I.e. you went against someone else's claim, not someone came to fight you during your claim) are non-coms. They're not, and no matter what level their 'might' is at, they will be considered enemy combatants after that point with all said consideration entails. I normally don't jump random people and rarely use the excuse of "ZOMG city enemy", but that doesn't mean that others don't or won't. Heck, people on the southern side have used that excuse quite often to do the same thing being complained about here. Kettle, Pot, black, etc... you won't change the mindset unless the rules are changed to disallow killing outside events.

    uhhhhmmmm....yeah right that's what was said.  Change the rules? 

    I agree with the first part of your rant entirely.  You go to fight you need to be prepared to die, dust it off and go again.  Where did anyone suggest changing the rules?

    What I said was that the mindset of people killing others off prime wasn't going to change unless the rules about killing off prime were changed. I never claimed someone wanted or suggested changing the rules.

    Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
  • Lendren said:

    Selenity said:

    Unrelated to the lack of virgins in Gaudiguch and Shaddus's leet Lusternia phone skills...

    ... I have an idea for a bardic (maybe an IG book?) that would likely take months to write, and an idea for an in game book that would require me to pour over it and math for about a month.

    Why can't I have the simple ideas? :(

    I did one like that, that took almost three months of research, and then easily a month of manipulating spreadsheets and graphs, and writing little C programs to test out formulae. It did well, but even so... it so wasn't worth it.

    That book is amazing. I regularly recommend it to people. Might not have been worth it in rewards but it really adds to the game.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Selenity said:
    Maybe it's just my paranoia, but I assume the second I go into enemy / off-prime territory I run the risk of being killed by anyone who wants to kill me for whatever reason they have. It maybe isn't the way things should be, but in my opinion, it's the way things are. It is better to assume there is no safety waiting for you in such areas than to assume that whenever you occupy the same space as an enemy / someone you participated in a conflict event with just moments ago.

    Even when I went to speak alone with Eliron in a manse to discuss the events going on in game, I had an aura of rebounding up just in case he decided to flip his shit and kill me. And people told me he's a noncom!

    Never assume as a player that the enemy is going to play fair or be friendly when it comes to combat. Never ever ever. If they are, don't assume they will do it again.
    (Tip: Aura of rebounding won't help you at all against a Bard)
  • Just came from the astral bash. Everyone there was really polite and kind.


    (Was still fun :P)
  • ShuyinShuyin The pug life chose me.
    If you don't want to get jumped, don't get involved in conflict
  • But! If you do get jumped and are interested in the art of combat you'll likely learn something! 
    And if you don't learn something you can copy it, upload it and ask for help on the forums.
    Most people who PK do it because it's fun. It's probably more fun if it's a battle and not just a slaughter and they'll probably be willing (and wanting!) to help you progress too!

    Dying on prime hurts, sure, but, the more you do it, the more you learn and the little bit more slippery you can become each time!
    (I'm the mom of Hallifax btw, so if you are in Hallifax please call me mom.)

    == Professional Girl Gamer == 
    Yes I play games
    Yes I'm a girl
    get over it
  • edited January 2015
    Yarith said:
    But! If you do get jumped and are interested in the art of combat you'll likely learn something! 
    And if you don't learn something you can copy it, upload it and ask for help on the forums.
    Most people who PK do it because it's fun. It's probably more fun if it's a battle and not just a slaughter and they'll probably be willing (and wanting!) to help you progress too!

    Dying on prime hurts, sure, but, the more you do it, the more you learn and the little bit more slippery you can become each time!

    I do like your enthusiasm! I just want to point out that there have been a lot of points in Lusternia's history where people are equally excited about (specifically) hunting down those who cannot/will not resist at all. So much free XP, and that much less grinding, in one sentient, butthurt package.

    Mayor Steingrim, the Grand Schema says to you, "Well, as I recall you kinda leave a mark whereever you go."
  • With every vernal influenced event, we are seeing more and more how the stories and days of the vernal gods were so pumped with excitement and flavor. The Vernal Wars were most definitely a lot more exciting than the small summaries let on, and I'd even wager they could rival, if not exceed, the Elder Wars series.

    Oh sweet @Estarra, how i'd love to see you flesh out the vernal series into chapters.
  • So i just found out how earwirt works. Basiclly it ad tiny snails on it that enter your body, wrap around the inside of your ear and telepathically sends sounds to the deaf. Gentlemen, behold the babelfish. Also, eww.
  • edited January 2015
    Riluna said:
    I do like your enthusiasm! I just want to point out that there have been a lot of points in Lusternia's history where people are equally excited about (specifically) hunting down those who cannot/will not resist at all. So much free XP, and that much less grinding, in one sentient, butthurt package.

    But PK XP is terrible.
  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    Arcanis said:
    With every vernal influenced event, we are seeing more and more how the stories and days of the vernal gods were so pumped with excitement and flavor. The Vernal Wars were most definitely a lot more exciting than the small summaries let on, and I'd even wager they could rival, if not exceed, the Elder Wars series.

    Oh sweet @Estarra, how i'd love to see you flesh out the vernal series into chapters.
    I don't know, I rather like the current direction, comparatively. Mugwumpois and the whole sharding process is what really made the Elder Books possible, with the Keepers of Mysteries to maintain them all, so the narrative style would have to function by some other manner for the Vernal Wars. Having more bits and pieces revealed with relevant areas is probably the best way to go.

  • PortiusPortius Likes big books, cannot lie
    Different formatting than the Elder Wars for sure, to suit the different sort of narrative. But I'd definitely like to see something of similar scope for the Vernals.
    Any sufficiently advanced pun is indistinguishable from comedy.
  • Akyaevin said:
    Riluna said:
    I do like your enthusiasm! I just want to point out that there have been a lot of points in Lusternia's history where people are equally excited about (specifically) hunting down those who cannot/will not resist at all. So much free XP, and that much less grinding, in one sentient, butthurt package.

    But PK XP is terrible.
    So how bad is bashing XP, if hunting Titans will ever be so lucrative?

    Mayor Steingrim, the Grand Schema says to you, "Well, as I recall you kinda leave a mark whereever you go."
  • ShuyinShuyin The pug life chose me.
    People jump for the buttery tears, not the xp.
  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    Titans are worth the most to offer. I was accidentally offered instead of immolated once and I was worth about 400k as a titan I think.

  • Selenity said:
    Maybe it's just my paranoia, but I assume the second I go into enemy / off-prime territory I run the risk of being killed by anyone who wants to kill me for whatever reason they have. It maybe isn't the way things should be, but in my opinion, it's the way things are. It is better to assume there is no safety waiting for you in such areas than to assume that whenever you occupy the same space as an enemy / someone you participated in a conflict event with just moments ago.
    YOU are not safe.  You are not safe anywhere.  You are not safe in your city/commune.  You are not safe at your nexus.  You are not safe with your cosmics/avatars.  NOT EVEN YOUR VIRTUE IS SAFE! Gawd, I just love Lusternia.

    Being that as it may, the world isn't as dangerous as it sounds and the worst that can happen is your character will get wuss-slapped (no permadeath here, move along) twice.  Feel free to explore.. just be prepared to be killed several times over every time you the comfort (and loneliness) of your manse.  The water is fine! I'm a terrible fighter but I still think you should dive right in.

    Everyone dies.  Period.  So, come on in and enjoy the Basin because the Basin sure likes you (or your blood.. bones.. virtue... whatever).
  • Honestly, most people won't attack you unless you grief/raid/etc, or unless they're really... really bored.
  • Svana said:
    Honestly, most people won't attack you unless you grief/raid/etc, or unless they're really... really bored.
    Even the really bored are like ``mah... too much trouble to sack a newb. it takes like 15 seconds to set-up insta-kill, and by then i could be doing something useful''.  It takes a SPECIAL kind of really bored to declare toe-to-toe in neutral ground.
  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    And honestly, death is so common that I think most will find being lied to openly stings more. It's... sometimes rarer.
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    Or walling people in when a revolt ends so that you try and kill them when their grace runs out. I believe that was attempted today.
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • @Shaddus Attempted and failed! See how pitiful the northern lands are when presented with the true power of the blessed Taint? Gaudiguch can call it what they like, but they are truly inheritors of it's awesome power and should embrace their destiny.  Ahh.  Hmm.  Yes.  Ahh.  Yesss.

    <Darth Tedius> Luuuuuuuuke, come to the Purple Side!
    <Darth Tedius> We have cake!
  • How high are you right now?
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    You say to Haghan, "I have a few volumes of books I plan to write. I know the 
    length of each section, and how many pages are in each type of book. I'm trying 
    to figure out the best combination to use so that the least number of books are 
    used AND the least number of pages are wasted."

    ... I think that maybe, just maybe this idea is too difficult if that reads quite so much as an SAT / textbook question as it does...
  • I think it's more important to make sure all your books match (assuming they're like An Encyclopedia of Seren Fauna, Vol I through IV or that sort of thing, and not entirely separate).
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    Akyaevin said:
    I think it's more important to make sure all your books match (assuming they're like An Encyclopedia of Seren Fauna, Vol I through IV or that sort of thing, and not entirely separate).
    It's... actually a puzzle solution encyclopedia for ONE sort of puzzle...

    ... if anyone wants to help me with math:

    Part 1: One page
    Part 2: 9 pages
    Part 3: 36 pages
    Part 4: 84 pages
    Part 5: 126 pages
    Part 6: 126 pages
    Part 7: 84 pages
    Part 8: 36 pages
    Part 9: 9 pages

    The lengths books come in are as follows:
    Scroll: 2 pages
    Journal: 20 pages
    Book: 50 pages
    Tome: 100 pages

    ... halp.
  • ... Do you intend to post all possible states the puzzle can start in, and how to solve it from that state?
  • Selenity said:
    You say to Haghan, "I have a few volumes of books I plan to write. I know the 
    length of each section, and how many pages are in each type of book. I'm trying 
    to figure out the best combination to use so that the least number of books are 
    used AND the least number of pages are wasted."

    ... I think that maybe, just maybe this idea is too difficult if that reads quite so much as an SAT / textbook question as it does
    Sorry but I don't really see the point in this? I mean, lusternia is not going to run out of paper, and you can put as much text as you want on one page. Pages to me are more like chapters.
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    Ssaliss said:
    ... Do you intend to post all possible states the puzzle can start in, and how to solve it from that state?
    Yes, exactly, @Ssaliss.

    Also, @Ventidius, it's just a matter of neatness.

  • edited January 2015
    Selenity said:
    Ssaliss said:
    ... Do you intend to post all possible states the puzzle can start in, and how to solve it from that state?
    Yes, exactly, @Ssaliss.

    Also, @Ventidius, it's just a matter of neatness.

    Well being books have unlimited space, how about a journal and you just fit the parts onto 9 pages out of a journal's 20. Simple is sometimes best in my opinion.
This discussion has been closed.