Simple Ideas



  • Just a silly little suggestion, but how about we reward players with a present when they recharge the '100 years old' mark, in thanks for having been with lusty for so long (naturally have to be active), and then another present every multiple of 100. Could be done with 'days played' as an alternative I suppose.
  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    +1 for custom poses please. :)
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
  • How about from time to time, sales are done for retired items, like dolls. Im sure people would love them, especially collectors.
  • Quality of life suggestion, but sometimes when we use the HELP search index and are given suggestions of scrolls, those scrolls, though underlined (and clickable) do not lead us to any help scroll. Example, when given the suggestion of artifacts miscellaneous, it is shown as: File: artifacts_miscellaneous . Which literally searches with those exact linked words , thus leading us to: "Sorry, no results found". Obviously the problem lies with the underscore, so if in the help code, underscores could naturally be considered spaces, that would help. Ty
  • Messages in our inbox when etchings (pentangle and hexangles) fade. Plus a notifying line when they do fade while we are awake. Please? :)
  • Arcanis said:
    Quality of life suggestion, but sometimes when we use the HELP search index and are given suggestions of scrolls, those scrolls, though underlined (and clickable) do not lead us to any help scroll. Example, when given the suggestion of artifacts miscellaneous, it is shown as: File: artifacts_miscellaneous . Which literally searches with those exact linked words , thus leading us to: "Sorry, no results found". Obviously the problem lies with the underscore, so if in the help code, underscores could naturally be considered spaces, that would help. Ty
    If you spot things like this, please BUG them! I think this one should be fixed now.
  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    I know they go to the same spot, but is that a BUG or a TYPO? Enquiring minds wish to know.
  • RiviusRivius Your resident wolf puppy
    Allow emoting for bonded animals?
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    And seeing emotes!
  • Fudge gender barriers!

  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    Secondary deeding. Allow for two tiers of deed. Primary deeds will work as they do now, allowing full control over the clan or manse. Secondary deeds will function just like primary deeds, but will not include the ability to alter the deeded status of that clan or manse. Secondary deeds will also be unlimited in number, while Primary will stay at one, and be defaulted to the true owner of the clan or manse, the person who bought it.

    Basically, separate deeds and ownership.
  • Aren't they separate already? I mean, we have to set the owner of aetherships in order to whistle them, and all that can be done with a deeded clan (AFAIK) is to set the clan head. The CL of Glom can't, for instance, induct people into Glom-deeded clans.

    Or are you suggesting several owners of manses/clans? Because that I can get behind. No more having to reassign manses to whistle them around would be pretty awesome.
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    edited July 2015
    Sort of. Right now, the holder of the deed can do whatever they want with it. What I'm suggesting is letting the actual owner always hold a better deed. A better way to put it would be separating 'owner' (purchaser) from operator (who is 'owning' it right now).

    For instance, let's say I build a hyooge aethership and deed it to Serenwilde. Currently, that manse basically becomes Serenwilde's, and I have little to no agency over it.  Once the deed is used to move 'ownership' away from me, I can only beg for it to be returned to me. In addition, Serenwilde could theoretically undeed it, giving it away to someone else!

     With dual deeds, I would keep the primary deed and secondarily deed it to Serenwilde. Then, Serenwilde would be able to change the proprietor around, but I could always change it back to myself AND remove the Serenwilde deed at will.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    You can't undeed any more, I believe.

    I also disagree with the ability to add undeeding, you should only deed ships that are designed to be owned by that organization.  You should not deed your own personal ships / manses.  If you do that by accident, I suspect that it can be rectified via an ISSUE, but having the mechanical ability to undeed it as a player just makes a mess of things.
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    Xenthos said:
    You can't undeed any more, I believe.

    I also disagree with the ability to add undeeding, you should only deed ships that are designed to be owned by that organization.  You should not deed your own personal ships / manses.  If you do that by accident, I suspect that it can be rectified via an ISSUE, but having the mechanical ability to undeed it as a player just makes a mess of things.
    Why? The point there is that it would make it less "giving up the thing you paid for forever" and more "Loaning it to X organization" so that you can deed personal manses and clans.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Enyalida said:
    Xenthos said:
    You can't undeed any more, I believe.

    I also disagree with the ability to add undeeding, you should only deed ships that are designed to be owned by that organization.  You should not deed your own personal ships / manses.  If you do that by accident, I suspect that it can be rectified via an ISSUE, but having the mechanical ability to undeed it as a player just makes a mess of things.
    Why? The point there is that it would make it less "giving up the thing you paid for forever" and more "Loaning it to X organization" so that you can deed personal manses and clans.
    The entire point of deeding something is because it is owned by that organization.  If players have the ability to take it back, it's not actually owned by the organization, it's owned by the player.  If it's personal, you shouldn't deed it, because you're giving away the ownership.  Permanently.

    Under the old system, whenever the org switched the owner around the new owner was able to undeed the ship and run away with it (keeping it forever).  We pushed to have that removed because... well.  I think it's pretty obvious.  I refused to assign the ships to anyone except like two or three people total.  Now I can assign them around worry-free.

    If you're keeping control it kind of weakens the whole concept of deeding.  "Here's a ship, it's mine, but you can kind of maybe semi-own it with this deed!"

    Seems better to just not deed your personal things to begin with, and if you want Org-owned things to transfer around, make them specifically org-things.
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    Players would still be able to transfer primary deeds to whomever they desire to mimic the existing system, if they so desired.
  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    Makes perfect sense to me and I'd totally want to do it with my ship. 
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
  • I'm not so sure about the whole "temporary deeds to orgs" thing, because of what Xenthos has already posted. For instance, Glom has spent quite a few credits on Ilosia; why would they do that if there was a possibility the original owner could just take it back? I can, however, see something else working much the same way: To change the current player ownership to deeds similar to orgs, and to name several people as caretakers of that deed (both as a player and an org). That way, a player could transfer a manse to another while still having it in their position; however, they wouldn't be able to deed it to an org that way. Instead, they'd have to transfer the manse, deed and all, to the org. That'd accomplish much of what you wanted; you'd be able to assign several people as caretakers of that manse (who would then be able to modify it in exactly the same way an owner is able to now), allowing you to lend it out, but you'd still be in control of it, and there'd be no question about it. For manses deeded to orgs, it'd stilll be a permanent thing; there'd be no way to take it back, meaning any investments the org makes into that manse is completely safe. Also, they'd be able to assign several people as caretakers as well, removing the current need to switch ships around when needed.
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    With my suggestion, you could deed your manse to an org completly, and it would be reasonable for orgs planning to expend credits to require that.
  • Give everyone one or two personal design slots to avoid the whole cartels with one design in them thing. Slot should probably be related to having a crafting skill so I guess everyone may be a bit of an exaggeration.
  • PortiusPortius Likes big books, cannot lie
    Add a toggle to acquisitio to set it to either pick up everything (like it does now) or only pick up corpses as you kill things.
    Any sufficiently advanced pun is indistinguishable from comedy.
  • AeldraAeldra , using cake powered flight

    Portius said:
    Add a toggle to acquisitio to set it to either pick up everything (like it does now) or only pick up corpses as you kill things.
    Yes please. That would help a lot in day to day.
    Avatar / Picture done by the lovely Gurashi.
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    Can we please have the ability to copy our own paintings?
  • Make cooking leave what you cooked in your inventory, not the oven. I really can't see any perks at all with it remaining in the oven...
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