M&M Bashing and Auto-Targeting (through Squad)

edited November 2014 in Mechanic's Corner
[3402h|100%][3648m|98%][3708e|100%[16661w][14600en][6p][m] [exlrdbk-] [worm]
(Hunters of Seren): Avurekhos says, "Targeting: Illithoid."
sqt Target accepted, fixating on: Illithoid
[3402h|100%][3648m|98%][3708e|100%[16667w][14600en][6p][m] [exlrdbk-] [Illithoid]
(Hunters of Seren): You say, "Target accepted, fixating on: Illithoid."
[3402h|100%][3648m|98%][3708e|100%[16667w][14600en][6p][m] [exlrdbk-] [Illithoid]kata perform worm shofabash
A Divine wave of healing washes over Feyr, and he looks heartier and more aware.
[3402h|100%][3648m|98%][3708e|100%[16667w][14600en][6p][m] [exlrdbk-] [Illithoid]
You attempt the Kata form of shofabash (momentum: 1).
* ka shofa worm left
I do not recognize anything called that here.
You are unable to continue executing your Kata form.
[3402h|100%][3648m|98%][3708e|100%[16667w][14600en][6p][m] [exlrdbk-] [Illithoid]kata perform worm shofabash
You attempt the Kata form of shofabash (momentum: 1).
* ka shofa worm left
I do not recognize anything called that here.
You are unable to continue executing your Kata form.


p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }

if not mm.me.doqueue.repeating then

mm.dor("kata perform " .. target .. " shofabash", true)


mm.dor("off", true)



p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }

caller = caller or "asasdfasdfdaf"

if matches[2]:title() == caller:title() then

target = matches[4]

-- expandAlias("t " .. matches[4])

send("sqt Target accepted, fixating on: " ..target)



OK, so. Here's my issue. The first portion is, obviously, my issue. It triggers (third portion is my trigger for the 'caller' to set my target) my target change, even highlights the target in my prompt and in the sqtells.

BUT for some reason, likely hidden in the SECOND portion, it isn't actually changing my target. This was working just yesterday, but cannot for the life of me figure out why it is having and issue tracking, now. Any tips, guys and gals?

Thanks in advance.

PS -- I am having to basically hit the F2 key twice, once to turn it off, then back on for it to register the change, so it is recording it SOMEWHERE...

PSS-- I dunno what that prewrap stuff is, not part of my script- I guess it is something with the forums.



  • KaimanahiKaimanahi The One True Queen
    I think you're changing the "target" variable, but that doesn't change the string input into the mm.dor() function. You would need to call that first alias again, after changing the target variable.

    Instead I would just make an alias to do send("kata perform " .. target .. " shofabash") and then just toggle that on/off with "dor <aliasname>". So essentially you're repeating the alias, which considers what the "target" variable would be, instead of just inputting the whole string itself into the dor function. 
  • Ah, that makes sense- I just wonder why it suddenly stopped working :/
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    Exactly what Kelly said.

    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
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