I sparred Maligorn because he's been teaching me how to bard... and... scrolling text of doom, ye Gods.
I think part of my problem was that I assumed he was earworting when he wasn't (oops), thought he was captivating while I was and ended up canceling my own captivation (oops again), and then... something happened and I was constantly unable to do things no matter how much I spammed?...
If the link magically stops working in the next 24 hours let me know and I'll put the HTML somewhere else. Thanks!
Edit: New link
You didn't diagnose enough -- my hidden confusion from violetvibrato is what kept you off balance so much.
Vadi still hasn't fixed the way m&m cures violetvibrato. It still tries kombu cures, when most if not all affs of violetvibrato have been moved to lucidityslush. Not your fault on this one except the aforementioned you should diag more (or make m&m diag for you -- it's in your mmconfig menu, how many hidden affs it takes before m&m takes balance to diag and set you straight.
Yeah, not sure what you were doing there, but it looked like you went back and forth between captivating him and blanknote.. which would cancel your captivate.
Are you also using totally random illusions? You'll want to marry the illusion to your kill strategy or situation, for example you may want to force eating an herb with a cure priority higher than the affliction you're actually giving to delay the cure, or you can give an ectoplasm illusion to try to get them to cleanse and lose balance to slow their offense.
Next, you'll want to consider disabling auto-reject against hallibards. Reject is huge eq balance, and if they're giving hidden confusion, you're going to be in a world of hurt if you let the system reject for you. Do a similar highlight for when you get lusted, make it red or yellow or something eyecatching. Then, when you see that colour, hit your reject alias. Your reject alias should automatically reject your target and enemy him (enemying someone does not require eq, so you can reject and enemy at the same time). Eventually, you'll want to make it track who lusted you, and dynamically reject that person instead, but for now, keep it simple. You'll also eventually want to highlight other lines that clue you into the fact that you are lusted (like your helpful passives healing your enemies, if you have any) in the same way.
Thirdly, tell m&m to cure paranoia based on your spiritsinger clue line. Specifically, your ancestral spirit hitting yourself. Specifically this line:
One of the pale spirits swirling around Selenity looms before you, howling
guttural curses that cause your limbs to quiver.
Trigger it and make it tell m&m you're paranoid, then you don't need to highlight it. You can do so by putting in the codebox:
I forgot if m&m stores paranoid as "paranoia" or "paranoid", you'll want to use mmshow to check and use the right one. Eventually, you can come back to add additional illusion checks to it, but most of the time, m&m will be able to handle it.
And yes, you'll need to lower your system threshold for hidden afflictions, especially while the overhaul is still partly implemented. Once it is fully implemented, vadi will likely change violetvibrato to assume some other lucidity aff instead of deadening. For now, just make the system diagnose more often.
I was enjoying the actually hidden aspect of vv.
But I'll send him a message next I can, and I'll post on his m&m thread here.