Anyone wants to jump in?I want to play Legend of the Five Rings, over Skype or something. Not anytime soon, in some weeks, rather, gives everyone plenty of time to really get into it.
It's an eastern setting, mostly influenced by Japan, with some China and Mongolia thrown in for good measure. Bushido, etiquette, social stratification, honor, family, and all that stuff is extremely important in the game, to a degree often unseen in many P&P games (I find). It is mainly about playing Samurai, there are only three real "classes" so to say, and those are Warrior (Bushi), Courtier and Mage (Shugenja), but there are a multitude of "schools" within each class with very unique abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. This is also a game where the Courtier class is really powerful, because doing political stuff is often just as dangerous as being out in the field fighting. Magic has a animistic religious dimension, since "magic" is basically just speaking to the Kami and making them do stuff for you, which makes playing a Shugenja playing a holy person, which has some really significant consequences in how you deal with the world and how the world deals with you. The Celestial Order is everything, after all.
It's a whole little project of a game to get into, last time I tried it took each of us, like, a whole day to make a character. You do really get to know that character, her situation, her history, and her family, though. This is a game where it is impossible to really play it without knowing at least the basic history of your Clan, your Family, and anyone important you might be directly or indirectly related to. Not as in "the game is less fun" but as in "it is literally impossible to make a character without knowing these things about that character". This game takes some time, but it is very rewarding and very "full" so to say.

I have yet to try this new edition, even though it's been out like, what, a year, two years? It's hard to get a dedicated group together for me, these days.
Anyways, if any of you people want to join in, we should get a group together. It's a really good game, if you give it the time it deserves, and I aim to try and do that. Party can be any size from three to six, I'd say. I'll probably end up game-mastering unless someone else wants to have a go at it.
Also, adding this: