Since it seems there is no official thread where we can portray our art pieces or written stories, I think this thread will do the job quite nicely. Feel free to post up Artwork you have done or are working on and allow the spectators to sigh and awe over it. You may ever get a piece of artwork that you personally enjoyed and place it up if you wish. I'll start with my recent artisanal runner-up which im quite proud of.
It portrays the early days of the Elder Wars, when the soulless would assault the forests (either intentionally or not) and the Elder Gods saw a dire need to make some form of permanent and powerful defense, else more forests will be lost. Thus, the Maeve consciousness was created and through her the fae and animals would rise up and do battle with the soulless, attempting to push them away from their forestral homes.
and bardics here:
Just so you know =^^= But here is one from me, this was an artisanal that did not fare too well but it was an experiment to see how a landscape would do. It still got a merit so to say the least, my backgrounds alone can pace with enough work.
That is gorgeous.
same image I used there could be used, you cut the top and bottom scroll pieces off, rotate 90 degrees and smooth out the one edge so only one side looks torn
Edit: The description given with the pic goes as so:
Ebonglom Wyrdling. A.K.A Gib Gladheart
Beneath Glomdoring within the bat caverns, lies a hidden monstrosity from the world. Twirling on itself countless times, this grotesque snake-like creature is known as the Ebonglom Wyrdling. Once known as Gib Gladheart, The high druid furrikin of Ackleberry forest, he was cruely transformed into this monstrosity at the hand of Rowena Nightshade. Now a guardian of The Merciless forest, he lives but to serve...and fill his enormous appetite.
So time to show the good and the bad! My artisanal this month was a redo of the very first aritisnal I ever did for lusternia that did not win anything at all. The image I found was not the one I submitted but it was the character with some background thrown in with her. At some time I thought she was good enough to win something >.> What I ended up with last month was an entirely new take and an entirely new picture. I did not trace over the old one, I used it as a referance so there are similarities but, it lost a lot in translation.
The old:
The New: