Hey, everyone!
I've been pretty scarce since I resigned from City Leader in general, but I just wanted to drop by and say that I'm probably not going to be coming back. I've got some things going on at this point where I need to be getting a lot of stuff in order, and fixing my life, to the point where.. well, as much as I love you guys and the game, I really can't afford to have the distraction anymore, and I'm making the adult decision (Haven't made a lot of those in the 4 years I've been an adult, either) to step back-- highly likely for good.
I just wanted to say goodbye, and thanks for the memories, good times, and getting me through a lot of rough patches when I was a teenager just be being yourselves, in case I don't end up coming back from my hiatus.
Don't spin Aiyana in case you change your mind some day!