I was lucky enough to have had a closed beta key on day 1. Already had my fill of Gwent.
My favorite Northern Realms strategy:
1. Play Cirilla and Geralt on the first turn. Intentionally lose.
2. Play Cirilla again from her passive ability and use revive to get Geralt back on the board for this round. Play Triss and attack any of your opponents hero/gold cards with the passive ability Triss has. Depending on what you have in your hand you could follow this up with either the blue stripes commando combo or a swarm of poor infantry.
3. You wanna have the Dimeritium bomb and Aeromancy cards. If you had to use them on second round, that's fine. But it's better if you have them in this battle. Play Roche, your last gold cards and attack anything your opponent has on the table. If you are going first. Take a stab in the dark and play Aeromancy and then Roche. You might wanna have Prinscilla on this fight, but if she's not on your hand use any cards you have and try to lure any remaining buffs in your opponents hand before lighting the Dimeritium bomb.
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
edited May 2017
I am learning how not to play Stellaris by failing through my first major playthrough. For starters, colonies are important. And it's hard to colonize when you are fond of arctic environments but the universe keeps sending you deserts. ;_;
Memo to past self: trust your instincts earlier, and invest in uplifting that mindless pre-sentient wildlife on the desert planet you infiltrate with a droid colony ship. Use the grateful, uplifted, enslaved populace to get as many colonies as possible and farm through their resources to create a better navy. Do not wait so late in the game to start collecting all the colonies via this method.
Speaking of the navy! Learn how to use the ship designer way way way before your 500th turn. Upgrade your fleet frequently, and not when you happen to be under attack by two huge nations. You do not have 300 turns to get things right before you're smushed. I'm sorry you learned this on Ironman mode too late.
Sincerely, the smushed Chairman of the trill race who enslaved Gaudiguch, but Gaudiguch was freed by benevolent aliens who thought she was a Collectivist monster.
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
I am learning how not to play Stellaris by failing through my first major playthrough. For starters, colonies are important. And it's hard to colonize when you are fond of arctic environments but the universe keeps sending you deserts. ;_;
Memo to past self: trust your instincts earlier, and invest in uplifting that mindless pre-sentient wildlife on the desert planet you infiltrate with a droid colony ship. Use the grateful, uplifted, enslaved populace to get as many colonies as possible and farm through their resources to create a better navy. Do not wait so late in the game to start collecting all the colonies via this method.
Speaking of the navy! Learn how to use the ship designer way way way before your 500th turn. Upgrade your fleet frequently, and not when you happen to be under attack by two huge nations. You do not have 300 turns to get things right before you're smushed. I'm sorry you learned this on Ironman mode too late.
Sincerely, the smushed Chairman of the trill race who enslaved Gaudiguch, but Gaudiguch was freed by benevolent aliens who thought she was a Collectivist monster.
I liked your discovery of the ship designer. :P
"Have you updated your ship design at all?" "I do upgrade!! Uh...maybe."
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
edited May 2017
At least I took your advice and invested in lasers! Pew pew.
edit: nvm pew pew'd my way to a very costly white peace and now I'm space fodder
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
So my character's father's brother just died in CKII and didn't have an heir. I ended up inheriting the entire sultanate of Egypt.. And i am a devout Christian. It's going to be a lot of fun to deal with the Sunni/Shia divide in my court. At least i get to keep my feudal government form. Iqta is a little bit more complicated with decadence, Islam and all that.
So just started playing the first Dishonored. Wow. I'm playing how I want (high chaos atm, heh) to get to use all the nifty weapons and powers and such, and later I'll probably try a no kill playthrough.
I was investigating steam achievements the other day. I find it odd that only about 9% of the people who have bought the game have ever completed Pillars of Eternity. Granted it has a lot of text and requires a bigger attention span than 3 - 5 minutes but it's a good game. One where you don't understand the plot completely until the very end. I have been wanting to have enough time to pick up The white march for Pillars of Eternity but as it stands. I would never have enough time to actually concentrate and dig into it.
I was investigating steam achievements the other day. I find it odd that only about 9% of the people who have bought the game have ever completed Pillars of Eternity. Granted it has a lot of text and requires a bigger attention span than 3 - 5 minutes but it's a good game. One where you don't understand the plot completely until the very end. I have been wanting to have enough time to pick up The white march for Pillars of Eternity but as it stands. I would never have enough time to actually concentrate and dig into it.
Every time I try to play Pillars, I can only play for maybe an hour or so before I save and quit. It's so slow that I can't really play it for an extended period of time, because I get bored. I don't, like, hate it? But I'm pretty sure I will never finish it.
I've sunk I don't know how many days into Pillars of Eternity. I get pretty far in, then... something happens. Work picks up, another shiny game comes along, something. Then I come back to Pillars and feel compelled to start over. Rinse, repeat.
Salt and Sanctuary, like it says on the box, is Dark Souls in 2D. It's almost a 1 to 1 mapping of Dark Souls mechanics, atmosphere, and storytelling, but it's still pretty satisfying.
I may not be able to resist, actually. The animation is just too good.
I caved and treated myself because, so many stressful emails today. ;_; Anyway, the characters are delightful, and the little social interactions feel so natural. Would say if you enjoy social links in Persona games, or the interactions in, say, Undertale or Oxenfree, this is a great game to play.
It is legitimately hard deciding which characters to spend time with, omg. Bea the crocodile is my current favorite though.
Also Mae is very much her own character. If you're interested in shaping your character through your choices, the ability to do that is pretty limited! I don't personally mind that, but some people I know do. (Mae as a character does a lot of things I wouldn't choose to do personally, heh.)
It was a long time coming, but I finally picked up Night in the Woods. Gregg rulz ok.
is it okay to ship characters that are already a canon couple?
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
A friend bought me EU IV and a couple DLCs, my Austrian Empire already spans most of middle europe....after a spirited but bad attempt at Castile first.
My brother introduced me to Hollow Knight, which has action-platformer gameplay, metroidvania style exploration, but what really hooked me was the slowly pieced out story and trying to figure out what the heck happened to this ruined kingdom.
Also all of the characters and enemies are various bug people and everything is just beautiful looking and well designed and mysterious.
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
What y'all getting for the summer Steam sale? I'm trying to snag a few Stellaris DLCs, but idk if there's anything else worth getting.
Off the top of my head I'd recommend: Undertale, Stardew Valley, the Tales games, Final Fantasy, and Paradox stuff that is on sale. And if you ever wanted to play Amnesia: The Dark Descent, it's super cheap right now.
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
Picked up Hollow Knight. Transformers Devastation for me and my kiddo to play together. One or two other Metroidvanias I've had my eyes on for a while.
Still can't justify picking up Stellaris or any of their games, tbh.
Order is Longest Journey>>Dreamfall Longest Journey>>Dreamfall Chapters
I'm a consent-based roleplayer! Kindly ask first, and I will return the favour. Open to developing tinyplots. Atlantis is my client of choice! (Guide)
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
Well friends it is time for me to share a little story of a dream, a dream born by new Stellaris DLCs I bought for myself during the Steam summer sale.
Our story begins when I was enchanted by an adorable new character sprite: See? Adorable. This is when I got the idea to have a Fanatic Pacifist Egalitarian empire of Butterfrees. The Free Love Butterfree Colony, to be exact. My neighbors, who are grumpy Xenophobes and Slaving Despots, are all outpaced by our sweetly industrious nature and we spread like wildfire across the galaxy! Whee!
When one day we discover a strange little black hole. Most curious! We are sweet, innocent Butterfrees eager for knowledge, so of course we investigate the Mysterious Black Hole. Many good Butterfrees vanish into the black hole's depths in their quest to learn its secrets. Nonetheless, we persist!
Weird things happen, friends. So many weird things! I don't want to spoil them all for you, but among them was: a Roanoke-esque vanishing act of Butterfrees on a new colony, a Butterfree general from the future returning to try to kill his Butterfree self from the past, and...
...a mysterious genetic discovery gone wrong.
Apparently we Butterfrees were once a more martial race! One Butterfree scientist is so taken with this idea of reintroducing a strain of our ancestor's DNA that he changes his own DNA to match it.
And, well. Basically.
Now my Free Love Butterfree Colony is full of ugly Kabutos.
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
He's on his 4th hotas (he keeps buying better ones) and a goddamn motion chair.
The divine voice of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Congratulations, Morkarion, you are the Bringer of Death indeed."
You see Estarra the Eternal shout, "Morkarion is no more! Mourn the mortal! But welcome True Ascendant Karlach, of the Realm of Death!
My favorite Northern Realms strategy:
1. Play Cirilla and Geralt on the first turn. Intentionally lose.
2. Play Cirilla again from her passive ability and use revive to get Geralt back on the board for this round. Play Triss and attack any of your opponents hero/gold cards with the passive ability Triss has. Depending on what you have in your hand you could follow this up with either the blue stripes commando combo or a swarm of poor infantry.
3. You wanna have the Dimeritium bomb and Aeromancy cards. If you had to use them on second round, that's fine. But it's better if you have them in this battle. Play Roche, your last gold cards and attack anything your opponent has on the table. If you are going first. Take a stab in the dark and play Aeromancy and then Roche. You might wanna have Prinscilla on this fight, but if she's not on your hand use any cards you have and try to lure any remaining buffs in your opponents hand before lighting the Dimeritium bomb.
Memo to past self: trust your instincts earlier, and invest in uplifting that mindless pre-sentient wildlife on the desert planet you infiltrate with a droid colony ship. Use the grateful, uplifted, enslaved populace to get as many colonies as possible and farm through their resources to create a better navy. Do not wait so late in the game to start collecting all the colonies via this method.
Speaking of the navy! Learn how to use the ship designer way way way before your 500th turn. Upgrade your fleet frequently, and not when you happen to be under attack by two huge nations. You do not have 300 turns to get things right before you're smushed. I'm sorry you learned this on Ironman mode too late.
Sincerely, the smushed Chairman of the trill race who enslaved Gaudiguch, but Gaudiguch was freed by benevolent aliens who thought she was a Collectivist monster.
"Have you updated your ship design at all?"
"I do upgrade!! Uh...maybe."
edit: nvm pew pew'd my way to a very costly white peace and now I'm space fodder
And then there's the dlcs...
I have been wanting to have enough time to pick up The white march for Pillars of Eternity but as it stands. I would never have enough time to actually concentrate and dig into it.
Going to play State of Decay now
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
is it okay to ship characters that are already a canon couple?
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
Also all of the characters and enemies are various bug people and everything is just beautiful looking and well designed and mysterious.
Off the top of my head I'd recommend: Undertale, Stardew Valley, the Tales games, Final Fantasy, and Paradox stuff that is on sale. And if you ever wanted to play Amnesia: The Dark Descent, it's super cheap right now.
Still can't justify picking up Stellaris or any of their games, tbh.
The bundle for all three is $24, though the first two are windows only, the third is windows and iOS
Bit of steampunk exploring, mystish
Order is Longest Journey>>Dreamfall Longest Journey>>Dreamfall Chapters
I'm a consent-based roleplayer! Kindly ask first, and I will return the favour. Open to developing tinyplots.
Atlantis is my client of choice! (Guide)
Our story begins when I was enchanted by an adorable new character sprite:
See? Adorable. This is when I got the idea to have a Fanatic Pacifist Egalitarian empire of Butterfrees. The Free Love Butterfree Colony, to be exact.
My neighbors, who are grumpy Xenophobes and Slaving Despots, are all outpaced by our sweetly industrious nature and we spread like wildfire across the galaxy! Whee!
When one day we discover a strange little black hole. Most curious! We are sweet, innocent Butterfrees eager for knowledge, so of course we investigate the Mysterious Black Hole. Many good Butterfrees vanish into the black hole's depths in their quest to learn its secrets. Nonetheless, we persist!
Weird things happen, friends. So many weird things! I don't want to spoil them all for you, but among them was: a Roanoke-esque vanishing act of Butterfrees on a new colony, a Butterfree general from the future returning to try to kill his Butterfree self from the past, and...
...a mysterious genetic discovery gone wrong.
Apparently we Butterfrees were once a more martial race! One Butterfree scientist is so taken with this idea of reintroducing a strain of our ancestor's DNA that he changes his own DNA to match it.
And, well. Basically.
Now my Free Love Butterfree Colony is full of ugly Kabutos.
(Best event chain.)