How exactly do honor gains from publishing work? I thought the house just got honor when a book got out of the review period, but Windwhisper got some today according to the log, and I didn't have any books get through reviewing. I did publish one, though. So does that mean we just get honor on publishing regardless of critiques, or do we get some on publishing and some later, or is it something else? Do prestige wins get honor?
The message in the log was this one:
2014/06/14 17:08:25 - The House's eyes are raised as its honour improves: Portius's recent publication has excited readers everywhere!
Any sufficiently advanced pun is indistinguishable from comedy.
Of course, none of that really explains that tick.
You're just that awesome?
o Publishing a book now comes with a family honour bonus. The size of the bonus depends on the book's weight.
It does seem strange that a book is not first reviewed before the honour is allocated. I wonder what happens if a book gets rejected.
Winning prestige is an additional (huge) gain.
@Lavinya - you will get honour every game month for holding that position, instead of getting a lump sum upon gaining it. This is to prevent people from gaming elections for honour. I am pretty sure that the huge loss from resigning the family rep position is meant to discourage instability among the ruling council. Families can appoint whoever they want, and the losses are meant to discourage families from entrusting that power to someone flighty or irresponsible. The other council seats are held in check by the ability to contest them. Family seats are held in check by the threat of honour loss. Also I am pretty sure that the honour totals were originally intended to be more dynamic than they tend to be in practice. That being said - I'm sorry you hit a trip wire with the resignation.
Vive l'apostrophe!